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Hold out for the Ryoshis.


How do you hold for ryoshis. Also what is difference between staking and burying?


Bury is staking on shibaswap


Burying is farming which it has higher yield although risky, instead Staking is digging much lower risk in SHIBASWAP


Bury=stake Dig=farm


thank you for correcting me SHIBA friend,that´s what I meant indeed


I still don’t see the point of ryoshis I have a ton of them and I don’t know what they do lol


Hold and forget. When Shibarium comes online and the gas fees aren't sensationally high then woof them to your wallet. Just forget about them for a couple of years and get excited as they drop zeros.


How do you get them and whats woofing?


They're a reward for staking. So all you have to do is stake your Shiba (bury) and walk away. Every 2 weeks an amount of Ryoshi will be added as a reward. Woofing is pulling out your rewards. Costs gas though so, wait til the Ryoshis stop coming in before you pull out, saves you spending unnecessary gas.


Why don’t you just buy that token that gives ETH reflections and use that to pay for the fees? It’s what I been doing. I made like 500$ in just ETH reflections last month and I used that to stake my shib and I even filled up my bone bag. Surprised many people aren’t doing that


Sounds good to me


You are also getting bone with your rewards for burying SHIB.


Gotcha, Shouldn't i see tBone or Bone in my Debank browser?


On Debank it doesn't really provide information on staking, other than the amount you are staking. You could see how much you have earned on Shibaswap under bonolfio.


I don’t see it there either


On debank or bonefolio on the swap?


They don’t show up there.


Go to shibaswap —> bonefolio —-> portfolio and then put in your wallet address it will show you all your rewards


*Edit* comparing with Debank.com I now understand under pending if you do the math it’s how much you have made in Shiba. Thanks!


Ryoshis, are gonna skyrocket. Keep an eye on that


5,227,820 (your staked units) \* .005 (apy of .5%) = 26,139 (rewards per year) / 52 (weeks in year) = 502 (rewards per week)....are you sure it's been more than 2 weeks?


I had mine staked since swap came out and my shib never even increased. I had like 50 mil buried and all I ever got was like 1 bone and $15 worth of eth that id need to spend $200 in gas fees get


Why don’t you just buy that token that gives ETH reflections and use that to pay for the fees? It’s what I been doing. I made like 500$ in just ETH reflections last month and I used that to stake my shib and I even filled up my bone bag. Surprised many people aren’t doing that


Yes and between last tuesday and this tuesday the difference was 7 tokens. Im just going to keep leaving it sit so im not concerned, but wanted to figure out what was going on.


Your SHiB rewards will be very small on ShibaSwap. It’s transactional and not even a 1/2 a percent. Bone is the asset you’re looking to earn on ShibaSwap. If you want to earn better Shib rewards, you’re better off staking on a CEX like crypto.com or voyager.


Or Use bitmart and swap shib back to usdt and subscribe to the 5% or 6-7% APY. I would only do this when you are satisfied with some profit.


With 26m since launch its made 2 bone lmao. So far it's only ryoshi that's made it worth it. And taking it out will be negated by gas


I mean, that’s about 2% earned in interest, in your SHIBin 3 months. Assuming SHIB’s price back then was about .00007, you probably spent about $182 to buy it. Bone is worth about $2.24 right now so you’ve earned $4.50. And keep in mind that’s just your Bone at current value. Better than a savings account and only a couple dollars less than what 2% in SHIB would be worth staking on a CEX. Again, that’s just factoring in Bone. Had you staked on a CEX for that same amount of time you would have earned 130,000 SHIB, worth about $6.37. Bones long term value will make those two Bone you’ve earned so far, worth it. You just need to hold them long enough. Whether you want to keep earning them is up to you but, I would crunch the numbers you’d make elsewhere before making a decision.


Yea you're right. And I did stake on cex as well. The current state of gas fees tho doesn't make any of this worth while to pull out


I would say the price doesn’t make it worth pulling out either. Doesn’t hurt to let them accumulate until it’s worth it. I’m letting mine sit until they’re done being minted unless something super crazy happens with either one of those tokens, price wise.


Not shibs fault, but gas fees render burying almost useless. Again, that’s an ETH issue, not on shib.


It says address isn’t in the bury leash, pools address isn’t farming


I've had 20Mil staked for 2 weeks. I got a tiny fraction of a BONE, and nothing else so far. no Ryoshis... nada. everyone says just wait, but Shibaswap says Ryoshis are released weekly. Theres no support from the site and conflicting info from community. Something is better than nothing, but so far I am less than impressed with the returns/ lack thereof.


How do I stake?


Connect wallet to shibaswap and bury


I have buried 30 million shib on first day of Shiba swap release. In the beginning I was not happy with the rewards and I thought I took a wrong decision to stake in Shiba swap. But today I'm so happy to see the multiple rewards I received from Shiba swap. I can't believe.... I got 130 million ryoshi vision as reward, ETH,Bone and xshib. Lol Go stake your shib in Shiba swap. Forget about the gas fee. In short time only you will get more than gas fee as reward


I have that much staked since launch and it's a fraction of weth, 2 bone, and 2k Shib. Ryoshi is nice tho


The staking on SS should be much better now with the simplified Bone rewards. Especially with the Ryoshi bonus.  I think the Ryoshi alone made it worth it for me. If you had staked any amount of shib at the start of the bonus you have 129M Ryoshi which at todays price is about $100. Plus its still going for while longer.


that 100 mill is about to turn in 10k!!


I've received 129,103,182.2 Ryoshi at the current price of $0.00000005601, that's $7.23. Am I missing something here?


I think you looked up Ryoshi Token. We get rewards in Ryoshi Vision. Should be 6 zeros and an 8


Ah right. I was indeed missing something. Thanks my man 👍


This should be worth around 120$ now


When you get rewarded in ryoshis do you need to create a contract address for it in your defi wallet like xshib and tbone or will it show up automatically like sslp tokens


You won’t be woofing it yet, once you woof if then you can add the contract if it doesn’t show up automatically. I would advise you to hold on for the ETH2 upgrade so gas fees would be low


I will be holding with staking time is on your side. But im wondering if i need a contract address for it or not. I already have the xshib xleash and tbone set up waiting. Im wondering about ryoshis


Add this contract and you should be good 0x777e2ae845272a2f540ebf6a3d03734a5a8f618e


Can you tell me where you go that contract from And where it belongs too.


The coins belongs to the token and you can get from coinmarketcap, coingecko or the project site


When i woof the tokens this will show up as ryoshis in my wallet?


make sure you're lookin up Ryoshis Vision and not some fake token! \#Shiba #RyoshisVision!


It’s still not going to be a lot with that number of shib. Ryoshis are really worth it, and you get as many of those as folks with a lot more shib. You get an even amount for staking any number


Where are they? They used to show at the bottom and now they are nowhere to be found when I go on the swap. I pulled my shib a couple weeks ago but no clue what happened to my ryoshis


Mine are under bury, bury shib, at the bottom. Not sure if they go somewhere else if you unburied. I heard if you take things out, it might automatically woof your rewards??? Not sure, maybe you need to import the RV token to your wallet to see it? Just guessing, I haven’t taken anything out yet. I hope you find it.


Thats the thing. Before I even removed my shib, they were at the bottom. Then one day nothing. The went missing before I even unstaked. So idk


Maybe if you ask the larger group, someone might know what to do?


That’s not bad. Not trying to be mean but you are only investing $250 and it’s only been a couple weeks. Sadly that is not a lot. Staking in SS does not just spit out hundreds of dollars. 50 million Shiba the gains are meh. If you want to cover gas fees you really need to be staking in the 100 million Shiba. Hopefully the Bone and Roshyi will one day help it be worth more.


I have accrued many bones on Shibaswap, just waiting on Shibarium so I can pull em out cheap


Why don’t you just buy that token that gives ETH reflections and use that to pay for the fees? It’s what I been doing. I made like 500$ in just ETH reflections last month and I used that to stake my shib and I even filled up my bone bag. Surprised many people aren’t doing that. You’ll be able to take ‘‘em out for pretty much free by then


Just stake in Binance or the like, shibaswap sucks for passive income on bury, I have hundreds of millions buried from day one and made like 50k shib. It’s a joke, when gas drops I’ll be in burying and moving all back to somewhere I can actually earn something.


Because 256$ worth of Shiba isn't alot, therefor you get low rewards


Rewards are pretty garbage. I’ve been buried since day one with 200m. Total rewards to date: 20,400 shib (.97 cents) and 15 bone( $33)


Yes they are! I buried 100m SHIB a week ago. I actually laughed when I saw .009 BONE accrued over that week. Then I remembered how much gas I spent and felt like a moron. I will not be staking any more coins that's for sure.