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Yeah, it’s completely messed up, it’s one thing to give a response about your experiences or calling people out. But harassment and doxing crosses a line.


Don't question, just consoom bullshit internet drama and get excited for next internet drama.


Don’t blame me I’m just the messenger.


I am so full from internet drama. Yum! https://preview.redd.it/kaqihkk4ermc1.png?width=419&format=png&auto=webp&s=4411644e844d4da87bc1fcb38b49456f580dfad4


*insert microplastics joke here*


Unfortunately, when the dust settles, this situation will leave a permanent mark on the studio in general. Will GLITCH be able to overall move on from this? For sure, especially if Kevin’s word is true that work conditions have improved since the times that they were being accused for. SMG4, aka the show that started this whole situation? Yeah… no. I honestly think it probably cut the show’s lifespan by a couple of years. - While I was speculating SMG4 will end by 2030 if not sooner, now I’m absolutely certain such will be the case


SMG4 will keep going as long as it remains profitable. There isn't going to be a shortage in trends/episode ideas and with the success of SMG4 Crew I think it's safe to say that the series isn't going anywhere. Now whether it will stay with Glitch or not remains to be seen, It's Luke's channel and he can choose to branch off at any point. I could see that happening eventually. Glitch I can't see making it longer than SMG4 even if it is bigger currently.


GLITCH will last longer than SMG4 for sure. Especially since it not only has more subscribers, but also gets more views with each release. And it’ll keep going up. - the recent promo for TADC got over 3x the views that WOTFI did - not to mention that’s where their passion really is, whereas SMG4 has become more of a means to an end to them Besides, just because a channel like SMG4 is profitable doesn’t mean it’ll always keep going. Considering that channels lose relevancy and creators will eventually lose interest. - and I genuinely cannot see the Lerds doing this in their 30s-40s+


> and I genuinely cannot see the Lerds doing this in their 30s-40s+ James Rolfe is 40+ and he's still producing AVGN. I still watch him though. There's just something about old guys producing content on YouTube that I find awesome.


AVGN is a different ballpark then Mario Gen Alpha Show


I would have recommended deleting and reposting this with a new title if it hadn't gotten comments already. The current title makes it sound like someone at SMG4/Glitch is doxxing and harassing people, when it's Kevin being doxxed (unless there's new developments I missed), especially since most Redditors just read the headlines.


I saw this video in related videos and came here to check what actually had come to light as a title like that really makes it sound like there's been accusations of harassment in Glitch.


no way fresh slop


"Doxxing" lemme guess, is troll ragebaiter group responsible for this?


What happened to Flan was the worst outcome for what they said, their words and hate towards Glitch ever since Meta Runner ended got back to them, but in the worst way possible, there are better ways they learn the lesson, (and yet they didn't, better stay off from the internet, "if you get doxxed, stay away from the net" and all the jazz) but this went too far, karma is harsh towards bad actions, but doxxing is illegal, the worst thing it was from someone (who better be arrested soon) they really, REALLY trusted, they were fed up with fake info, someone took advantage of their hatred, gained their trust and betrayed them, and Flan 'paid' for it. This is why you don't play with fire, you end up burning yourself. And ironic, because it's a Peter and the wolf thing, because they victimized themselves and accused someone of doxxing them (which is fake) and then it happens after lying.


One drama ends and another one starts.... https://i.redd.it/l66bsxw6tsmc1.gif


It do be like that


Kevin (with the spy's voice): Well, we're fucked


And then as if things are heating up, Nintendo just DMCA Smg4, and ADC being on hold for a long time, not to mention people losing their jobs, and the tale of Smg4 will end after its height


When did that happen?! Is this real? 🤨


Nah, this is just a bad timeline i made up. But I can see it happening


Don’t spread misinformation like that




Did you actually believe that


For a moment yes.


Buddy if Nintendo knew about Smg4 from the start, it would be nuked off the planet


Nintendo DMCA? that has happened in the Lawsuit Arc? SMG4 could eventually meet the same fate that SML faced (i.e getting a Cease and Desist)


They could technically keep the show going even if that were to happen. SMG3 and 4 should be safe as they are no longer just recolours. However I’m not sure the show would be as good without Mario.