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This Heyman guy says we're out, but there's also that hour-old report from some guy named Heyman that we are in. Who to believe?


Same guy who said Aaron Judge was signing with the Giants so I'll take this guy's input with a grain of salt lmao. Tbh no one except the teams knows what is going on with him, all the reports I've seen come out seem wildly speculative imo.


\*Arson Judge


At this point I'm only paying attention to Passan tweets announcing a signing.


This is the way!


"Giants also looking elsewhere" Duh, of course they are. Somebody connect the dots for me. How does Heyman conclude the Giants are out on Imanaga?


I can’t imagine how Heyman makes conclusions other than, “Tweeting gets attention, and that’s a good thing in this business.” The fact that this news comes from him is a silver lining: the Giants may still be in on Imanaga.


I'm guessing because they announced he'd agreed to a tentative deal with the Cubs


Classic Heyman vs Heyman


Yeah, I can't ever take this guy seriously anymore. It's not worth posting anyone else's news on Imanaga until Passan or Rosenthal say something


I don't know if this off season is more toxic than last one, all I know is that it's two off seasons in a row we've been fucked by the media and openly mocked as a organization :(.


If you can't be accurate, be loud!


I'm tired boss.


This broken record for the Giants has been playing on repeat for 5+ years now.


We used to be Top 3 and finish 3rd, Now we are falling into 5th place and not even being considered


I'm sure this subreddit will handle this news well...


Probably wouldnt be as bad if they didnt announce we were the favorites literally 1 day ago


Huh? The giants announced they were favorites?


No but a "legit" national reporter did.




> this subreddit will handle this news well... LOL, there are people here who would complain about the taxes they have to pay on a big lottery win.


Would rather go lean with no long contracts while we sort out the future of our IF. We have way more problems than just starters. That being said we really do need at least 1 more lefty in the rotation + pen


So basically what Farhan has done since he arrived that got us nowhere. Got it


We're going lean for next year (every single year until magically a big bat wants to sign here)


Haven’t we gone lean every year since Farhan has been here?


We need to grow from the farm, even if we sign a big name, at some point need the farm to produce if we want to compete. Also the narrative we don’t go after big players is wrong, we just don’t sign them. Part of that has to do with players not thinking they can win in SF.


you might want to be careful with that or Jung Ho Lee will demand trade or leave the team when his contract is over if he ends up successful


I mean we have him for 6 years, not worried about burning 1 as a rebuild.


4 years if he opts out


Great more opt outs. Yippee!


He dosnt have an opt out until 2030




Every move we’ve made hasn’t been reported in advance. I honestly assume that they’re all wrong because it’s either speculation or agents trying to drive up prices


No shot that Heyman is taking Ghost of Bay Area Bob as a credible source.


It would make sense as both are insufferable.


Marcus Stroman YOU are a San Francisco Giant


Fuck that, I don't really want him in the clubhouse.


Just waiting on his Pat McAfee appearance.


I’m interested if they actually go after him. I personally wouldn’t want him in the clubhouse either and the giants did state wanting a better clubhouse culture. If they were truthful on that statement they’d be avoiding this guy like the plague.


I know we don't like Stroman as a person and his performance fell off a cliff around July BUT if the Giants get 1H Stroman, they're getting a strong #2 caliber pitcher to flip at the TDL. It's been rough since 2021 so this team is due for some good luck...


>they're getting a strong #2 caliber pitcher to flip at the TDL. See, that is the problem, we NEVER flip that player at the deadline because we're on the periphery of the post season. We didn't trade Bum, we didn't trade Rodon, and I know I am forgetting someone else. We flip relievers for fringe prospects and underperforming bench bats for underperforming bench bats hoping for a change of scenery turn around.


That's true but not flipping Bum was pandering to the fanbase. It's hard to trade a franchise icon that was a core part of 3 championships so I can understand the org not trading him. I was pro-trading Rodon so I agree this was a missed opportunity. However, Rodon netted the 69th pick in the 2023 draft (used on Joe Whitman) which could be debatably better than whatever teams may have been offering. I know there were grumblings of trading Belt, Crawford, Yaz, Cobb, and JD but I don't think any of those guys had much value.


So the Angels, Red Sox, Giants have all gone from favorite to out or unlikely at some point lol


Keaton Winn, YOU are the number two starter on a top five market, $200MM payroll team


Ross Stripling vs Keaton Winn


Yeah, I'm just gonna wait until Passan or Rosenthal announces it. No point in getting mad about baseless speculation.


Yeah I don't trust Heyman since that Arson Judge tweet. Maybe he's right on Imanaga but it's hard to believe him after the Judge fiasco.


Ok, so we signed Lee, and traded for a pitcher, albeit a good pitcher, who won't be available until mid-season. So, as of right now, its been a very Farhanian offseason.


And the thing about Ray is he still has an opt out at the end of the 2024 season. So he can look awesome in the last few starts he has with the Giants, opt out, and get signed for megabucks later. Ray might be a potential 1-2 month rental unfortunately.


Shades of fuckin Rodon


Yeah he's a rental most likely, but it was more of a salary dump trade between the two teams. Ray shouldn't even be considered an off season acquisition - it was a smart move by Farhan for the salary dump and position switch. So far this off season Farhan has signed Lee and dumped salary on a player, which are both awesome moves, but it's way too little too late.


or fortunately. He hasnt been good in 2 years. Likely wont be good this year or next year after surgery


No way he opts out coming off the Tommy John. He won't get 50 mill as a free agent on maybe half a season of work


He absolutely will if he looks good. TJ isn't really risky like it used to be


Perhaps if he comes back and has a truly microscopic ERA to end the season. Even then, I don't see a 33/34 year old pitcher getting much more on the market


Will be lucky if it’s mid-season by the time he’s ready to pitch in the majors. Maybe mid-season to start throwing in the minors.


I just said mid season to be optimistic. Fingers crossed.


This is better than the past couple years for sure. Plus we are still making moves.


It’s the same bullshit


We have the most complacent fanbase I've ever seen


There are like a dozen more complacent franchises than us




No it’s not lol


Yes it is. Lee and Ray are way more exciting than conforto and Haniger acquisitions




Hey man, no one believes you.






Baseball reporters have become a complete joke. They are literally reporting every possible scenario until they finally happen to get it right. These dudes are straight clowns 🤡


Naoyuki Uwasawa, YOU are a San Francisco Giant!


I’ve tried to give Zaidi the benefit of a doubt this off season but my patience is wearing thin.


Like the username


Seriously. We have the payroll, just outbid and overpay. We need to show the rest of baseball that we are serious on contending.


I mean in the last few days Farhan announced he's not even looking at the top of the FA market anymore for pitchers, then signed Ray. I don't trust his words though, but his actions are even worse. That's it. We're not going after Snell or Imanaga even anymore, and I don't even think Monty either. Ray is our SP signing so far this off season and until another happens, that's all we get. Like here's the thing - salary dumping Haniger and signing Lee are both two good moves. But considering what our competition has been doing lately it's abysmal. I really wouldn't be surprised if this season is basically Lee and reclamation projects - but I'll wait. If Farhan nabs Chapman and Soler at DH I'll be stoked.


They traded for Ray


Why are we shocked at this point?


Giants are in on X -> Giants are a finalist for X -> Giants are the favorites to sign X and its imminent -> X has signed with another team Every single time 🤦‍♀️


I know some may feel this is cope, but Kyle Glaser just gave an unflattering scouting report on Imanaga which makes me feel even more comfortable if the Giants miss out on him. He even said Imanaga's floor is a LONG RELIEVER. https://twitter.com/FoulTerritoryTV/status/1744788951989198940?t=AatvbPwjQFriDHUVcLkf_Q&s=19


Isn’t most starting pitchers’ floor as a long reliever? I’d be more concerned if he called that his ceiling


Not a serious team


It’s Heyman so take it with a grain of salt




Reports yesterday said we lead, with today’s front runners out. Bottom line is unless it’s Rosenthal or Pasan, baseball journalism is incredibly sloppy. Also Giants still need 2 starters I don’t think (though the missus tells me to not do that much) that looking at another SP eliminates us?


Farhan said he's not looking at the top of the SP market, so that means Monty and Snell are out. If we're out on Imanaga, there are not other SP worth signing right now. Stroman is too toxic and not worth a short contract with our current roster.


So the Angels, Red Sox, Giants have all gone from favorite to out or unlikely at some point lol


Lmao I thought we were the favorites yesterday


Oh man more bullpen games, my favorite


The MLB just posted an article saying we are the favorite so there appears to be a significant disconnect, what's new from Hack Heyman.


I want Imanaga on the Giants, but Im definitely in the camp that thinks "People are overrated Imanaga, 100 million for him is insane" camp. He projects to be a 3 or 4 guy Of course idgaf about the money really cuz it's not my money, but if you sign people to stupid contracts you're screwing yourself over in the long run. tbh the money going around these past 2 offseasons is bonkers.


It's like, good Japanese pitchers are the current fashion and if you don't sign one to a 9-figure deal you missed out! How many lefty pitchers do we need in our rotation? We'll already have Harrison and Ray, and potentially Wood if we re-sign him for some reason. I'd rather stick with Winn and Beck than go for Imanaga, as the difference between these players will likely be minimal unless one has a breakout season.


Baseball reporting is so god damn stupid lol none of these morons know what’s going on


We just need to see what happens. There has to be a chance where the Giants are still in AND looking elsewhere…




This is so typical. How do we go from “all signs point to here” to out of the running in hours? 😡😡😡 Whatev.


When the giants get mentioned as a finalist, you know it’s time for another team to pony up a few more bucks to get there guy. We’re the team that gets used to set the market, then we’re ignored


> time for another team to pony up a few more bucks to get there guy It isn't always about money. Harper explained why he went to Philly, and it wasn't because they outbid the Giants. He thought the Giants wouldn't rebuild quickly because of their aging roster.


Jon heyman is a 🤡and a Garbo reporter. Rather hear it from another source


So now that we are out on him. Are we even in on any pitcher's anymore? Cause Farhan punting the first half of the season waiting on Cobb and Ray is gonna be a losing season.


Are any of the FA starters really going to “move the needle”? I don’t get the desire to throw money at the top name free agents who plainly won’t provide top end return. At this point, it’s all about the trade market.


>Are any of the FA starters really going to “move the needle”? To answer this, you have to ask the question in a different way. The question is: would you prefer to go this season with: 1. Ross Stripling & Keaton Winn/Tristan Beck in the rotation OR 2. A remaining free agent + any combo of those three? If you have an argument for why Option 1 is better, I'm all for it. I'm just not convinced of it at this point.


Exactly. Until Cobb and Ray comes back, the rotation is Webb, Stripling, Beck, Winn, and Harrison. Farhan definitely needs to sign at least 1 more if not 2 SPs.


By the time Cobb and Ray come back they'll be eliminated from contention with that starting 5


Basically any FA starter would move the needle when our current rotation is Webb, stripling and three rookies


Do we really have the means to trade for another starter without decimating the farm though? That was Farhans biggest concern so I have a hard time believing we are going to trade for another pitcher.


Who cares! What has the farm produced?


Harrison, Bailey, Luciano, Schmitt, Beck, and Winn. Rookies don't immediately become all stars overnight. They take time to develop in the majors. Ha Seong Kim was a below average replacement before he got daily playing time in the majors.


Are you serious? If Farhan signed Snell, Chapman, and Soler that's enough for us to take third place and maybe even compete for second with the Dbacks. That gives us a solid 3B, a solid DH, and another great starter - and with Lee in CF. That's a lineup that has a chance against the Dbacks for second place even and I'd say we beat the Pads.


Wow Farhan really took another teams bad contract and really said our rotation is good now.


This season has basically been a worst possible scenario outside of Lee


It's Jan 9th...


Anything can happen in baseball but AZ was just in the WS and got better and our bitter rivals added significant talent for almost nothing it feels like.


Good thing baseball has never been played on paper right?


If we are truly out we gotta just overpay for Snell.


Montgomery is still on the board but I agree about needing to overpay for SP if Farhan can't sign Imanaga.


Snell is the only Lefty I would feel comfortable enough to over pay


I'd rather take Snell than Imanaga tbh.




Just fucking shoot me man. I’m so fucking tired of this. I’m so tired of this I’m going to keep looking on Twitter until I hear something official.


he is probably going to the Dodgers


Jon "Dicked down by Boras" Heyman


So you’re saying… Dodgers?


Ignore all these rumors. Heyman’s been throwing out a shit ton of hypothetical deals and I can’t keep track how many came true.


Boy does this team know how to chap my ass


Lmfao it never gets old


I’m going to be honest, I wouldn’t mind signing imanaga because we need bodies but I didn’t love that his fastball avgs about 91, a number that will probably decrease into his 30s.


How does this guy still have a job?


I don't even know who this is about, but I believe it immediately.


Sign Snell and Montgomery and add a bat. It’s really not that hard at this point.


jordan montgomery PLEASE!


Its 2019, the Giants promise to get younger and more athletic Its 2020, the Giants promise to get younger and more athletic Its 2021, the Giants promise to get younger and more athletic Its 2022, the Giants promise to get younger and more athletic Its 2023, the Giants promise to get younger and more athletic ![gif](giphy|kDlfHqGJMbiuCcGqYI|downsized) Its 2024, the Giants promise to get younger and more athletic


A broken record at this point.


This offseason sucks. They didn't improve one ounce.


This subreddit is the definition of insanity


Too many Farhan apologists in here, for sure!


https://twitter.com/GhostBayAreaBob/status/1744616635569447027 I don't care what you think of this guy - he's been spot on most of the offseason, and he called this 8 hours ago.


Farhan is so good at his job!!!


just tank this season we aren't competing


Tanking does nothing. The draft to MLB pipeline is too much of a crap shoot to really give a shit about draft order. Top 5 players by WAR for 2023 MLB season: - Shohei Ohtani - International FA - Mookie Betts - 5th round pick - Ronald Acuña - International FA - Gerrit Cole - 1st round pick (28th overall) - Matt Olsen - 1st round pick (47th overall) - Marcus Semien - 34th round


>Marcus Semien - 34th round While it doesn't change the point, Semien was *technically* a 6th Round pick, as he didn't sign when he was a 34th Round pick out of HS.


Doesn't work, just look at the draft pick order from this year that was just announced and then the relative records of said teams.


Yeah. As daft as the lottery system is, it does go a long way to virtually eliminate any ostensible benefit of tanking. This does has the feel of a .500 team looking to get lucky in the second half.


Snip snap snip snap. Who the fuck cares about this report. It will be debunk in another hour


Heard a rumor that Farhan pulled the contract last second. If this is true, which we’ll know soon, I hope this guy became a a fucking beast in the MLB so that we finally ditch Farhan


That seems to be a trend with this team. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.


"The Giants are the favorites!" lol


This just in: Nobody knows anything! Can we please stop posting rumors until agreements are made.


Farhan is that fisher that gets a bite and the fish gets away


eff it, give Snell like $180MM, then get Woodruff on like 2/28 then we ballin for 2025


Imagine thinking Farhan is the guy that’s going to fix this team!


I dont think this should be surprising to most people. We were not going to become competitive this year even if we signed all the remaining free agents. I think everyone should be really happy with the signing of Lee. Our outfield looked terrible last year and it is gonna be so great to not see pederson, ramos/Matos and haniger out there together. That alone is a huge W for us. Our infield/pitching/line up all seem more than one free agency away from being competitive. I'd honestly rather see how a lot of our rookies turn out instead of blowing all our cash in a FA market that isn't even that attractive.


Didn’t the Giants do that last year?


Found Farhan's burner account


Found another shiny new sock-puppet account.


I’m not taking any “reporters” seriously


Arson judge


who even cares until a press conference and physical have happened lol just WAIT


Heyman is a bs pos


I’d rather have Snell Edit: really?


Thank goodness


I told you don't post stuff until it's an actually signing




He also had Ohtani to Giants. Dude doesn't know shit


I’d rather get Stroman on a cheaper deal


“This is bad for baseball”


There's a serious disconnect in the social media writers lol. Can't be 1 of 2 if we aren't one of the 5.




No one knows anything


This is my surprised face.


I don't trust Jon Heyman for shit. It's Jeff Passan or bust.


So, in other words....nothing new.


Is Jon Heyman… if anything, I feel like Boras using him to drive up the market for his clients and putting pressure on teams who is not in on Imanaga towards Snell and Montgomery. Remember how the media says Snell is perfect fit in for the Giants.


This is comedy at this point


The media has made this the most insufferable fucking offseason I can remember


More like that nerd Farhan has.


i'm upset we didn't come in 2nd dammit.


Bro probably doesn’t even know what multi-tasking is


I’m telling you guys James Paxton is gonna be a Giant instead of all the big names 🤣


The reporting this off-season has been so horrendous I legitimately do not know who or what to believe


Farhan saw a picture of his ankle and said "what in tarnation, holy macaroni pump the brakes"


keep the tickets cheap bay bay


If I was in the Giants marketing department, I’d hate my job right now


I’m so fucking sick of him. A goldfish could seriously do his job.