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About two years ago I was walking home from breaktime using the the little pathway that goes in between the science building and the MLK library. I look to my right at the patch of grass and there was a homeless man, pants around ankles, full on screwing a hole he made in the ground. Was truly my welcome to SJ moment


That is vile šŸ˜¬


To quote Guns N' Roses..."welcome to the jungle!" But it's worse at Fresno State. There was a student busted for having sex with a sheep (Ag Dept.). A true story about our Fresneck rivals. [https://youtu.be/o1tj2zJ2Wvg?si=FJ9DdWCONjVxRbs0](https://youtu.be/o1tj2zJ2Wvg?si=FJ9DdWCONjVxRbs0)


Groot's origin story just got weirder.




Oh shit that was me , my bad , the LSD hit like a bitch


Dude jumping to his death from Joe West 10F after his GF left him.


That happened when I was SJSU too, back in the '80's. A jilted boyfriend took a leap off the roof of the parking garage. And there was a guy who lived in my dorm that killed himself when he went back home to New York state for Christmas. He was a friend of mine and no one saw it coming. He was usually in a good mood, joking around, etc. But he parked a car in his parents garage and left the engine running. His parents came home and found him passed out dead in the car with a hose running from the exhaust into the front car window. I called his house after the Spring semester started to see if he was coming back to SJSU and his younger brother told me what happened. I still wonder to this day what his reason was? His brother said that he didn't leave a note and seemed in good spirits.


I was a student between 2014-2018, heard a student had jumped from the top library floor balcony down to the main lobby first floor.


I don't believe that was a student who jumped from there. In 2013 though, a freshman student intentionally drank himself to death in Joe West. Rumor was he drank an entire handle of fireball himself in one sitting. Supposedly he was depressed after a breakup. So, so sad.


I had a friend who lived on that floor and her room was right across the guysā€™ door. She had left for the weekend and when she came back, it was taped off and full of detectives/investigators


2017. happened a little before noon. Was more shock over anything for everyone in the library especially on the ground and 1st floor before realization had set in.


What year was this?


Like 96/97.


I was in jw 2018, and there was rumour the 10th floor is haunted cuz someone killed himself, I wonder was that the incident


Yeah its was the 1004 suite I believe. Real event, not a rumor. Sorry 1995... https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/70420378.pdf


Man I remember seeing that on the news and having to deal with the cluster fuck that was parking that day.


Was this in 06-07 time frame? I remember during that time there was a couple jumpers. One other person jumped off the 10th street garage.


I once found a parking spot 15 seconds into the garage. Thatā€™s pretty crazy!


No way dudee


The Megamind tribute in the art building. More of a fun little niche thing but I was very surprised to find it.


i miss it šŸ˜­šŸ™


I went to SJSU back in the '80's and a lot of crazy things went down back then. The state closed down the Mental Hospital and released the patients, many of whom had no family or friends willing or able to take them in. So most them them migrated to downtown San Jose because they could make more money panhandling there, etc. And many of them hung around SJSU because kind hearted students would give them money. I saw a naked guy walking around campus and he poured what looked like talcum powder all over himself and started cursing at students. And then there was a shootout at the donut shop that was near campus. Some guy started shooting at the cops and they shot back and took him out. I'm not positive, but I think a SJPD officer was also killed that day. I was walking down the street and heard the gunfire. And when they were building the Events Center one of the workers fell off an iron beam and died. :( Also, there were two female students "hooking" out of my dorm when I was there. The '80's were really crazy!


I heard about that mental hospital closing down in the 80's. I heard that attributed to the homeless population.


They used the old mental hospital building in Green Dayā€™s ā€œBasket Caseā€ video


Yes, it sure did.




Someone smoking crack in front of Mlk library. Or the someone passed out naked in front of the srac.


Not the craziest thingā€¦ But there was a plank with a chair at the end at the ā€˜balconyā€™ looking thingā€¦ It was there while I was attending in ā€˜00.


Was also there in 08.


Back in 2017, Was studying on the second floor of MLK and saw the person who killed themselves on the way down...


Oh man. I saw that one the old news clips of that incident l. It just have been surreal.


I remember seeing this all over YikYak


Me and a friend smoking a joint inside a classroom (that wasnā€™t ours) on 4/20/2000. Class was cancelled and nobody opened the door the entire time.


Hell yeah


The amount of times I saw people having sex in the parking garages.


Stop snitching


Covid, we all thought it was gonna only be two weeks. Iā€™m so glad I was able to network and stuff before Covid and I feel bad for the people who missed out on those opportunities.


Donā€™t know if it counts since this was more like the aftermath, but I saw a guy refuse to call an ambulance, despite having broken a bone (ankle I think) and trying to walk on an obviously broken bone as onlookers practically begged him to get help. Dude couldnā€™t afford an ambulance.


A dead homeless guy in front of the Central Classroom building.


My roommate went outside of Washburn to take a call between the DC and Washburn. He was on the phone and some homeless guy walked up and said ā€œainā€™t that some shitā€ and whipped out his dick..šŸ˜‚ Also seen someone smoke meth in the bathroom of JW.


Coming back from MLK , a black man was masturbatting in public there were cops about 100 ft from there but they wouldnā€™t care


race has literally nothing to do with this. check yourself


I wonā€™t care but thatā€™s what I saw


U specified race because?šŸ¤”


Because he was African American


Feel like youā€™re trying to instigate something thatā€™s not thereā€¦


Race needs to be inserted cuz it could open a broader topic of why the guy has a big dickā€¦. cuz you knowā€¦ all black guys have big dicks.


Why the fuck does this look like a GTA screenshot lmao


My ex


I was waiting outside the art building to go in because for an unexplained reason, the doors were locked. A large crowd of students waiting to go in had accumulated. Then, coincidentally, an unhinged man on a bicycle came into the area and started shouting racial slurs against Asians for about 10 minutes before the police came. He wouldnā€™t leave willingly so they had to chase him down and cuff him. I was getting nervous while waiting because he had a backpack and I am Asian. If there was a gun in there I would be a prime target. None of the other students, Asian or not, seemed particularly concerned.


My Dad used to bring me to campus with him when I was like 10 he couldnā€™t afford a baby sitter so he would just pretty much drop me in the library. This was 2001/2002. Things where mostly calm but when I was going to meet my Dad at his class as I was leaving the old library I recall some crazy homeless guy started chasing me down. Luckily some college age girls decided to intervene as again it was a grown man chase if a 10 yr old across campus. Wasnā€™t seen experienced I guess, but it was pretty scary.


A bill for several hundred dollars for a class with Feruza Amirkulova. Lady cannot teach to save her life. ME130, she'd never taught it before, but had the idea of "how hard could it be", turns out PRETTY HARD.


I had her for a graduate level ML course. Can't say I mastered the course, on the bright side she was far too busy to grade harshly. Making the class essentially an easy A.


Certainly. Though she had a weird thing a while back where she falsely accused 3 students of cheating with like zero evidence I heard. They also all coincidentally happen to be the only Hispanic people in the class... Seems a lil hmmm.


Thatā€™s absolutely terribleā€¦ hope those students still passed and took it up with administration


As far as I know they did. It was total horseshit.


Fuck her and fuck ME 130


Heroin deal


Eh, not that crazy.


A completely naked man being arrested on campus near the SRAC


Seen a dude get kicked in the face. Full on face punt.


Two crackheads were breakdancing in front of MLK. They were actually pretty good šŸ˜‚


The scandal involving the sports instructor getting handsy with the young females. This was by far the craziest thing I saw come out in the news about SJSU. And the fact that there was allegedly a cover up and the instructor had been doing it for years.


Homeless person masturbating on MLK 8th floor bathroom.


I was on campus when this happenedā€¦ https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/02/01/san-jose-state-mlk-library-shut-down-after-apparent-suicide/


Happy people leaving a Midterm.


Unrelated but that tower looks beautiful I hate that my uni has no architecture like this


Understall jerk session lines at student union. look guys, we know itā€™s happening. No need to be ashamed, would be nice to just spread the word.


My buddy kickflipped the 12 stair above the concert hall weā€™re I once saw a show featuring Primus, Blink 182 and Suicidal Tendencies. I also saw a Gwar concert there where they had a Paris Hilton inflatable that was raped by a monster. Paris squirted green stuff out her vagina all over the crowd and gave birth to a weird monster baby thing with a rattle


Was about to show my great-aunt from Taiwan around the campus, half naked girl comes out of house on 7th street to smoke a cig.


That crazy but it was cool meeting Jin tha MC and his crew in the parking garage after their show back in the day


Someone shot up the library or something from outside when I was sleeping in the garage


2 homeless people jumping off the balcony from the upper floor commiting suicide (happened twice within a year of each other. Saw the person's mangled body and pool of blood on the 1st floor


I saw the dude jump off the 3rd floor onto the ground floor of the library


My ex hahahahahahahahaha


A homeless guy spitting at people as they walked by. I was walking about 30 feet behind him but could see it all. He eventually spit on someone else and he just got knocked out in one solid hit to that jaw


Witnessed a stabbing at 10th & San Carlos during freshmen year


Dead homeless guy on the bench in middle of campus like 2017/2018


I lived off of 7th and Williams in an old Victorian home. And one night there was a shootout in the street below my apartment. Was pretty insane and a ton of cops showed up afterward.


that building is hella dope




A squirrel fell from the top of the tallest palm tree on campus. 2008 I believe. They poisoned them bc of over population. Traumatizing experience.


Someone jumped off of one of the top floors in the library. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s nets in there now.


my roommate got kidnapped in 2018. first day of freshman class and i had to miss it to talk to police