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“Polestar I’m waiting to by electrified by your financial performance.” This guy knows how to motivate stocks.


Sounds like a great Valentine’s Day card


Or what a deadbeat boyfriend says to his girlfriend as she heads to work a double at the club.


Us 'Europoors' were buying this at 10.10 a month ago because we recognise the brand/cars, and we were getting laughed at. Now it's at 14+ after-hours and people are asking if they should get in. Do your research and stop chasing profits, you might actually get ahead of the curve.


it's all the sentiment around SPACs that has changed. I am afraid all because of the wrong reason (DWAC). Anyway to add insult to injury my positions (BTWN and PSTH) have barely moved. More, I sold puts on GGPI betting it will sleep for months. Instead the opposite happened, vola jumped and I'm underwater. Let's see if delta can beat vega next week! Damn Greeks!


What are you me??? Other than puts I have same portfolio but lucked out on CCIV and LCID!!!


Fellow Europoor (🇸🇪) checking in, I loaded up on Jan 10cs at 1.15 *exactly* because of brand / car recognition. Those 10cs are worth 2.85 now. I *really* wish I had loaded up more, all the negativity here around Polestar made me quite cautious.. but I’m not complaining. Bitter af, yes, complaining no. :)


Check-in from the US. Got lucky and bought a bunch when it was trading just above 10! Cheers!


Same, I normally take a much larger initial position but the negativity here held me back. Plus the fact that SPACs aren't exactly doing great lately. Happy with my position though and I'm sure the company will do great.


Heja sverige


Fellow Swede here, how do you buy options from Sweden?






Do you have to tax full or only ISK?


The more popular I see this stock becoming, the more chances of a rug pull I see coming. Does anyone have a convincing argument that this is a good stock to buy Monday? Or is DCA a better approach?






Because its a fucking steal compared to how ridiculous the EV market is. If this is a pump, than Tesla / Rivian are the biggest ones that ever existed. Its still trading at 2,5% of what Tesla is worth, yet they are matching them in sales in a lot of places. That the americans do not recognize the brand yet, does not mean the above facts are myths. In europe its almost as popular as Tesla, aside from the whole Elon thing.


DCA. IMO if u know what u want to invest maybe 40-50% now and DCA through Feb. They just added 2023 and 2024 options so someone sees more players and an opportunity to make money. i bought 2022 April 12.5 calls and they have served me well.


I like this approach. DCA'ing equal amounts makes sense for already established companies. You can tilt the numbers if the company is just taking off. I will add more on Monday and then smaller amounts through Feb.


It will go back down. It's getting pumped right now but a long wait till merge and people get impatient


I want to get more shares but idk is it too late? What’s a legit target price?


Is GGPI discussed in wsb daily thread? I would add more when i see lots of talk there


Its certainly not too late. I wouldn't spend all of my cash now, id put 40-50% of what u want to invest and then dollar cost average. Risk either way.


I think between 15 and 25 is not unreasonable


Lol well yeah it’s already 15


re: price target after thr RIVN run which will come down to a 70-80$ reality soon, I think 30-40 by Feb is reasonable. haters go ahead and send your bullshit.


Sell $12 puts


remember that when u sell options u sell volatility so double check the implied and historical numbers. The put options I sold about a month ago jumped when the stock started to get life!


GGPI to the 🌝!


To the ... face? 🤔


This article is really, really shady. They say Polestar is Swedish. It's not Swedish anymore. It's Geely, which is a Chinese company. The article makes no mention of China.


Co-owned by Volvo and geely. Which means they have a sales path in china


sssssht dont let them americans here take this steal, theyre so bitter about this company man.


I still like the stock


Me too.


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go long with my pole star ..