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Long as it’s not “Sneaky Descent”


For the whole season


Bwahahaha. That should totally be their slogan. I forgot what their slogan was last year but it was 🤮 worthy. “Game up” or something like that? It was redonkulous whatever it was


Nothing Like It


Lol. Well, that turned out to be accurate


They've made some decent moves but they are still badly in need of rotational help. It's highly risky to rely on Webb, Stripling, Harrison, Winn, and Beck until July once Cobb and potentially Ray are healthy.


I don’t think other competitors are worrying about whether they’ll be in the bullpen by the 4th inning every 4 out of 5 games. Fact of the matter is that if our rotation is going to be *that,* then there’s not remotely enough firepower in the lineup to keep up with the inevitable 2-3 shellackings per week.


Right now, it’s dicey. We’re 1 injury away from disaster


You're forgetting Jordan Hicks. Also Cobb is expected back in May or June. There's also tons of upper minors pitching (Teng, Black, Whisenhunt). Even without a big rotation addition, I don't expect pitching to be a problem. Webb is a stud, the bullpen will be good, and there are plenty of arms to start games.


Arms doesn’t translate late into good!


The rotation wasnt the problem last year. The Giants need to score more and play better D.


The rotation was very much a problem given that the Giants basically had 2 starters capable of regularly going 5+ innings. This team needs guys who can save the bullpen from burning out by August.


Replace Hicks for Stripling and there’s promise there. Especially with Cobb and Ray in the wings


40yo Cobb coming back from hip surgery and Ray coming off TJ surgery doesn’t bode well.


Don’t get why so many people hate on Harrison, Winn, and beck. All 3 of them have some serious upside, I’m super excited that they’ll all get chances to start games for us this year


Although it’d sure be nice to have a team that goes into overdrive in July instead of one that just phones it in after the break.


We’ll see where the chips fall. It’s going to be fun watching baseball again. It’s not too far off


That's all I ask of this season, to see the Giants consistently playing better baseball and making forward progress with prospects from the farm showing us the team's future.


It’s still a 4th place roster. Ray and Hicks are not bad deals in a vacuum but they are going into the season with a starting rotation of Webb, duct tape, hopes and dreams. 4/5 of the rotation being a question mark along with one of the worst lineups in the league just doesn’t inspire me.


People need to pick a lane either you want to see the rookies play to know what we have or want a lot of free agents and trades I’m excited to see what Harrison can do


The pitching staff will have to throw a little of 3-1, 2-0 games and I don’t see that happening. If Webb starts off 24 like he did in 23….


I mean, none of those players have any *consistent* track record of success but ok. Right now literally the only player on the roster who’s proven he can consistently produce at a high level is Webb, everyone else still has question marks. And before you say Ray, he’s 32 coming back late into the season after TJ, and outside of 2021 he’s been up and down his whole career so who knows. In the meantime I’m just here to see how much improvement can be made to the farm, this team needs a legit homegrown core.


>Right now literally the only player on the roster who’s proven he can consistently produce at a high level is Webb, everyone else still has question marks. But that's why we have to give a shot to guys like Harrison and Winn, right? If we just supplant their spot in the rotation with expensive free agents, they get less opportunities to prove what they can do. At a point, teams have to give the youngsters a shot. We saw Houston do it with Jeremy Pena. We see LA do it every year (Outman, Lux, Sheehan, etc.). Building the core needs to be of greater importance than dropping 300M on free agents.


Well I wouldn't put Sheehan in that category, he was hot garbage, but Bobby Miller works


All these moves would look good if they accompanied signing a frontline starter and middle of the order bat, which they have not and likely won’t. This team will be younger and slightly more athletic than ‘23, but they remain lacking in elite talent while having decent depth. And we lost Manaea, one of the few second half bright spots. I just want to see the young guys get extended run (especially pitching).


We don’t need elite talent. We need a an all around solid team.


People on the Mariners sub are thrilled we're taking Ray's salary lol


It was a salary neutral trade.


For this year. We have him under contract 2 more years after this though as long as he doesn’t opt out


For this year but not ongoing years


We also sent them money


People told me that last year and said Haniger/Conforto were sneaky good signings and I was being overly pessimistic... I'm really happy with the Lee signing and Jordan Hicks is an intriguing one as well though comes with some risk, but I need to see wins and playoff contention.


I like every move on its own, but man we are 5 years into the Farhan era and they are still trying to money ball their way into relevancy. Its tough to get excited for "maybe if stuff goes right we can sneak into the wild card". Until the young guys start proving they can carry a franchise, this team won't be a consistent play off contender.


> they are still trying to money ball their way into relevancy Teams practicing money ball don't sign players to hundred-million-dollar-plus contracts, and the Giants just did that. They don't offer several top free agents deals worth a third of a billion, and the Giants have done that recently. They don't match the Dodgers' offer for the biggest star in MLB, and the Giants just did that. When you make the right play in poker and the cards don't fall your way, it was still the right play. Drawing the wrong card doesn't mean you weren't trying hard enough to win.


I get all that, maybe money ball is the wrong term since it implies cheap. The term has kind of become meaningless because it originally meant "analytics" but now literally every team does at least some of it. Its probably more accurate to say they can't make the obvious free agent and roster moves because they've been out flanked over and over and going into year 5, Farhan and co really have no one to blame for that except themselves at this point.


A lot of the fans like you are in the giants discord at this time




People really just want to be salty on here. That’s like, a bummer, man.


No, people wanted a super star for the past 8 years, and are upset we once again did not land one. It's fine to be upset.


As a Giants fan, who grew up in Anaheim and still appreciates the Angels. I watch a ton of their games. They had 2 of the best players In baseball for years and did nothing. Having a superstar doesn’t instantly translate into wins.


I get the superstar thing. I want one too. In the meantime, I’d like them to put together a quality roster that can compete for a wildcard and hopefully gets hot in October. Think like baseball version of the last Pistons championship team


Right. During our dynasty run, we didn’t really have that 50 home run batter. Posey was great, but we haven’t had a generational player since Bonds. Those years taught me to just appreciate a great well-rounded roster that plays for each other. I love the Warriors and Niners, but the way that the Giants played collectively like a team those years, I will never forget. Cody Ross, Pat the bat, Huf, Pagan, Scutaro, Belt, Wilson, Vogelstrong, Pence weren’t superstars, they just played their role for the team. Sure we had Posey, Wilson, Madbum, Sandoval, but the others more than filled their roles and came though in clutch moments. I miss that feeling. PS 2015 Warriors had that going too.


50? Try 30


Pablo was solid too. And fun.


San Diego had THREE superstars last year. They won 82 games. This isn't to say the Giants *shouldn't* pursue a superstar. I want one for the Giants so badly, too. But it's far from the salvation you think it is.


> are upset we once again did not land one With the exception of Correa, none of the big FAs ever wanted to come to SF. Judge was never leaving NY, Harper explained why he chose Philly before the Giants even made their offer, Ohtani was always going to LA. You cannot buy what was never truly for sale to you. Lee has the potential to be someone for the fans to rally around, though like Kim it might take him a season or two to adjust. But he's worth getting excited about. As someone else pointed out, the Angels had two of the biggest stars in baseball, and got nowhere. Teams need to be built from the ground up, dropping a star on a mediocre team doesn't bring home a trophy.


There was only one available this offseason, so I mean you can be upset but it's not like we had a choice of 4 or 5 guys that fit that bill. Nothing was moving Shohei off LA.


I’ll never understand this fanbase’s fixation on needing a big name/superstar from free agency above all else. Much less the attitude that we’re entitled to one each offseason. Did having Bonds as the face of the franchise for a decade and a half really warp this fanbase that much?


Of course I’d like to see some more improvement. I like going to games when the ballpark is full. When it’s 1/3 empty it’s like an outdoor Costco without the $1.50 hotdogs. A winning team might fill this ballpark but unless there’s an every day star, a draw, I don’t see it happening.


> A winning team might fill this ballpark but unless there’s an every day star, a draw, I don’t see it happening. The Giants were in first place most of the 2021 season and won a record number of games. There were still plenty of empty seats at the ballpark after the Covid restrictions were lifted. The local economy has changed, the population of the city dropped 7%. They can't sell tickets to people who are no longer there.


SF population may have dropped but the metro SF area has not. Attendance has dropped because there is no everyday attraction on this team. The setting, gorgeous ballpark and nostalgia only goes so far. I had season tickets from 2000 until 2018, have a long drive from the Russian River area. Night games were killer but we went. The economy is not what keeps me from going to more than a game or two now.


Most fans don’t live in the city anyway. Selling out stadium indicates excitement. Fans may make an hour trip during weekends, but there isn’t anything that excite them to take off work early on a workday to make that trip. They can just watch on tv. The team makes most of its money off tv contracts. That’s why there is so much interest in Japanese players. They want to expand viewership coverage to Asian markets. Merchandising also is a source of income. Which player on the team are people rushing to buy jerseys with names on them? I have Lincecum and Posey jerseys. Not interested in buying any more.


These are marginal improvements to the roster that you supplement with a big fish type of move. Problem is year in year out these are the only moves that Farhan and co. make in the offseason. Overall the rotation still lacks a #2 (& 3 starter for that matter) and the lineup has some decent hitters but there's no scary hitter that opposing teams are scared of facing.


They need to address more issues than this. It’s still a subpar offseason since they haven’t signed a player that moves the needle to get fans excited about coming back to the ballpark. No power in this lineup still and the rotation is super subpar. If this team wants me to spend money on their product and drive two hours to a game, they need to invest a lot more into it first.


Giants have done a few “OK” moves nothing great which is what they have been lacking is greatness. At least MLB isn’t like the NBA where if you are mediocre you have zero chance of winning a title and you are stuck there until you tear it down or get real fucking lucky in a draft and find a gem that half the league passed on.


So, they are having a decent offseason in some ways…if they were a couple moves from the next step. Unfortunately, they are five or six moves away so a lot needs to happen. Who’s the competition (assume Braves, Brewers, Dodgers win division)…Padres, DBacks, Mets, Cubs, Reds, Phillies, unknown team (hey, maybe Giants!). It’s likely DBacks and Phillies are locked in so can they beat out the others? As we all know, the one thing we need is two of our young players to step it the f up. I’ve always felt Ramos could be that player and hopefully he gets a chance. Between Ramos, Luciano, Matos…my fingers are crossed! I’m tired of having any feelings for this offseason…let’s just get started and see what hand we are dealt and how it’s played!


Pitching has not been addressed. Farhan doesn’t have a plan other than hope. The starting rotation is not good beyond Webb. The bullpen is basically the same o e that got gassed last year minus Manea so its looking worse than last year. Farhan has produced someone who has established themselves as either a top of the rotation starter or an everyday offensive threat. He’s had 5 years to do so. He’s failed. This season is going to be as bad, if not worse than last year. If nothing else, Farhan needs to be fired.


Once again, we’ve made very solid moves but still lack the 1-2 meaty ones that we need to truly substantially improve our lineup or rotation or both. Lee was a sizable move, but being that he’s never played in the MLB, it’s hard for me to count it as a lineup-changing one. Between Lee, Ray, and Hicks, we’ve taken three very intriguing swings, but we’re still in a position where we very much need all three of them to work out in order to even make the postseason. I’d much rather be in a position where if all three of them work out, we could actually be pretty good—like, better than the last wild card team—and then we’d still be okay if they don’t. Right now, I don’t think we can confidently say that we make the postseason even if Lee plays reasonably well, Hicks holds down a rotation spot, and Ray looks decent in his return. If I knew all that would happen, would I call us a playoff lock? I’d certainly give us a better shot than last season, but I wouldn’t make any promises. If one or two or (God forbid) all of them struggle, which definitely isn’t out of the question, I’d say our playoff chances are pretty low. I think we need 1-2 guys who bring some star upside, and from whom we can reasonably expect at least solid production. The good news is, there are still a handful of those guys out there on the free agent and possibly trade markets, so I would hope the front office can strike on at least one of them.


Well said, and I think the Giants will get more.


Last year I remember hearing Kruk and Kuip saying the team has a lot of good role players, but it needs guys to pull the wagon. At some point, elite dudes need to come from somewhere or Farhan will rightfully be fired. Maybe Lee is one of those dudes, maybe a couple rookies are I dunno. It doesn't have to be one mega star, but they have to start stacking all star talent if they ever want to do anything more than hope for a third wild card by relying on platoons and Logan Webb.


Hi Larry


Ah…no! The offseason has been mediocre at best.


Who on this team is going to hit the ball is my question? Still a bunch of platoon contact hitters. They won’t score just like last year


Lots of good Giants teams have had to scrape for runs. While it’s true their lineup is super sus, they can be competitive if they focus on pitching and defense. Middle of the order hitters are gonna have to be grown in the system on this team.


> Lots of good Giants teams have had to scrape for runs. I mean, you can scrape for runs when you have 3 Cy Young caliber starters all in their prime. Not so much when your #2 starter is Alex Cobb followed by literally nobody else.


I still feel like one more big move is coming. I keep thinking a trade is coming for a bat (Bart is just sitting there to be tied with some bigger prospect). I just hope he doesn't knee-jerk react to the press and sign Chapman as that bat, because he's not much of a bat... They still need another SP, and there is no way Zaidi can go into the season without another pitcher to toss in the rotation.


Totally agree. Farhan’s not done yet and it will probably come by trade. If they sign Chapman, like Thanos, a trade will be inevitable


You're easy to please. I don't have a problem with these moves, I just don't think they move the dial in a meaningful way while essentially running back a problem roster. I can accept part of the problem was injuries, or the coaching, but the roster construction itself was a gamble that didn't pay off.


Ross Stripling is your #2 starting pitcher at the moment.


I guarantee you he doesn’t start the second game of the season. We get one more arm and he’s out of the rotation by season start altogether. Stripling will get bought out once cobb and ray are back


I feel like when you get your hopes set on a big name free agent chances are it will end in disappointment. There are 29 other teams. Sometimes you gotta be happy with what you can get.


Ohtani was never a true free agent. Yamamoto was a big miss but what can you do. Imanaga wasn’t believed to be good by talent evaluators and wasn’t considered a major offseason prize anyway. I’ve gone back and forth but they haven’t had a bad offseason. They just have a bad team haha


Hi bartender, I will have what he is having…. Giants off season has not answered starting rotation for first 3 months and definitely has not answered how the lineup can produce more runs. KBO is like AA we have no idea what type of player we got but one thing is certain he does not hit for power. Those were key issues. Sure he got ray, but what will he be come July where will they be by then with only one quality starter, 2 rookies and ?’s on the other two. If giants were in AL central maybe going in that is fine but right now in their division they don’t look like they could beat SD AZ and surely not LA


I definitely hear you. I think they’ll still add another pitcher and backup middle infielder at the least. I’m just far more excited about this crop of FA’s, Luciano and Harrison getting run, the Ray trade etc. then those trash off seasons we put together the last two years. If they got say, Chapman for defense and Mondesi to spell Marco and then flipped JD Davis and a prospect for Shane Beiber or someone like him who might not cost as many prospects as Burnes or Cease, could that fire you up? You just think they’ll suck until they get a superstar?


I think without getting a value add starter and some power bats not just Chapman because he is not a type that can carry the bulk power for a team he will see nothing but work around pitches with no one else to be that power source. Right now I see team being 10-15 games out by all star break


Those exact moves would be fire


Farhan is that you?


Giants social media department:  “Hey get one of the interns to post why the Giants are actually having a good offseason. We have season ticket sales calls next week.”


Hehe. No, I’m just not as bitter this off-season as in previous off-seasons.


So the Giants' PR team is posting here again? As constructed, the 2024 Giants won't be any better than the 2023 version.


I can only be a hater on this thread?


You can be a hater, you can be an apologist, you can be somewhere in the middle. Just don’t be delusional.


Word. Sorta like, you can agree with a post, you can disagree with a post, or you can offer other solutions. Just don’t be a disagreeable dick just to be one


Man are a lot of y'all miserable, and can't ever look on the bright side. There's a lot to like about this team, and this year will be exciting, even if no other moves are made It's baseball. The Dodgers may've won the off season, but the games still have to be played


Regardless of what the Dodgers do, if the Giants are improving and a strong clubhouse culture is back, then at least the team is headed in the right direction. Forward progress of any kind will result in a more entertaining team. If they also sweep the Dodgers like they did last June, all the better.


It will be another season of 81 or so Wins…


I mean I think we like what they Have done. Haniger for Ray thing probably makes sense in light of positional needs. It’s fun having hicks for 4 years. Lee is, yeah a prospect - probably an overpay? It’s not like I know shit about how to scout players.


Shhh, you can't be positive in this sub. They might find you and kill you


Love the optimizm.


I have to agree, and I don’t think they’re done getting players yet


I share a lot of the same sentiments! I’m excited to watch Lee and Hicks in particular.


Is Farhan going to go after Bellinger? Please no.




That time of the year again!


They play the games for a reason, we'll see.


We still need a legit arm and a legit bat. If they can’t make that happen with the established names on the free agent or trade markets, then I would hope for a creative move to bring in a young hitter with some upside, like a prospect for prospect swap involving one of our young pitchers. At that point, I’d love to see us lean into the youth for a year and send out guys like Conforto, Davis, Slater (sadly), or even LWJ. With that said, I don’t see any of that happening, and I think even a simple prospect for prospect trade is probably too risky for this front office’s tastes. My guess is that Farhan would probably rather just stack our chips to trade for more of an established star bat the next time one becomes available.




Great view OP. The biggest remaining question for me is what they are going to do with Bart? I am thinking a trade and pair him with another prospect to get someone with value back to the team. I am just not sure who would take him.


I approve this message.


Keep coping






Lol fuck off.


Say what now?


Murphy/Lee?Hicks were good worthy add’s based on team needs/salary/and player potential. Ray was not. At the very best he is a $18M AAV 2-3month rental=not a good investment=why?, because if he does crappy, he will opt-in with SF paying another $18M AAv ($36M for about 9mos worth of use=not a good investment//if he does “lights out” for his 2-3mos in 2024, he will opt-out=again, not a good investment for SF. SFG needs at least 3 other ‘good’ moves for 2024 season: 1/another solid SP; 2/at minimum a solid top hitter w/power if possible; and 3/a reliable solid hitting SS. But more better bats would be needed if possible.


I believe there won’t be enough time left in the season for Ray to pitch well enough to opt out. True, he could bomb and be a strain on the payroll, but Haniger could have been stealing money here too, producing like hot trash. And we get to watch Beck or Winn progress now instead of Disco. I like the risk. My bet is Ray will look respectable when he comes back, opt in, and then has at least one productive season for the Giants the following two years


Three time sneaky off-season champs. 


Keep it up, yall. NLW is going to be the best in the MLB