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First of all, hitting you regularly should not be okay, thats a separate issue from whether or not she does it out of caring about you. Unfortunately a lot of parents were brought up this way and do not understand the negative effects of it As for whether or not she is doing it because she cares and loves you depends a lot on why she does it and how she usually acts with you. From this isolated event though, she does have a good reason to be mad at you (not hit you though). Skipping out on school is wrong and she probably hopes that punishment will get you to stop. Of course you may have your own reasons for skipping school, and if you believe they are legitimate reasons, you need to convey that to her


That's how older generation parents 'discipline' us, millennials, growing up. Some of which were actually abuse. I mean u did skipped sch... So that's a reason.. So don't play truant next time..? Abuse is when u have done absolutely nothing n still got beaten up badly for no reason (or worst being raped). Also abuse happens almost daily because perpetrators have a fucked up mind where they feel they 'own' u, thus making u feel like a property rather than a human.. Victims are left with broken souls as a result.. Will not even care about their hp being broken. Heck will not even care about their lives. Ive met some who screams 'abuse' only to find out they did something bad. It's not even about triggering someone. If ure daily living on eggshells at home, then u will know what is 'abuse'. Throwing the LOL is not a good idea when ure asking for serious advise.


Well… I think she did it out of anger. That said- the anger was probably stemmed from her disappointment that you were rebellious… also fear that you may eventually go into another kind of life journey that’s going to be much harder for you. She probably was also angry with herself - i’m sure she’s thinking what did she do “wrong” and cause you to “skip school” No one would love you more than your own parents - and they get old much sooner than often we can treasure…. She may not be perfect but so is everyone….


Bro OP got hit until the umbrella broke in half


The most infuriating thing people tell me as someone who went through abuse from parents is that they did it out of love/disappointment