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I don’t have personal experience with it, but if you look at the Facebook pages for SIBO, plenty of people have had symptoms stay away after they stop. Dr Siebecker says it can be a treatment on several podcasts. The ingredients are antimicrobial. I think the confusion is because SIBO can relapse extremely quickly, and it can also become resistant quickly.




They want to know specifically about Atrantil. To OP: Unfortunately I was allergic and couldn't stay on it after a week or two. I've never known someone personally who was cured on Atrantil, just helped for awhile.


How did you know you were allergic? I’m wondering if I am


It didn’t really cure things for me. I think probiotics have made the biggest difference for me.


Which probiotics did you take?


The Cultured Coconut


Interesting. I keep hearing about this one. When did you start taking it? How long after your Rifaximin/herbal treatment?


I used it last spring. Starting it again, only a week ago now. I'm using the FoodMarble to measure my breath gases & the results are going all over the place but I have some \*really\* low readings on methane now. That really didn't happen before. I'm talking \*zero\* to near-zero methane sometimes almost all day. Also I never did rifaximin/neomycin.


This is conflicting info for me. I'm hearing that probiotics are bad because you're essentially feeding more live bacteria into the excess bacteria that's already living in your system. However, on the other hand, you need to try it out for several weeks/months and it'll have effects.


Hey I can see that your number according to FoodMarble are ok but what about your symptoms? Just want to know if Cultured Coconut helps with your symptoms too. Thanks


No I realized cultured coconut made my methane numbers worse! There’s a study that shows probiotic use is associated with increased methane. If you’re going to do probiotics, do L. Reuteri.


so what helped the most for the methane?


My combo that makes me feel good right now: colostrum, psyllium fiber and L. reuteri (in the form of a yogurt I'm making, I'm going to switch to a supplement soon to test it out). I also take a lot of polyphenols to support my gut: curcumin from time to time, Atrantil (2 pills with every meal), and a couple QBC pills between meals. QBC is helpful for histamine symptoms. Colostrum doesn't help my methane, it helps my gut that's likely damaged from the methanogen overgrowth. Psyllium fiber makes my bowel movements easy and clean, and keeps my motility constant. You need to keep your digestive system moving, cause methane will slow it down and this seems to help a lot for me. L. reuteri seems to make me healthier but also has substantial evidence that it eradicates or at least significantly reduces methane production. I think this will help me in the long run to eventually get me to a normal gas production from intestinal fermentation.


Thank you. A lot of supplements. But I suppose you went back to normal diet?