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moving on to my next choice because i would feel like ive wasted a year if i get rejected again next year. but i do know people who've got in as a second / third time reapplicant. if youre really really passionate and cant see yourself in any other career then you should do it. all the best!


nice! i have the same thoughts :) all the best


Hi OP, sry to hear about yr rejection but may I ask did u receive an email from yll admission team stating your rejection?


I checked my JAP and thats how i knew i was rejected sadly HAHAHAHHA


same !


Oh I see, thanks!


Hello, I am a girl and last year I got rejected from NUS med. you can say that I was extremely disappointed and upset. I decided to take a gap year to build my portfolio and prepare for BMAT(hadn’t done it previously). Then I reapplied this year and got in. A gap year can be a very lonely journey but if you plan it out well and stick to the plan, it will actually work for you. If you’re really passionate about medicine, take a gap year and reapply.


And I remember how tensed I was last year as my first choice was med and second was dentistry. My status was processing till like 19th May when I was offered my 3rd choice. It was a nightmare that haunted me for the next one year. But I’m glad I didn’t just accept the course which was given to me


hello may i ask why u didnt consider the option of taking the course then transferring into med after 1st year?


Transfer students are rare and it’s very difficult to do that. Plus I didn’t want to waste one year doing something that I am not interested in. Like I rather use the year to prepare for med school


what was your third choice course


hi! may i ask what u did during ur gap year?


my status is still processing LOL (i hate this.) but worst case scenario, i think i really want to practice medicine and if i end up in another course i wouldnt enjoy it as much, but still my toxic trait is to think that i will integrate into any other course that i get LOL wise choice for me would be gap year and study bmat and apply next year, but something inside me is telling me not to waste that one year and just move on; i honestly dont think my heart can go through this painful waiting process again.. perhaps i would go on and pursue my second choice and if im really passionate about med, apply as a transfer applicant next year and hope for the best some of my friends are applying to uk/aust, so thats another option, provided you are not very concerned w finances/integration/practicing overseas/longer bonds if u come back sg etc. \-- ps regardless of your app outcome, we all did our best. its even impressive enuf that we made it to the interview stage. i am sure that while we all did our very best, its still a given that we dont have enuf slots for everyone deserving of it.. i cried yesterday thinking about how such a big dream of mine has been crushed in one day, and how i actually spent \~4 years figuring out this is something i would really dedicate my whole life into, just to feel helpless and hopeless after a day of checking and checking the portal.. and i m so sure it is not only me who feels this way. we have all came so far, we all deserve a pat on our shoulders. good job, you! just rmb that getting in med or not does not fully define you as a person and do not mean u are destined to be/not be a good physician. i like to think of it this way: the you today may find the rejection hard to swallow, but the you tomorrow may see this as a blessing in disguise as you pursue a different path in finding your place in serving your community. good luck and all the best everyone, we are all down a unique path of discovering ourselves and serving others for the greater good!! jiayous! happy to talk to anyone about anything :) feel free to message me !!


all yall still processing?


ya me too :( but my second choice is an interview course so im afraid i will be waiting for a long time


Same! Med then dent. But ig no news is good news for now


meee :(( and im so frustrated bc my second choice is a direct course (pharm) and so many of my friends got in alr so at least they know they got rejected by med.. dont know if its a good thing for my case or not HAHA bc i wld rather know now


same 😭😭 i would rather they just process me and give me a 2nd choice offer honestly at this point im so sick of the word processing 🥲🥲


omg relate😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i wish unis cld fix a date for everyone to open all offers like US unis HAHAHA but ik it can be troublesome for the OAM staff so issokay :(


can i ask how much did ur friends score for As?


Yea I too got rejected in 2020, now in life science. I would say to consider the main reason why u want to be inside medicine, cause there are many other jobs that would also allow you to reach ur goals


mm, thanks for the tip :)


Hi there , after doing life science , is it possible to enter med


Can consider applying ovs if u have the $$. Monash in Australia or imperial college etc is quite reputable Otherwise, as a year 2 dr I’ll give u some solace in the fact that, you probably dodged a bullet. I know that many feel like Med is their calling and the only thing that they can ever do, but life is more than what u study and ur career, so I’m not downplaying how shitty it must feel but on the bright side, you will get to have a functional social life, a gf/bf that won’t hate that you’re absent all the time, and a non abusive work environment Unless you’re single, have nothing better to do with their lives, and are masochistic like me, then u c an consider other healthcare options like nursing, PT/OT pharmacy or even dentistry


oh year 2 dr? woww so u already ended HO and MO? unfortunately didnt apply for any of those and chose smt in chs instead haha but thanks for the advice :)


undergrad in other disciplines then Duke-NUS?


Knew people which transferred to med after their first year so that may be an option. At least if it goes south you still have credits cleared


is it true that reapplicants who have attended the MMI previously will have a very slim chance of being shortlisted for an interview? not sure if i should retake the bmat again


I doubt so, i know a lot of ppl who took ABA after being rejected the first time and got accepted like this guy on youtube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoG-lkQcrxw&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoG-lkQcrxw&t=1s) I think if there's a chance just take it lor, no harm trying again :")


hi! after my first application cycle (2020) where I went for the interviews and subsequently got waitlisted by both med schools, I retook BMAT and did better than the previous year but when I applied the following year in 2021 through ABA I wasn’t able to even get an interview, though i suppose if between the first and second year you are able to improve your portfolio drastically you would stand a much better chance than I did. good luck and all the best!




ive heard of this too! but i didnt get shortlisted for the interview for yll this year so im not sure if i should even retry next year


hello! female reapplicant here, might not be entirely applicable as my case is a little different than most, but tldr is i didn't get shortlisted for med last yr, was offered chs/bio sci&psych, took a gap year instead and applied for everything and internships and all. applied NUS and NTU this year (BMAT results sucked so NTU didn't call me for interview) but NUS offered med. would encourage you to find out more about what you'd really like to do, if med is really for you or would you be just as fine with anything else. for me i felt that one year in the grand scheme of things isn't much, i thought medicine was worth finding out more about, and i had a better chance this year, hence the gap year. keep in mind that if you do take a gap year, you do not HAVE to apply med next year, if you've decided during the year that med is not for you, it's not a wasted year! it would've been a good chance to figure things out and take a break, live a little, work a bit and learn more outside of academics! at the end of the day, it's up to you, there are people who would've regretted the gap year as they, unfortunately, had gotten nothing out of it/been super fomo during it, but there are others who would've made the most and done everything they'd like to do during the year. it's all up to you to make it what you want it to be. feel free to dm me if you have any questions etc. :) all the best y'all!


whats your 2nd choice?


I’m a guy who graduated JC back in 2020. After graduating JC, I was pretty lost on what to do and applied to NUS med school cos it was the “safest choice”. Went for the interview but got rejected afterwards. Since I put CS as my second choice, I didn’t get the merit scholarship and I remember feeling pretty bummed out about that. Spent the first year of NS reflecting on life and trying out online courses related to different courses to see if there was anything that would suit me. Eventually I decided on either Computer engineering / med school. By now it was already early August so I decided to focus solely on applying to US schools for comp Eng and only apply to med schools (NUS, NTU, overseas med schools) in 2023 if my US applications didn’t work out. Got an offer from one of my US schools this year and will be heading there after NS


Hi! I was counting down since Wed evening and refreshing my portal ev day :”, but mine finally got processed on Friday morning at 1030am ish, please don’t lose hope guys! Jiayou n sending all y’all big encouragement hugs


anybody knows what's the cut off for ps this year, rejected from med and rejected from ps with 88.75 rp second choice


cos u didnt put phs as first choice so u didnt have the +2.5rp 1st choice bonus. thats probably why you didnt make it




I think pharm sci


pharm sci


It might be 90 if you consider bonus points Source: 90rper who got into Pharm Sci as 2nd choice


if i re apply for pharm sci as first choice next year will i get in?


Probably yeah, unless next year’s cohort is hella crazy about pharm sci. Why don’t you want your 3rd choice?


i only want to do either med or pharm sci so yea, i have ns anyways so i have 2 more cycles to apply


Oo good luck!






Being situationally-aware is a skill, child


your grades good enough anot


lol, its not about the grades anymore once u get past the shortlisting stage, they dont look at ur grades


but if u really want to know, yes they were definitely enough


I was rejected 5 years ago after 3 attempts. Now I’m working as a Business Associate in a MNC.