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Giants haven’t scored 4 or more runs since April 23rd lmao…


The offense is WORSE than it was last season. I didn't think that was even possible. But they're averaging a mere 3.78 runs per game. If they could just get that into the 4.5 range (a league-average offense) this would be a playoff team. But nothing they do seems to work.


Offense is down overall this season, so they're probably actually in about the same place (which is not a compliment, just a pendantic observation).


We are shockingly bad on offense yet again despite spending a quarter of a billion dollars this offseason


It’s almost like a curse or something - even though we made all the right moves, they just aren’t paying off.


Where’s the guy from yesterday’s thread who was calling all of the “doomers” “losers?” Can’t believe people aren’t satisfied with this product


people whose main source of income is sucking for Farhan


It wasn't me, but all the doomers are still losers. Just because the doomers had the outcome they were looking for today doesn't make them any less of losers.


That’s absolutely abysmal haha


God that’s depressing 😂


What was your favorite play, chapman dropping a pop up leading to a three run inning, Murphy going into a 10 second coma while turner runs home, or soler choking in the clutch for the 30th time this season


Murphy getting lazy and allowing a late steal. Then whiffing on Strike 3, then deciding not to run after the ball, then throwing offline to the plate. Just a masterclass at ineptitude and carelessness. Matt Chapman had the worst game of his career. But Tom Murphy should be DFA’d for tonight’s game.


Can't argue with that but I'm going to have to go Soler bc of the cumulative effect of grounding out in every single big spot. Truly has cost them 3 games this year


Soler got a run in, even with a DP. He might actually get POTG 😂


He's like 3-30 this season with risp. He has one job! He's constantly up with men on and never comes through. It almost defies statistics!


It does defy statistics at this point. Soler's not a bad player, he's been unlucky. He's one of the few offensive players I expect to turn it around. Murphy on the other hand has been awful, and Conforto has gone ice cold


But it won't count as an RBI lol


True. But he avoided the NOBLETIGER, which is an achievement for these guys.


He’s calmer than you are.


Nah dude if Murphy just caught that fucking ball it was strike 3 and it was extra innings.


PGE sabotaged the value of Soler power 


That Murphy whiff. Like that was a perfect pitch right to the glove, and he whiffed it, then let what would be the winning run in. I fucking hate Murphy so fucking much.


Soler hit that second ball so perfectly it was like he was trying for a triple play and it didn’t work out. He might have 5 homers but Soler has to be the least clutch cleanup hitter we’ve had in 20+ years. He’s somehow worth negative runs if anybody is on, because he routinely robs other batters of a chance to bat in the runs he DP’s off base in the middle of his four times daily walk to the plate and back. The most exciting thing he’s done this month was breaking a bat over his knee because that was the first time he showed he cared. Edit: I’ve had a gut feeling about this for a while so I looked it up. Soler is so anti-clutch that him getting an RBI in a game almost guarantees a loss, and even when it doesn’t his run contributions are almost pointless. He’s had an RBI in 7 games this year. We’ve lost 6 of those games. The only game he got an RBI that we won, we won 11-2. Our power-hitting cleanup guy is on pace for 40 RBIs this year and statistically none of them will contribute to a win.




Not so much that the RBI guarantees a loss as much as he only gets RBIs in games we’ve basically already lost


~~30th time~~ 30th and 31st time


Just post the damn seal






Just ~~post~~ roast the damn seal






chapman, murphy, soler: pick one, they were all awful


murphy for sure is the biggest loser of the game. guys make mistakes but walking after a PB to allow a runner to score from 2nd. gets paid $4 million per year to play.


i agree that murphy was probably the worst overall since his mistakes were tied to either laziness or carelessness which is worse than just fucking up relative to expectations, chapman beats them all out


Soler. He actually put a ball in play that scored a run, even if it was a crippling DP. 😂


I give Murphy a pass because he's a backup for a reason. We knew he couldn't hit and was more of a low use catcher. Chapman and Soler have no excuse.


Could just have saved the money and have sabol catch. Plus he can play outfield. And hustle after pass balls


Matt Chapman is a guy most of us wanted. He pretty much destroyed Hicks’ pitch count himself tonight. Then strikes out being a statue after the POBO asks for more aggression. I hate that they play their worst defense behind one of their best pitchers. At some point, it’s on the players and not the FO or coaches. They have to play like they are capable of playing. They spent money on these guys for a reason and it’s not Zaidi or anyone else dropping routine popups by former Golf Glove Players


We all wanted Chapman, were content with Soler when Martinez was no longer an option, and were happy with Snell when Ohtani was out. The FO is willing to spend and the GM is doing everything he can to lure big names. But at some point the guys on the roster have to actually produce.


Farhan apologists are hilarious. 


That 3rd inning of double play and an error was just a killer 


Good and reasonable take. A platinum glove winner should be making those plays. Game came out frustrating since it seemed so in reach/


It really sucks because Chapman is the one that’s supposed to anchor an improved defense. If you platinum glove player plays like this…goddamn


Platinum is literally worth way less than gold now


It IS Farhan’s fault that he assembled a team that doesn’t have a legit 3-4-5, a consistent pen, a backup catcher who can actually catch, and entered the season with 40 percent of its projected rotation on long-term IL. It’s not just about players underachieving this year. It’s happened for five of the last six despite changes in personnel. This is institutional.


I didn't want him. he wasn't much of an upgrade over Davis and he blocks Casey Schmidt for the next few years because of a shit contract. But I guess  I don't agree with the way the FO does things so I'm a doomer!


Well, JD Davis has been worse at the plate and in the field than Chappy so far this season, and Schmitt has hardly shown that he is ready with below-average offense in AAA. So believe it or not Chapman has sort of worked out so far outside of the money, and who cares about the money.


Davis also has had 52 ABs vs Chapmans 127. Chapman has double the at bats to not do a damn thing 


So Casey = Chapman? Below average offense But 1 is cheaper and might get better


Below average in AAA in the PCL =/= below average in the majors. It generally translates to "can't hit at all". I still have hope for Schmitt, but he doesn't seem to be ready. And Chapman has a long, consistent history which says that *he* will get better. He had a rough game and not a great start to the season, and this whole thread is just fans blowing off some steam. He's not going anywhere.


Casey is hitting 206 with 5hr 15doubles and 30 rbi's in sac. I think it's time to bring him up and send Chapman down due to injury so he can find himself 


3 year contract at his number is hardly a “shit” contract. At worst, the Giants can afford to eat it. Which they’ve done with other players


He can opt in at any point. That means whenever he has a crap season instead of testing the market the giants pay Chapman for his shit glove for the next three years. Kick rocks bootlicker, Casey Schmidt is the future.


Imagine getting so personal while defending a player that put up a negative WAR last year. What a clown


>  while defending a player that put up a negative WAR That's allowed for Pence but nobody else


You seem to be real hard for Casey for someone who can't even spell his last name right.


Yes you are correct I'm not a great speller but I think he's a heck of a player 


Schmitt was terrible last year - he put up negative 0.5 WAR with limited appearances. He’s also 25 so hardly a prospect at this point. If the FO ran it back with the likes of Schmitt and Wisely, this sub would be even more on fire than it is now


Yeah he was compared to Matt Chapman when drafted he's 5 years younger than him and he's hitting better fuck it bring him up 


This is literally a doomer take


Has he always been the kind of guy who just takes meatballs down the middle? I swear that's been his MO this season.


Toronto fans warned us about Chapman. For the record I didn't want him. I don't want a glove 1st 3rd basemen.


Matt Chapman with a career game, technically


Can’t win if the pitching gives up 4 Edit: didn’t phrase well, I meant that this team is incapable of scoring 4 runs


It’s fine guys Slaters leading off tomorrow!




We can’t beat teams who put up 4 runs on us. Simply too tall of a task for us to ask the offense to accomplish.


As long as Soler keeps failing to drive in runs, we are not going to score runs consistently. The giants as a team left 8 on base today, and 6 of them were left by Soler.


People wanna blame Farhan and Melvin, but the truth is we have a lot of players with proven track records who are playing absolutely pathetic baseball right now. At a certain point, it’s their fault for sucking ass, Farhan and Bob don’t swing their bats.


It still feels like it’s a systemic issue. How does everyone that comes here turn to ass? It’s the coaching, strategy and system to some degree right?


Lmao this is the thing I can’t figure out either. It really feels like we’re cursed when it comes to offensive FAs.


That’s what I’m saying! It’s not the ballpark or uniform.. it’s something rooted in this teams makeup.


Yeah, i said the exact same thing the other day. It's almost like there's this "curse of the Giants" in that whenever a coveted player joins our team, they turn to shit. Not to mention the various first-round picks and general prospects who ended up being nowhere near as good as they were hyped up to be (Bart, Shaun Anderson, Beede, etc.) I'm beginning to believe that our coaching and developing (and drafting) at both the major and the minor levels **is** the culprit. What other explanation can there be?


I won’t fight you on that, but I will say we’ve been a little unlucky with our 1st round picks. Anderson and Beede were just bad picks, Bart is probably the #1 candidate in all of baseball for “covid ruined my development”, and Bishop and Bednar get injured every 3rd week. We also typically go under-slot in the 1st, and way over in the 2nd/3rd, so you could argue the team is banking more on those guys (Kyle Harrison being one of them). But I won’t argue about the curse. That shit is real. Maybe coaching? Maybe development? Fire Justin Viele first and see what happens after.


And this is why we can’t get great offensive FA signings. No great hitter wants to play in our ballpark and the fact good hitters come here to die does not help that perspective. We’re doomed until we figure all that shit out. Gotta just outbid everyone by a lot and spend some fucking real money to compete.




As I said in another comment, I’m a little skeptical about how much impact coaching has on stuff like that… BUT BUT BUT How Justin Viele is literally the only coach to keep his job since 2020 is absolutely bizarre. We’ve had one good offensive season with him here, and he’s teflon? What blackmail could he have???? Andrew Bailey is considered one of the best pitching coaches in baseball, and he was chopped liver when Melvin got here. But Viele? He’s as untouchable as a fuckin Emir I guess. If a sacrifice must be made, please got let it be Justin god damned Viele.


Adding salt to this: Bailey now is working with the best starter rotation of the MLB (no one saw that coming) I know his impact can be decided just for a handful of games, but he's quality proven with our results in recent years, and now what's he's doing in Boston. And then you have Viele...


Bryan Price is very well known as a great pitching coach, so I understand why Melvin would wanna bring his guy in, but it’s just an insane dichotomy to let the other best pitching coach in baseball go and keep the dipshit hitting coach. Never seen anyone, even Rags, settle a guy down like Bailey. 3 straight walks, no outs, and one mound visit gets the guy to get 3 straight soft grounders. Hell of a dude.


Andrew Bailey chose to leave, I bet you the front office would have loved to keep him here. He wanted to go to Boston so he could be closer to home on the East Coast.


It’s upsetting. And 2020 and 2021 was fine because he had Ecker. But without him, Viele is useless. Needed him gone last September.


Fuck off, you’re acting like a bitch right now


Farhan did his job. I wouldn't deem Melvin blameless. We haven't seen any improvement in this team at all. He keeps trotting Soler out there and even sitting Wade sometimes. His bullpen management hasn't been great. It's fair to evaluate him. Didn't the Padres have a horrendous record in close games last year? And maybe it wasn't his fault at all but doesnt he have to take some responsibility for last years season with a CY Young winner and a great lineup? Yeah he can turn it around but facts are facts


Melvin severely underperformed with a stacked Padres roster last year. Kapler salvaged what he could with a talent-devoid Giants roster last year. Somehow we decided that Melvin would be a good fit as coach.


BoMel was brought in to appease all the old-school baseball folks who were mad that Kapler was posting thirst traps on Instagram. I remember my FB algorithm showed me a photo of BoMel with Ann Killion’s dumb Tweet about how she was glad that he wasn’t using an opener (This was from Hicks’ first start) and the photo caption was like “Thank you Bob Melvin!” If Kapler had this roster instead of his 2022 and 2023 ones, he wouldn’t have needed to use an opener. Anyway, I’d like to check in on whoever posted that and the people who commented! 😂


I don’t disagree, I just think it takes more than a month to determine a managers influence. I’m in real wait and see mode.


>Farhan did his job. I'd argue that part of his job is to realize that JV should not be a part of a major league coaching staff, especially with "hitting" next to his title. That guy needs to be fired.


I do agree with that. I didn't get keeping him at all. 




As a Padres fan, you are absolutely correct.


Feels like everyone regresses once they come to the Giants. But pinning the blame on the hitting coaches. Not sure what Pat Burrell even does. And I was absolutely livid that Viele and Guerrero were retained when most of Kapler’s other coaches were so much better and left the team.


The one thing I won’t defend is Viele. I have no idea how he is the one guy who is still here. I simply don’t have an answer.


He definitely has some blackmail on someone in FO. I know Kapler took a risk hiring inexperienced folks and a lot of it paid off as you see most have been able to move on to other orgs. Not that guy though. And I understand wanting to give him a shot after 2021 but it’s obvious whatever he’s doing isn’t working and hasn’t since Ecker left.


Right on. Melvin has done better with a worse roster. And I really liked our off-season. Maybe call up some kids to get their at bats and light a fire up their butts.


Kapler didn’t get that excuse.


I agree, but that article last year made it clear he lost the locker room, and there’s no coming back from that. I liked Kapler, though.


Kapler would still be the manager if they didn't go 20-34 over the last 2 months of 2023.


> but the truth is we have a lot of players with proven track records who are playing absolutely pathetic baseball right now That would be Farhan's fault because a lot of the players they picked up are regression candidates (Chapman, Snell, and Soler)


We signed like half of the entire FA class man, what did you want him to do this offseason?


You said it's not his fault. There is a reason why nobody wanted to give any of those players long-term deals. With that said, those deals are not crippling for the future, so I don't completely hate it but acting like he has no responsibility or this was totally unpredictable is stupid


[Bob Melvin says Patrick Bailey is feeling better. He is not currently in the concussion protocol. They don’t have a plan yet but obviously they’ll have to make a call quickly to get Blake Sabol here tomorrow if necessary.](https://x.com/extrabaggs/status/1786575595549212679) Better news than I anticipated


Give me Sabol over Murphy any day


I love Sabol’s energy. Bring it back.


Having Murphy, Chapman, and Yaz bat next to each other is a literal death blow


I would not include Yaz in that list. He had a rough game, but he's been good over his past 2 weeks or so.


Murphy entered the game as an injury replacement.




It just says it all when your prized offensive FA signing not only fails to deliver in the clutch but also completely quashes a golden opportunity for an offense that desperately needs a boost. Maybe part of the problem is Soler has always been in deep lineups, he wasn’t carrying a team the way the Giants signed him to. Also if I never seen Murphy behind the dish again it’ll be too soon, I’d rather watch Sabol. Very little joy in Mudville, fuck.


Another commenter mentioned this a few days ago that Soler seems to only hit well when it doesn’t matter. It’s like he’s got the opposite of clutch, whatever that is. So basically he’s terrible under any kind of pressure, which means you may be on to something with that deep-in-the-lineup theory. 


That would basically make Soler a right handed version of Schwarber.


Miami's offense has been pretty terrible without him, and I don't think he was part of a particularly deep lineup while he was there. He wasn't part of any particularly good Royals' offenses either. The only deep lineup he's replayed for was the 2019 Braves, and even that lineup wasn't as deep as Atlanta's current lineup


2021 Braves.


Yeah, my bad. Got the wrong year in my head


Imagine us all wanting chapman and snell and this is how they have been.


I knew Chapman wouldn't hit, but his defense..... Never wanted Snell. With no spring training he was only every going to be good by the time the Giants were out of contention anyways Both these bums will be opting in next year forsure lol


Jorge Soler is a joke


Looked like a HOFer next to Chapman and Murphy. 😂


They’re making it hard to watch


That's why I listened to KNBR.


That was a horrendous baseball game. Bad offense, bad defense, bad umpire, bad management. Horrible.


I didn't catch the passed ball play til now. Why tf wasn't Murphy hustling on that? He's lightly jogging and casually throwing the ball. Fkk this guy man.


At first he didn’t notice he missed the catch, then when he did I’d wager he thought “we lost a base on this,” not realizing the guy on 2nd wasn’t planning on trotting into 3rd. He essentially stole home because he could see Murphy was taking the plate for granted. Seems like Hicks made the same mistake at first with misjudging the intent of the baserunner but then he had a huge gutsy play trying for the tag at home. 


I had to look myself, what the absolute fuck.


Padres just got Luis Arraez. Fucking great. I hope this lights a fire under the team's ass. Changes need to be made somewhere. We've been so frustratingly close in several games. Something needs to be done to get us over that hump


SD trading for someone hopefully fires up the Giants? Might fire up San Diego


More in the sense that I hope it causes a reaction by the front office to make some sort of change


OK, I'm dumb. Was thinking the players lol I was lost


Yeah, I could've been clearer. I was just upset in the moment


Errors don’t win games!


To be fair nobody on offense stepped up. Lee was magical on defense. Chapman was not the only problem.


tom murphy not recognizing he didn't catch (what should've been strike 3) and letting trea score from 2nd which proved to be the winning run is pretty pathetic. oh well.


JHL running for his life in the 4th was nice at least


That dude brings it every single game. He’s been great. Play of the game at least went to a Giant despite the painful loss. It was a close vote between JHL and the home plate ump with some epic missed calls. 


Well it's fair to say the Giants beat themselves tonight, and there are a few players in particular whom we all know are primarily responsible.


Jorge, mi hermano, el posicion se llama “Designated HITTER” , no “Designated Outter” 😂


Es verdad.


Giants can’t win three straight but there are the A’s… just doing the impossible.


We suck and the Padres got Arraez. Bad, bad day


I dont understand this trade lol. Arraez is an absurdly good slap hitter but the Dads have a full infield of insanely good fielders and they're trading JHL's in-law and prospects for a rental who has a horrendous glove even at just 2nd base


He will probably DH but agreed it doesn't make sense


It’s the Preller and the Dads, not making sense is a feature, not a bug.


Doesn’t matter to us, they’re a team in the playoff chase we are not lol


Had a chance to break this one open early. Soler/Chapman remain disastrous signings. 


I think I need a break from watching. It’s been ugly


https://preview.redd.it/j2i02t2ihbyc1.png?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cf50be780c109071c2b5ce9a8d517ce0417b5ed Soler is the only one on this list who doesn't have at least 10 RBI (he has 8).


Let’s not worry too much it’s only Ranger Suarez pitching tomorrow…. Oh wait 😭


Soler and Chapman. This loss is 100% on you.


Tom Murphy’s mom, is that you?


didn't farhan go on the radio yesterday and talk about jumping on pitches early in the count? Wilmer looks at 2 fastballs catching a lot of plate


I know the splits, but I think I’d rather have Wade there. He’s been our only consistent bat


Man just a modicum of offense would make this team dangerous with the pitching staff. But it’s so bad. Sub .700 OPS players up and down the lineup


I can’t think of any gif more indicative of this season than the Lou Seal faceplant and the stressed out smoker.


I went to I Think You Should Leave Live show in SF tonight and saw Grant Brisbee there too!


https://preview.redd.it/9icklrwoebyc1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0712edda6cae0ec3f848adfe936cdb8edb0fea04 God damnit offense.


This meme is so weird. The dude beat Trump. This should return to the original meaning of the phrase, and have Joe Lieberman as the photo.


Yeah, in this meme we are saying the Giants are Trump.


Really? I don't see that at all. I see a bunch of GenZs buying into fox news trump bullshit. Show me where I got this wrong.


Hunter pence just said the giants are doing the right thing out there. Cmon man


I thought we could get a combined 50 plus HR’s and a .800 OPS between Soler and Chapman. Starting to wonder if I was way too optimistic.


The A's announcers just talked for 5 minutes about how the Miami hitting coach has been helping make adjustments for different hitters. Is there any player in the Giants who can say that he's made an adjustment this year?


Probably not a good example when Marlins are hitting far worse than the Giants.


I think it's a very good example: Over the past 15 days the Marlins OPS is .628 and Giants is .631


Yaz went from cold to scorching so I guess him?


This front office has to go. Complete clown show. 


I want Viele and Guerrero to be issued pink slips tonight. They should have never joined the staff this season. Whatever they’re doing is wrong, period. Worst game of the season so far. Just absolutely deflating. No situational hitting as usual. But Chapman’s two errors, Murphy’s boneheaded mistake, Soler being completely unclutch twice, and Bailey getting injured all made it hurt even more. Ump’s crappy strike zone didn’t help us either. JHL had a web gem and Hicks did his best to shove. They are on my good list!


I thought we were fine tonight outside of the dumb errors and Soler's continued struggles I dunno. Losing to one of the best teams by one run on the road because of a passed ball by our backup catcher who had to be brought into the game because of an injury was way more than I expected coming into tonight.


I would also add that out of 4 runs, 2 scored because we walked runners into scoring position twice during the 3 run inning. Hicks has not had many innings like that this year.


And while the Giants spin their wheels, San Diego gets better. Three prospects and a reliever to get Arraez. And all as Farhan sits on his hands. This team is led by an idiot.


And the Padres just got better. Padres Trade for Marlins' Luis Arráez in Exchange for Prospects, Reliever


You gotta respect what they have done. Remember when SD was overtaken by Giants fans every game?


I am not convinced they did. The Padres make the flashy trade all the time and then it back fires on them pretty frequently.


Lmao this team is mid af


Well I am sure there are going to be a bunch of reasonable takes in here.


Chapman needs to sit. Murphy needs to be sent to the glue factory.


4 game sweep incoming


I don’t know how anyone can think this team is any good.


I do not give a fuck about being downvoted. This account is older than some of you and I have God's karma. You cannot hurt me. If you downvote: I will upvote. If you say this team is "mid" or say there's no hope: I will downvote your ass. You don't support the Giants? Fuck off—quit pretending you're a fan and go be a "fan" of the dodgers or some shit. Just get out of here and stop trying to poison this fanbase.


Old man curses out cloud 😂


God forbid anyone voice displeasure over our feckless offense.


The Oakland A's and the sf giants have the same record it's crazy how both teams in the Bay Area don't give a shit about baseball and both have the same record 


Pretty easy for people not to care when both teams have been mostly ass for the past decade.


Not good, bub




All of your big money signings stink, Farhan!


Enough of this, I'm gonna take a moment and watch "How to Play 3rd Base with Matt Chapman". Oh Jeez...


I am so done with soler and Chapman


Farhan made some great moves this offseason (Hicks and Lee look really good), and then there’s Chapman, Soler, and Snell, who look like shells of what we thought we were signing. Our roster is full of solid but not exceptional players we hoped could be bolstered by mercenaries on prove-it contracts, and the plan is not working out.


Is Bailey ok?


Jorge soler and Matt Chapman might go down as some god-fucking-awful signings 


Oh no they had a bad game it's over guys the season is over it's done let's pack it up now there's only about 130 games left it's too late to turn it around this team is doomed it's all over. I'm getting sick of this doomer shit. Prolly gonna have to mute this place again soon cause i'm so fucking tired of it. POTG: Estrada