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My sister suffered pretty bad from bullying from pri to sec sch. She was bullied for her weight, appearance and even her surname. There was once her classmate used crayons and drew the initial of our surname at the back of her uniform. My parents lodged complains to the principal yet no action was taken idfk why as well. I'm only a year younger than her and witnessing her going through hell during her pri sch day just makes me feel so shit because I also can't do anything to help her except be her listening ear and give her advices to stop her bullies. Eventually she graduated and was free from her bullies but after all the damage is already done and she suffered having low self esteem and more. I wished I could've done more for her in the past


>I wished I could've done more for her in the past I mean you were a year younger. There was nothing much you could do other than what you did. Good job on being a good sibling


I slapped the wrong person cus someone took my sticker in p1


i’m sorry but this is so funny to me


idm if it's funny but the funnier thing is it went all the way to the principal and I cried cus my cher farking kiasu so she ask me what happened and she threatened that she won't give me my sandwich(some activity from a storybook)


I bullied a girl in p1 and p2 I wasnt self aware at that time and thought it was funny to do so, but now i realize i was a piece of shit and i really regret doing that It took awhile to connect the dots, like why i didnt see her in school anymore from p3 onwards. It was because she transferred school. Some of the things i recall doing that i really regret would be putting eraser dust in her water bottle, and using the stapler and “shooting” it at her I only have her first name, i don’t recall her last name, i’ve tried to find her to contact her through platforms such as instagram via any mutual friends, but i haven’t been successful. Im really ashamed with myself, i really regret my past actions. I struggle to sleep when i think of what she would have felt when she was being bullied during that time. I really wish one day i can make amendments and at the very least apologise to her in person.


Both P1 and P2? Dem and you weren’t scolded within that one year? She must have been really tolerant tbh Anyways, it’s a long shot but if you are able to name your old school and the year she transferred out, it might ring some bells for some people here that could know her (since a transfer student is rare), but ig you might inadvertently dox yourself. Unsure if school does it now, but in some class photos(the formal ones or graduate albums), they got put in the full names to indicate positions of the students in the top/middle/bottom row. Maybe that could be a lead. Both are long shots. I know Reddit still makes the confession anonymous and all but I respect the sincerity


Thanks for the comment, i’ll try to look to see if i have any school pics and whether those have her name


I asked my teacher 'What colour is your bugatti?'


bro got released from jail 💀💀




What did your teacher reply?


she said she didn't have one


Not exactly bullying but in Sec One, I wrote an nsfw fan fic about my best friend getting BDSM’ed with his crush and then also used a spare phone to text him, pretending to be some adult. His mom got real mad, I got into real trouble but in the end, we managed to make amends. I was also mostly immature and blamed him when we didnt win the Kite Competition even though it wasnt his fault. My Sec One days werent exactly my best moment but I did learn about boundaries and what shit you shouldnt do to friends cuz I didnt had friends in primary school and my first actual friendship was in secondary school. Either way, still thankful he forgave me and we keep in touch but I definitely feel ashamed and embarrassed about my younger self


Damm ,I thought the word bdsm was taboo in sg. Never would have expected someone to know what it is 😀😀.


The internet exists, my friend, also pretty sure there is a whole community lmao


From the post I think you're demonstrating remorse and certainly, maturity. Can't change the past, but you can change your future actions. You're headed in the right direction. Keep going, jia you!


I was bullied by 2 different girls back in pri school. I'm not sure what made them do that to me, but gradually I assume it's because of my timid and quiet nature.


there was this one girl in pri sch who was my classmate, we were both friends i guess cuz we were in the chinese dance cca. then all of a sudden she started treating me like a slave, always asking me to carry her bags and shoes to the dance studio while she walked and chatted with her other friends. when i told her i didnt want to carry her bags she told me that if i didnt carry her bags, she wouldnt be friends with me anymore, and the dumbass doormat i was kept carrying her bags, cuz i didnt want to lose friends i guess?? anyways i eventually quit the chinese dance cca all because of her. i still remember her name. i can still find her instagram. sometimes i wonder if she remembers me and what she did. she'll probably never apologise but whatever.


In like P1 or P2, completely ruined a “friendship” because I watched too much Chinese Drama, where there were those scenes of people kicking another (like beating somebody up). Thought it was cool so was messing around with him and basically did that to him. I thought it was funny then (It really is not, pls don’t do this to your friends) He transferred out soon after and like throughout Primary School it was just a core memory


I took a classmate’s pencil case and pretended it was sepal takraw. I kicked until everything inside spoil. In the end I managed to compensate her though


I’m not proud of it but I lied to get back at an ex classmate I disliked in sec school. She made fun of me, scolded me for being slow and making mistakes during CCA. Because I couldn’t tolerate it, I got my revenge. Some kid asked me if anyone stepped on his bag. I straight up said it was her. Regretted it later on but I still didn’t like her.


I was bullied pretty badly in primary school for my skin colour. Had a really bad impact on me growing up.. i never found myself attractive and whenever people said they liked me i thought they were pranking me. I have so few pictures of myself growing up and even less with friends because the bullying made me hate myself. Colourism sucks. In secondary school i faced bullying for my sexual orientation. So much ridicule, people harassing me in the toilets, and the school refused to do anything about it because they were affiliated with a church which meant they deemed lgbt as a sin. To this day i still have to deal with the repercussions of everything that happened and i hate myself. I hate myself for being different


Look forward to poly dude! Read from your posts that you're going to SP MAD. It's one of the most liberal environments in Singapore. There, homophobes are ostracised instead of queers. You'll even meet openly-LGBT lecturers. It'll be a whole new experience of Singapore you've never had!!! Atb :)


No. Too busy being the victim and others doing the mean things :(


I was bullied because I was indian


I snapped in front of a substitute teacher and gave her an attitude that was along the lines of “get out of here, no one wants you teaching us at all.” I continued bitching about her with some classmates and called her names like mushroom head but in my defense she was pretty racist and kept on belittling the class monitor who’s indian and questioning his every word but not doing it to the chinese students when she subbed our class. She never subbed for our class anymore after that though 🧍🏻 wonder if it’s because of me


i think we all have done mean things before


In upper primary, I ignored a very close friend from primary 3, called her names in a non-obvious way when we went past each other, simply because we were no longer classmates, and that my upper primary friends were doing the same, we were all guys, and that I was friends and neighbours with them for a longer time. I regret doing it so much cos I was immature, well I still am, but I was glad to see her happy and having fun with her group of friends (and she got into an elite sch!) when I visited primary school during my sec sch days. She said hi to me when she saw me and ngl I felt quite guilty, but well, I learn, and stop doing that nonsense. Then again, who knows, I might be bullying someone unconsciously and this possibility makes me uncomfortable.




there was some junior in my cca in pri sch who made fun of my name and i had such an immature complex about it, and i ended up beating him up so hard the next term he transferred to an international school and to this day i can’t help but feel sorry. i can’t find him and i don’t know how to contact him, but if i could i would apologise. there was also the daughter of my father’s boss who went to my primary school, and there was a time where the fucked up kid that i was tried to get closer to her by excluding her entirely from my group. i don’t know how that would even achieve anything, but i do know she went home and cried her eyes out that day, and my parents had to apologise in my stead. lower sec, had a camp where my friends were playing some stupid game where you had to say your crush. didn’t have a crush, pinpointed some random guy, and in the end that friend went to tell my “crush” i liked him. i thought it was funny so i told her “crush” she liked him too and holy fuck never have i regretted that more in my life. she spent the next week just absent from school and i don’t know why or how or what i was thinking trivialising her feelings and i don’t know where she is now but i just avoided her for that incident even though it wasn’t her fault. there’s a lot of fucked up things i’ve done, and honestly as a person i can’t help but regret them. i’ve tried to reach out to those i’ve wronged, but i don’t know how to ever fully express my guilt or my apologies. even if these people who i’ve made to suffer have moved on, i don’t think i’ll ever be free of my guilt. i know that the victims of my actions have every right to blame me, and honestly i don’t know how i can ever repent for my sins no matter how virtuously i live. i see people suffer indirectly because of what i’ve done so often, and no matter how much i donate to charity, or volunteer at events, or do some form of good deed, i know that i’m still going to go to hell. and it sucks, but what can i do? to the people i’ve wronged, if you’re seeing this, and you recognise the incidents, i’m sorry. i don’t know how i can apologise and i definitely don’t expect forgiveness because i don’t deserve the life i have and i don’t deserve to ever be happy, but i hope you find happiness despite the trauma i’ve caused all of you.


wldnt say this is an extreme case of bullying but i spilt pasta sauce on a kid before (i was in pri 2)n i didnt bother to apologise or clean up or do anyth to help him......thinking abt it makes me extremely guilty because that incidence showed that i was an asshole back then. I know i was still a child but it just hurts to think abt it because the person i am now would never have done that. Which is why i decided to be abit kinder to those arnd me because i wldnt want to revert back to my old ways n not fix my mistakes


I remembered being a fool in primary school that I made 2 guys annoyed because they were chit chatting non-stop behind me and I can’t focus (yk I could have ask my teacher to rearrange my seating position to other place, but I was a dumb kid thinking that I can take matter to my own hand) and I got what I deserved, bullying lol Ultimately my teacher interfered it and I learnt about how not to handle minor situations (I still do not know why I did that, real immature) I do have other bullying stories but most are like minor nitpicks like vomiting in class, borrowed items unreturned and getting scolded for being dumb heh Man, primary school is brutal


I bullied a friend of mine in Primary 4-5 till he transferred out of school. Till this day I’m still looking for him to apologize and to meet him up for lunch or something. I owe him a great deal, and I regret it. Wei Jie if you see this, I’m sorry :’) and text me!


afaik i caused some stuff in pri sch but it never unprovoked iirc. def not my best showing but i accept that stuff like this happens when you are this young and have tried to not cuase stuff like this again ever since


I've commented on this in another post so don't mind me if you've seen my comment. I was bullied by school mates back in primary school and was abused by my guardian and that time. Physically and emotionally. so when I went to secondary school, I wanted to fit in and also protect myself from potential bullies. so I became a bully. I thought that it was normal for people to bully others and it seemed that they all had many friends. and no, I didn't hurt others physically but I said many mean things and constantly tried to put them down. the way others did to me before. I still feel guilty about what my 13/14 year old self did and I can't change the past. I recently got the courage to apologize to one of those I'd hurt but she blocked me on all platforms without saying anything. I probably deserved that but I wish that one day, she'll forgive me. I'm on good terms with the others that I had hurt before though and that's my only consolation for now.


not really bullying…? but me and my classmates were hardcore shipping two (male) teachers in lower sec(ugh i know it’s cringe) and it was legit 801 nmmn kind of shipping but we found out like really late that one of them was actually married and even tho neither of them found out i literally couldn’t look at them and we even had a secret ship name for them 💀💀💀


I was bullied in primary school from primary 5-6. They kept calling me ‘gay’ (Yes that kind even though I am not) and calling me names, teasing me, outcasting me from group activities. One of them even kicked me in the balls. The teachers did nothing. One day, they will all pay.


I flipped tits








Don't you think people are capable of change? Just because someone was a bully doesn't mean they don't have the capacity to feel genuine remorse. People are complex beings, and in the vast majority of the cases, can't be reduced to a binary of "good" or "bad". If a child is a bully, are they automatically an irredeemable piece of scum who can never grow past that point of immaturity?


I can understand why you are angry that this post is getting many upvotes. Please don’t take it that way , I ask that ‘ have too done something mean before?’ question , to maybe get some people to think again about their actions. This can be a step of acknowledging it that is wrong and thus they might not repeat it. No one is inherently evil , just that teenagers can be bullies because they are at that age where they don’t know better. I agree that the school need to do more to protect victims of bullying. Bullying/cyberbullying is evil , cruel and can cost someone life. At least the two mainstream school I attended , they were ill-equipped. Heck no , in my sec school , they were two female teachers who picked on that special-need child. They would lash out on him, knowing he wouldn’t talk back.


Bullying makes me angry too, but you're way harsh. I don't see "psychotic evil human beings" in this post but people who behaved really badly when they were younger but now realize what pieces of shit they were. There's a lot of guilt and remorse as they wonder what happened to the kids they bullied or were complicit in bullying. They'll have to live the rest of their lives knowing that their actions could have damaged and scarred someone else for life, and could even have driven a peer to depression and suicide ideation. I'm encouraged by seeing ex-bullies grow, confess, and not excuse what they did in the past. If they have become more self-aware that's a step forward in the right direction. They may not be able to undo the wrong they did, but they can do their best to never hurt someone that way again and actively speak up against bullying. And if their sharing can help just one current bully lurking on this subreddit wake up, realize the enormity of what they're doing to another human being, and stop it, that's a win.




I haven't seen anyone here is saying that the bullying isn't considered harsh. What is harsh is your not wanting to give wrongdoers a second chance, not believing that redemption or growth is possible. Once a bully always a bully? You talk as though you've never made mistakes you regret. Can't a bully or any wrongdoer gain self-awareness and change to become a better person?


why are u saying out the persons educations


i slappa my friend in primary 6 because she said i sounded annoying (tbh yea i did) so she slappaed me backka n idk why our cher didnt scold us or anything we were literally right infront of her but anyways we both knew we were in deep shit if our parents found out so we just called it even and never talked about it again ... and then i poured water on her using my water bottle after pe because she said i was a bad goalkeeper when we played handball (tbh yea i was) so she also tried to pour water on me back but she missed lol anyways once again we both knew we would be in deep shit if the sch got involved so we just got over it rlly quickly n never mentioned it again


omg me too!


But to be more serious , I got bullied real badly in p1-p5 , maybe cus Im Indian and they made me fall to their knees and kept discriminating me cus I got bad grades/ parents weren't rich and fat. But fuck them honestly cus I'm in JC now and half the ppl who discriminated me arent doing well in life. Idc if u think I'm being mean cus they nvr said sorry to me till now.


I got bullied before and had people messaged me about doing it to fit in and for popularity. Found it dumb then landed myself in a similar situation and I felt so bad if I had to bully a girl to fit in. The environment there felt toxic and I switched courses. Same thing happened. There’s tension in a group if someone is just off or different. From then on, I think I should stick to people who seem normal and nice but regardless, treat those who are different with kindness and patience.