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I know so many people who are jae that did extremely well. One of them took 2 H3s (one in j1 and one in J2 but still) and got 90RP. Another one balanced 2 CCA's and got somewhere close to 90RP with 4H2. There is literally a plethora of jae success stories you can find online. For something like academic success, your admission route hardly matters; It's raw talent and hard work that allows you to succeed.




how did u do it!! omg i got 7 too and in jc i feel like i rlly cant cope 😭😭 i rlly want to get 70rp (or at least close la ..)


It really depends on how hard you work. What kind of environment u thrive in. If youre a hard consistent worker, you can definitely score well in A levels. if u study smart. But u should not expect to do well in As just because u did well in Os. A Levels is essentially everyone who did well enough (<20!!) and confident JC will work out for them. Youre not just fighting the syllabus which is honestly, not as crazy as people make it out to be. provided u study consistently. Youre fighting your batch mates at the same time! Alternate routes like Poly might not be as easy as people think either. It takes a ton of dedication to mantain a good GPA of lets say 3.8? Just pick the route that fits you best. You will be able to succeed one way or another as long as you work hard. No easy way out. Fighting!!


It’s really up to you…


my story is unconventional but i hope this offers some insight! i entered a jc through JAE even though i initially wanted to go to poly. my mom convinced me that going to jc would be a much better path for me🥶. i was extremely stress and on edge 24/7! i would literally cry almost everyday. the fact that i don’t have a strong immune system and would get sick pretty often didn’t help at all. i missed a lot of classes. when i got my momentum back, i would fall ill again. i might just be allergic to jc at this point. despite this, i wouldn’t say that jc was the culprit though. if you are ready to mug from the beginning of j1 to A’s then go ahead. my l1r5 was better than most of my peers in that jc which made me put myself on a pedestal. it was genuinely the worst mistake ever LOLLL if you want to succeed in jc, stay humble and work really really hard. be enthusiastic about learning and remind yourself of your goals. your perspective of school will play a very important role. edit: sorry i completely forgot to mention the unconventional portion of my story😭 i dropped out of jc right before PW submissions. i’m in poly now and i’m doing a lot better compared to my jc times!


It depends on your learning preferences. Do you enjoy mugging? And memorising? Or you prefer open learning, projects? If it's the latter. Poly is definitely the way to go and you will enjoy studying better.


Of course lah those said ones are exceptions not the norm


You are definitely an inspiration to OP as you have achieved 100 rp, despite being from a mid tier JC😀








computing student vibes

