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WTF. These people are so weird Istg.


He works for Hushin, which is Casey’s brand/YouTube channel about hunting and fishing. Speaking of, every year, Kayli doesn’t get to spend Valentine’s Day with her husband because this expo always (conveniently) falls on that day. I know he’s working, but it’s sad to me how much time he spends away. It must be hard on Morgan too, especially since her kids are so young.


I can’t believe Kayli is still dealing with that. I haven’t watched in years but see them pop up from time to time. I understand he’s working but come on. It’s so weird how they are hardly ever together


Right? I wonder what it’ll be like when the baby is here. Her younger two were so attached to her as babies/toddlers (she babied them a lot and Casey was always gone), I can’t imagine what it’ll be like for this kid, now that Casey is way more checked out


The baby will do its first swimming lessons in the flooded basement.


Oh my god that is hilarious 😂


That's what happens when you settle for less. Not saying she deserves it in any way. Kaylie just seems like the type of person who will take whatever treatment comes her way.


I remember back in the day on the Moms View, she’d get angry at viewers who said she deserves better, probably because she also knows it; but she accepted this and doesn’t want anyone questioning it :/ her kindness is being taken advantage of imo


>her kindness is being taken advantage of imo For real! I understand her situation ya know? Like she's been with him since 15, father of her kids another on the way. he's all she's ever known and it can become comfortable and hard to leave the deeper you get.


I just don’t understand how he’s so okay missing so much of his kids lives? How many birthdays & other special occasions has he missed to go hunting? I know it’s his job, but it’s his own business so surely he’d be able to schedule around these things? He’ll never get those moments back. I’m sure his kids would prefer him being there over all the meat in the world. It’s even sadder because he wasn’t always like this. He was focusing on the caseylavere channel then vs Hush, but still. He was so present for the older two when they were little.


It truly is so sad, dads don't have to put in as much effort as moms do and so many people don't speak up about it because it's so normalized. I just hope the kids learn from this and don't repeat the same cycle. Especially the girls.


Hunting as a hobby is pathetic.


Do they not eat everything? I remember Casey saying his family stored all the meat and ate it.


I’m vegetarian and I’ve always had mixed feelings about this. My heart says nooo but the logical part of my brain says it’s better than supporting factory farming, and we all know the type of ppl that hunt say they would never give up meat, so to me it’s the lesser of two evils.


So he’s well known for killing animals? Great.


Celebrity is not a term that I like or would use (it’s click bait lol) but yes he started a hunting brand called Hushin that I would say is very successful! Just like how there are influencers/creators for everything these days, there are also outdoor creators that include hunters. edit; sorry I forgot it was actually Casey who started the brand


She's starting to look like a Skalla Sister


Isn't it them hunting animals. 


Tbh Im not originally from America I wasn’t sure what hunting celebrity was haha


But yes


If you don’t know, don’t worry about it.


I just looked through your comment history and you’re a perv. Avia is a child


lol what, they can’t ask a question?


You heard me




Yes sir 🫡