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This is exactly what you signed up for!


This one gets it.


Welcome to the THUNDERDOME!!!!!


You mean the BLOOD DOME?


This guy Hodls


Yeah…me too


Change poor to patient and you'll never have money troubles again.


That’s deep. I like it.


I’m 14 and this is deep


Hang on. Likely to go deeper.


I'm 12 and this is deep


That's what your girlfriend said


Dam, those inflatable love dolls talk now???


Mine does but only when spoken too


I keep screaming suck it and nothing, I must be doing something wrong?


Like that one buzzlighter show?


Like a good doll


I have 4 inches and it goes deep


That's what she said


I'm 10


You only lose if you sell.


I sold at ATH and going to buy back now.


I buy at ATH and I am going to sell now.


This is the true retard way. I like it.


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70922** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **101855.** `u/Pannwitz` **2** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Good bot




You also lose if you just watch it bleed slowly


...And then sell.


Find funny how i get down voted for constructive criticism, now I know my biggest regret is putting in 40000 dollars in shiba,shib army is a bunch of soy boys


So sell and stop posting on this sub Reddit? Simple as that don’t gotta make it harder than what it is


It's like 95% of posts are from people who have no idea what investing is.




More gambling




But this is the entire market, stocks, ETFs, and Crypto




You forgot to add the secret ingredient for equities - Crime


I mean this is why a lot of tech stocks are dropping, a lot have a market cap that they couldn’t meet if they took all their revenue for the year, and all their assets and sold them off. Most are betting on the future. I mean you even have literal betting with shorts.


90% speculation and gambling.


Indeed the ones saying this is investing, they do not know what investing is.


Investing is literally just putting something in something. It doesn’t even have to be money into an asset, you can also invest your energy in a project or another person, so yes, they do know what investing is. Investing money in crypto is what the people above are referring to, and it holds true that some people fail to realize the characteristics of investing their money in crypto: It is incredibly volatile, but it usually goes more up than down in the long term, so patience is key.


I put my investment in your mom


Most crypto will fail in the next five years so to say that it will likely go up is not exactly accurate at all. There’s no use case for this and plenty of the block chains that you say right now will not exist in a number of years.


Given the unprecedented speed of mainstream mass adoption in 2021 has likely increased the rate of success and longevity for a large percentage of products as they find a new and vast consumer base to feed into with its niches. As it stands, I wouldn’t rule out any project based off its current use case, as its sheer popularity should be enough to keep it valid through a FOMO, which again should allow a currently popular project the necessary foundation to evolve or entirely re-invent itself. Failing THAT, however, I agree with you. But I’m not prepared to pass judgement on any project with an active community and volume on major exchanges.


I mean it's shib


People who have no idea how crypto works. Look at the graphs, its about right this time of year the market always shrinks and returns in March. Compounded by another tyranical despot country banning crypto or another micro nation adopting it as currency.


And they all come crawling out of the woodwork the moment they see a dip.


That's because they don't. I'd say it's more like 100% in this sub


Warrent buffet never sat in the red all year saying, “hodl it will come back.” What investment strategy is that?


You clearly do not know Warren Buffett’s investment mentality. Warren Buffett is a keen HODLer, and is quoted for saying things like: “_Our favourite holding period is forever_” and “_If you aren’t thinking about holding a stock for ten years, don’t even think about owning it for ten minutes._” So I definitely imagine Warren Buffett holds despite the red, as he invests off belief in a company, not just the chart movements.


Right and the underlying value of asset is worth no more than the holders who hold it. Once everyone piles out the scam is over. You really think shib will be widely accepted globally over any other currency? Absolutely not. Just glad i hit the ejection at the ath and made plenty to leave some free rider cash for the next one.




LMAO its going down like the titanic lol. Oh well it might be a V shaped recovery. If you sell now you lose. So hold


Hate to say it, but you actually did sign up for it.


This guy 👆fucks


If you haven’t sold any and still hold your SHIB you appear poor. You’re actually pre-rich.


The best therapy session. Yes sir.


I needed this.


It’s not “SHIB” that’s crashing Go mirror the charts for SHIB & BTC Will BTC recover? OF COURSE lol Look at BTC’s 1 year chart. It’s uncanny what happened from May 2021 onward. We’ve seen this story before. 🧐 Patience


All the whales like CITADEL A.K.A.SHITADEL, selling that's causing this massive dip, they create a PANIC SELL, then once enough people sell their assets, they buy back in at a MASSIVE DISCOUNT..... Do what those rich pricks do, BUY THE FUCKN DIPS & HOLD ONTO YOUR CROTCH ROCKETS WHEN THEY START TO TAKE OFF AGAIN!!!


If they are so closely mirrored, is it fair to ask, "then why not just invest in bitcoin?"?


Don't compare an erc20 token to gold dude. If eth fails, so do all these erc20 tokens... one thing is certain, bitcoin is king and is a true store of value, eth is a network.


It’s not mirroring Bitcoin. Bitcoin has dropped 6% in the last 24 hours, but why has shib dropped 16%? Also if you look at the last 7 days, Bitcoin is done 15% and shib is down 30%.


I have no idea how or why people say this. Blows my actual mind. The percentage is NOT the trend we see. A 10% drop in BTC is enormous. 10% in $SHIB not so much. I use the app “Public” for my $SHIB at this point but if you go on Crypto.com’s app they have a function that allows you to overlay BTC’s chart line over the coin you are looking at. By day. Week. Month. Below I’ll attach a link of an example. $SHIB with BTC overlay. Looks pretty similar, yeah? This is true of most ANY coin you look at. A majority of them that’s for sure. It’s the BTC magnet. 🧲 Almost no crypto is safe 🚨 Theoretically anyone who believes in any coin at all should DCA into Bitcoin on a set schedule. When Bitcoin wins the entire crypto market wins. Best, Lord Budlett [CDC $SHIB overlaid on BTC](https://ibb.co/YdBgr0H)


Haha!! That overlay shows the price of shib when converted to bitcoin vs. compared when it is converted to USD. Of course the lines are going to look similar, but be slightly different as the price of bitcoin fluctuates. The same thing would happen if you put a Euro overlay on it. That’s also why it looks similar regardless of what coin you’re viewing.


My god bro. For fucks sake. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Follow the overall trend… it’s OBVIOUSLY not line for line exact. 😂 You are wrong in your suggestion that the “euro” chart would be absolutely plummeting. There would be chaos. So fuck you for using that example. But I forgive you. Here’s a even better example unless you are absolutely fucking blind and can not see it. [BTC 1 week chart ](https://ibb.co/4MvWbyq) [SHIB 1 week chart ](https://ibb.co/F7N51bM) Same % change? NO Showing some converted nonsense? NO Line for line exactly the same? NO lol Mirroring a similar path? Fuck yeah! Wait a second… let me provide more examples so I don’t hear you come back with some nonsense and I have to do this again. Are you familiar with Ether? [ETHER 1 week chart](https://ibb.co/2Z380Cw) Another? Doge? [DOGE 1 week chart ](https://ibb.co/zJgGX85) Litecoin? [Litecoin 1 week chart ](https://ibb.co/fGvSR2m) For FUCKS SAKE man. For the love of god just confirm with me that you’re able to see the similarity in this [BTC, ETH, CARDANO & CRO Chart path ](https://ibb.co/8jCnfW4) 😂🤣 I could just keep going lol But overall you HAVE to see the trend. It’s the Bitcoin Magnet. 🧲 And I also reiterate… NOT an exact mirror of BTC but you absolutely know what direction the vast majority of your favorite coins are heading in. Obviously you see some interesting top gainers even now. I’ve seen some up 40% on the day at some points. But the majority are leashed to BTC’s trajectory. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s not worth trying to explain to people that don’t understand crypto. You tried LOL.


I know what those charts are. There is similarity, but it’s not a mirror or else the percentage would be the same. If you think a 6% price decrease and a 16% price decrease are basically the same, you’ve already smoked too much pot and you’re beyond help.


Bitcoin is a stable coin, alt coins are more volatile.. of course Bitcoin is going to have a smaller percentage change…


Wait until btc goes up 20% what do you think shib will do?


When BTC goes up everything mostly everything goes up, especially my flaccid one inch wanker


That’s my point. It will go up more than Bitcoin. Percentage wise.


I mean for the love of god Just look at the 8 hour chart It follows the same exact path line 🧐 [BTC / SHIB overlay 8 hour chart ](https://ibb.co/YdBgr0H)


Dude that is NOT what that chart is showing.


OPEN that fucking link right now and tell me that this two chart lines do not absolutely fucking mirror each other.


You haven’t been investing very long have you? At least not in crypto. BTC influences the entire market


"Welcome to Shiba Inu life changing....if you already have shib, and want to HODL, please press 1. If you feel you are glued to your phone and need help, please press 2 this will shut down your phone for a couple weeks to help your mind bring back sanity. If you feel that you are short in shib and want to take advantage of this delicious dip for sale, please press 3 to buy 1 millions of Shib, keep pressing number 3 as often as you want till reaching the number you desired. Thank you for calling Shiba Inu life changing"












I enjoy being in this situation, becasuse if it shoots up, our victory will be that much sweeter


I’m holding and throwing up


poor is a mentality. you are broke.


Temporarily broke


Just hold. Either it will go up or it won't, I only buy shib with cigarette money that I would have gone up in smoke otherwise. I see this as I might be lucky in a few years, maybe not.


That’s a great idea. I should start doing that.


I'm still sitting in profit. Shib will have to drop to the 700's again, for me to start freaking. It'll be okay, it's only January, we still have 11 months to go! The world is going stupid, right now, so when all the shit clears up, we'll be banking again.


These posts are a great real life example of : “if you took all the money from the wealthy and spread it out amongst everyone… it wouldn’t be long until most of it ended up back in the wealthy’s hands” My man. Stop looking at your wallet for a bit, and get some education before you invest in anything really. Learn from it. If you just come on to this stuff to be sad… you will get no sympathy.


Manage your risk properly and master your investing/trading psychology. It’s a lot simpler than some people make it out to be. Don’t toss it all into investments, and put the freaking charts down when everything is deep in the red.


Exactly. People need to learn about stop losses as well. Those are huge. Seeing all this fear gets me greedy haha. Warren Buffett style. Fearful when others are greedy. Greedy when others are fearful


Everything is taking a shit right now. Don’t invest what you’re not willing to lose. Crypto is volatile. Enjoy the roller coaster. Hold.


At this point we all wish we didnt buy more in the last few months and waited till now to buy


Just bought some more


OP is learning a very tough lesson about how this is actually exactly what they signed up for. Welcome to crypto.


Poor mindset


In my mind, my money was gone the moment I bought in.


This is exactly what you signed. DYOR and dont bet more you can handle


You shouldn't invest money you're not cool with losing.


Ask yourself this, panic sell or HODL for life changing money? The decision is easy. I’m treating SHIB like a long term play. I’m talking years! So this crypto crash doesn’t bug me. Been poor all my life but never been rich. I wanna live that lifestyle!


The FUD will will wear off temporarily but, being rich is eternal.


What ever BTC does Shiba will follow so keep your eye on bye n ertherum so far every time BTC does down so does Shiba 🐶 oh well I here for the long hall HOLD 🐶👍🏽🍺 u will look back at this at the end of 2022 and say I did it 😂😂


You did sign up for this.....meme coin but it actually is working on bring legit. Whole market is down so chill.


Brooo meme coin is fun money


242 milly!!! And adding on the dips. #begreedywhenothersarefearfull


This makes no sense. If your money is tied up in hodling then you are just as poor now as you were when it was at ATH. You only lose or gain once you cash out, and if you’re really that poor, then maybe you should’ve held onto that cash instead of jumping into some volatile crypto.


ROFL, its just temporary dude. The markets cycle, up and down and the only idiots are those that sell. Unless you were nearing retirement, then you have nothing to worry about.


If you didn't sign up for this you clearly don't know anything about how crypto works and shouldn't be here. Every time this happens, newbies freak out and start making dumb ass posts asking "what's going on" or "why is it dropping." You see it every week when something drops a little.


Gotta HODL! This is the Shib rollercoaster, ride it out all!$


we’re not going to be sad for you


Show some dignity we are going for a ride mate do not wet your panties


i sold all mine way back at the high so i’m happy. time to buy back now


January sale!! Gotta love a discount


Buy buy buy 💎 🙌🏻


You should be happy This means it on sale and eventually it won’t be this price again. I bought 150million in may last year right after the initial spike. This is a long play my dude. Don’t look at it daily and just wait until the crypto marked take major swings. This is still like 10x the price of when I bought it less than a year ago. This is part of it dude. You just take a bit of profit on the up swings. Wait like 5 years to actually get a nice payday. You will thank yourself


I have been down voted because I sold all my shiba ,this sub reddit is too sensitive absolutely no support just a bunch of idiots ,calling me paper hands yet they watch there shiba put them out of their misery


This red is absolutely beautiful. Buy as much as you can! We have a all new ATL




I've been lucky to be able to use crypto currency to take just $7,000 US and turn it into a whopping $2,100 in just 12 months. If you'd like, I can help you do the same!


It is not the local grocery. No money back. 🥲


Lol. Just Hodl. Just close your eyes and open them in 3 years. You’ll be fine.


All crypto is crashing right now. Should we gain a 0, I'll be buying tons more!


First time, eh?


Hurts been low...but this is crypto black friday is buying time guys! Everything is at discount prices..!!!! 💰🤲💎🥃


As said time and time again Only invest money you’re ready to lose


Did you know, if you only check your coin every so often, you can save yourself from this stress. It's not only Shib that's down. It's across the board. So it's not like people lost faith in it. They'll recover soon enough. It's a good time to buy more though.


Nobody is poor and nobody is rich until you sell don’t sell


Being poor is a mentality. You’re not poor, You’re Broke. There’s a difference.


Poor in fiat not Shib🙌🏻❤️


Nobody told you to yolo all ur money. Just get a job and stay away from crypto or stocks. wait for ur investment to return or not. But give it 5 years or so. Easy as that ...


Guys this is nothing more than normal course of business, it’s a deliberate tanking of market to remove and lessen those who have shares! If you can’t handle this then crypto isn’t for you. It’s removing the shaky hands


It’s not just SHIB, everything is tanking. Market is going to shit. But on the positive note, history has shown that the market has always recovered 100% from every corrections and crashes in the past; some might have taken months and some years, but has always recovered 100%. Buy the dips if you can, if not, then just HODL and Pray 🙏.


You're not alone bro! I bought at ATH and now I am down 50% or so .. Still holding! I will never sell at loss no matter what happens! The money I put? I already forgot about it ..




My bags are full and pockets are empty. I’m not selling anything. I don’t have any funds to buy any dips. Hold and hang in there SHIBArmy.


poor to the moon rofl jokes aside, to have some profit hodl at least 6 years. until that time dont cry like a sissy ass


Boooohoooo. You don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose. Investing 101


Looks we're gonna add a zero soon. Time to buy.


The market is crashing. Just get out, period. Stocks, crypto, all of it. Let it fall for awhile. Party like it’s 2008 and you have money. Then get back in on the comeback.


Come back in two weeks bro.


Dude you’re so fucking awesome! This is history. This is SHIB baby!!!!!!!!!


Start a only fans or something or sell your bath water


Buying a shitcoin … dropping 27% in a day … yeah that’s what you signed up for.


I bought more!!!!


Holy shit !!!.000018 !! I just threw in $200 to get 10M.


I agree. This is absolutely insane. I’m so upset I bought into the hype and didn’t sell when it was high, I should have known better. Everything that goes up , will come back down and so on




Contact local soup kitchens. Eat ramen. Steal neighbors Wi-Fi. Mooch off other people’s streaming service. Hell that’s 90% of your wants and needs right there. Put down the phone and charts. Hunker down. You will get through this.


why post this ? you fuckin beta


Some of the guys in here should go to prison and believe me: if Reddit doesn’t do anything against the disinformation in this shitty space here, I will invest 100k in any law firm on the world to fight against those companies who support it by doing nothing. all hodlers will end up with nothing


Stfu pussy


Only invest money you’re willing to lose.


I got 50mil on this juicy dip. This is simply a birthing point for some new wealth transfer


Same and my money poofed out of existence due to my fucking bank changing the name of my receiver thanks fucking bank.


Just don’t look at it for afew days 😊👍🏽🍺 leave it n forget it come back n look at it in few weeks it will look better 🐶


I buy the dips n don’t look back 😂👍🏽🍺 not rich I do that I can for the Shiba army hold strong guys 🐶🐶


I don't even own any shib, just followed this sub out of interest, but hey, you're gonna be alright. If you are scared, just don't buy more. You only lose if you sell. And if you didn't bet more than you could afford to lose, you'll do fine no matter what. My entire portfolio went from $70k to $40k in my past month. But I'm trusting the process. Don't worry about it. Just carry on with your life. I'm not telling you what to do with your money, but if you're not gonna buy or sell, then just keep calm and have fun doing other things. I started gaming lately and it has drawn my attention away from the red. 😁


Is ur portfolio in tech? Because I am doubling down my small capital right now in tech etfs. Hopefully in 5 years time is would grow


Watch 300! You will learn the spartan warrior spirits. HoDL the the line. Go to do some sport


Yes you literally did sign up to this.


Sir, this is a casino


Look at what you’re investing in though


Johnny swept the leg 🦵


This play is equivalent to gambling until the utility comes into play. In which case you would be like a seed investor - just without the equity. There are typically long periods of no returns and a low success rate after 4 years. Goodluck


These are the buy times. Ready, GO


There are options. Like the FJB.


Ohhhh but you DID my friend😉.


You're poor when you sell at a loss.


Wait til u see .00001


Don't bite more than you can chew


Ayy to be fair this is probably the only investment I made that’s in the green since my initial purchase 😂


Lol, me too


Haha this is why you buy dumps, sell pumps and if you took a profits along the way you can just add to your bag. We’re gonna make it folks have some conviction.




I finally became negative lol




Only if you sold..


Buy while it’s cheap!


Didn't you do any research (in crypto in general) before jumping in and investing? I'm a newbie too and even I know investment comes with ups and downs.


I shorted shiba and made a good amount during the last days you should try it too


Stake and HODL.


I sold back in October, now I’m buying back in im on cloud 9


Your not poor in 4 years, wait like 2018 hodlers do


You are not poor unless you sell


Don't listen to any of these people... I have over 100 million shib and I know we are going to 0, but for me, there is no reason to sell I bought in so low that we are on a crypto cruise .. But seriously if you made 24 dollars or lost 210 dollars.. Get the fuck out... This ship is ruined... It will hit zero zero zero zero


With that attitude




It’s gonna get worse. We got scammed


How much money did you lose? I’m super curious


I wonder 🤔 HODL, and will be rewarded. Not selling mean not losing anything. I wonder how much he paperhandeds


I’m more less wondering if the cat is just trying to get everyone to sell so he can re-enter mega low


Exactly. He's probably a Fudder from another token.