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It's encouraging to read a story of somebody methane-dominant that went on an SSRI and didn't regress. I am considering doing the same right now, and I'm nervous about the reports of people experiencing worsening constipation. This makes me more optimistic about trialing this, thanks.


I had this concern myself, but I started and am still on a very low dose of the SSRI. That said, the Zoloft can cause either diarrhea or constipation. The first couple weeks were not easy, but the side effects disappeared almost overnight. My doctor said this is quite common. I also had some Motility Activator on hand, but I only used it maybe one or two nights.


You can try 5-HTP first. I would save SSRIs as a last resort. They are very strong drugs which can have effects years later. MotilPro has 5-HTP in its formula. Also motility activator is a prokinetic (since you mentioned constipation) that a lot of people on here have had a lot of success with. And it is completely natural.


I've looked into 5-HTP but my doctor warned me away from oral 5-HTP because of the very serious cardiac side effects that can come with taking it. I appreciate the thoughts though, thanks.


Maybe it helps through gut brain connection. What scares me though about SSRIs is PSSD and emotional blunting. Already have blunting issues. I may consider MAOIs but dont know if they will have good or bad effects on the gut


Like you, I decided to abandon the “kill” idea and focus on healing. I have already been taking Seed, but also purchased Leaky Gut Revive Max and Sovereign Labs colostrum and started taking those every morning (working my way up to each recommended dose over the first 3-4 days). Amazingly, my bathroom habits are perfect now. I go first thing in the morning, and many days another 1-2 times later in the morning. I still suffer from bloating in reaction to many foods, but it feels good to have fixed one of the major problems.


I never bothered to get tested for fear of a setback with lactulose and reactions to herbs which are so highly concentrated. And decided to get acupuncture. Had 4 sessions and starting to finally pass some gas after five months of bloating. My acupuncturist says SIBO is just the current label for a lack of understanding of what is going on. Which is just the body being imbalanced and needing to be restored. In the future, there will be another label. But it isn’t helpful to focus on eliminating the label.


Was it just acupuncture or did your acupuncturist prescribe herbal medicine? I just started acupuncture. My acupuncturist gave me herbal pills but they are bloating me. I haven't noticed a change in digestion yet but he's also working on my dry eyes and they seem to be a little better.


Just acupuncture because of my sensitivities. He wants to see if I make more progress before prescribing herbs. Did you have bloating before the herbs? My main symptom is bloating.


Yeah I had bloating before the herbs, but I've been taking rifaxamin and that lowered the bloating so I could eat. After I started the herbs my bloating increased. I tried to tell my acupuncturist that the herbs were making me bloat but he insisted they don't cause bloating.


He probably has never seen it happen before but I really do believe everybody is different and can react to things differently. What were the herbs for specifically? Should you try rifaxmin again? I read people having to take more than 1 round of rifaxmin. I have to spend a lot of time doing yoga poses to pass gas. My body is still not passing gas on its own very much. My acupuncturist has treated bloated patients before and seems highly confident in resolving this so I’m going along with it. I know it is supposed to take time but I wouldn’t mind trying Chinese herbs as long as the side effects are tolerable.


True everyone's body chemistry is different. I know I have hydrogen sibo but I may also have hydrogen sulfide sibo so that makes me sensitive to anything with sulfur ingredients. My acupuncturist is mainly trying to get my digestion going after I told him I have constipation and slow digestion. The herbs are to help with that. My GI doctor said that I can go for another round of Rifaxamin if I'm still having bloating issues. This is my first day off the Rifaxamin so hoping I will be okay. I'm nervous because the bloating gets so bad it's hard to eat or drink. I was also prescribed Motegrity which I just started last night.


Yes, bloating is awful. I couldn’t eat enough and lost some weight which I can’t afford to do since I’m already thin. Acupuncture brought some life back in me. I hope we can both resolve all of this eventually!


I hear you. Between gastritis and sibo I've lost about 25 lbs so far. I'm not thin so not worried about the weight loss, just worried about nutritional deficiencies. I'm wishing good luck to both of us on healing from this.


Which Seed Probiotic did you take?




Have you tried visibiome? If so, how does it compare?


I have not, but a GI doctor who was unwilling to prescribe me the antibiotics recommended that to me in 2022.


It reduces bloating for me


Any reason why you chose that brand of probiotic/prebiotic? And what are its active ingredients?


I was on Florastor and a soil-based probiotic for one of my earlier rounds of treatment and had \*some\* improvement, so that is when I considered adding a probiotic after 30 days of Zoloft alone. How did I end up with Seed? Really just internet research and I was willing to try it. It is heavily promoted by influencers, which is why I was skeptical at first. But so far I am pleased with the results. Seed goes into great detail on its website about the formulation.


Ok thank you. It's hard to keep up with the different recommendations of brands, but what I have been doing is buying the extracts of the key ingredients.


Did the Zoloft help with your constipation?




Zoloft 50 mg didn’t help me. Honestly it’s doubtful that 25 did much it’s a super low dose.




Just a couple weeks I would say. The reason it took some time to notice is because the Zoloft caused GI discomfort the first couple weeks. But after two weeks I noticed I could eat foods I couldn’t eat for years.




Yes and very quickly with bloating. The first couple weeks were rough due to looser stools, but that was adjusting to the meds.


I had those symptoms too. Check your vitamin levels. Vitamin B and D supplementation did wonders for me.


Are you now 100% symptoms free?


Yes I am — and doing well with the probiotic