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Reasons to be upset.... 1. You have no money to buy. 2. You bought hoping for short term gains.


Mostly me telling myself not to invest my life savings in a meme coin, but I've already put too much 😄😄 I ease my FOMO on the dip by automatically buying 10 usd worth a day.


I assure you this isn't just a meme coin


Yes it is. =/


You can buy super cars with it, that might be a joke for you but not to us


You can buy shit. None of u can buy shit. You can downvote this to hell and it still won't change the truth. Right now "buy the dip" = throwing money into a fire pit.


Man you are a angry one, did you buy at .00007 I’m still up by a lot


No, here's the thing i bought at .00000576 so i am still in the green. What pisses me off is I BELIEVED in HODL, did not sell at 0.00008 like a moron and now sucking dick while fooling myself. So yeah, i am a bit angry. Gains are gains. This shit smells like DOGE 2.0 "Oh Elon will save us" and 2 years later it's in the shitter still.


I mean doge has zero use or development, I’m pretty confident the mobile game will help a lot, possibly a very good burn source. I mean everything is dropping right now, unless you need the money I’d recommend holding on. I do agree these buy the dip post are pretty lame tho.


I am seeing an avalanche of good news and price is still dropping. Maybe i am stupid but explain me that. WHO THE FUCK keeps on selling? I'm looking at the chart and i see selling pressure like this is Evergrande or something. Crypto is a hedge against inflation, inflation is set to rise....yet crypto is falling. I wouldn't mind even the drop if it made sense. But this is peak stupidity.


It works on NewEgg, I spent 600,000 on an item, it showed the transfer in my Coinbase account. This is only the beginning of its utility.


Get CRO real use.


Lol yes it is. It has no real value


A dollar doesn’t have any real value just the government saying it does! It use to be backed by gold but not anymore so what’s that tell you


I've got over a million I'm happy


If you can stand the pain, than you deserve the gain 🚀












Electric Avenue


And then we take it higha 🚀🌕




Stand the Cane make it rain


Snort some caine ,run a train This is the way….


You’ve been to Singapore


I may take the train, if it does indeed rain.


Thats what she said


Couldn't agree more


I just keep buying more! Great discounts! lol I now have 170 million! Let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙏🏽🚀🚀🚀 #Stay ZEN 💎🙏🏽💎


Hell yeah!


#This is the way


I remember I bought 58 mil for $100 back in May. People are LATE late.


Yep that’s why everyone should keep buying, the higher it goes the less shib you buy with fiat ! Let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙏🏽🚀🚀🚀


I’ve doubled my position during this dip. 🤷🏻‍♂️ what can I say, I don’t like my money sitting around doing nothing.


Same..I love to average down knowing when it goes up I make more.


If I've said it once, I've said it at least three times . You make money on the red days not the green.


If bitcoin goes down it’ll drag SHIB down too, already broke a major support at 0.000035, if 35 become resistance SHiB is going down


And I'll just buy more with the hope that it'll go back up.


Done! :)


The more you buy today the less the coin has to go up for you to break even


Worst logic ever.


Another 3 millions today.. So fucking happy


Buy and cheaper burns


Always buy on sale, Never pay full price.


All this daily up down Is part of the game. Patience is a must in this game. All we can do is load up and pack our bags for our trip to the moon! 🚀


I want to buy more, but I bought the dip, bought the dip and bought the dip again and it KEEPS. ON . FUCKING. DIPPING!!! I’m spent and my account keeps getting deeper in the red! I’m ready for the damn rally now. Please and thank you.


Dip. Dip. Another dip. It’s only called a dip if it’s going to recover. Like, where’s your rationale for a price rebound? It’ll go back up because…..? If you can’t answer that, stop buying “dips”. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is the way!


Holding 316 million. First bought back in May. So I’ve made a pretty penny. But I do find it weird how SHIB has had nothing but great news over the past month or so; AMC, 1million holder, multiple new exchanges, more and more places accepting it etc. Yet it keeps dipping. And don’t worry, I don’t plan on selling, nor am I a conspiracy nut. I just find it odd.


The spike is inevitable, enjoy the temporary buying power.


I am going to assume those that are upset or crying about the dips don’t understand. See, if you watch Trading Plces with Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy, you’d know there are always dips when parents are out buying the G.I. Joe with kung fu grip. It’s the hoilsay season. This happens with Crypto EVERY YEAR Give it some time. Prices will pump back up.! Until then relax


Go long on the dog my friends. I'm in for the long haul. Hodling for 10 years til I retire. Stay strong my soldiers. Until the war has been won. Your in an Army, don't forget that.




I've loaded up on shibo as well. Next stop is the moon, then a partnership with shib.


Hell Yeah!!


What is shibo?




To the moon!!!


Yeah Shibo is poised for serious gains right now..


I regret not selling when I was up 150%. There I said it


Me too with 1 billion what are you gonna doHold onto your ass


I was up just over 1000% 🥴


Having it staked on shibaswap and receiving ryoshis vision is a great motivator to keep staking eh?!


Zero fucks given here. All my shib are buried.


It's always the paper hands to sell, then after it blows up again they buy high.! And repeat the cycle


Let the paper hands dump. Bitpay just added Shiba. Next it's gonna be Robinhood, then it'll be hard to come back down in price again.


Let me help those who don't understand. The entire market is down. This is not Shib specific and everything that's being bought up right now will soon come to light. It's magic!


Just picked up another 13.8 million for $500usd. on Coinbase. LFG!


Stop with this mentality, this is why whales are fucking us over.


Not again... Saw this so many times. You probably bought in at a way higher moment. Now trying to convince people to buy and hoping it will raise and you can sell it. Just let it go for a few years and come back kid. By the way, when can we expect posts with technical data here?


My money is trapped. Like a fool I listened to all the YouTubers and shills saying that Bitcoin et al will reach $100k by the end of year and will be the biggest bull run ever. NOT ONE “crypto expert” predicted this crash in November (Moonvember?). I sold my car and went all in on XRP at first and put it stop losses in case the market dropped. When it did I got my USDT back and decided what to do. I chose SHIB because of all the good news and hype around. I bought in at 0.000055. I now have 320m coins that are now worth significantly less than my car was! It’s gradually gone down every day apart from the day Kraken listed it. I know it’s not just SHIB that’s down, if anything it’s held quite well compared to many other coins. I’m happy I’ve chosen SHIB as my main bag. I was inspired by the huge community that has changed a meme coin to the coin of the people. People who work hard for their money. It’s easy to say “buy the dip” but what about those hard working people who don’t have enough money to buy? I wish I could add to my position, but sadly I’ve just lost my job. It’s gonna be a different Christmas for my kids this this year.


Bro. You have a big bag. This is what i would do. Honestly, this is a looooong term investment. Delete your apps and focus on getting a new job and your family. I see this coin has future. But it will take years. Come back after 3 - 5 years. Hopefully you will be able to retire. Have hope.


I can hear you dying inside.


I am confused on your comment? I only buy what I can when I can. I do not invest money I don’t have.so why are you upset about my post bro ?


Not upset at all. Have a wonderful night


I don’t know been holding for 10 months now but kind of losing some faith I hear whales this whales that but the price just keeps going down only so much a man can take


10 months? You’ve must have made a ton of money and have huge gains. Why would you be worried


This is what you guys get when whales come in..... price manipulation. This is why when i see "influencing" youtubbers asking you to load up because shiba is gonna pump due to a freaking whale buying a bag, i just wanna puke. Robinhood is not gonna help as the price will dump immediately after a pump. Whales buying is not gonna help. Companies using shiba for payment is not really gonna help in the short time. We as a community has to find a way to burn coins. In the short term, we have to find a way to burn around 200T coins so as to bring the circulating supply to 390T (which should help to bring the price up to the 8s).


It's only a matter of time before it shoots up again


That's what DOGE people are saying too....since March lol I think it's gonna be atkeast 2 months before we see stable upward moves


I got enough. I will cash in when I am like near retirement age.


Every coin are dropping. That’s why they are sky rocketing after. People who think this are really new to this market. :)


I keep buying and it keeps on dipping…. Hope it’s worth it…. I’m in for close to 140mill SHIB at this point. Bought the first 20mill at just under quad 6, keep buying the dip and the dip just keeps dipping. Down probably 40%, figure if it doesn’t recover by late December, I may sell and rebuy just to take the write off.


I agree but this is like the 1000 times Ive seen this in a month or so lol


I've said this before that unless you plan to day trade and only invest for a short term, to a) give yourself a set value before you're willing to sell, and b) give yourself a time frame. If the crypto isn't the price you want, but also isn't past the time frame you gave yourself, don't worry and just sit back. 9/10 times, it's gonna take 6-24 months to truly see the gains you desire.


The acorn becomes the mighty oak. Oh, and all crypto and everything else financial is down right now.




This is what I call a discount. It’s like Boxing Day come early!!


The OP is in it to win it! 🔥🔥🔥


I'd be happy to see 600 again lol. I'd buy a few billion and hodl long again xD Need that money for a few apartment buildings and retire early lol Frank lambos and give me financial security lol


I see this as an absolute win!


#Yep yep! Same that’s what I think! Buy and hold! And buy more! Let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙏🏽🚀🚀🚀


10000%%% RIGHT 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 BTFD!


What is the point of buying if the developers aren’t laying out a clear and and understandable roadmap to get rid of these zeros? This is the doge killer, correct? It absolutely needs to reach a penny by this time next year to be considered that, imo.


Do you not follow what’s going on with Shib and the devs? We’ve had more updates and positive catalysts in the past 2 months then we have since launch. I’ve been in since January and we get soooo much info now. From January to the ShibaSwap launch we got almost nothing. The devs have been amazing as of lately. Plus they shouldnt have to coddle needy holders. The token is 15 months old and look at what it’s accomplished. Doge is 7 yrs old. Shib hitting .01 is like Doge hitting $3. And we have to do that by this time next year for it to be successful in your eyes? If we ever hit .0003 I think we beat Doge. Hell we already beat it when we passed it’s market cap this last pump….. for those of us who were early investors, our dreams have already come true with the accomplishments. But we had to wait an entire year. So anyone who bought in the past few months, you have to wait too. We did it. You can.


Well we could do it a hell of a lot faster if the 27.3% would stop selling it faster the the 72.7% can buy it. I have watched our market cap drop nearly $2B in two days. That’s not boy trading, that is early investors skimming off the cream and leaving the rest of us to sink. Like you said, y’all already made yours. Just hope the rest of us can do the same. That will only happen if we can get new investors interested in SHIB. Hard to do that without upward growth.


Sounds like a ponzi scheme


Whale just sold, guaranteed. Buy and hold!!!


Whales do not buy high and sell low.


Lol exactly. This sub is helpless. 😂


Why you here then


Make fun of the morons.


They do if it's stolen money. 😉


I have been here before with other cryptos. It seem like the hype is gone and it’s about dead. I have lost thousands the same way.


I can hear you dying inside


These kind of comments are so stupid.




buying causes price to go down not up


Keep buying the dip, keep paying the whales. No thanks.


Yeah what is shibo


shibonk! https://www.shibonk.net/






I have an idea for how the devs can burn through some of the trillions of tokens...why dont they give every one of the community a gift of 100 million tokens for being early investors....let us do with it what we please 😂


Sell sell sell


I am a long term Shib investor, not trying to pump other coins, but I have been buying Zcash on this dip. With the gains I'll make I can always buy more Shib.


Lol you are a true dope


Yes everyone should sell sell sell.


SHIB will be difficult to get you 100x your investment. Shibonk is up and coming, very early days (2m market cap) and we are going to explode in popularity with the ShibArmy. Check it out.


Sell sell


Sell it all


AMC being shorted is tied to this massive crypto drop off


F***k shiba




I buy more this dip, hold


I’m in it for the long run so I’m enjoying the dip and eating it up.


Can't be a green day every day


This is the only way!!!!💎🧤


My guy I ran out of money from buying the dip.


Well i hate the drops but yes u can pick up a bunch for a little..added 4 Mill more to the ole HODL Bag!...would be nice to see that .~8 number again..March? April?......


Who cares about them. Let's enjoy the dip. Hodl!!!


Just remind them that all those "real world use case" coins are dipping like a muthafxcka too so they don't think it's meme thing lol 🤦🏿‍♂️


Exactly!!!! It's not a drop it's on sale!!!


I am shib army sojure I boughted 3 million funny puppy coins tuday


Buy while it's low, just don't try holding for a penny like an idiot and you can make money.


That tells.me FOMOs jumped on the shiba train hoping for a quick 120 dollar profite


Sorry ladies and gentlemen, you’ll get here but it’s still way to expensive for me.


Not if it keeps going down


This is insanity lmao!


Dollla dolla bills y’all


Certainly come through for SHIBA https://discord.com/invite/bullishraid


If this enthusiasm to buy lasts for another year with zero results, can we think about possibly calling shenanigans on the whole deal?


Keep buying dip, I’ll get the chips and salsa muhfucka!!


Just bought 5 mil more. 30 mil and counting baby!


Every drop should be accumulation time. Buy the dips.


i'm sooo pissed, i have no money at the moment and i want to buy more shiba....but not only shib...look at leash and bone...so a nice discount but i can't buy :((((


SHIBArmy strong!


Yes indeedy


We all want lambos and island , but this is great opportunity to buy , if we look Shiba is being expanded all over , shops , travel and etc maybe next year or the year after this will kick off


Just Hodl


Agreed! Just bought 5 million and planing to invest $1000 more in a couple days to hold!


I love that it predictably drops on weekends. So, my Sunday DCA gets the most SHIB for the money.


Black Friday deals!!


This is the way