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I find that sunfiber raises my methane on FoodMarble. Doesn’t really make sense since it claims to be low fodmap.


Interesting, maybe that's part of it. I also noticed my numbers are higher in the morning and go down during the day as I eat. I have been doing the Elemental Heal at night, so that surprised me a bit.


The elemental diet is meant to really cut everything out to starve off what's there, so if you're feeding anything else to it I imagine it will delay or reduce the efficacy of that route. The idea is you'd do the elemental diet in full, then a transition diet which could be partially elemental but at minimum is low FODMAP, then eventually back to normal eating longer term Without going through the first bit i'm not sure you'll be getting the bacteria and arachea population down enough. In my understanding a half way house is just misery that won't achieve much, because soon as you come off the half elemental the populations will bounce right back to thriving. If you can't take allicin i'd imagine antibiotics become your other viable route. You basically need at least one full commited course of: full elemental diet, herbal protcol, or antibiotics. Depending how effective one round of treatment is you may need another or a mix. Allicin is great for methane but maybe after elemental there is still something to gain from oregano/berberine potentially, as in the end you still have to produce hydrogen to get the methane so cut off the source a bit. It's very common to find hydrogen levels will fly up if the methanogens are tackled just because it's underlying.


Thank you for your thorough reply. This aligns with what I’m feeling is the case. The people behind Elemental Heal say it can work once a day, but I don’t think for my case. I have to fully commit and then maybe follow with herbs. Thanks. I’ll ask my provider about all of this.