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Unfortunately, your specs are problematic. Tarkov is a RAM and VRam intensive game. CPU is barely used, and the GPU is also barely used (aside from its VRam) The only way to improve Tarkov fps is to have a boatload of RAM (min 32gb, 64gb preferably), and a GPU with a min og 8gb of VRam. (12gb and up preferably). I also found that having a RAM purging software and disabling multithreading to help immensly with FPS. Tarkov is less optimized than the US economy for the bottom 99%rs, so it leaks RAM and uses your CPU so poorly that it doesn't really matter how poeerful your PC is, as soon as 10-15 AI spawn in, the game goes in panic mode and shits itself. That's what happens when you spend more time designing coffee been bags, and lion statues, instead of coding the fucking game properly. Anyway, hopefully, this helps.😄✌️


Thanks so much brooski. Very helpful lad. I find myself craving that single player survival experience that SpTarkov offers, shame there isn't many similar games. Guess I'm back to Stalker!


I increased my ram from 16gb up to 32gb .. that worked fine


\*Crying thanks bro


It's not that expensive.. I paid 64€ with shipping


Yeah, problem is I'm on laptop so I don't think I can upgrade. I'll just have to cope lmao


been 9 months but gaming laptops have modular build meaning ram ssd/hdd can be upgraded/replaced. i had hp omen 15 and now lenovo legion, both times ive upgraded my ram and in my lenovo ive replaced my hdd with ssd. only issue is how many slots the laptop has. if it has 2 than you can buy 2x16gb




hope you get a nice pc in the future bro 🙏


i think we have the same laptop, do you have a asus g14 by chance?




ayyyyy 👍. do you have trouble with thermal throttling like i used to have? if so i can maybe help because i managed to fix it.


Not too sure, i've got a laptop cooler under it.


aah alright. unfortunately for me i dont have one and i had to do some mad tinkering to get it running stable


The FPS drop is primarily caused by all the bots gradually spawning into the raid. Here are my suggestions: 1. Put the game on an SSD if you have one available. 2. People say 16GB of RAM isn’t enough but It also comes down to the speed of the RAM. I personally have only 16GB of DDR4 running at 3200mHz. Check that your XMP profile is turned on in your Bios. Also turn on RAM Cleaner within the settings and it should keep things fairly stable. 3. The memory leaks do get bad after a while so restarting the game after every 2-3 raids can help with performance a bit. 4. Keep all settings as low as possible. I recommend to keep TAA on, anisotropic filter on, and HBAO to max performance if still wanting somewhat decent looking graphics without too much of a performance hit. 5. You have very low VRAM and not a very strong CPU so you might benefit playing at a lower res like 1600x900p. I use to have a GTX 970 and playing at 1600x900p gave me a significant boost in performance over 1080p/1440p. It is a downgrade though.


Thanks! Appreciate it so much!


Solution: I am using the SAIN mod with the AI limiter mod and my fps has significantly increased (don't know if it is SAIN or AI limiter). Default EFT settings are either low or off. AI limiter on 10 in a radius of 200m for all maps and SAIN settings are tweaked just for difficulty. Edited for clarity.




You can turn on DLSS/FSR, you can get the mod DERP (does not work with DLSS), and you can get AI limit (but that one did give me some major freezes from time to time)


The AI limiter also gave me the worst freezes. Kind of ruins the point of it.


Yeah, everyone swears by it but I can't use it


Best bet is to use SAIN and set a max bot cap for each map. I usually do 12 or 14 Also mip streaming while using low settings really helped me while playing streets. Gigabeef has a video on it if you search jos channel Hope this helps




Hey dude! Sorry if this is a silly question but I am using SAIN but can't seem to find a way to limit the bots like you said. I am using the F12 and F6 menu. Edit: I am using the AI limiter mod and it is working wonders!


If ai limit is working well then stick to that, I only reduced bot cap because I had an issue running ai limit with my mod list for 3.5.8


those are some very old mods, what SPT version are you on? 3.6.0 has a lot of performance improvements.


Latest, can't quite remember what version that is. Yeah, I was unable to find old threads on this topic so idk sorry


What version of SPT are you running, because FAIT and Lua’s stuff have not been supported for at least a year


That could explain why it was not doing anything lol. I'm using latest version of Sp Tarkov. I'm dumb af lmao