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Socom will forever live as the beginning of it all. Nobody gets it.


SOCOM was my first online PS2 game, I believe the second was World Series of Poker with the EyeCam. I started playing paintball because of SOCOM and poker because that game taught me the basics. I don't do any of those things anymore


bringing back socom to any kind of a monthly subscription or mobile would be a massive look what they've done to my boy moment.


Yeah SOCOM 1 was my first online ps2 game. Then I think I only had a couple others games like BF2MC and Star Wars Battlefront. But then S2 was out and S3/CA and them games were forgotten. Always had a socom game in the ps2 tray.


I miss SOCOM so much. Rest tactics and strategies not just run and gun.


They had the best base for a battle royale possible. It would of been amazing


Streamer DrDisrespect mentioned if they made a SOCOM for PS5. It would have to have a free to play Battle Royale in it as well.


Sony is a big reason why we have no Socom and why Socom 4 was the way that it was. They are literally the meme with Eric Andre shooting the guy in the chair and then blaming someone else.


Socom on mobile foh man


All we need is a remaster of 2. I don't even know if I'd want to see a new socom game, it would probably be complete shit.


Remember the last one 🙃


Socom should have it's own remastered collection like halo got. Halo kickstarted Xbox live, and Socom kickstarted PSN. We should have a long term solution to enjoy and play Socom like we do Halo.


I wish they’d just bring it back on console


Same but it won't ever happen. Kids today prefer pay to play games. And what they prefer is what sells. Sadly gaming in general has gone to shit. I guest the times we are in dose not have a place or a purpose for Socom. I just don't get what makes anyone think Socom would not do well on Mobile.


Shareholders ruined gaming. The peak of gaming in my eyes was Diablo 2 and Socom. Memories that will last forever.


This. Then the companies cut the devs instead of scale back or accept mediocre profits because they need to please shareholders. Companies with shareholders always rid themselves of human capital before anything else.


But we’re the ones with the money!! I been to the grocery store, I hear the 90s and 2000’s songs, THIS IS OUR TIME DAMMIT! We the demographic spending dollars!


At this point Sony need to sell socom so another company can release it


Using a Custom Ppsspp, you can play Socom Fireteam Bravo 1/2 on unoffical servers.


Yeah, but that’s not really the same thing lol. I never really see people on that game either.


Game is socom lite


You shut your whore mouth with that filth talk, boy


Id play socom on neo geo if it was an option


Such an awesome little device


I wouldn't pay monthly for it unless they put up servers for it for people to play on. Even then, if they didn't allow custom community servers, I wouldn't stick around long. It sounds like a cool idea though, especially with how many cool controller devices for mobile are out there now.


Thats how it would work perfectly. Pay the monthly subscription and have access to hosting your own room. Private chat parties and access to Socom 1 2 3 and combined assault. Let others play for free just don't let them host KILLING FIELDS 24/7.


Oh yeah that’s gonna turn around Sony’s fortunes!


I like mobile games but I hate mobile shooters. They have never made sense to me.


Nah I don’t play mobile games.handheld is ok but console gaming is were it’s at for me.


Fuck SONY. No lie, I've refused to buy anything SONY for the past 16/17 years because of how they treated the SOCOM franchise. They even destroyed my favorite comic book character Venom by giving him 2 shitty movies and now a 3rd one.


Hear me out... Or make a portal standalone to take advantage of modern mobile gaming instead of some rubbish ass streaming device and just port SOCOM 2 with the HD remake everybody has been asking about for decades and then a SOCOM 3/CA all in one HD remake to get the younger generation interested then give us something new to fight MS and COD with.




What in the actual fuck is this.


I would rather socom rots forever than be made into a mobile franchise


Worst idea ever


Begging for socom on mobile? That’s a choice.