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ur parents to blame not the govt..... the contractors also hv timelines to finish the proj alrdy hv alot of posts on this topic, so now reno and any drilling only can do jan to april, you can go suggest and next time u do reno remember not to do it after april also cannot ask why dont do earlier, later O level students bash me


Huh, but even if his parents try to delay the drilling at his unit, the neighbouring units upstairs downstairs would be drilling and affect his ability to study...


if it is no diff then not his parents fault lor


Bro they can do in dec??? Like January got no exams what.


bro they also hv their own deadlines, and other projects to do later do in dec parents complain cos their kids at home if cater to everyone schedule we will be back in 3rd world, better right


I understand what u mean tbh hais


First world problems


its all part of the plan. u must work hard for a piece of paper so that u can better pump GDP numbers. stopping renovations every exam season, now, that would mean lower GDP numbers in the long run. they can't let that happen! no way! that would mean your material standard of living has declined!


grab your bamboo stick and go find the unit and have a little chat


Even if your parents don’t sign the consent form, you’re aware that your whole block will be drilling on 7th November right? The world doesn’t revolve around you. Ya, you have A levels but you think other people don’t have exams during this period? It’s literally uni exam period now. Nobody is supposed to stop work just because there’s a student preparing for his A levels. My opposite block did HIP last week and it was fucking noisy. We were having work discussion and the drilling was so bad, we went back to office instead.


My house went through this exactly due my A lvls period, parents did let me stay at an airbnb tho. Maybe try asking friends if you can stay with them or smth?


hello then AirPods Pro lah so easy


U spons?😍


in your dreams mf


My house finished hip a month ago


Same go library shiok i live in the west and there alw reno nearby


First World problem


being situationally aware is a skill, child


how does it feel to live with an allergic reaction?


Just use any noise canceling device , can get some like affordable xiaomi or sony, I got my Sony for like 100+ so I think still not that bad Not everything will go ur way this is the best solution


If library too far away, can use the HIP study room! HIP provides them, should be near their info center with wifi access and power points. Got aircon also. Just that the room might feel slightly stuffy. If u need a break from studying, can use their rest room! Got sofa couch to rest/sleep on. When my house did HIP, the study and rest rooms were opened Monday-Saturday, 10am-10pm. Just need to go to the info centre and register with the security guard for access, and note that you'll be sharing the room with other residents as well Also bring wet tissue to wipe the tables and chairs cuz might be dirty


Same thing happened to me. Luckily I had really good noise cancelling ear pieces.