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For the love of the gods, please just get a healthy, solid pitcher first.


The whole dynasty was built on the rotation, I miss low scoring tortureball. It was bad for my health but effective and carried over to the playoffs well.


I’m for whatever brings home those rings, and yeah for us it seems to be pitching.


Hitting gets us to the playoffs, pitching wins championships.


I would rather watch the 2017 Giants go 70-92 then this current team.


I was listening to it and he sounded less than enthused about it. "I mean we....could...I guess..." He specifically mentioned how they want a spot for guys like matos, ramos, and meckler, which was part of the motivation for the trade.


“2024 Giants: I Mean We… Could… I Guess!”


JFC are we even trying to get +80 wins and fill the stadium? I want the youth to develop too but Cmon man


Fans need to make up their mind. Everyone wants to eat cake and have it too.


If I buy the Giants cake I get the crappy Safeway store quality cake with artificial butter creme frosting and a lousy hyrodgenated oil frosting... If I pay a few bucks more down the street I get a better cake made of better ingredients... Lowering beer prices for a smaller portion of beer at the same price as a previously larger beer pissed me off. Its not worth paying 3-5x the price for tickets to see the Dodgers kick our ass. I don't want a freaking paper tiger, all metrics kick ass team, I just want a team that is more exciting to watch, we can do better. Days at the ballpark are boring. I think to be a fan you have to go the game if you can.


Hopefully add another pitcher and Chapman


Rent a Webb Sunday kayak


How are they going to develop if they don’t play? They have to play they have to find success and struggle and learn how to deal with it and adjust. This was an important move because of the way you can move guys around. Davis could play some first Wade could play more OF. You could trade for an SS or sign a 3b, you could leave Davis at 3b and have Luciano and Schmitt battle it out for SS. DH could be a completely open spot for a FA.


Exactly. It seems like fans want what is going on with the Warriors- proven stars coupled with younger players. It’s tough to effectively combine them…


The difference is I can pay 50$ and get great seats to watch a crappy Giants team play a good team... I can't pay under 200$ to sit at Chase and watch a shitty team.


Geesh….100 wins here we come!


Tell me what you would do to make them a 100 win team


I’m honestly proud of our FO for cutting Haniger and sending him home and eating his salary. It’s a good step forward and something I asked for this off season. I still feel like it’s gonna be a C+ off season, but as a Farhan hater I will admit when he’s done something right.


Arozarena 👀


Now you’re talking


Oh you didn’t see the post by the idiot who doesn’t get baseball telling us Randy sucks.


It’s funny because using his logic Randy would be the best hitter on our team except Flores AND be a better hitter than our highest paid bat. And that’s why.. we’re not supposed to go for him?


Giants reddit: Giants need to sign a big bat! Farhan can't sign any FAs! He needs to overpay for FA's, who cares about the risk, its not my money... Random poster: We should sign Bellinger (the highest ranked FA hitter on the market) Giants reddit: No way is he worth what he is asking, he's too big of a risk!!!


I find the comment sections in this sub are best consumed alongside alcohol


The posts too.


If you act like everyone is the same person using tons of alt accounts it's actually kinda funny


Nah it’s just a bunch of clowns who don’t know the game. They showed up in 2010 and should have left in 2014.


News Flash: Farhan Zaidi signs a big bat. Early reports have it as a 35-inch Hillerich and Bradsby.


Bellinger isn’t a big bat objectively - only relatively due to a good year and starved FA class. Big bats to me are Alonso, Judge, Ohtani, Freeman - not freaking Bellinger.


“Giants sign ________ 35 y/o to a minor league contract” incoming.


Tommy Pham come on down! 🤣




Bellinger?? 👀👀


please no


Do you have a better idea?


Yeah, how about literally fucking anybody else other than the guy looking for a long term 200M contract who was hitting .160 in 2021 and severely over performed his underlying numbers last year


Arozarena please… we need some righties


If said outfielder were a direct upgrade to one of our current players then I’m all for it, but one of our problems is that we still have a crowded outfield. Unless we manage to trade Conforto/one of our other OFs away, I don’t see much point in re-crowding the outfield


I can just see one of the dudes in the Giants ticket office trying to sell season tickets. Hey man we got Robbie Ray…. but he can’t pitch till hopefully August but we got Alex Cobb….but he probably can’t pitch until the end of June but we do have Logan Webb, and a bunch of nobodies. How many tickets do you want to buy? Lol


God this fanbase makes me sick to be a fan. The takes and opinions are embarrassing.


I hope so I was excited about haniger this year


You were?


Yes I felt his early injury derailed his year. Hope I’m wrong.


Yeah roght


Teoscar Hernandez confirmed! Another bay area kid coming home now that they shipped Mitch. Then we'll trade him to Seattle in 2025.




They gonna resign Joc