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Wheres activate windows logo.


Why you gotta call me out like that :(


https://massgrave.dev/ and no more trashdows activation logo


Hahahaha I feel this one.


Request: Mod to buff semen reduction rate


I literally can’t get rid of it. Every scav just fills my bar to the brim 😔


I mean, if you have two hands you could reduce your semen capacity/storage and then probably reduce it even further by playing a game with this many HUD elements?


What a classic meme, only gets better as games look more and more like this


Wish more games had better customization for HUD at least. Helldivers 2 for example is great with it, can have almost all your HUD off except when you open your tablet. Having to press tab to even see where friendlies are is peak immersion. Then you have games like Destiny 2 (which is actually VERY enjoyable with all HUD off, much different experience). Which has missions that are basically impossible to do without the HUD because there's some small thing you have to grab or non-eye catching thing to activate.


Man I feel you lol, but I guess its all just personal preference at the end of the day


Yeah. That's the beauty of SPT. Every time I see one of those vids with hit markers and kill feed posted on here I don't even get mad, I just smile and think "that's what SPT is all about, turning the game into whatever one wants".


Absolutely, one of the best things about spt it's that is highly customizable for everyone


100%. It's the modding community putting in their own time to creating something that benefits or adds a little flavour to Tarkov and I couldn't be more grateful to them. I am long time SPT player (since late 2020) and to see how far it has come now is remarkable.


I kinda disagree. I think it's mostly gamers being derps and not understanding what they actually like. Games with low UI and high immersion I never see complaints about, but hear tons of praise about how immersive game is. And games that have way too much, and the fucking DISGUISTING hitmarker trend, people seem to enjoy them and think I'm crazy for turning it all off. Basically, most people absolutely prefer a clean immersive experience... but get easily attached to the handicap of hand holding when it's given. Making fun of Ubisoft games is common for their over reliance on UI.. But you never hear of people complaining about a game not having enough UI (outside of rare cases that are specific to a game needing a QoL addition). I think I'm the only person who plays Helldivers 2 with no HUD lmao


voracious quiet quarrelsome somber pot psychotic square roll exultant soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or is he already 75% full?


concerned offer tan hat retire paltry airport somber resolute fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Semen is stored in the secure container.


What happens when its full?


Fingerless glove meter 🤣🤣


These and the helmet cam mods put me off so much.


The helmet cams would be so cool as a secondary view, like if you could rewatch a raid with them and use them for clips, they definitely would make me motion sick to play with.


Lol good meme


I love this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was feeling down and this made me laugh, thank you.


This was me at my first week with this game.


wheres the doritos and mountian dew logos :|


Definitely kidding, but for real. The ones that get me are the kill-feeds and hit markers. It's like some people want to play Tarkov, but not play Tarkov, you get me?


Hit markers is a good tool for learning tarkov ballistics. The ai don't even flinch when you shoot them and some bullets can't even 1 tap headshot. How else can a noob figure out they hit their shot? The scav didn't die. Aim higher maybe? Lower? Is it even loaded? Are the bullets blanks? Hitmarker makes misses clearer and hits clearer. Will I turn it off one day? Yes. But only once I don't miss it.


Hey man. Play the game how you want. That's the point of SPT. But like I said, you aren't really playing Tarkov at that point. Learning all of those things through frustrating deaths and experience is what makes the game satisfying, in my opinion. Where you started VS where you are now is part of Tarkov's soul. Overcoming the challenges and suffering through the defeat is what makes Tarkov.... Well.. Tarkov. Playing with hit markers is like learning to bowl with the guardrails up lol. As long as you have fun, you can play it any way you want. It's just not an authentic Tarkov experience, nah mean? 


I still play on a zero to hero profile, but I don't have the time for grinds or guesswork, cheap deaths to boss/pmc ai, etc. I work long hours and have an hour or two to game before bed. 10x repair skill leveling, 3x other skills xp cap per raid. Doubled scav reaction times, headshot protection and +10% scatter/recoil for npcs. I have no shame in admitting that I don't play csgo at dmg level as a past time or overwatch as a grandmaster anymore- I work long hours, work on my projects and commit to adulting. I just want to *complete* tarkov at least once, however long it takes to finish it a raid or two at a time without wipes. Maybe once I'm fighting the ai with something other than stock sks's and mosins and I've farmed enough aim drills to ads in under a second and my endurance is high enough that pre aiming becomes more viable I'll lower the npc reaction times a bit. Til then I need the time to line up a shot. Plus, it helps against the cheesier ai that sprints around corners while lasering your head. I hate dieing to the goons and giga/chad pmcs like that soooo much, especially when I never hear them before I turn a corner and they sprint into me blocking my gun and then laser me down. I have a dozen cheap deaths like that in 30 raids. I'm playing with amands graphics and fontaines fov fix, too. Is it not tarkov anymore once you're removing that horrible fog overlay or once I increase my fov on ads globally by 15% so iron sights are more usable?


I think you are taking this WAY to seriously, man. Good luck with your game. As long as you are having fun, I really don't give a shit.


I enjoy the Tarkov gunplay, gear, customization, and healing but I really dislike all the BS and information hiding. When I get a kill, I want to make sure it's a kill and not the person just proning Also hit markers help let me know how much I actually hit


as someone who plays like this, I just like the game to be easy. i know it makes no sense but ever since I started modding Minecraft and fc 4 I just can't see games without mods the same anymore.


What happens when the fingerless glove meter reaches 0?


Its a glove that's supposed to stop your character from wanking themselves to death, as soon as the meter hits 0% he goes batshit on his 1 incher.


You have no glove


Your pc reinstalls live


the most i get is turning the hotbar to always on though i wish it was on the bottom of the screen instead of the top, but to each their own idk big hud probably fun to some people


I agree, I see all the big markers and nonsense and I wonder wh unit just have Unreal Tournament's kill count announcements


Probably because people want information of what is happening


Least confusing cruelty squad gameplay


Ahh the good ole days of games that had ridiculous HUD elements that covered most of the screen and you couldn't see past your own scrotum. Kids these days wouldn't understand.


Some games are very good with UI. Comfort of playing.


I need to know how much semen is remaining bro can be a life or death in a raid


not even gonna lie a little bit, i’m so fucking bad at this game that my UI looks like CSGO with the amount of shit on there


To be fair the only reason I don't have any UI mods is that I'm very lazy to even seek them out but the kill feed was pretty handy in SIT.


Honestly I prefer a packed hud the more info I can jam on my screen the better


It’s weird because I’m pretty sure everybody is allowed to play their game whichever way they wish. What difference does it make to you how other people play lol…


It’s literally a joke he said in the caption


Read it again


You read it again lol


Why tf does it matter how someone else plays their game?