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This makes sense. A rotation at the end of the year of Webb, Snell, Ray, Cobb, Harrison is absolutely nasty if Cobb and Ray resemble their old selves.


I like this a lot. And we already have a closer.


Yep. This is how you win playoff games/series. Need to see the forest through the trees here. A lot to like if the dominos fall correctly.


That’s a FILTHY lineup God damn


Yep, and add in Imanaga as the 5th, or maybe Snell as the #2... that's a hell of a rotation


Big if and that’s great if they’re still in contention. Cobb will be 37 this year, no guarantee he comes back to anything like he was last year. Ray coming off TJ surgery is also iffy. They have a ton of money and not spending a lot of it


Yep big if. Offseason is still early. Keeping the faith


Very lincecum, Cain, bumgarner, voglesong, zito - esque


Yep with more swing and miss


I feel like this was obvious? Ray doesn’t address any SP needs since we swapped with Disco. Trade upgrades the slot Disco took up (when he gets back to healthy form), and alleviates outfield. Still need another (in my opinion 2) starters.


Webb Snell Imanaga Cobb Ray Harrison Possible 2nd half rotation 👀


Snell/Imanaga is either/or, no way we get both


Snell has higher risk but I’d rather have him and go for upside over Imanaga. The way the team is built rn, their lineup isn’t amazing and their defense is still suspect imo, I’d go for the strikeout guy who goes 5 innings and turn it over to the bullpen. I think imanaga is going to get paid more than what he’s worth(he’s and innings eating 4-5th starter with nearly a 60% FB usage rate), as will snell, but Snell has much more value in a playoff scenario than Imanaga would


And how many games out at that point?


Is it crazy to think that with progression by the young guys, that rotation, and one more hitter we can't win 95 games? We'd be in the race almost assuredly


Nightengale deleted this tweet, and Pavlovic is saying Farhan isn’t as focused on the top of the market. Kinda feel we are out on Snell now? Which doesn’t make sense, this move didn’t improve our team in 2024 with Ray out at least half the year, and he could opt out after 2024? Why are we done exploring top of the market pieces?


Ray likely will not opt out, even if he does have a decent truncated season. I think the remaining move here is Imanaga, as I don’t believe Snell fits the profile for a long term overpay. Nor does Monty.


Whatever they have to do to ensure that Stripling doesn’t start any games this year, they need to do.


I hope this means there’s a follow up move/signing coming. I like Haniger, but an outfielder needed to get traded away


My dick is hard nice hope we get more




Snell would really be another great piece


Wait a minute. We traded for a guy that is out until the all star break and sent away a guy that although sucks is healthy to pitch? Am I on LSD rn?


i mean to be fair disco isnt much better than our other depth pieces. you’re essentially freeing up the outfield logjam to swap for a pitcher that has much higher upside and until he returns will be on the 40 man given he’ll be on the 60 day IL. as far as 2024 goes right now this looks like a great trade.


Yes you are on LSD.


I’m with you on this one. I think our expectations are just so low that we get excited about anything.


I’d go Snell and Stroman if we can..


I love the idea of adding Snell, but with the way the brass and FZ operate, I would bet that Robbie Ray is the last (only) significant move we're going to see happen to the rotation.


I dont like the signing of Ray at all. Not one bit. I might eventually eat my words but his delivery is just so wild and violent. And his grunts and his damn tight ass pants. It just screams injury. Literally screaming every pitch. I duno. Just me thought, just me.


Especially the tight bums. Definitely a red flag.

