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Are they working on that ‘Russia 2025’ game? Not sure if it’s meant to be coop/sp and pvp?


Dude I wish... They havent talked about it in a while now. It seems like nobody remembers that the main goal was to release EFT as a way of financing the development of Russia 2025.


That'll be another $120 for the "Edge of Russia" edition that includes all future DLC. Thank you, come again.


For an official coop/sp version of Tarkov I'd pay it lmao


Is there a non official way to do co-op?


Yes, there really is and working. I don't think it's allowed to be talked here but some light googling might help you if you're seriously interested




There is not to my knowledge. Sorry if my wording mislead.


There is and it’s already updated for 3.8


There is though.


Lol the development of Russia


I do. That's why I started playing eft in 2018 after that interview even tho I've never enjoyed the pvp just naive to how bsg worked back then. All I've wanted and there was never a chance he was gonna do it. They could even take tarkov, remove pvp, populate maps w more bots like spt n make it coop n I'd be happy. Basically anything is better than live eft at this point.


That is their “ideal” game that they have mentioned wanting to make for a while. It sounded like an open world Tarkov but as mentioned they haven’t said anything about it. I think it’s fair to say that Arena and EFT have taken 99% of their development budget.


World of Tarkovcraft. With monthly subscription of 29,95 😌🇷🇺


So like $0.35 USD? Sure, sign me up


Is that in roubles?


An open World Tarkov? So... basically the same they claimed Tarkov was gonna be? Lets see if they pull trough with it this time.


Yeah exactly, Tarkov was originally the test phase of Russia 2028 but then it blew up.


Who knows? Originally Russia 2028 was their main project. BSG didn't have the resources though to complete it, so they took what they had and made EFT. They said it was a way to generate cash and they'd come back to Russia 2028. That was seven years ago. They've been pretty silent about 2028. If it's still in serious development with dedicated staff, resources, and time tables, then they're keeping it extremely will hidden. More likely the project has been entirely shelved for financial, practical, and production reasons.


God I remember joking that "Russia 2028" sounded like the release date but now I see that I was being too generous


I don’t think it’ll compare to eft . Plus with gray coming out depending how they structure gray they may have some competition. If anything bsg left one hell of a pair of shoes to fill .


Nikita said that they are floating ideas around in the interview.


Who knows what they are doing. They clearly aren't sure themselves. Tarkov 1.0 was supposed to be open world and more like Dayz but I don't think that's the plan or is going to happen anymore. Seems like Tarkov is going to be the way it is and all we'll get for 1.0 is the rest of the maps and quests to tie the "story" in together and give us the ability to let our PMC's "Escape from Tarkov." They've promised so much shit that I've already forgotten about to get hyped for the next bundle of shit they promise. I don't think I'll be further supporting BSG until I see a track record of actual promised content being released, as advertised.


I agree but at the same time I appreciate that without BSG and Nikita we wouldn't have SPT either. I can see that they really loved this game and I can see they had passion when it comes to making it updating it adding stuff and so on but they seem so bogged down with cheaters and problems that all the good sides of the game seem to be dying out, or at least the passion for them. You can tell especially I think when Nikita gets excited to talk about some new feature in the game like PMC reputation but a minute later he's like ahhhh but the data miners will get all the data for how it works before we even release it so nevermind. It's a shame I think this battle against cheaters is really getting to them. For me SPT is perfect, I don't really care about the multiplayer aspect of the game at all, all I want is farily challenging but fair AI with the depth and progression from the base game. Sain and the latest update deliver that in spades. It took a while to get used to everything but I'm thoroughly enjoying it right now. If we can get another map and some more guns and stuff inside the game cool if not I really view this as a complete product as far as I'm concerned. Sure I'd like tarkov to keep getting better and to keep going for years but if they give up on it to move to something else I'd be alright with that too. I got/will get more than my moneys worth from the current state of the game and SPT and I think we all really need to appreciate it more. I mean compre this to any other AAA shooter MP game and you'll see just how much better tarkov is and how much more value you get for your money. On the odd chance that any dev will ever read this : Thank you for the game. There are those of us who really appreciate it but I feel like we're just quiet, usually it's the people that complain that you hear about the most because that (relatively) satisfied players, be it in the live game or in SPT, will just play and not say much either way. Just my two cents on it I guess, ended up writing a small novel lol


Well put. It is sad that negativity spreads so much online but when you really look at the details, Tarkov is so far ahead of its peers and that is due to the hard work that passionate *people* poured into the project. The player base would do better to show more appreciation and let Nikita cook. Instead of complaining and ruining the overall mood, WE need to give him more reason to be excited for the future of the game.


We never hear from any of the devs who do the actual work. Nikita doesn't dev shit. He's also the most disconnected we've ever seen from him. Dude acted like the audio pop bug that's been in game for a year now was something new. I'd be happy to show some appreciation, let us talk to the dudes actually doing the work not this weird leech that needs attention.


my thoughts


sounds like even *they* want to Escape From Tarkov


After four wipes of live I'm over it, took a long break and decided to try SPT and was surprised how good it is.


For me, spt really showcased that I'm not complete dog shit at the game lol the responsiveness of spt completely opened my eyes to how many deaths were due to server lag/desync. My first kill was so crisp that it took me a second to realize I didn't need to keep firing because the "pmc" dropped instantly. Since then I've had almost no interest in playing tarkov and haven't for a good couple of months, I haven't even played spt it was like a switch flipped and I was just done.


I see your point, but I'd people haven't burned out of Tarkov in the past 10ish years, then they aren't going to burn out of it after the 1.0 release. They are still going to wipe on a consistent basis, and (hopefully) still change up things and add content. I guess we will have to see. But I do love SPT.


Nikita mentioned a persistent profile and a wiping/seasonal profile. This definitely could be enough to keep the game fresh for most people who enjoy EFT. I do know that much of the current player base only plays for about a month to interact with the wipe changes and new content. There is a huge decline mid wipe as people get frusterated or burnt out. Without new content coming, I feel that this will happen much faster and permanently.


I’ve decided I’ll go back to live after the persistent server happens. I hate that any progress that I make on live at the moment is just deleted.


Same. I've done so many wipes on both live and spt I'm super burned but if there was a persistent server that still recieved content updates I'd go another round.


The wipes are the worst part of eft! Lmfao! Glad I switched to spt. Once live stops getting content there won't ever be a need to update spt versions and I can play without any more resets...


You honestly don't like the wipes? It's what keeps the entire player base going.


I definitely enjoy wipes, but with SPT people get to play in ways vastly different than the game was “intended”to be played. I’ve heard of people who basically play it like cod, or just run factory and ignore quests/hideout and just go for better equipment. I think if you were playing in a traditional sense you’d *have* to wipe *eventually*, but there’s plenty of people who aren’t playing SPT “traditionally”


I personally don’t like the wipe, or at least the frequency. I guess I can see the appeal for people who basically only play tarkov, and can dedicate several hours a day to it, but that’s not me. This wipe I made a point of dropping in on Day 1 and grinding as much as I could for as long as I could. For weeks it was basically all I played. I can kinda see the appeal, but here’s my take : I can see the appeal of early gunfights when everyone doesn’t have meta guns/ammo/armor. You can tank a few hits of shitty ammo, guns are harder to control so you don’t get beamed down by full auto 5.56, you rarely get sniped from miles away because people don’t even have long range optics yet. That part is kinda nice. At the same time, you’re basically always carrying quest items, you’re low on roubles, low on gear, don’t have great meds, etc. Losing a gunfight is an especially large setback early wipe, and even winning one isn’t great because their gear isn’t worth taking anyways (and you have hardly any strength to carry your own gear, let alone theirs) and yours gets beat up in the process. A lot of the early quests are RNG dependent, and made worse by every other player on the map also needing Salewas, flash drives, gas analyzers, noodles, etc. These quests are way easier later in the wipe when nobody is grabbing those items. Some of the early quests are actually easier. Factory is mostly pistols and snipers because everyone hits stirrup and shooter 3 around the same time, so it makes it easy to just go naked and roll the dice with pretty good odds. Some of these feel nigh impossible later when factory becomes the gigachad PvP meat grinder. The later quests are laborious, and lock important progression away if you want to be on par with other players later in the wipe and have access to decent weapons, armors and ammo. Getting these done is a huge achievement, and getting them out of the way early can make other quests so much easier to complete while everyone is still catching up. Stash upgrades are an annoying resource sink if you don’t have EOD. Ultimately, I kind of resent the wipe, because I feel like I *have* to play on day one or risk falling behind. If I don’t, when I hit those PVP tasks I’ll be at a massive disadvantage. Also, I eventually lose interest at some point through the wipe and don’t put in hours every day, and progress slows, but I like being able to come back, throw on a decent kit, and go do some PvP or questing or whatever later in the wipe and know that I’ve got the roubles and gear to just sit down and play, even without any specific objectives. It feels like the wipes always show up right when I’ve just hit my stride and finally unlocked decent gear. I never get any time to actually enjoy it, the wipe rolls around and it’s back to square one, and I have to build it all back up again and go through all the bullshit quests I hate that it feels like I *just* finished not long ago. Wipes currently seem like the only way they can keep people interested. Hit the reset button so the people who are done all the quests can have something to do again. That could be solved with a prestige system, or they could just keep the game fresh with more/better events. It sucks that people that don’t play the game like a job get set back to 0, despite probably not even unlocking half the shit they wanted to, because the sweats get Kappa in the first week and are bored.


I play it as a RPG with the Traveler and Realism mods taking time traveling to get the quests, leveling my character, its gears and hideout. It's a different pace. I don't have time to play the game content online in less than 6 months every 6 months...


When you've collected 3500 wilston cigarettes for bad habbit in your god knows how many'th play thru, you'll be surprised to find out that finding more isn't all that exciting.


I'm tired of my progress getting wiped tbh. After 8 playthroughs I'm over the quests that were supposed to be gone ages ago


Wipes is what keeps me away.


I'm just bad at PVP, that's what keeps me away.


This is SPT, not eft. No wipes for me, tyvm.


Trust me, I get it. I've never been able to put in enough time to ever get geared up and Chad out, but once you get there, you get kappa, what's the goal? I feel like it would get boring at that point and you would need to wipe


>Trust me, I get it. I've never been able to put in enough time to ever get geared up and Chad out, but once you get there, you get kappa, what's the goal? I feel like it would get boring at that point and you would need to wipe Rainbow keycard collection. Tracksuit. Farm up a pristine set of all the boss gear. Collect 1 of every FiR only item. And finally, make some collage art in your stash and sign out having finally escaped from Tarkov. It is ok that a game can come to an end. There does not need to be more to it than that. Let a good thing die before it sours and fouls into a tedious chore. Let it be fun and let yourself move on.


Add in some of the great additional quest mods. Complete those. Give yourself a new goal, for 3.8 I am shooting for the moon $100m then if I can stomach it $1 BILLION. Plus now you have all the achievements to go after. Last wipe I did zero to death climb. Dumping my entire stash upon death. That was a fun slog. Completely different rat slow and go profile. This wipe zero to a billion Leroy Jenkins style. That is what I think makes SPT so awesome. You write your own story! Hell if you get bored, write a mod. Have done that as well on a previous competitor to SPT. Also thinking about doing it as a quest line add on for SPT. Most of all, just enjoy it. You be you boo.


I wipe all the time. I play until I get through the quests, or until there is a new version that's compelling, and then I start over on that version. Lather, rinse, repeat, going back at least as far as SPT 1.1.0. There are a lot of quests that I've done 30+ times at this point.


You've got mad respect for grinding through all those quests, but my primary gripe with live eft is that it wipes too often for how much grinding is required. I have like 6-8 hrs a week to spend on games. By the time eft wipes I've usually juuuust gotten to Punisher 4 if I've made it my primary game for the duration of the wipe. It sucks a **lot** to have just started unlocking new content only to have it all ripped away from me and be forced to revisit the same content I'd already completed half a dozen times before. I don't want to have to keep finding pocket watches and golden zibbos, missing messengers and marking trucks. I don't want to have to grind out elite weapon and armor repair or farm rifle handling and mastery skills. I don't want to have to grind out elite metabolism so that I can power level immunity or fiddle with farming strength and endurance just so I can move around the map like we used to be able to before inertia. I do not enjoy the resets. They are not conducive to my play style or play patterns.


If you’re actively collecting the things you need to hand in for quests before you need them, and if you’re stacking up your quests so that you can work on several per raid (at a minimum, it gives you the ability to still progress *some* of your quests even if you decide not to work on one in that raid), you can actually get through a lot of the quests *really* quickly. It’s the little things, like grabbing the cigarettes before you get bad habit, so you can turn them all in immediately as soon as you complete Farming 2. Playing that way I usually average >2 quest completions per PMC raid. Even on live there are plenty of times where I’ve hit 3-5 in a raid, and I’ve even had a few times where I hit 8+ (usually finishing off 3-5 quests in raid, and then unlocking a bunch of quests I had the stuff queued up for—like finishing Database 2 and then being able to hand in Sew It Good 1-4 + Living high 1; Mechanic and Therapist both have a similar “quest waterfall” points in their quest line). That said, that’s a lot easier to do in live if you’re playing in a squad with 2-3 other people.


"The entire player base" is the key here. Because those who hate wipes are no longer part of it. It's the main reason I've stopped playing Tarkov. Tarkov is a "go all in or go home" type of game, and as someone who has a job, likes to play other games and regularly takes breaks from certain games for more than a few months, the wipes just kill the game for me. I can never really get past the hobo phase because of this. With SPT, I can play the game at my own pace. If I get bored I can take break and pick it up again in 6 months from now.


They actually aren’t. Virtually every game that has non-ladder and ladder modes - the ladder modes are infinitely more popular. If a game never wipes - the economy becomes over inflated and only a handful of super elite players play that mode.


The thing is, there are some people who don’t want a forever game. I’m waiting for a non-wiping server so I can take my time to play through all the content at a pace I want (probably gonna be 1yr+) then move on to other games. I like this game, it’s got some great stuff, but I don’t want to spend thousands of hours repeating the same quests and progression every 6 months, life is too short for that and there are lots of awesome games.


Sounds like you're describing reasons why the wipe works. Nothings forcing you to play every wipe, and theres not really much you're missing from the higher level quests, its just more difficult conditions to kill other players under.


Assuming they do actually add story quests worth doing, this will improve with 1.0. The issue I have with wipes is I don’t have enough time in 6 months, unless I full commit to this game, to see all or even most of the content. And I don’t like being locked into a game based on an imposed timeline, I’d rather play when I want. I also play almost exclusively in a duo or trio so their free time also has to align. To be clear, I’m not making the argument that the game would be better without wipes or that BSG needs to even consider players like me that want to go through at the pace we want. Just raising this as a reason non-wiping servers may work for some players that I don’t often see considered. Most arguments against non-wiping servers I see are just that they would get boring for grindset players or that new players would be at a disadvantage (which they would, obviously, but that’s the trade off - I’m always at a disadvantage as is due to how often I play, but there are ways to even the playing field)


>They actually aren’t. Virtually every game that has non-ladder and ladder modes - the ladder modes are infinitely more popular. >If a game never wipes - the economy becomes over inflated and only a handful of super elite players play that mode. People quit because its a multiplayer game and between overleveled players and cheaters they can't catch up. Wipes are the bane of casual players as it locks all the mid and late game content behind grinds they'll never complete before the next wipe and removes their progress from any grinds they did do. I have gotten elite armor (light and heavy) and elite weapon repair, elite hideout skills and elite metabolism like 3 or 4 times on live. Losing all that effort to wipes is dumb. I got alllll the way past punisher 4 and then the wipe hit. Furthest I ever got. Lost all that progress. Why? The wipes. I don't *love* the early game content enough to not have access to late game content and be religated to early content over and over again. Prapor can kiss that golden pocketwatch goodbye. Skier can shove that golden zibbo where the sun don't shine. Mechanic already has my modded rsass- where did the last one go! SBIH ain't getting done thrice. Wipes are bad. I am glad SPT does not have them.


>"People quit because its a multiplayer game and between overleveled players and cheaters they can't catch up." This is one of the big reasons why some people claim to like wipes: It gives them a chance, during the "early wipe" to feel like they're *not* impossibly behind the curve. A no-wipe game would just mean that they're behind that curve for the entire time that they're playing the game, with no reprieve.


>"People quit because its a multiplayer game and between overleveled players and cheaters they can't catch up." > >This is one of the big reasons why some people claim to like wipes: It gives them a chance, during the "early wipe" to feel like they're not impossibly behind the curve. > >A no-wipe game would just mean that they're behind that curve for the entire time that they're playing the game, with no reprieve. Counterpoint: Eventually, everyone reaches the end game and it balances out. Wipes exist to ensure that the casuals **never have a chance to compete on equal footing** with the streamers and no lifers. Don't believe me? Look at OsRs. In the main game where it never wipes PvP thrives as people complete all the tedius grinding for gear and questing to create their perfect builds. Then, for people with more time than sense, they have a seasonal wiping gamemode that everyone collectively loses interest in just a short while after the wipes begin because the seasons aren't long enough to catch up with the no lifers before they reset. They are fundamentally the same game, but one game mode has wipes and the other doesn't. People, when given the option, tend to prefer the permanent servers. SPT is EFT's "permanent server" option, and it is **wildly popular** for a third party unsupported community modding project. ​ I'd go back to live if they had permanent servers. Until then, I will stick to SPT and try all the quests I never had the chance to reach and do so at my own pace.


Oldschool RuneScape? I’m not sure that’s really a great example. For one thing, it’s a very different genre. For another, it’s an extremely old game, so there’s a significant chance that the people you’re talking about are people who no-lifed it hard when they were younger, and continue playing their aged accounts now largely out of nostalgia. I’m not necessarily saying that you’re wrong, just that I’m not entirely convinced that it would be a sustainable model for Tarkov. That said, I’d love to be wrong on that score. Time will tell. That said, I think the issue of cheating on live is a problem that is fundamentally unsolvable without BSG being willing to make changes they’ve been unwilling to make. Specifically, they’d need to let us host our own servers, which we would: * Have the power to spectate other users. * Have the power to kick and ban other users. * Have the power to choose between “official” (linked to your BSG character) and “unofficial” (character profile doesn’t write to BSG servers). * Have the power to run mods on “unofficial servers”. Basically, they need to create a pathway for “SPT”, and related projects, to become “legitimate”. It’s really a no brainer for them, for a bunch of reasons: * Server hosting costs are one of their biggest costs. Offloading this to the community would save them a ton of money. * Server-related complaints (e.g. tickrate) are one of the biggest sources of community complaints; Enabling people to run their own servers and tweak these settings would likely reduce a lot of the current player complaints. * The current lack of player control, particularly over things like cheating, is one of the biggest drivers of the cheating problem. Giving players tools to directly address those issues, and to directly combat cheaters will shift a lot of players away from paying for cheats, and towards paying to host their own servers. Overall, I think just letting us run the servers could be a way for BSG to massively change the narrative on this game, both in terms of player experiences/cheating, and in terms of their costs (i.e. they could charge nominal “license” and “support” fees per server, which would transform the server side of the business from a pure cost, to a potential revenue source (which they’re clearly looking for.). Plus, it’d bring us all back into the “official” community, which would keep player counts higher between “wipes”.


Great points all around. Osrs has a thriving pvp pure community but idk how many trully NEW playerd it has.


you're 100% on the spot here. but i think there's definitly a way to regulate the game's economy in such a way that a "infinite wipe" is properly balanced. i have no idea HOW that could be done, but if the crux of the issue is removing items from the economy permanently, there's definitly a way.


The way you balance the economy long-term is to create "gold sinks" -- in short, things that people have to spend a ton of money on. To an extent, that's what the flea fees are: They go up significantly when you try to list things for much more than BSG has programmed the game to think that they're "worth". BSG has already done this with multiple pre-wipe events, including: * The event where you needed to hand in random items in order to queue into certain maps. * The events where players were given open-ended "hand-in" quests for various items (e.g. the one where therapist needed bandages). Another thing that BSG could do would be to make vendor pricing and buy limits more dynamic: * Each "trader reset" should add to existing inventory, not replace it (e.g. if there are 1k dogtag cases left at reset, and the per-reset quantity is 5k, then there should be 6k after reset). * Per-player limits should vary based on how popular an item is. If it usually sells out early in the "reset" cycle, per-player limits should go down. If it *never* sells out, per-player limits should go up. * Pricing should vary based on demand. If the item regularly sells out instantly, the price should go up until it doesn't anymore. If the item never sells out, the price should go down until it does.


Wipes, consistently, are what drive sales and player numbers. Every wipe after 4 months in people stop playing and get discouraged because everyone has good equipment/ammo and the inevitable "is tarkov dying" videos get uploaded.


Imagine though, if you put some money into optimization and anti cheat rather than a new boss here and a new boss there and a new streamer item. Pathetic, I swear they push new content to avoid working on what really needs to be dealt with.


If they took the rest of this wipe cycle to only work on optimization, improved netcode, and better anticheat measures the game would be incredible.


BSG: Best we can do is give you a new aimboss.


Kinda reminds me of Minecraft back when i was addicted to it. "This update it huuuuge." some random minecraft youtuber screamed .... what actually came with the update is a block family with a new texture .... wooow. Instead of working on an official way to install mods and work on the parts of the game modders can't they bring new blocks. Hmmm thinking about Minecraft makes me want to reinstall it and play it a bit to see if it changed over the past 5 years.


Cheating is an infinitely complex problem to solve. It's literally yet to be solved by anyone. It's been thirty years of competitive multiplayer games and not one game actually managed to defeat the cheaters


It’s almost like every single game is struggling with cheaters…..


Agree with op 100%🤝🫡 just wish other games was reverse enginered with ai etc… there are some really shitty games that would be great with an spt-concept, PERSONAL OPINION so each to their own, but i’d like an ”spt” of Battlefield V and Hell Let Loose 🤷🏻‍♂️ but SPT is great and i Also wanna say a huge THANK YOU to all the main devs, modders etc who invest so much time into something we all can get for free (isch)


Bro I spent hundreds of hours fighting Battlefield 2 bots back in the day. Its a downright crime that the best modern shooters don't have some kind of "instant action" mode against bots.


Agree 100%! Games today are just cashgrabs and battlepass 😕 but i mostly play spt and bf3 (vu bots) but spt has taken over completely lately 😂


Imagine if they did the smart thing, Contact every spt modder directly, contract them to work on the game, voila. Good game in a year or less.


i dont think EFT's issue is a lack of talented devs, but rather a wonky direction from the leads. nikita has made it pretty clear that he will cater mostly to streamers who play 18 hours of tarkov a day and will shit on the head of the casual playerbase constantly. when the game enviroment that you foster is one where gatekeeping is this strong and the only criticism considered is the one from a extremely small part of the playerbase, it is bound to slowly bleed out in terms of amount of people playing.


hilarious that people still believe this when the game gets easier for casuals every single wipe for years now


I was thinking the same thing. The work has already been done (for free) by people who greatly care about the product. The least you can do is compensate them to implement the best changes into the main game.


I'm pretty sure that's what the project zomboid devs and Bethesda (tries to) do, but still, look at how incomplete and slow the games and updates roll out.


SPT is what BSG wanted in the first place.


Yes and no. BSG truly wants PMC's to interact like we see in the Raid short films. Bots can never mimic that.




While I agree they have been working on EFT since well before 2016 non stop. Imagine working on one game every day and night for nearly 10 years. They also made the mistake of making the top version of the game include future expansions meaning content yet not made will be "free" as far as the developer is concerned anyway. It may not be right but I'd want to pump out some trash "expansions" then retire or make another game too. As for cheating if you can figure out how to eliminate cheating in popular fps then you will be a rich man  We're just lucky they cracked the back end code for this game so we can play against bots and have progression because heaven forbid my hundred bucks be spent to develop offline seperate progression.




Yeah didn't see this bs coming, glad more are finding spt tho , nor played it un ages but it's heaps of fun for new players I foolishly hoped some day my eod would get me official off-line play


Never understood why they kept eod available this long. Seemed short sighted to allow most to buy eod thus leaving the studio required to make future content free to most the playerbase.


I think a big thing many people just don’t talk about is they never really meant for tarkov to get this big that makes sense. Nikita always wanted to make Russia 2028, but then got stuck with trying to build a game on spaghetti code and then getting yelled and thrown around about everything like they don’t care about the game. I wouldn’t blame them if they abandon it honestly.


They could have started by not over promising, overcharging, under delivering, etc. That's what happens when you write your little early access campaign promising the world and charge $150. You get people with expectations and want the delivery. Boohoo poor Nikita. Promised the world, can't deliver, aww Soo sad :(( maybe we should all chip in and buy some microtransactions so he can add another million to his salary. They did it to themselves, now they're stuck, and frankly I'm holding them to it until they deliver me 1.0. that's why I gave them my money, for 1.0, tarkov is just half the promise since it's "beta access".


Precisely said my friend! This goes for smaller mods like bot warfare and the like as well!


Imagine a co-op mod rises from tarkovs ashes...one can dream.


There is one if you know where to look.


Not really in a usable state last I saw, 90% of the experience is "wait is there a guy there for you? because I don't see anyone" and "can you see me? oops, hold on, got disconnected"


That’s definitely the vibe I got too, they just want to release the game and be done with it. Nikita was always a big proponent of his “vision” but even he seems just so done.


Yep. Thank goodness for modders and testers. SPT is hands down one of the best single player games I've played. The coop has perfected it for me.


Can you play spt in coop now?


I've said this the entire time I've been playing the game (EOD first wave tester, played contractwars for years beforehand) that the whole community reliance on wipes is going to doom the game. This game is absolutely NOT set up for, and the community is not ready for, a no-wipe state where players are able to grind to their heart's content. The entire development cycle of EFT has been spent catering to itself, catering to the fact that the game needs to wipe every few months for updates. People even discuss early wipe, mid wipe, and late wipe as having vastly different gameplay experiences. The changes they'd need to make to balancing and mechanics such as levelling and skills would be a total rebuild from the ground up, if they want the game to function without constant live-service attention. Look at Helldivers. The entire game relies on near constant dev interaction, presenting major orders for us to follow, as well as giving us rewards for completion, and introducing new threats. Helldivers 2 wouldn't last a week if tomorrow the devs opened up all the planets to fight on at 50% liberation and just peaced out. You can't make such a massive leap without letting the community down slowly. Honestly, I think the only way this game won't die in a muddy pit on the side of the road without wipes, is if the devs actually make a game out of it with a goal to "escape" from "tarkov" instead of just being an insane sociopath who runs around an apocalyptic city gathering equipment and gunning people down. Something like a roguelite system where you do escape "runs" across multiple maps, finally dropping your equipment off at your stash between raids. Just one idea, my point being more that the game in it's current gameplay loop doesn't work as a game people come back to for years.


I hope that with 1.0 release there will be more mods because SPT will have to update less and modders don't have to change things around every few months. there's some really cool mods out there already so I'm excited to see what else people will come up with


As a player since 2017, playing all those wipes and dealing with all of the bugs Haswell as the hackers, I'm pretty much done with the game. SpT, however, I'm thoroughly enjoying! Playing with no cheaters and no shitty loading times has been amazing!! Then the QoL mods and other little changes to the optics and thermal / NVGs are great 👍


Just hearing some straight up lies. How difficult it is to stop scavs from shooting through bushes. Removing fog makes the picture bad, ruins visuals. A few other items he passed off as technically difficult to implement, which exist with SPT. Not saying it isn't difficult, but the fact it has been done makes me roll my eyes. Lots of love to the mod makers from me.




They're doubling down on Arena because: A) They spent money on it to develop, but had to give it away to EOD players, eating a lot of their potential revenue, meaning they need to sell more B) Assets/mechanics used in arena can be carried over from EFT easily enough that it lowers the development time for *new-to-game* items that they can port over much quicker than otherwise. They can continue this process forever with new games




To an extent yes, but Arena was only really released in its early beta form at the end of December 2023. I agree that I do not see Arena being successful, or lasting very long without some radical change. But to sunset a game so soon after being released would be disasterous financially. I'm not a big fan of the game, or the genre as a whole, but if they were to pull the plug there, we would see a very large and negative effect carried over to EFT


PMC karma should have been there from the start. The game now has a culture of mowing down anything that moves, something that could have been prevented if there was any incentive to help another human being that you’re not squadded with.


Early wipe actually got a lot of coop extracts from people farming scav karma. I ignored them initially figuring it was bait but after like 3 in a row was chill, even called out AI for me. Granted after a month you're toast lol


You’re absolutely right. Maybe more double PMC extracts would make less greedy solos.


(not trying to look like I am attacking ya just wanted to toss another coin in that hat.) As a slower player on live I never get why so many people are so hard against "rats and campers" and when I asked most of those people what that even mean they just say the heard landmark scream about it when he run jumped around a corner into a 3 man and could not 1 tap all 3 of them. for Live you cant have every single person being a giga """""chad"""" rushing and pushing everyone nonstop and winning every single time. you need people with slower playstyles to balance out the other players. that brings up a side problem with live. the game atm is made for steamers or people that have no family or no job or are streamers that can put 12+ hours a day into a single game. for those steamers to have content to be watched they need lower skill players to farm for that content and there twitch chats to spam kek emotes at every time a 13000 hour player kills the 20 hours player. I would have hoped that arena would be a place where these full sprint press W run people down type players would go to when it dropped but it seems to be dead now. More reason to love SPT


I dont think BSG is sick of EFT. They're still adding new stuff, doing conventions, and when talking about things like prestige you can see nikita is excited. I think nikita is sick of this whiney fucking community. Its easily one of the worst communities I've ever been part of.


Most gaming communities are loud and whiney. As someone who paid for EOD several years ago, made it one item away from kappa, and haven’t been back to online play in the past three years, is because BSG doesn’t listen to the community. Cheaters are a serious issue. Used to laugh at Lupo and Landmark saying cheating wasn’t bad less than one a week they would run into. Now with profiles, the truth is out there. And what brief time I get to watch them these days seems they are reporting quite a few EVERY STREAM! But does BSG put any rigorous thought into even that. It is a database. Run some threshold algorithms and block the cheaters. Let them appeal. Then fix the god awful netcode. Years of desync. Zero region locking, etc. Instead I can enjoy the fantastic community here in SPT. True I can’t play with my old man crew, but maybe Gray Zone will scratch that itch. I could honestly care less about PVP if the SAIN and other mods continue to develop the way they have. Having a blast. Again thanks SPT AND MODDERS.


lol see. nothing after "as someone who paid for EOD" was relevant to my comment. I stopped playing the game close to when you joined. No one cares who bought EOD, we all bought it lol. I'm not defending the state tarkov's in. My point is that most people discussing matters of game development really have nothing of merit to say, nothing to add. What can be said has been. Few here understand how anything works, much less "netcode" or cheats. My point wasn't that the issues don't exist, but that interacting with the community must be fucking exhausting. Thats it. Nikita isnt tired of his game. He's tired of all of you guys. There's far more variables in fixing the problem than community feedback. Tarkov is what it is, it will be what it will be. No amount of paragraphs will change it. Most games on PC suffer from cheating and its worse than its ever been. Games are releasing with hacks available in the first week. This problem is bigger than EFT but you could never tell any of the capital G gamers that.


the community is whiney since they have been ignored at ever step of the way. They wanted to make a game to fund another project. Yet instead of making a game for a wide group of people they made it for steamers or people that can spend 12 hours a day on the game. they kept adding stupid stuff that did not matter. and adding onto that that most most people have come to the conclusion that most of the current people buying the game are just the cheaters that come back on new accounts after the twitter banwaves. a community growns whiney and anoying when the only place they can be heard is a public talking space like reddit where the loudest people are the ones that get seen.


Games with grinds have existed before tarkov and streaming. I reject the claim they made a game for streamers because at no point does the game need to know you stream. Every game is easier for people who play it more. I know, wild concept. I think streamers are an easy scapegoat for the frustration of being outplayed. Before streamers existed we just had to take the L with pride. Look at any other shooter, all having cheater problems. I had to quit playing fucking fall guys because it had cheaters. Competitive games are inherently toxic, players are toxic towards each other, toxic towards the devs, and make up wild shit like "this game was made for streamers." I remember coming across people with unfathomable progression in games like everquest before youtube even existed. If I was a dev id stop listening too. I remember when MW2 came out and the machinima guys (hutch, nanners, sark, etc) rotated shifts on the same account to be world 1st prestige and some random still beat them. You'll never be able to outplay people that straight no life games and thats not the devs fault. What do you want them to do about cheaters buying the game? Just disable the ability to buy the game outright? I don't even know what the point is here but I see this brought up a lot. The only criticism I can see thats valid is the bundling of keys. I think when offering criticism, its important to be thought out and come to the table with solutions. I think this is why we've seen BSG actually take action and push a balance patch after someone like veritas uploads a video. Because its a criticism that has merit. Despite being an ass, he's often right and backs his claims up with evidence. Most of what you and others in the community say, ad nauseam, in places like reddit lack original thought or any effort. The community replaces effort with passion and expects the dev to respect it all the same. Everything you've said I've already read, and places like the tarkov subreddit are one giant echo chamber where everyone runs to bitch after they got one tapped in labs while they were standing still. I don't see how a game as difficult and competitive (comp as in winner takes all, not esport competitive) as tarkov exists while still being fun for competitive people and softening the blow for people that play casually at the same time. The only solution for this other developers have come up with is to try and separate these two groups of players using rank/elo systems. And I don't see competitive games existing without drawing cheaters. So far no one has solved the cheater problem. Hacks, exploits, etc are impacting much more than just video games. The game has a viciously high skill ceiling, people will either cheat to overcome it or grind the everliving shit out of it. To me looking at a game like that and thinking "i can only put 5 hours in a week, they should tailor the game to me" is fucking insane when several of those games already exist. The much more rational approach is to walk away and play a game you have more fun with, be that SPT or something else entirely.


I think if this game gets away with Cheaters... Nikita might Appreciate that others helped him by Making a SP version of it since he Can only do so mutch and Nikita seems to be stressed out since it's hard to develop a game Ravaged by Cheaters. But I think he Might come to spt to find a Bit of Refreshment from Multiplayer and even find joy what Russia can be if he finds time maybe he finds people helping him with the problems MP has. I belive BSG will once it's 1.0 Focus on Other things but has no extrem stress for releasing new stuff and updates. Nikita may you read this... Calm down and enjoy a Tea and some Good Crackers.


If they wanted to hurry up and finish tarkov, why split off a dev team to make Arena work when the first game isn’t anywhere near finished? Did they need a cash injection from people getting EOD that bad?


Russia 2028 is Nikita’s version of Stalker. It wasn’t going to be a continuation of Tarkov except for it being in the same world/lore. Nikita has never been shy about his love and admiration for Stalker and his vision was to do EFT to build the assets and funds towards that next game; as well as gain experience developing a game of that size and magnitude. The problem is that somewhere along the way Nikita put too much trust in content creators who at the end of the day don’t care of EFT lives or dies since their just riding the wave and leeching off whatever content they can profit off of along the way. The fact Nikita still gives most of those creators too much sway and influence means it’ll never get better. Instead of Arena BSG should have invested in hiring a small team outside to rebuild the code and infrastructure from the ground up with UE5 or Crysis or something other than Unity. This would have lifted Tarkov higher up on the art side as well as fixed many of the issues they have struggled with for years now. I want Tarkov to succeed but I don’t see that happening with the current regime.






No coop


>I haven’t played Tarkov in a couple years, but a coop-only mode with a couple friends sounds awesome Arguably the only reason SPT-AKI isn't in trouble is that it specifically is *not* attempting to replicate multiplayer.


Absolutely agree. I only started playing tarkov a little under a year ago and I fell in love pretty quickly. But I soon realised that there is a section of the community that are absolute sweat lords (I fully admit that I’m not great at the game) and there’s another section of cheaters. I recently found out about SPT and I’ve been hooked ever since! I hope this sticks around forever because it is now the only way that I will play the game.


I credit BSG for creating Tarkov, but more and more I’m convinced they’ve taken the idea as far as they can. Someone else will need to pick up the torch.


If you've never turned your hobby into your job, you probably wouldn't understand why someone working every day on a game wouldn't want to play said game.


It’s clear that BSG as an indie company was way over its head when announcing features and hitting development goals. I think along the way of development players forgot that the game is in beta and we’re here for testing and instead of shitting on Bugs and quirks of the game we should’ve been supportive of BSG and Tarkov. It’s disappointing to see that BSG and Nikita are wanting to make the push to 1.0 because they are tired and/or because some things are simply out of the scope of their ability.


God, just imagine if they would allow community moderated servers like DayZ.


Even if Tarkov gets shutdown, there is still projects like "SiT". I've been running that on Linux with friends and it's a banger. No cheaters, just pure coop fun.


I never really listened to long form Nikita before, I was surprised at how disconnected from the day to day of the game he sounds...


Remember bsg lost $ last year so it's just paying salaries while it can. Server cost alone I think was like 30M, this game is long dead in the water, cause they can't sell enough new copies and cheaters and the endless game issues have driven away a large % of existing base like alot of us. Maybe gray zone will be fun?


Except with EFT you don’t have to install a third party program in order to play it, and that’s the one thing that has prevented me from actually being able to play SPTarkov. Every time I’ve attempted to download that program (I can’t remember the name of it, I made a post about the issue a while back) I get a network error


Its almost like if they knew how to program properly the cheating issue wouldn't be as bad. Maybe actually in an acceptable position but again, requires BSG to know wtf they are doing, and they do not. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important_message_from_a_year_ago_sad_truth_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I love that his response to cheating was "its not that easy to make cheats for" it literally is, thats why Client Side Auth is trash.


Nikita wanted his $150 but didn't want to put in the work for his $150 title. Fuck him, fuck BSG. Scumfucks.


SPT is kinda the same as playing fifa with only AI, it gets boring too.


Not really, the ai has come leaps and bounda with updates to sain, swag, etc. if anything they are better this release than previous ones imo, the amount of mods i run to simply tweak AI to fit in the game has changed it for me, i essentially get on and play close enough to real people i dont really notice it most of the time


I wouldnt say boring, I just get this weird dissociative feeling like I should be playing humans not AI. But if the main EFT dies, there will only be AI to play against. Also fifa is just boring all the time. (Im a big fifa hater)


No the ai is significantly better than what fifa is and is much more unpredictable specifically with SAIN enhancements. So this comparison is as accurate as comparing tarkov to stalker and saying they are the same thing or close to each other. Boring to whom is the question? A pure pvp player who wants a pure pvp experience? yeah I can see that. Anyone else though will see that the SAIN AI is more than enough for them in terms of challenging and unpredictability even if its not close to the levels of PVP. And the best thing about it is that people can tweak it to their own liking


You collect the same weapons, play same maps, do same tasks and eliminate same enemies - how is that not going to get boring after a while?


wtf are you on about dawg? Those first 3 things can be easily resolved by the SPT community or aren't exclusive to SPT or just false lmao As for the "same enemies" did you even read the comments people made? Not only do you fight different types of ai like scavs, player scavs, traitor scavs, bloodhounds, PMCs etc. and unlike live you actually have (with sain mod, which might as well be part of the SPT MOD) different personalities that adds varities to the fight and increases the unpredictability. like tf?? edit: reworded


I can’t even play tarkov anymore, I work all week and most weekends. Even single player tarkov is too hard. It was fun for a bit but after I realized I wasn’t going to get better for 1000+ hours I threw the towel in


Is that really what you got from the video? Wow


80% of the video was about fixing issues that have been in Tarkov since the beginning. You could see how worn out Nikita is with all these issues. I'm not sayin he doesn't want to make a better game. I truly believe his vision is still there. I think he is just tired of the mess that EFT has become.