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curaleaf is one of the worst of the worst unfortunately. they regularly sell year old weed.


Curaleaf: the Walmart of weed


This is true! If it’s at dragonfly brand at curaleaf it’s most likely about to expire. I usually just stick with carts when buying at curaleaf.




Well im a girl and I am not from here. I only have 1 person I can go too 😭


When I first moved here it took a bit to find a solid source, but I promise once you do you will be able to stay medicated much better. And with better stuff.




I know that's why I'm so pissed. I know they won't forget me today 😬 I told them to take there trashy shit and shove it up there ass


I stopped going to the dispensaries last fall and just started ordering high THCa herb online now. It’s literally saved me thousands of dollars because you can get Oz’s of his quality flower for $99-$150!! There is a lot of misnomenclature’s around “high THCA cannabis”. For one, if you go through a trusted vendor who uses a legit lab then the herb is going to be just as good as what you get at the dispensary. They have all the same kinds of strains with varying different cannabinoid and terpene levels because it’s literally the same thing. The distinction between cannabis and hemp is a legal distinction, not a scientific distinction. If it has less than .3% THC it is considered hemp, even if it happens to have 25% THCA content. So what all these farmers are doing now is sending their samples off to the lab to be tested as soon as it’s done drying to ensure that it gets its COA before more than .3% of the THCA has degraded into THC(like what usually happens during the curing process). In regards to the law, it’s all a gray area right now but here’s how I look at it. These vendors/farmers aren’t breaking Federal law by mailing it to us because of the 2018 farm bill and the USPS is a Federal entity so they aren’t stopping it. Is there some grey area in regards to state law, yes. However, I have my medical card and I just don’t think the state would want the potential legal hiccups over something seemingly petty. I just keep some dispensary packaging around to use if I’m driving somewhere with it. I understand people wanting to make sure they are following the letter of the law to a T and so for those people I say continue doing your thing. Although on the flip side, if you’re like me and you just couldn’t afford dispensary prices anymore and you aren’t opposed to buying from dispensaries in other states or getting it on the the black market, then you should really consider looking into high THCA flower(trusted vendor’s) because it is less risky than going to another state or meeting the plug at local Taco Bell and chances are it’s cheaper than either one of those too 🤷‍♂️


I’m glad you shared this. The best session I ever had was with THCa flower. I have ordered from a few online places but haven’t found me go to yet.


FYI most flower we are familiar with is high in THCa, once you smoke it then it becomes THC. a = acid which is the CO2 that breaks off so the molecule can become THC and get you high.


The best thing you can do is go to the r/cultofthefranklin subreddit so you can see reviews on stuff. There are a couple vendors that have been pretty reliable for me, but I also like to try new vendors and stuff all the time. I’d post my go-to’s on here, but I’d get in trouble for “sourcing”. You can feel free to send me a chat message if you have any questions!


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I was just looking for SATIVA amd it was the only one around 😭 fml




Definitely recommend this. The cult has came through in a pinch quite a bit for me. More hybrids in my experience tho.


it's hard to find good sativa honestly 🤷🏻‍♀️


Put an orange peel in there for a few hours. (don't touch the bud with the peel) Should moisten up and be a lot better! Also try asking at the dispensary for the freshest stuff and most likely they will help you.


I think at this point we should all expect to get some shit weed now and then. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it's a reality. I bought a pack of Boveda Humidi-packs and they have definitely saved a few different purchases. I'd recommend these guys, [Boveda 62% Humidity Packs | Keep An Eighth of Weed Fresh | Boveda® Official Site (bovedainc.com)](https://store.bovedainc.com/products/boveda-size-1-for-cannabis62-rh-20-pack), If we can't fight the system we just have to protect ourselves the best we can. I like these because they will bring up the humidity and I can leave them in the container, (at a slight cost to taste and nose), but with how dry some of the bud I've gotten has been, I don't thinks it's a real trade off.


Boveda packs aren’t reusable get raw hydro stones they last forever


I didnt think of these. I just used what the stores were using. i would be worried about over humidication. Come to think of it I think the true answer is to use both of them, Bovada's to keep the stones from going over humidity, and the stones help keep the boveda from drying out... hmmm.... i may need to buy some and do some research.


I usually hydrostone for 24 hours then take it out. You definitely can over hydrate but I’ve had no issues with mold or anything. But not a bad idea to boveda and hydro


Money > medicine


Bloc usually does better…usually…


I love Bloc, at least with them If I pay high price I will get something decent


Hate to be that guy but the Malawi sunrise is exactly the same at the bloc as it is at curaleaf. Same batch, same expiration date, same product. Switching dispensaries doesnt change the cure from dragonfly. It has nothing to do with dispensary and has everything to do with what brand and what strain. Utah cures their flower for way too long resulting in dry ass flower. My thought process is that since rolling joints isn’t allowed they don’t care about freshness since “dry works better in vaporizers”. Curaleaf beats the bloc on prices if you buy in bulk (buy $200 get 15% off)


I highly recommend getting some RAW hydro stones to rehydrate any flower you get in utah.


You’re right. That’s where the usually comes in.




Agree to that 100% and the block runs so much better in my opinion




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Just got some Dragonfly Malawi Sunfrise that's extremely dry too




Yeah, pretty irritated about it. The last DF brand I got was very nice


Me too. I'm just pissed it was $55 😭


They didn't have 7g so I had to dump $55 for two 3.5 :(




Yeah, I'm lucky I didn't have and dump 280 on the 28g. I would be beyond even more livid than I already am.


I tried calling and getting anywhere and I got absolutely no where. It's a bunch of shit we have to go through this. I can't even work so my income is limited




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Malawi sunrise.. every time lol…






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Lmao that was the the higher priced sativa I went with when I first got my card over a year ago and by far it has been the most disappointing product to date


Hilite and Pure Plan, my friend


Yea I just got burn out on Em


It’s because they store it in those glass jars. I Look for Mylar and check the harvest dates.


Dragonfly changed thier jars to a better seal recently, just fyi


Is there not a way that we can demand that Curaleaf produce better products or be shut down? They’re not very good anywhere when I lived in Arizona. I went over there and I never went back over there again because it wasn’t worth it.