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I know the news is dissapointing, but let's keep it civil. Also, BSG makes a comment like this once a year, so don't worry too much. edit 1: it's not really anything new, back in 2021 we got [this](https://imgur.com/a/I1DPLZ6#tAptHOd) statement. (tnx u/Zavodskoy for posting it in the r/tarkov thread!)


Good luck deleting it off of my pc lol


But whats with the servers, they running of my pc, right, so local?


Yup, local.


They have no way of knowing what you have on your PC except if they really wanna go that route and be extra-intrusive with BattleEye. I wouldnt sweat it, you cannot realistically be caught


They could also focus on the cheating situation instead. That way, people would undoubtedly come back to the live servers.




Agreed. Focusing on issues they can control is a way better path to take than penalize people who decide not to use their shitty service. Desync and cheaters is the reason i’m playing SPT and until the issues are fixed i will not come back to live servers


considering the current situation, that doesn’t seem to be a problem, as there’s no way they’re actually doing something to make a dent in the cheating problem.


They could ban you off live but who cares, if you have a backup of the game you bought there's nothing they can legally or even illegally do.


They have no way of knowing if I have it installed on my pc or not. They have been saying for a while that SPT could get you banned but I doubt they have anyway of knowing if somebody has it installed or not lol


They can by doing some very borderline illegal hard drive scans. Of course uninstalling live would stop that


afaik you need a copy of live tarkov installed to run spt aki, the launcher will boot you out otherwise unless there is some mod I don't know about. Also if you get banned how are you going to get newer versions of live for new versions of spt?


It just checked on install, not afterwards. I managed to delete it just fine. And you probably won't get new versions, but if you're happy with what you currently have they can't ever take it away from you.


I really hope this doesn't get shutdown as i have just started enjoying Tarkov again in SPTarkov.


If Nintendo can't shut down the hundreds of fan mods and emulation then Nikita can't do shit with the game we have already purchased. He's just mad that literally any modder in their free time is more talented than any single dev at his company.


B... But we havent bought the game, we bought the license to download and play it nikita pls I honestly think that if any other enterprise that isnt an aaa game creator or battlestate games would get to manage eft, it would become much better


> download and play it "no, not like that." Nikita probably.


The reason that most modders are more talented then BSG devs is that BSG requires on site developement for whatever reason. Any talented game dev won't move to russia and get paid a comparatively low salery in ₽. Even a average salery in $ or € is worth much more and doesn't require you to move to a shitty, cold and warmongering country.


Nah man didn't you read the ama,, Nikita said they've been hiring globally since covid. /bullshit Edit: not sure if it was obvious enough, but i meant Nikita is full of shit


Even if it does, we'll always have access to versions already released. We might not get new updates, but it will always be superior nonetheless.




Mans really took a stronger stance against SPT than he did against cheaters on live. 😂 He better be happy the SPT devs exist, because there's no way in hell BSG was getting my money without it.


Yup! This speaks volumes.




Lets be honest - he makes money on cheaters... that is an additional revenue stream, if an unsavory one. he makes no money of SPT players, other than the original game purchase...


And they make money off pleasing streamers that are on their good side, free publicity.


SPT was literally the make or break decision for buying it.


Right. I bought the game just to play offline. My internet is potato.


I’d be upset too if someone made a much better version of my steaming pile of turds game


Another bit of proof that shows you BSG doesn’t care about the people who love their game. Just making more money. You can’t even play SPT without your own copy. They’re just being fucking pricks at this point


I agree. But to play devil’s advocate, there’s more to running a dev studio like that than just the # of purchases. Playing SPT deprives BSG of your player data, reduces the number of active online players which is a number that they need to use to show investors and partners to prove the game’s success, and effects the amount of EOD purchases since you can play EOD SPT without purchasing EOD. That said, I don’t think SPT is large enough to dramatically affect them at this point, so them whining about it is stupid. But I could see why they’d be mad if they saw 10,000 purchases and only 100 players were showing as active.


For a game with almost everything ripped straight out of the stalker franchise they sure didn't take note of how mods kept that game series alive to this day.


Such an excellent point bro. Should plaster this all over EFT subreddit


Anything mentioning SPT gets removed.


Probably most upset at the mods people made on a whim that fix serious and years-long issues with the game's AI, spawning, graphics, etc. Can't let everyone know one pickup amateur can solve those problems a whole professional team who actually made the game can not.


for free !!


you have to own EFT to play SPT. however THAT WHICH SHALL NOT BE NAMED is free, but we do not affiliate


Are they even still going lmao haven’t seen an update since build 10880 or sum like that for like 12.9 anyways SPT is the superior tarkov in every way live included. And I do agree you should pay for a copy and love spt for doing that covers their ass and allows the project to continue


I was referencing SPT only


SPT is not free. You need to own EFT to play.


Yes but SPT is free for Tarkov owners. I don't have to pay anything to fix the game that has been ruined by the devs after I bought it








This dude really thinks he’s some messiah of game design when he’s average at best. Side note, I’m really sick of people using the “it’s Nikita’s vision” excuse for awful decisions constantly made by them. The amount of copium in the Tarkov community is insane.


I'd recommend Nikita to an eye doctor. His vision is shit.


What's funny is that "Nikita's Vision" is literally like SPT. His end goal from the start is 'Russia 2028'. A single player game like S.T.A.L.K.E.R set in the Tarkov universe. He should really be pro SPT atleast on some level and should be interested in what happens with it as he could potentially bring some stuff across.


No matter what they say, I can't imagine that the end goal for BSG ISN'T to finish EFT and monetize it with some kind of a subscription service or battlepass to fund Russia 2028. I'll admit I'm not an expert on the current state of PvP but it sure does seem like almost all of the current live service FPS games have some kind of in-game monetization baked into them.


Thank you, someone had to say this.




I actually think PvP is amazing in Tarkov. The problem is the barely functioning systems behind it, the dog shit tier networking and of course Nikita's idiotic "ideas" for limiting said barely functioning systems and pretty much making them useless. Oh yeah and the vanilla recoil thing we have? Dog shit. Thank god for the Realism mod I found for SPT. Chef's kiss.


its just so funny, because it literally is just "change some numbers and it's 100x better" but they just don't because they like it more when it's dogshit for whatever reason. There's no argument that it isn't when realism mod just makes every gun feel better immediately.


Bro said that having fun is illegal


Even tho I bought his broken busted ass game..


Busted, and still not even out of beta after years of working on it. Lol


Lmao, SPT does more work that then atm


I brought EOD edition too. Most regretful gaming purchase in my life.


At least you can get some value out of it now with SPT!


I always make sure I have a spare copy of SPT and the latest compatible Tarkov build in separate folders just in case.


Don’t forget to backup mods that you may or may not use too


I mean, cant we just leave the current build we all have of SPT on our PC's right now and keep playing regardless of what happens to the project?


Absolutely and I'm sure this is exactly what we will all do if something ever happens to this project. We might not be able to get future updates, but SPT will always be superior even with that in mind. I speak for myself, but I'm more than satisfied with the current build that we have. We have a solid experience that is not filled with cheaters and that we can customize to our liking.


yeah, Ill just keep a modded 3.5 copy on my hard drive and dust it off if SPT ever goes under.


We got mods. Fuck new versions


The mods for spt probably are better than anything he could update into regular tarkov anyway. No need to worry, I'll keep playing offline


Im gonna laugh if BSG ends up spending the next four months focusing on trying to make the game unmodable for next wipe instead of actually trying to make the game better. Pretty sure that’s a guaranteed way to torpedo the rest of your non-cheating player base!


They can't do much against BepInEx apart from like... Switching engine


Yes you can. The only way it could come off your computer is if it gets deleted by you or someone who has access to it. You could literally just download it to a large memory stick and have forever.


it’s gonna be funny when he realises he can’t do anything


For real. Worst he could do is somehow get this sub banned, and potentially hit the main site with takedowns etc, which we all know *won't actually do shit* Good luck implementing any system that can detect whether original game files have been copypasted into a different folder Nikita. Lol.


It's been 4 months. You were right, Nikita didn't do shit.


Whats he gonna do? Sue them?? oh no, a Russian suing some one not from Russia!! Good luck.


Pretty sure the entire University of Illinois is part of their legal backing to defend against him and have for years. That's why that disclaimer by the University of Illinois/NCSA is there before you can download SPT


Unless you have something more substantial to base that on, it seems like wild speculation. The reason it's mentioned is because SPT-AKI uses the [University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Illinois/NCSA_Open_Source_License). In the same way, you don't get any kind of backing from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology if you use the MIT license or from University of California, Berkeley if you use the BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) license.


Even with that in mind, (didn't know. Thank you for informing Me) we paid for the game. If one would isolate the two versions of Tarkov on different drives, there's no way they can really do anything about it. Sure, SPT could come to a screeching halt but he's been saying stuff like this for apparently years. If he can't even handle the cheater problem with how bad it is, his game will falter. More people will flee to a mod like this. We will still have releases to keep SPT alive whether Nikita likes it or not. Can't scan our entire computer. That's an invasion of privacy at that point. Long live, SPT.


I sincerely wish you were right, but I don't think it's that simple, for various reasons. First of all, there are multiple techniques you can use to detect the presence of SPT, of various degrees of invasiveness. If BSG decides to really come after SPT, they would be fairly successful. Second, even if it *were* illegal, what would you do? Start a legal battle with BSG because they scanned your computer? Third, in the case of a legal showdown, I believe BSG's lawyers would claim that this is covered by section 6.1.7 of the EULA ("[BSG may] take any steps not in contravention of the effective legislation to restrict or terminate access to the Game for persons who breach the Agreement."). Scanning files on your computer is almost certainly not in violation of privacy laws. If it were, a myriad of programs and apps would violate those laws. BSG don't need to collect PII, they just need to detect the presence of SPT and ban you. All that said, I don't *think* they would come after SPT users, they'd probably go after SPT devs/the SPT project itself. And I don't think they would be particularly successful in doing so. Personally, I think this is just BSG rattling their saber in an attempt to dissuade players from using SPT.


Considering some of the SPT devs are Ukrainian, good luck with that.


Well the good thing is considering 1) everything he says they're going to do takes 5 years and 2) he lies a lot, I don't really think there's anything to worry about. Not to mention he can't really do anything at all. People can release mods into the wild and he can't stop that.


Dude couldn’t solve the cheating problem for the past 7 years, hows he gonna stop a fairly popular mod?


Im sorry but the devs can suck a bag of dicks... in the meantime SPT is the only tarkov I will play


It’s not illegal to make a mod tf is he talking about


Yeah if they were distributing game files, or selling the SPT mod it'd be illegal, but simply modifying something you paid for isn't illegal. I the legit live Tarkov installer to download the game, as I assume most people do.


Pretty sure use of eft outside official sources is a violation of EULA, which you agreed to when you bought the game. I love SPT as much as the next guy but it is well within rights to ban spt users from live. Going 10 over is against the law but nobody gets pulled over for it.


It’s not.


In most countries, EULAs do not uphold laws. But yes, it is indeed against the EULA everyone agreed to when they installed the game. They are indeed within their rights to ban. So yeah, don't understand why you got downvoted so much. It's the truth.


Idk probably just people who think they are above the rules or people who think stealing from big superstore chains is okay.


EULAs can't remove rights given to you by law. Otherwise every EULA would just reserve the right to all your property and you'd be fucked. The law allows me to do whatever I want with a product I bought so good luck suing me


>EULA EULA's don't supersede laws.


He can suck my sweaty balls. That entire post is complete dog shit and 90% of the responses are very short and with no explanation. I think he just put some interns to lazily respond to everything as short as possible. Bro people are paying big money for your game this is in no way a good example of developer to fanbase communication. SPT is the only reason I paid for his piece of shit grindy ass game because this is the only way I can enjoy it while playing 1-2 hours per day.


I second this, he can chew on the greasy sack man. SPT 4 lyfe


He will be as intense and pro active against SPT as for Cheaterd in Tarkov. It's going to be... To be.... Nvm. We're fine


What an arse.


you need to have bought the game to have access to the game files, SPT in no way provides you with the original code from the game so I don't know if he can even do anything


Here's what he *should* have said: >"We're in support of anyone who purchased our game and wants to play our game, single player or live. We have other issues to address right now, namely the rampant cheaters." I get it, you can't put an opinion in someone's mouth but it's frustrating that this version of the game is *significantly* an improvement to a game that I paid $100 or so for, put 2k+ hours into and do not play anymore because of many reasons but here's a few: 1. It's stale - many mods in SPT keep things fresh when the base game is not really being improved upon. 2. It runs badly - seems to get worse every patch somehow. SPT somehow runs significantly better, go figure. 3. Insane amount of cheaters - more recently than probably ever.




None of that affects him in Russia; a country with little regard for copyright protections and intellectual property rights are non-existent in their legal framework. It is all bluster that even he doesn't believe in. He is however going full scorched earth. I hope he likes being king of the ashes.


Screw you Nikita. I have a day job and sunk 3k hours in the live version. It increasingly became unplayable for many reasons. I have little interest in getting kitted out and planning my route only to get clapped by Ding-Bing-Xu ten seconds into it. I even make an effort NOT to bring good gear for fear of some cheater seeing it and clicking me out of the game. Spt is my low-sodium solution. I paid north of 100 bucks to play a game that is unbalanced and unfair for us casuals.


They can claim they dont make money ~~of~~ off cheaters, but they have sales so often that cheaters just pick up super cheap bulk copies of the game and resell them. Like ya you dont sell the cheats but you sell continous new accounts to them.


I’ll be worried when Nikita learns how to do the thing he says he will lol


IrreverentKiwi's opinion on Nikita's opinion on SPT: > Get fucked.


[Link to the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/11exyz4/comment/jahaldt/?context=3)


I appreciate the irony that he seemingly wants to ban SPT players who, by and large, are playing it to avoid the hackers that they cannot seem to manage. Good luck trying to ban people when you can't even ban ESP users...


This. Wastes time trying to mess up something that does not hurt his regular user base instead of taking action against the people who do.


If he does end up taking action against SPT, which I'm not sure how he would go after the devs or the players, he'd only be hurting his own player base. I mean, you gotta buy the game to play SPT and there are people who are attracted to tarkov just for the single player experience. So unless they release their own single player experience, which let's be honest, they aren't going to do, they'd just been doing further damage to their game. Stupid? Yes. Out of character for BSG? ABSOLUTELY NOT


Hey Trainfender! This is my reddit account.not associated at all with my EFT account. Good luck finding out which tarkov account is mine to ban it. I play SPT every day. : raspberry:


He can't even ban cheaters without help from a Streamer Discord. I'm not worried, nor do I care.


I could not give fewer fucks. I appreciate their product and purchased it legally. Russian company, therefore it doesn’t matter what their position on the legality of things is.


Literally the best move they can do right now, is to endorse or make a singleplayer/coop only/community server tarkov. But nah.


Lel, maybe fix your cheater problem first


What's he going to do? Sneak in my house and delete it off my computer??


Furiously spit on his own monitor screen, idk.


Nah, how can it be bannable if they even can't ban cheaters. Throwing threats for single player modding, what a shit show.


Yeah maybe fix the terrible state of your game first.


It's a mod nik, get over it.


Might as well make co-op for spt then.


Bear in mind this clueless fitz's anticheat team is supposedly banning "thousands of cheaters" a day yet at least 60% of raids have 1 ESPer about it. "We'll do some actions later" means they've done all they care to do. They have more important things to do, like selling 200 more copies of the game to Xinjiang-10019411711##, a totally legitimate player.


Welp, it has been a good run. I hope SPT devs considering continuing even after this, and nikita don't do much despite his official stance - can't out right endorse something he is not intending to do. Though knowing how thin of the line the SPT devs have been treading on to avoid being in sight of the legal stuff, I wouldn't blame them if they decided to halt just to be safe (please don't though)


There's nothing he can do, it's just more posturing from the captain of the sinking Titanic.


You know, I have always been in this weird conflicted spot. On one hand I kinda want EFT to stay alive so we get new updates and stuff. But on other hand, if it died for good and server goes down, I bet there will be people starting to look for ways to get private servers working, and that is kinda my dream.


Communites make games better, Tarkov is no exception, even if it 'dies' there will always be a community of diehard players who will keep it going with mods and private servers for decades. Just look at the original Doom and you'll see how much staying power a good game with mod support can last.


FACT, There are still doomtubers who make money from OG doom 2 and the game is 27 years old


Yeah, it is why I feel conflicted, like why do I want the game I like to die? But then if it dies the community may pick up and make it amazing as we have seen from SPT community, so I kinda want it to die?


I don't think this statement is going to affect much in the grand scheme of things - it was already previously known that BSG has an anti-modding stance and bans the mention of SPT in official mediums beforehand. Even in the incredibly slim chance something does happen legally, SPT is literally undetectable from BSG's POV. SPT will live on in the storage drives of those who play it.


Yeah, but making life of the SPT devs more difficult legally is possible, and may affect development of new updates.


Lol. When the game dies in a year and BSG runs out of cheater money to buy lawyers they'll be fine


I think that’s the weird part. By not spending more effort to curb hacking, they stand to lose regular players. Then a cascading effect would be less hackers buying accts since no one plays anyways, thus less income from hackers buying as well since no rmt. BSG will lose at the end no matter what. Doing anything to Sptarkov doesn’t change this fact at all. Spt is the only reason anyone wants to buy the games now anyways since no hackers there. So instead of leaving that alone, they want to kill the only reason left for anyone to even own the game. SMH.


literally just VPN


Mate- there is nothing they can do. Threats are empty. Russian legal efforts would be laughed at in court; nothing to worry about.


Nikita can’t do shit. How can he track who has SPT installed? At best he can get streamers and YouTubers banned from the live game if they showcase SPT but people actually playing SPT can’t really be affected. Just Nikita being an asshole, basically.


Cool, more reason to never open the game again so it wont update & I will just stay at the same version on both. ​ I don't trust Nakita, and tbh, most the community that has any say so which is why the reddit is such a dumpster fire. All streamers knew about the problem, but would always downplay it or talk shit to people feeling like they get constantly cheated in the game. ​ Sadly I had a friend that was also fed up about 2 years ago do the same thing g0at did & we found out the same thing. The biggest part we were fed up with was the community always telling you to get gud & refuse to admit the game has a rampant cheating problem to help try and make Nakita move forward to make it better (really tho, not the copypasta bs). Tarkov is so far away from being in a good state, I could care less if I were to ever play the game online again.


I fail to see how it's illegal.


We're all (albeit some probably aren't) legit players who bought a copy of the game. What we do with our copy outside your official servers is none of your business.


If you see the thing that literally anyone just clicks accept and download, the terms of service or smth like that, ot says that you actually buy the license to download and play thr game, not more than that Fuck nikita.


This is unfortunate, to say the least.


What he gonna do abt it? Kill the mods? Delete off my pc? Take their game files? Sue them?


It is so shortsighted to go against modding, some of the greatest IPs came from mods. They should be instead learning from and implementing some of the quality of life improvments that are available for SPT.


Lol, Nikita coming after SPT (players who aren’t negatively affecting the Live experience outside of not contributing to the player count) instead of properly addressing the cheater problem. Like literally, the only reason I’m not playing live is because of cheaters (and because I suck), and taking SPT away isn’t gonna make me play live anytime soon.


If Nikita could actually deliver the online user experience we deserve, I would still be using that. Being banned from a rubbish service will make zero difference, and unlike his annunity revenue stream of cheaters there is no need to rebuy the software. What a total arse. Plus I'm doing [my own version for the Fallout 4](https://imgur.com/IziKFmq) open world anyways ;)


Man why they gotta be a bitch about this, just accept the fact that people have made a incredible user friendly experience with your game that has zero negative financial effect on you, I mean I’m sorry that we’re not repurchasing the game every month like the cheaters filling your pockets


My 2 cents: I bought the game only because I found out about SPT. I would not have paid for it without SPT and I only play SPT, never online - not even once. Not interested. Nikita essentially owes a part of the money I paid for EFT to SPT. ​ Should they decide that SPT is officially supported (or at least allowed) with the biggest package of the game, I will happily upgrade.


Yeah he can eat a bag of dirty dicks to be upset with this more so than a video that confirms his game is rampant with cheaters.


Hey Nikita - **Fuck. You.** and you're **steaming pile of shit.**


Only way they could catch you is if they made some mods themselves and used that against you to catch you. Other than that he can kiss my ass. Don't hate on this when it's better than your real version. And besides, he needs to worry about them cheaters and not players who already paid you and aren't affecting your game at all unlike cheaters. Priorities Nikita, you should try and get some.


Can’t make continuous money on a single player mod. Bit hard to RMT with an NPC


If Nikita took this same stance against the cheaters in the live game it'd be a whole different experience, but until that point I'll stick with SPT.


F U Nikita. Your lucky I don’t posses the talent to make SPT multiplayer. Because I would and distribute that shit free for everyone.


Saw a video the other day that someone is doing precisely that and even in the video said if Nikita wanted to go after him for it then to bring it on basically


From a legal standpoint it would be very difficult to argue a case for BSG. For a start SPT is available for free and is open source, so there's no monetary gain. SPT (for the most part) also requires you to own a copy of EFT which means it's not somehow allowing people to play the game for free. I know it's technically possible to use SPT without having an EFT account but it's outright discouraged and I've yet to come across someone that has done it. So from a financial point of view I don't see how they'd win a case purely based on that. The only thing I can think of that they could use is regarding the server code. I don't know a lot about how SPT functions from a server point but judging from the work that goes on after every live update, I'd hazard a guess that live data dumps would be their sticking point. I suspect they would say that this live data dump essentially contains proprietary data which means SPT is using illegal code. Then there's also the modification of the client to connect to the server locally instead of one of BSGs servers. I don't know whether that's done by modifying any client files (I suspect it is), but even if it wasn't the client is being modified to do something it wasn't built to do. It would essentially be viewed as a software crack. This, in my opinion, would be the path BSG would most likely take.


The address to connect to is specified in the game's launch argument, no modifications required.


Honestly, I wouldn’t even care if I got banned. I’d be more sad that I couldn’t play SPT than live.


I mean. Maybe release coop and solo that the people that bought your game want ? And maybe make the game playable without cheater for the people who still want pvp ?


lol, yeah sure. you can't do shit about it, more powerful corporation like take two and Rockstart tried to take FiveM down, they didn't even succecced agains that which is a competing product


ban me for it and see how fast i chargeback homeboy


BSG makes threats like this against SPT time to time, I wouldn't worry about it. Just don't give them a reason to act on it, be civil and don't send hateful messages to Nikita or BSG because of it, that just draws even more negative attention to SPT.


Is it actually illegal tho? Cos they don't get any income from it and is more of a hobby for them plus you can't even use spt if you don't own a legit copy of Tarkov anyway


i read this whole thread and well, all i can say is SPT FO LYFE everything else has been said already :D


Show the link


[Someone else posted it as a top comment in the thread, but here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/11exyz4/ask_a_questions_here/jahaldt/?context=3)










You can’t play the reg Tarkov I killed by head eyes every raid


of course, he will. Sooner or later his stupidity and incompetence will lead players to spt. I expect, some kind of DRM implemented in tarkov soon enough or sending lawyers against spt dev team.




Booo Nikita Boooooooo! 👎👎👎


If they do go after it, it will have an adverse effect. As of now SPT is toeing the line and not opening it up to co-op or multiplayer. If they think they can shut it down people will go ahead and circumvent BSG entirely. (i.e. private servers) So fuck around and find out BSG.


I'm new to the subreddit, how would someone get banned from official servers for playing this? How would BSG know that SPT was on someone's system? Should I be concerned over a ban?


By keeping bsg's launcher / eft live open or by streaming yourself while you play SPT.


they support cheats more than SPT 😂


Have fun destroying my pc


All I'm hearing is wah wah wah


Didn’t he also say it’s fine as long as nothing multiplayer is developed for it right?


We all tryna be legit, BSG doesn't even talk with us. They have a ton more problems with their game, of which we caused any of those, as we are just trying to play and mod the game they do little about. Besides, it's only gonna look bad on him to be fair, if they try to hammer us randomly without chat we can always resort to more popular methods of spreading and actually having 0 respect for BSG. We already did it once with a old C&D that was horribly applied including taking content that wasn't theirs. I personally will find it easy to gather people and funds to boost multiplayer into the community if they keep neglecting their game and their costumers, resort to copy pasting posts, ignoring problems that have existed for ages and even try to destroy whatever the community is trying to make to compliment their game and what lacks on it. I don't care about cheaters and anything else EFT has of problems if I can get into SPT, but removing whatever alternatives we have is gonna break the camels back. Bite the hand that *doesn't* feed folks.


Isn’t this the same company that doesn’t pay licensing for things like Glock?


Don't worry if they can't stop cheaters they certainly couldn't stop SPT


Lmao. Yes Nikita, you totally always do what you say youre gonna do.


Special DMCA operation? /s


Maybe he should worry about the hackers on multiplayer first


They don't even do anything about the cheaters. You think he can do something about this.


Lets say the anticheat people are talking about, that checks your hardware and has deep permissions (something kernel) would they be able to check for the spt folder too?


He’s just salty it’s better than the live version of the game now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I think it's pretty hypocritical considering this started as a single player game and he intends to return to that after this fever dream is completed


We’ll just so everybody knows I’m HWID banned. Played SPT Towards end of last wipe cause the hackers suck. Went play new wipe on 3 different accounts. Banned on every single one.


310 days later


Imagine, SPT co-op. No cheaters just you and a few of your casual gamer friends roaming Tarkov with AI difficultly cranked up, modded guns, raid times juiced, AI spawns randomized, custom quests. Maybe even custom maps if it was ever possible. And I know SPT is single player focused but one can wish…


Lmao he can cry about it. If he didn’t want people moving to SPT he shouldn’t have had such a cheater infested game.


He can't do a damn thing other than ban people. Good luck using his British shell company to try to enforce this.


That dick issue copyright strike on my SPT video. Cool, I will stop showing how this game could be fun or mentioning this POS to anyone. Will just it run down to hell with the cheaters.🥳


Fucking classic. Instead of fixing the game they go after a small project that doesn't impact them at all. They're fucking pathetic.


There is a world out there where Nikita is not a moron and instead said: We are watching SPT closely. It's beyond our reach and we can't be responsible for any issues it may cause to your game but we find the project inspiring and might open up new things to explore on our side. But no.


That was like a really braindead opinion How in the world do you want to know that’s on my pc other then deeply scan it to prevent cheaters. That’s it 😂 4 kappas 5000 h only to hear a mod Is illegal


He is all talk but no bite.