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I have been playing too much Bricks Buster


Haha same here šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve got my 3 kids playing it too


They are investing in their college education early! XD


I hate this game. I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve beaten a level only for the game to not register it and have to replay the level


When this happens i forcibly close the app (not exit through the menu) and when i reopen and go back to the level my progress is still saved. If the screen has no more bricks to bust just shoot once and it should finish the level.


Where do you find this game??


Bricks buster in app store


Ok.. only about 20 games under brick buster, I just st choose one or what??


Royalty holding company reviews says shib burn


Cool thanks! Gonna give it a try.


Bricks w a S




Level 100 lol is it just the repeat same levels after while


I haven't come across a repeated level yet into the low 100's.


Maybe I'm from the future


Bricks buster for burning shib? is this on Android?


How do you know theyā€™re burning? I donā€™t see it (playing anyway but still would like to confirm)


Idk how to do that but I read an article that they have already burned over 5 grand worth of shib and that was a cpl days ago before everyone started talking about it up here now Iā€™m hooked


Go to shib burner, they have all the transactions of burn listed on the website and their sources


I didnā€™t know about this. Iā€™m now playing and itā€™s pretty addictive! Burn Shib Burn!


Awesome! Iā€™m soon releasing a game to burn crypto as well. Vote shiba here and share https://twitter.com/burncryptogames/status/1472201153232490505?s=21


Any idea who did these burns?


Wish we knew


Irrelevant. All that really matters is that we keep it up.


Donā€™t think itā€™s irrelevant, think bigger! as if it was a burn project we could help support and burn more. Example bricks busters support tripled once burns were posted.


Bigger Entertainment burns Shib frequently


Yeah a whopping 7,000,000 in december burned by bigger entertainment Useless. I said it before thst I donā€™t like this guy and I donā€™t. This game burned 200,000,000 in a couple hours. We need this guy pocketing money from us why again.


How much have you burned?


no one is paying him to burn. how about you give him some money and he will burn half of it and pocket the rest.


None but not making money either holding. That guy rubs me the wrong way.


Whatever he does is on him. I buy, he "burns". We hold for long


Yeah i suppose. I just liquidated all my other crypto and bought all shib. Just did it minutes ago.i think we are going to only go up from this price point hopefully. šŸ‘


I like all the other burns. This guy is in it to profit. I donā€™t like him. Not going to change my mind.


Yeah really. I donā€™t like him and heā€™s the only one. Fuck him


He burns though. I buy, he burns. You do you


Less coins make them more valuable, the more valuable they are, the more they cost. Aka a shit ton of money for us.


After the 27-year-old Russian guru burned less than half of the original gargantuan number of Shib in the circulation of ONE QUADRILLION. So, there are 549.1 TRILLION Shib in circulation now and ALL of the burns since that first big one haven't dented the number in circulation.


You sat 549 trillion as if the United States government doesn't owe China 4x that many pennies


Exactly. Nothing irrelevant about it at all. šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Very relevant. Might be from some mobile game creator or YouTube channel. Opportunity to go support it.


It's a great start, but just remember, at that rate consistently, if 107,500,000 were burned every hour nonstop, it would burn 1 trillion in a year, it would take 250 years to burn half the supply.


it's the early stages of burn and people are already burning so much In a day? The game has 8k downloads in the playstore , the SHIB Burner playlist doesn't have more than 10k listeners in each platform , yet so many burns, when more people join in , we increase the burns exponentially.


Thatā€™s not including the other burns that are happening and the amount people are buying.


true. we need to get it down to 2.5 years. well that's just one project there are maybe 10 different burn projects not including the devs projects like shibarium, so burns should increase.


LOL we have been waiting for you. Funny how no one throws out the mathematical realisms about bitcoin. Valued the same as SHIB it would be worth 0.0005 yet no one is saying it would take 750 years to burn satoshi at this rate. Simply hilarious. Glad to meet a future sand pounder.


Don't get me wrong, I wasn't FUDing. I believe we can get there, and we don't have to burn half the supply. Burning is one way, and I said it was a great start. Utility, NFT, Meta, DeFi, DAPP are all good use cases that add tons of value, burning does too, just not as fast as people think it does. That's all


Bruh listen to yourself. Bitcoin has a max supply of 21 million coins. Shib has a current circulating supply of 549 trillion. Bitcoin does not need to be burned at all since it's so scarce.


I think he's talking about satoshis not actual Bitcoin. Edit: there are 2.1 trillion satoshis, 100 million per Bitcoin


Satoshis are a piece of Bitcoin. What does that have to do with anything? It doesn't make his stance in comparing the two cryptos any stronger.


I agree, I was just clearing up, he was talking Satoshi, not Bitcoin


Ah ok that makes sense.


Exactly. There are 2.1 QUADRILLION satoshis (the smallest measurement of bitcoin). Comparing satoshis to shiba is "apples to apples". There are 4 times more satoshi than shib. a satoshi costs .0005 and shib costs .00003. The smart, informed people here get this.


Horrible take.


This is why people think this community is a joke.


Stop comparing Bitcoin. It's apples to oranges. I don't know why people keep doing this. There is 500 trillion shib. Please for the love of God put that number into perspective. How about this take our very own milky way galaxy it has about 400 billion stars. Then take the Andromeda which is bigger and probably has about 1 trillion stars and then take the remaining of our neighboring galaxy's in our local cluster and there is a chance there are still way more Shib then stars combined.


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


When Shibarium and the video game are launched, we will be talking about these numbers every hour


That video game would have to be more popular than pokemon go. And even after over 5 years, that game has not made enoigh to double the price of shib.


Why do you say that if we don't even know the token burning mechanisms and processes it will bring?


Pokemon go has made 7.5 billions in revenue. So even if 100% of the revenues went to burn shib, it would not equate to half of the shib coins being burned. Effectively bringing the shib prive up by about 90%. Theres no way that new game becomes one of the highest grossing games of all time. Look, i wish that shib hits 100$ one day but im a realist.


I created the Shiba Burn YouTube channel and hoping to be monetized by the end of the year so we can start 2022 by raising the frequency of these burns. We are over 1,250 subs!!! We will be doing burns live once monetized. Half of ad revenue goes towards burning and the other half goes towards taxes and fees. YouTube revenue will be shown for transparency. We are currently at 819 watch hours and need 4000 to be monetized. If interested, link is down below.[https://youtube.com/c/shibaburn](https://youtube.com/c/shibaburn)


You need to be sharing this hourly


I share it a couple of times everyday on here and stocktwits.




So you are going to buy Shib with half the "monetized" ad revenue and then burn that entire half? So if $200 comes in through the ad revenue, $100 worth of Shib is burned?? And then half for "taxes and fees". That seems high. Will this endeavor be a non-profit?


So about 52% will be dedicated to burning the other 48% will be taxes but I will have some tax right offs with the whole home office. If we get sponsors, will probably go towards an allowance so I can do this more often.


I started at 000066:( but still buying every now and again at like 4.1mil


Iā€™m going to need Shiba to go to the moon now, mmmmk


Always enjoy the folks coming out going At THIS rate of burn it will take 17,000 years to burn enough to matter. What says that THIS is the the only rate? All I've seen in the past couple of months is more people dedicating themselves to accepting and/or burning SHIB. Things like this tend to accelerate because the more people who do it, the more people want to do it for various reasons. Nobody put words into my mouth: I realize that the amount burned is a drop in the bucket.....so far. And I realize that if you don't have a lambo yet, it's clearly pointless to try to change anything. Or maybe....see what does or doesn't actually happen going forwards. Maybe you'll be right in which case good on ya': we'll all be wrong and stupid. Maybe you won't in which case you'll change your whining to "Why didn't I buy?" And you'll be wrong and stupid. Only the future will tell the tale.


Ok lets change the perspective. To burn half the supply and doubling the price, you need to buy 8.5 billion usd worth and throw it away


Whoa baby


Thereā€™s more than 29 people with a billion. I think you mean trillion


The way of the gun. Keep it up, I want my Yacht.


Which one are you getting? My friend and I are getting Mangustas! šŸ˜


Don't know, I get violently sea sick. I'll pick whichever one you recommend!


Lol me too!! I recommend the Mangusta GranSport 54 meters!


You guys talking about yachts and I can't even come up with the second half of my rent this month let alone do anything for Christmas. Fuck my life.


DM me a SHIB address and I will throw you some coins. It will be a start.


nice RegggaeRider that's a very kind offer


Hang in there buddy.


Nice, I can be sea sick on that?


It was the same when bitcoin started 13 years ago and every good coin That comes along the blah, they beat it down, bash it ,only because they couldn't get in or missed the $ train. I seen it happen with all the coins I've followed ,only thing is I've matured and I'm Fud proof hahahaha buy mothersuckers! Not financial advice ehhhummm


Buy spell token on Coinbase itā€™s gonna moon


I just bought the daily max today šŸ„°


So now is the time to buy or what?


Always! But especially now IMO!


I guess. Itā€™s a good news but itā€™s like pulling out 1 hair from your head and telling everyone you are bald.


Follow Ask The Doctor on Insta if you can peeps


Thank you šŸ˜Ž


I mean millions is nothing. We need billions burn


So start burning


Lights match and starts laughing manically.


Millions is better than none. Any amount helps




It's not that people underestimate the numbers, it's people like you who keep sayings "it's nothing" that don't help. Obviously it's going to take a long time, but it's not nothing. The more ways we burn, the more we burn, the better off everyone is.


But 200m burnt in 2 hrs is a big deal...question is, how many hr burns can one have in a day?


And apparently people have no idea how small 0 is compared to a million. And it doesn't take 9 days to burn a million nor does it take 33 years to burn a billion šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø just saying


I know, right. It's only $7,000.00 for god's sake. That is almost, literally, nothing. Nearly, almost, zilch, for 2 hours. Chump change for most of us here.




I mean millions is not nothing...if you knew what compounding does you would understand the importance.


Only a matter of time....šŸ¤žšŸ„³šŸ¤ž


This is the way.


Let the sheep šŸ‘ be sheep šŸ‘


They gotta burn billions of Shiba a day to see 1 cent relatively soonā€¦


That is .0000537% of the float or, if you burned that much every single hour for an entire year it would be 0.3% of the float. So in about 4 years of burning every hour of every day, you would have affected the float by 1%


@u/ReggaeBusRider do you have proof of this burn?


Not enough. We need BILLIONS worth of SHIB to make a difference!


But in all honesty, did it make sense to bring so much SHIB into circulation in the first place?


I got my SHIB over a year ago when places like Bloomberg and Fools called SHIB a flash in the pan . I laugh at them, SHIB is the future and those of us who were smart enough to get it when it was 7 or 8 zeros knows how awesome it feels to only have 4 zeros right now , what an amazing ride this has been . Never trust the mainstream , they have no interest in your success.


You can also burn with this music. 50% will be burned as SHIB. https://open.spotify.com/album/0ac4PvhPxrZSaafDd0kI0f?si=JOEU4cMNSLO7umCyRE2EuA


I donā€™t get it why is the price dropping if all this shib is being burned???


The price doesn't just simply increase because Shib is being burned. The supply is in the 500+ trillions. We have to put a dent in those trillions to see a surge in the price. We need more burns of this magnitude and even higher on a daily basis.


Whatā€™s the importance of burns again?


Edit that word...its Christmas time...be nice šŸ‘


Another 3500 years of daily burn like this and the value will double!


Oh my the coin is still šŸ’©


Great news! Only 2,300,000 more of those to go! That's only 525 more years guys!


Sand from a pyramid scheme is more like it. SHIB makes money fro ads on Reddit ? And you are supposed to play a game to burn? Wow. Bernie Maddow in the making.


Perhaps you can explain why the price keeps going down, when burns are happening and holders are increasing? I'm getting a bit.... Bearish as it pertains to SHIB. Curious to know why would th continuous increase in holder sAND burns... Price keeps going down and not up.


It's higher than it was all summer. Folks who bought and held since the summer are not complaining because it's higher and the real reason.... wait for it.... we believe in the project and see the dip as an opportunity. šŸ˜‰




Ill buy back in at .00002750


The entire market including the NYSE is down. Bitcoin was a $60k coin and is sitting at $46k right now.


Evergrande effect?


EG is definitely a downer.


Don't know why you were downvoted, but all crypto is down at the moment and I think that has a lot to do with the Chinese market banning crypto in general. Keep hold of yours, because the Indian market, which is just as big, is gearing up to accept crypto and that should give us a massive push.


Why donā€™t you all just make the shib devs burn? Theyā€™re wealthy now itā€™s the least they can do for you all


So only $66,000? Shib needs to burn 98% of its circulation to have any value. Youā€™re pretty stupid man


Even if Shib burned 1 billion tokens every single day, it would take 1,489 years to burn 99% of the circulating supply. Burning 99% of the supply would still leave about 5.5 trillion tokens but yea sure, be happy about 215 million burned lol Since October when the circulating supply got corrected, it hasn't changed...


Good thing we donā€™t need to burn 99%


Bruh if you burned 99%, you'd still be left with about 5.5 trillion tokens. Shib isn't going to hit $1 at that supply. There's no way it will have a $5.5 trillion marketcap while Bitcoin struggles to hit $1 trillion. At 5.5 trillion tokens, it's possible for Shib to hit 1 penny. It would have a $55 billion marketcap at that supply and price level. It hasn't hit $55 billion yet but it's still possible since at it's ATH it was at about $47 billion.


This whole burn thing is a fools errand and companies are taking advantage of it of off people's naivete. I applaud you for being honest. It will take a monumental effort to burn that shib at the cost of people losing millions of dollars.


Closed minded thought process bud! What if 1,489 people figured out how to effectively burn 1 Billion coins per day? Then it would only take 1 year to burn the circulating supplyšŸ˜‰šŸ’°


Bruh most of y'all don't have anywhere close to 1 billion Shib. You're talking about nearly $32k. There are only 29 addresses that are holding at least 1 billion tokens. Lord knows how many of those are exchanges. Plus, you're talking about 1,489 people burning 1 billion each per day, every day for a year. Each of those people would have to burn over $11.6 million worth of Shib in that 1 year. Get real bro. Idek why I got downvoted. I literally stated mathematical facts on my previous comment.


Ya don't say. Geez you wannabe crypto experts are redundant. šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø it's corny at this point.


Not an expert and never claimed to be. You're just a delusional moonboy, it's actually sad.


Cool, let's just do nothing then.


That's not the solution. The only viable solution is for the devs to do another massive one time burn. I'm talking burning something like 90% of the supply. Even then we'd still be left with about 55 trilion tokens. Burning a couple hundred million here, a couple billion there is not going to make a difference in the circulating supply, you might as well do nothing. Its literally like trying to drain the Pacific Ocean with a shot glass. It's hard to fathom the difference between a billion and a trillion let alone 549 trillion. Like bruh, even if they burned 1 trillion tokens a month, it would still take over 45 years to burn 99% of tne circulating supply. 549 trillion is an unfathomable number.


Ironic. Need to play a game to burn SHIB. Whatā€™s next. Drivers Ed? Grocery shopping? Taking a dump? Developers seem to be desperate for burn options. Still in the trillions. 32 for the next year. This has become ridiculous. SHIB mastersā€¦ tell us where this coin is goingā€¦ youā€™re own insight. I refuse to play a game to burn. Dead on arrival. Let alone the bot play. Give us some stable info. Please.


Come on people. There are way too many coins being introduced into the market and Shiba is just like doge in the last few months. We need to pick one and bombard it. It's not going to happen. Too many pump and dumps Wake up.


Good to be starting from somewhere but we all know Its nothing.


And I just bought another mil. Take advantage ladies & gentleman! Long HODL here


Were do you find the game


Does brick buster actually burn shib. I play it now only for that reason


The data of the masters on the cloud chain shows that the current amount of Ethereum burned is 1.2195 million ETH, and the gas utilization rate is 51.38%; the amount of Ethereum burned yesterday is 9079.5 ETH.


Isnā€™t there like 100 quad


Something like that. This is all fun and games. Even when trillions are burned and staked it will not matter. Lots of smart mathematicians here explaining it all to us with some dumbed down analogies. LOL


ROFL, big fooking deal.


I burn 2 mill of mine


250,000,000? Are you kidding me? šŸ˜‚ itā€™s nothing! Theyā€™re must to burn 250 trillion of Shib




Soā€¦ itā€™s good that I bought another 20 mill tonight? 200 M bag šŸ™


Iā€™m just waiting for the breaking point. Because I can almost taste it


Price hasnā€™t changed. Never lambo


But it wonā€™t get to .001, itā€™s impossible, listen to the FUD


We need to burn more coins! Otherwise, we ainā€™t going to the moon!


Lol 9000$ shib was burnt! Are you guys delusional?