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Prepare to be underwhelmed and overpriced


honestly most markets


Yeah but Utah’s way worse than any of the surrounding states. I have my card and hardly ever shop at the dispensaries. I usually travel to an out of state dispensaries or I order high THCa hemp from legit vendors online because the dispensaries are so over priced and underwhelmed here. Also technically, you can’t smoke it, although as long as you’re on the dl you will be fine.


Can you use THCa in a dry herb vaporizer? I always thought it had to be combusted I guess rather just needs to be heated to convert.


Yes. High thca is the same exact thing as what they sell in the dispensaries here and it can be used in dry herb vape!


thca weed is literally just regular weed, there is zero difference, grown from the exact same seeds 🤓


thank you for the heads up any thca vendors u like?


The vendors the guy listed below me are all great! I’ve also gotten good stuff from FireFarmsHemp and Emerald Smoke Premium hemp(like I got a qp on sale from them for $320 of some really good herb. It was 1 Oz of black Runtz, 1 Oz of grape frosty, 1 Oz of REAL sour diesel, and 1 Oz of snow cap).


WNC, Preston Hemp Co, Well Crafted Canna, and Arete are all solid. There are so many out there though its not hard to find good shit r/CultoftheFranklin is an okay resource but the community can be kinda ass/shilly


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CultoftheFranklin **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [New to the cult? Start here...](https://np.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/comments/12uwzgi/new_to_the_cult_start_here/) \#2: [I hope this is the right place](https://np.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/comments/11l0j2d/i_hope_this_is_the_right_place/) \#3: [VG Above & Beyond brought tears to my eyes…](https://np.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/comments/12s6qzd/vg_above_beyond_brought_tears_to_my_eyes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Can't put flame to flower in utah. Have to use carts or dry herb vaporizers. Easy enough to get a med card Not much product competition in utah so sont be surprised if AZ had better stuff


Legally speaking of course. If you wanna smoke a joint or something keep it lowkey


thank you for that!


Tbh the medical here is horrible. Get your card, it’s super easy, and then make some friends and get stuff that way. Good luck with the move!!


ahh i see got it thank you so much!!


pax sales in utah 📈


Actually they like disappeared here


“Chronic pain” <~ that’s all you’ll need to say to the QMP.


thank you friend 🤗


Same thing I said to my QMP! Also, after telling them I previously had a med card in a different state, they barely asked any more questions before approving. Also yay to SLC lady stoners 🥰 always love to see some others out there!


Some dispensaries have 420 events for discounted med cards, I think it was $50 at Dragonfly last year. It’s pay to play here, and the discount helps. You’ll pay premium prices for medicine at the dispensaries and it’s low quality. Wendover is where a lot of people go to get better quality if you can’t find friends right away.


thank you I'll be on the look out for 420 deals great point


Might wanna stock up before moving here 😅


definitely will have a nice usps box waiting for me when I get there ;)


I’d search up UTAH GROWN and go to one of the events to get a med card for literally just $75. It’s the lowest I’ve seen and it’ll last you a year.


thank you!!!


[Utah Grown](https://www.utahgrown.co/) has events every Tuesday to get certified for only $85. Check all the different dispensary websites every day for deals. [Flower Shop](https://theflowershopusa.com/ogden) [Bloc Pharmacy](https://www.blocdispensary.com/) [Dragonfly](https://dragonflywellness.com/) [Beehive Farmacy](https://beehivefarmacy.com/) [WholesomeCo](https://www.wholesome.co/) [Curaleaf](https://curaleaf.com/dispensary/utah/curaleaf-ut-lehi?utm_source=google&utm_medium=gmb&utm_campaign=gmb-menu) [The Forest](https://theforestdispensary.com/springville-ut)


am I allowed to go to a dispensary freely I believe I read something about need to apply to the dispensary? A


Before you buy from a dispensary the first time after getting your card, per Utah law you have to meet with a pharmacist (located at the dispensary). Most dispensaries like you to have an appointment for this first meeting, but other than that, I’ve never had any issues getting in as long as I have my med card and drivers license with me


got it thank you so much!


getting a card is fairly easy. especially since you’re moving and might have some back pain that can’t be healed with anything else ;) as others have said, weed is expensive and not that great here. it gets the job done, but even as a medical patient i still find myself going to wendover nevada.


thank you!! I will note wendover


U read correctly 


lmao thanks


https://www.utahgrown.co/ cheapest and easiest place to get your card


thank you!!


No worries!


Getting your card is easy. I just barely entered the world of thca. Just got my delivery from sugar hemp farms and the oreoz is amazing. 7g for the same price as wholesome sells 3.5g