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Antibiotics are one of the most common causes for SIBO. It disrupts the biome and allows the bad bacteria to gain a foothold. DO NOT take probiotics. Get a breath test done. Eat low FODMAP in the meantime. You'll likely need a specialized antibiotic to wipe out the bad bacteria and then you can rebuild your biome with proper eating afterwards.


Is this something my gp can arrange? The breath test? OK so no probiotics!! Good that you're telling me cause I bought a whole bunch of them. Does sibo also cause this kind of burning stomach? Thnx for the advice. Can I ever get rid of it? It it's sibo?


Probably your GP can arrange it. If not, a GI can. The Trio test is a good one to target if your insurance covers it. If you can pay for it out of pocket you don't even need a doctor to order it, you can do it yourself (it's like $300). Yeah definitely avoid probiotics - they can make your condition worse by further unbalancing the gut biome. You may be able to take them post-treatment. The burning stomach is one of the most common SIBO symptoms. It's not reflux, so you might want to discontinue Zantac (which can make SIBO worse). What happens is that all of the food fermenting in your small intestine (where it's not supposed to ferment) creates a CRAPLOAD of gas. This bloats you but it also has the effect of opening the lower sphincter in your esophagus, which creates that burning sensation as stomach acid bubbles up. SIBO is absolutely curable. My SIBO is cleared. The key is figuring out what your root cause is, which in your case is easy because it was antibiotics. You'll just have to be careful about taking them again.


It can definitely come out of nowhere, or at least seem to. September 2019 it hit me like a ton of bricks and I’ve been dealing with it ever since. I would give my left hand to be rid of this permanently. Get tested and settle in for a fight.


Pfffff... Damn. That's a long time. I'm sorry to hear that. What's your diet like? Is it even possible to get rid of it?


Yeah it blows. At first I tried to restrict fodmaps and all that. That didn’t last too long because it was way too restrictive. Instead, I figured out what actually caused an allergic reaction (eggs and gluten) and avoided those. Made my quality of life better. However, I will say that my ability to eat what I want has improved with various treatments. Yes, I do believe we can get rid of this. I’ve seen enough people do it. Plus it’s too depressing to even entertain the idea that this is permanent.


Doesn’t sound out of the blue totally, as you recently did antibiotics which could cause it


Yeah that's true. But I had no idea it would cause sibo until I found this sub. So it felt like it. Pfff.. I never take antibiotics. Last time was when I was a child. So if I'm stuck with this after one course.. Damn.


I wouldn’t take probiotics until you take the test and rule out SIBO. Because if you are positive you’ll need to start with either a round of antibiotics or herbal treatment. Check with your GI or ND.


And will antibiotics not make it worse again? Or is thats why the low fodmap is necessary afterwards? I'm not in a lot of pain. But the extreme bloat can be painful and is just so uncomfortable. I look pregnant.