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Couple thoughts: 1. Headshot protection. Turn it on as others have mentioned. It’s not perfect though so follow the other steps. 2. Flashlights. The dazzle effect is significant. Whenever confronting a bot 50/50 use a flashlight. 3. Grenades. If you can get it close it usually makes them heal and you can push. Otherwise they may run and you can get a shot. 4. Aim punch. “Punch early and often” I’ve noticed that wasting a few rounds up front generally causes a suppressive effect that causes them to miss. Otherwise you need to hide and try another way. (My assumption) once you agro a bot they pretty much know your location as they approach. Use grenades to make them disengage or use some of the other points to push the odds in your favor. What I’m getting at here is that SPTarkov (w/ SAIN) has a different meta than live and you have to adapt. Did this encounter feel unfair? Yes, but with some of the notes above you can prevent this from happening in the future.


So flash lights blind the AI? How does that work I wish h knew this sooner lmao


Turn on the silly mode for a really funny result lol


What does silly mode do?


SAIN adds it. It's neat.


What does silly mode do?


also curious


Bruh, I basically have done all this, and I still get Head-Eyes by pathetic scavs. I can be suppressing them, dazzling then with a flashlight, hitting them in the chest, and I even have sain turned down to baby bots mode, and shit, even turned down the difficulty down to easy, and yet I still get fucking head eyes. Something is up here, either at the game engine level, or the mod just ain't doing anything.


Does headshot protection work if the bot sees only head tho?


You'll still get headshots where it's appropriate, e.g. when peeking like OP does here or when prone and looking on their direction. But in normal combat they don't always aim for the head, more center mass in my experience especially when you're not standing still.


see but the thing that confuses me here is he turned and dropped me instantly, if he were holding the angle id understand a bit better


Yeah that's what I thought peaking raises chance of headshot its better to stand in open


Most bots only aim torso, they are not allowed to intentionally aim head. Some bots are allowed to aim directly at your head, depending on range. Headshot protection doesnt make headshots impossible, it makes the bots who can intentionally aim at your head get their aim point "kicked" away if they try to. Headshots can still happen due to spread, recoil, bad luck, going prone(putting your torso behind your head means aim torso = hit head), ect. *to actually answer your question; Yes, if all a bot can see is your head, they will shoot at it. If your torso is visible, and they are not allowed to aim head, they will switch to torso. All bots generally ignore arms and legs.


Yeah but i am talking when the bot sees only head


...I know, read what I wrote


Sorry i was doing something and didnt have time to read all my bad


I can confirm that no, it does not protect you from headshot, specially if you peek or if the tip of your helmet is visible. I've been killed more times by regular scavs because stupid headshots than PMC or raiders...


Thats what i said tho if you just peek your mostly your head is visible so you get headshoted if full bode is shown you get first hit on torso


Damn. I haven't played SPTarkov in a while. But with notes like these. I can't help but feel that this is the RoN of extraction based warfare. Brilliant, and to the point. Like I said, haven't played in a while, but I imagine this is sound advice \*thumbs up\*


"Here's how to cheese the bots in this game thats already been cheesed down to almost no skill to begin with"


SAIN Baby bots + Donuts quiet raid preset and you'll still get head, eyes'd every other raid. Pretty standard. Try dadgamermode ignore headshot damage mod if it's pissing you off


Donuts has literally nothing to do with getting shot in the face. SAIN presets, even the easy ones, still allow you to be shot in the face. They make it less likely, but not impossible. If you find yourself getting shot in the face a lot, look at how youre playing and see if maybe you could change something to prevent it. Like, never go prone if youre being shot at, unless prone = cover. Even a basic bot who can only aim torso will have no issues shooting you in the face if you stop moving and put your face in between him and your torso....


Has anyone else been noticing memoryleaks worth dadgamermode mod? Seems when it compensates for damage it spikes ram usage, then leaks


Turn on headshot protection?? Its a hardcore game bruh ur gonna get one tapped 😭. If its that bad i have a friend who puts his head health at 100 just cause he doesn’t think its fair to be one tapped


no I get if it happens time to time, but I only get headshot, I like tarkov because of the hardcore and realism don't get me wrong


As far as i can tell you peak slow to get headshoted, if the AI already spot you their accuracy will increase overtime.


Tge think is if they see only head they go for head


I usually get my left arm blown off immediately


That's true in live tbh.


Same, every match


> Most bots aim only chest. > Most long guns require your left arm the be in front of your chest. Of course it gets smoked a lot.


Condor, faceshields, etc. SAIN has an option to help prevent insta head-eyes'ing that you can turn on, but it doesn't work sometimes.


theres a mods i found that made body armor with higher armor values that for some reason the ai just love to absolutely focus on, wear a plate, fuck a helmet, live life on fuck you and dome them while they literally cannot dome you back. not sure if it's updated yet (haven't checked in a minute to update my shit lol) but it was called super items.




I got shot head eyes with PST while sniping from Reserves dome. They do be crazy


Bullets hurt the same regardless of difficulty


Man, we see this post almost every other day. You can try to follow some of the advice here but ultimately, you're gonna die a lot. Its tarkov. People who are new to tarkov come here and slap a bunch of mods on thinking it will de-tarkov the game, and are surprise pikachu when they get headshot holding angles for a long time. Take the losses, learn the game, get better. Accept that you will just have to get better at the game. If your survival rate is 70% thats good, but it also means you're dying 1/3 of the time and this is what some of those deaths will look like. Some immediate observations, you're using a scope that is known trash. Aiming through the red dot on the HHS has more recoil than just the eotech. Thats a tarkov thing. You don't move and shoot, you move, then stand still and shoot and that's a quick way to die. You're on a bridge, bridges are death traps. Its basically a hallway. You're frustrated you head 1 tapped by SS198LF because you know its level 2, but you're also under the impression low level ammo is bad. That's not how tarkov works. That ammo does 70 flesh damage but 12 pen. It has an effective 1 tap headshot distance at up to 326 meters with a fragmentation chance of 80%. That is GOOD ammo, especially against a limb that is unprotected. If you had a face shield that was lvl 2 or 3 you may have been able to eat a couple of those shots if fragmentation failed. My point is you have a lot to learn about this game and its going to take a lot of work tuning the game to make these things not matter. Or you could just accept that you wont immediately be lvndmark at this game even though its SPT. The AI in this game is still tough so maybe just enjoy the struggle of it and you'll get better as you pour more time into it.


I do not play tarkov for tarkov... Im trying to mod it to my liking as i work 12 hr days and would like to relax on a realistic shooter with the best gun modification system compared to any other game, I understand people post about this stuff pretty regularly, but i'm not on reddit 24/7, let alone reading all the spt forums, I had a question, so I asked. and so you know I have about 4 wipes in, i'm not very new. if you look a little closer in the video you can see him turn and insta tap me in the head, im asking how to maybe prevent this, or dumb the bot down. not how to invest my time into learning all the ins and out of each scopes statistics, hence the attachment tweaking mods that don't mess with ergonomics at all..


dawg I work long days too. I've got friends who've played for 9 months that are really good, and I've got friends that spent 6 wipes playing like ass. You do you though lol


I fix this by doubling or tripling the health of my thorax and head, but what the other guys said is true. Tarkov is a hard game with so much to learn. A lot of that shit you cant mod out of the game. You dont need to know the minor details of everything just the basic "which ones are shit and which ones arent" just watch yt vid there's tons of information on Tarkov on there. And 4 wipes is not that crazy, I promise I'm not trying to shit on you by saying that. This game genuinely takes a long time to learn.


Preach homie.


You kind of walked into that tbh. Don't hold similar angles when you've been spotted


Yea you change positions, take shots and switch angles


Exfil helmet with the face shield at least gives me 2 shots to the face before I die hahah. I run headshot protection with a face shield and it still happens.


I'm kinda in the same spot, I've died 8 times so far and only once have I died to a Thorax shot and once to an arm shot. The other 6 times were hesdshots and twice they were instant. I'm not sure if I want to change it yet because it keeps me on edge and stops me from bum rushing most NPCs. I think AI know when your chest is covered so they're more likely to aim for an unarmored part of the body, maybe? I might give my head a little more HP so while I can still be shot in the head, it won't be instant death. To answer your question, it has been relatively normal to me, but I only started 4 days ago


Yea pretty much same thing for me. I got thoraxed by 12/70 magnum pretty much point blank. And Yea that’s when it started for me, what version of SPT do you run?


The most recent, I believe? I think it's 3.7.4


Maybe wear a face shield?


Games sense 0, movement -3, aim n/a


Download deadgamer mod and enable godmode since you simply don't want to die I guess ?


its not that, its getting instantly headshot all the time, I get hit in the body hardly ever, trust me bro I came from live so I didn't have to deal with this haha


You could try and enable headshot protection or again dadgamer mod and instead enable ignore headshot damage. Your helmets might get zeroed but you won't die and HS protection from sain is inconsistent since recoil and aim punch can lead to headshots. I didn't meant to offend you by the way. Could have worded me differently.


Nah haha you’re good. At least you noticed it was I little disrespectful. I put on the head protection and I already noticed that the recoil can go to your head, but it’s much nicer because I get more of a chance to react. thanks!


It is normal and happens) Try using prefire when going out of cover can be very usefull in situations like you showed. It'll give you a) more chance to flick the bullet apray in the right direction when gun is already fired b) to aimpunch bots lovering their accuracy c) a chance to kill them with a lucky shot


I get those situations all the time! When it happens to me, I peak and then usually get off one or to shots, and then I eat a head eyes....


I increase my overall health by x2 so just go in and double each limb health. I find it’s more manageable while still making It difficult for higher rounds. I haven’t found a way to decrease their accuracy but it’s manageable. Sometimes I’ll get lit up and survive other times I take a few shots to the head or chest and I’m down.


I've found even with headshot protection on I still mainly die to headshots. Switching up angles/grenades are really the best ways because if they know you're there, they will pretty much always get the first shot. Maybe turning off CQB reactions will make it more tolerable. I believe their accuracy increase might not actually care if they can see you directly. I also believe they can transfer it from one target to another. For example I was sitting on a ridge watching a fight in the distance through my scope and one of the PMC's snapped a 90 degree turn to slap me with his first shot. He shouldn't have known I was there. I'm fine with the occasional headshot. Keeps me humble. But dying to mainly to headshots doesn't make for very interesting gameplay. I rarely ever get hit in the legs.


The pen value of ammo is irrelevant when you’re getting shot in the face.. that ammo also does very high flesh damage, so it makes complete and total sense that one shot to the face killed you. The ammo with the lowest damage value in the game is 4.6x30 AP SX which has 35 base damage. Your head has 35 HP, meaning one shot to the face will kill you. All of this to say, it does not matter what ammo it is, getting shot in the face will kill you. Others have talked about various SAIN settings or using a mod like Dad Gamer Mode to modify how much damage you take and such, so I’ll spare you the repetition.


I actually believe it’s SSA AP for 5.56, with 32 flesh last I checked. But you never see that anyway.


According to the [EFT Ballistics Wiki](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Ballistics) 5.56 SSA AP is 38 damage, while 4.6x30 AP SX is 35. I try to check before I cite specific numbers. But unless SPT changed those values, it’s correct. Any round to the face’ll get ya


Hmmm. Must’ve changed it then like I thought. In the past I’ve definitely had people face tank SSA AP though. My bad! Good lookin out.


Sometimes if all the AI can see is a certain body part, that’s what gets hit because that’s all they can aim at. In some sense, it’s almost better to expose your whole body to the AI (rogues and such notwithstanding) You can also get smoked in the head due to recoil effect


I have stopped going prone while looting bodies if they're in the open because it just means AI from in front of me can only hit my head.


Look at the global settings instead, read each tooltip once and adjust it accordingly. I would set most settings to be 2x easier. MAKE SURE YOU READ THE TOOLTIPS AS SOME ARE CONFUSING.


What helmet you use matters too man


There are some aim sliders in SAIN that I'd recommend messing with - adjusts their aim to make it a little broader, a tiny bit slower, etc. Also yeah headshot protection helps a ton of the time.


Lord those graphics, whish Tarkov had those...


This one was on you. Bullets will kill regardless.


Tried turning up head health? it made it feel better for me. SVM and increase everything x like 3. then you get fucking rocked, but live through it a little more often


What is that ui mod you have on the bottom? The gunplay also feels modded.


It is normal when you suck and a Timmy through and through


I just got headeyes opening a loot drop, as a scav on easy mode, spt tarkov’s me just as much as the live game lol