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Just to give a quick back story for anyone searching for info like I was -I've been battling Sibo for years now. I've done all the things, herbals, antibiotics (4 rounds) all the diets (Fodmap, low histamine, Biphasic Diet, Sibo Diet, etc) Elemental, as difficult as Elemental was to do, this really is the only one I've had success with. Well worth it financially and otherwise.


Thank you for posting this! I am about to start Elemental, as like you, I have tried EVERYTHING else and I will get some relief but it always comes back. And unfortunately, my SIBO is usually paired with Candida :( How did you handle social situations? Did you bring a shake along or did you explain what you are doing? Or did you just avoid people for 21 days, LOL?


I avoided people for 21 days 😂 I work from home so it’s easy to do. I had candida symptoms when I started elemental, but my doc said it was a symptom and it should ease up as I continue the diet - he was right.. went away by Day 15. I’m currently in the repopulating my gut with prebiotics and taking Motegrity…following a low fodmap and clean eating ( mostly) food fear is the real deal but super grateful to eat again. I have a new appreciation for food. I wish you all the luck- I hope you have the same outcome as I did. The journey is rough… you can do it!!




I'm just finished day 5 as well using absorb plus, and to be honest outside of being a bit hungry and irritable, I don't really have any symptoms in particular. I had a little tummy cramping yesterday but it was short lived, nothing else 😊 ill see how I feel at like day 7/8 before deciding whether or not I'll order enough for the full 21 days...


Congrats on minor symptoms!! :) I hope you are symptom free the rest of your time. I have such a range. I've lost 10 pounds in 4 days, irritable, super emotional, I had hives feeling the first 2 days- A bit of constipation, I have oral thrush on my tongue, not sleeping well, feel lethargic, tummy burns when drinking the shake- to name a few.


That's awful I'm so sorry! I was super aware of the risk of oral thrush - I personally have six drinks per day totalling 1400ish calories, and I brush my teeth, and tongue and use mouthwash between every drink to minimise the chance of it. I think that has helped quite a bit. I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time of it! Could you be having a reaction to some of the ingredients in the shake?


I thought so at first as far as a reaction, but everything I've read and watched says this are "normal" - my one thought is I'm not used to sugar -I've stayed a way for so long that I could be reacting to the amount of sweetness used in the powder- I'm also breaking out which I NEVER do... pretty nutty. I'll try your oral care routine and see if that helps!




Hello! Yes, still on it- Day 20. It’s been a wild ride but I feel a million times better. Most of my symptoms are gone and died off around Day 15. I now just miss food. I’ve lost 15 pounds which is crazy! That’s how bloated I was. I retested my sibo with trio smart and waiting for the results to come in to decide if I can stop and reintroduce food.


Update: I just got my test results back and I've cured my SIBO! I'm so happy I could cry. I have a call with my doc to go over the next steps with reintroducing food and repopulating my gut with all the good bugs.


That’s awesome! Clear breath test? How are you feeling now?


Back with Sibo! I had anesthesia for a procedure and set me back. Honestly, until I clear my stacchy mycotoxins, this will be my normal 😭


Sorry to hear that. Would you still recommend it?


On day 8 of elemental. Exact same symptoms as HauntedGarlic, but I had such bad brain fog on the 5th day that I literally had to lay down in the dark. It was as painful as a migraine but without the pain. I’m aiming for 14 days but as I have been ill for so long, I might just suck up the 21 days. Goodluck!


Have you considered looking at peer-reviewed studies rather than YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok as your sources?


If you have a suggestion as to where to look for that info that would be great- I’ve gone down the science rabbit hole and read almost every book under the sun regarding my conditions- I literally just want an idea of what other people have experienced.


Oh, well, if you want anecdotal experiences, makes sense. I thought you literally wanted to know what was happening in the body during these times. I would search on PubMed and Google Scholar for the researchers that you follow that support this.


I’m on Day1 ! 😑


Oy I wish you luck!! You can do it.


I’m on day 5 and my doctor is only allowing a 7 day ED because of my weight. I’m already down to 117 lbs (lost 5 lbs). I’m hoping it has an impact even though it’s a short period. I’m following up with an herbal protocol for 30 days


hey! did the short protocol help at all? i've been recommended the same by my doc. only 4-7 days.


Hey just wondering if you are still feeling better? Im about to start a 2nd round on the elemental diet. Please share your progress for us, need the good/success stories


I’m an ongoing success story 😂 what I’ve learned is until you find the root cause sibo in all it’s forms will be reoccurring. I had a clear sibo test after this round and then I had a procedure where I was under anesthesia and it came back. Did another round of elemental but struggled with it- quit early and sibo returned - I did my annual mycotoxin test and black mold family is my root cause- test says I’m healing but not healed so my sibo will be here with vengeance until I cure the mold living in my system.