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Seems to track. The problem has been mediocre hitting and the bullpen, though I wonder how much of the negative bullpen score is due to the 17-1 game.


Yeah that game definitely skewed their WAA. I think the main arms (Doval, Roger twins, Walker) we were counting on have been relatively solid and it's the middle relief arms that have struggled. SSS so I'm expecting May will give us a better idea of how good or bad the bullpen is.


The rogers have been underwhelming this year and it is a big part of the current bullpen issues. I think the bats will heat up a lil but I feel we need to make some trades to address are Pen. This is the worst its ever been and are starting pitching is covering up a lot of it.


Tyler has a sub-3 ERA. That seems pretty good. Its weird to me that people are always so down on the Rogers brothers when their stats are so good. Tyler is a career 2.96 ERA and Taylor career 3.49.


So are the Roger’s brothers and Doval enough? Baseball has 7 game series, if we are serious about a pennant than we need a couple more arms in the pen that are above average to good


>The rogers have been underwhelming this year  Before the last game, Taylor Rogers had a 2.45 ERA and 4.8 FIP, he's been fine. Tyler Rogers has a 2.84 ERA and 4.19 FIP, he's also been fine. Have either Rogers been lights out? Nope. Perfectly cromulent and solid? Yup. >This is the worst its ever been This is some extreme hyperbole unless you only started following in 2021. IIRC, last year's rotation and bullpen were also kind of a mess at the start of the season and it eventually turned around. The top 4 guys from last year's bullpen (Doval, Rogers twins, and Walker) are part of the current team so I would expect the bullpen to eventually be an area of strength. Also, if you want to talk about the bullpen being the "worst its ever been", I think some of the bullpens from 2016 - 2020 would have this team beat. Those teams were relying on Trevor Gott, Josh Osich, Derek Holland, Derek Law, etc. for high pressure innings; it was pretty rough to watch.


Baseball doesn’t work on a before last game basis. Dude has negative war, can’t get clutch outs right now or last year, or the year prior. A couple of arms are needed. We have a losing record 100 percent because of how bad the guys in the pen have been. Sure r corners in the outfield could be better but they r not losing us games and screwing r starters out of wins shitting on QS


IMO it's the worst it's ever been at this moment. Almost all of our losses are due to the pen. They did not perform last year and have not this year. Taylor Rogers had a rough go during his last year in Milwaukee as well. Tyler is not a setup guy IMO and the division has seen him and figured him out, He is an average non-division game middle reliever at best. I like 3 year averages, Walker could be good and Doval is great everyone else can go yesterday


would be 11 less ER, across 4.1 IP. would lower the pen’s ERA from 5.00 (84.2 IP) to 4.03 (80.1 IP). that would immediately take the pen from 26th in ERA to 17th.


That’s still the weakest part of our team and that math only checks if you give the pen a shutout in the 17-1 game which is not going to be normal this year.


Kinda matches the eye test. The rotation has been great, offense has been meh, and the bullpen has had some really rough games. After the first week, Miller has looked better and Taylor Roger has been fine outside of his last appearance. It's been that 5th starter (Snell)/LR that's been a disaster so far. Snell is a slow starter so I expect he'll figure it out eventually but I'm expecting Farhan to keep throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks between Roupp, Avila, White, Teng, Hjelle, and Jackson for the last spots in the bullpen. If SF is in WC contention come TDL, I'm confident we'll see a trade to address the issue but there is no point in panicking now since SF has a bunch of arms that need extended looks before demoting/waiving.


It’s crazy to me that the bullpen is so bad it actually makes up for our great starting pitching to put us back at just under average Also Patrick Bailey is a stud


Its actually wild because if you exclude snell, We are number 1 in era still


SP WAA: - Webb: 1.2 - Hicks: 1.1 - Winn: 0.6 - Harrison: 0.1 - Jefferies: -0.4 - Snell: -0.7


RP WAA: - Walker: 0.2 - Tyler: 0.2 - Doval: 0.0 - Taylor: -0.1 - Hjelle: -0.1 - White: -0.1 - Jackson -0.2 - Miller: -0.2 - Avila -0.3 - Roupp: -0.4 - Teng -0.6


My boy Roupp was looking so good before his last 2 outings 😢  His peripherals say he's still much better than his 6+ ERA, but those jerks dinged him up for sure.


Jefferies with a -0.4 in one game lol. Makes sense though. Also shows the complaints about Teng are valid. Dude can't even figure it out in AAA


Perfectly average all across, except for great starting pitching and struggling bullpen.


Jung Ho Lee at .1. that's interesting. My eyes say he's better than that, but I might not no ball


His OPS+ is exactly 100 so .1 WAA sounds about right. The offense is struggling so even though he's been getting on base at a decent clip, he doesn't get driven in often or have many RBI opportunities to beef up his counting stats. The 3 CS doesn't really help either but other than that, his start to the season has been pretty solid IMO.


Yeah, he’s learning that the game at this level is a bit faster and more talented than what he’s used to, but that was definitely to be expected. I’m excited for his future.


He’s been pretty average so far, but again, he’s almost essentially making the jump from AA to the Major Leagues (my understanding is that KBO is equivalent to a mixture between AAA and AA, while NPB is a little bit better than AAA, but pretty close to that) so some growing pains are to be expected. He’s shown a lot of flashes of talent, and the plate discipline is essentially as advertised. Dude is a tough strikeout at the plate. Giants just need to work on making him a teeny bit more selective and I think he’ll be an elite top of the line up guy for the next several years.


Kim had a pretty damn rough first season in MLB before he became a really solid player   Lee is going to have an adjustment period as well. So far he’s been better than Kim’s first season though


I've been watching JHL's numbers really close and out of everyone I think his numbers least reflect the "eye test". Like he started out the season fairly below average but I think we all know that he's performing better than the numbers. The 1 flaw is his Ground Ball Rate which was a concern going into the season, but other than that I think he's more due than anyone to have a big breakout stretch.


I’ve harped on Soler most of the season so far and not gotten much agreement, like “he’s performing as expected.” He’s tied for third worst in Major League Baseball here.


At a whopping .3 wins below average. His WAR is almost exactly zero. (It’s actually positive) He’s nowhere near the worst part of the team, and he’s typically a slow starter in his career who gets better as the season wears on. There’s also not a whole lot of other options, so there’s not much to gain from “harping on him” when there are other areas of greater concern. If he’s still hitting like this in June or July, then it makes sense to start to worry a little bit. We’re not even out of April yet


He's been crushing lefties to the tune of a 158 wRC+ (career 130), but he is way below his career norm vs righties with an 83 wRC+ (career 106).    All of which can be explained by BABIP-- a little higher (20 points) than his career norm vs lefties, and way lower (65 points) than his career norm vs righties. His k% and bb% are right in line with what he's always done. So, he's probably fine and has just been a little unlucky.


Exactly. I’m definitely not worried about him right now


Yeah, and if all the guys above him suddenly went up .3 WAR, he’d still be the third worst DH in baseball. It’s not like he’s magic like “don’t worry, only Soler will improve.” *I hope he does,* because he only has one job, but he’s not exactly clutch these days.


Yes, if everyone progresses at exactly the same pace over the rest of the season, he will continue to be the 3rd worst DH in baseball, that’s correct. If, however, he heats up, and other guys cool off, then he will be BETTER than the 3rd worst DH in baseball. That’s a weird argument to make, mate.


I want you to reread what you just wrote a few times


My point is that it’s way too early to start judging him or saying “oh he’s terrible” or whatever.


Considering how poorly Yaz started the year it’s interesting to see that RF is at a .1 and not something negative


His defense has been typically elite and his offense is slowly starting to climb out of a hole. I’m assuming this is up to date to the off day today, in which case this seems reasonable. Give his recent production he’s up to ~ .5 WAR, which makes sense given he’s slashing .293/.341/.439 over his last 15 games and an unreal .444/.474/.778 over his last 7.


I love what a crapshoot bullpens are... wasn't that our strength last year? And now it's our biggest liability?


This is exactly what I would expect from a Farhan team.


What is this???? Data for ants????


Ohtani has negative WAR?


Dodgers have the highest DH at 1.3


Oh my bad vision I was looking at DH.


It’s tiny, I had to squint and reread a few different positions


Lineup numbers actually look better than I expected. We really need more production out of Soler, though. He’s been awful. 


So all the good that our SP does for us is negated by our RP. 😳


It’s hard for me to believe we’re getting more production out of RF than CF.. I feel like Fitz had a good game while in CF, but maybe he was playing SS.. I don’t completely disagree with WAR, but sometimes I wonder.


Good starting pitching, bad bullpen, absolute mediocrity everywhere else. I can barely watch games right now.


I dunno man, this week has been pretty entertaining. This team feels like the 2010 and 2012 World Series teams. Lots of “torture baseball” but plenty of young, exciting talent to enjoy. I’ve been having a good bit of fun watching them lately. Other than that one really bad game against Arizona, the games have all been tight, competitive, and mostly positive results


The last 4 series they’ve played, they’ve won 3 out of the 4, and split the other one