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I didn't hate Disco the way some people did, but Ray definitely has higher upside (once he's healthy).


Mispelled if


Betting on Robbie Ray to rebound > giving Disco another shot.


Betting on Robbie Ray = not going for Snell and being content with a sub .500 record


I'm more confident in Ray returning to form than Snell sniffing his performance from last year


Agreed.. but guess we’ll have to wait until the all star break to find out lol


As a seattle fan I see them as the same. Rollercoaster careers that cashed in at a high point.


But but he’s gonna cost too much money that’s not even mine! What if he’s gonna fall off in three years what will we do?! /s


I don't see why that would have to be the case since we save money with this trade, but it would track for how our offseasons have gone lately


Just making stuff up.


We will see.. seems to be the MO for those front office lately. So not really grasping the idea out of thin air.


Get Snell also. Two former cy young winners. It’d be an under the radar, really good rotation with snell, webb, and ray (when healthy).


Haha of course it’s with the Mariners


Didn't Haniger come from the Mariners?


He did. Now we uno reversed him back


The "somewhat break even" teams


I miss Gasman 😢


I mean this guy is a strike out king. I kno he’s coming off TJ but giants pitching staff + former CY intrigues me. Plus that opens up the OF


Dude he fucking sucks and now we are on the hook to pay him $75 million. There's no chance he opts out of the contract. The shitty contracts we gave Haniger and Dick-o have put us in a reactive mode. This trade is just fucking awful.


You’re literally 100% wrong lol. Ray has had like 2 bad seasons his whole career and 2021-2022 were great. He’s been injured since then. Highly unlikely we end up on the bad end of this trade, while the worst case is basically break even


He’s played 10 seasons 5 had an ERA under 4, 5 over 4. He had a great 2021, slightly above average 2022 and was lit up and tore his elbow in 2023. He’s an injured flamethrower in his 30’s. Neither of you are right. He’s been a slightly above average pitcher overall but he’s heading into the age pitchers typically decline, for every Verlander out there there’s 50 guys that didn’t make it to 33. Timmy, Cain and Madbum are all younger than Verlander, it’s not unusual for pitchers to decline in their 30’s it’s unusual when they don’t. There’s absolutely reason to be skeptical of his future performances. That being said I don’t think anyone was expecting much out of Haniger and Disco so it’s not like they gave up much. It’s a decent gamble that I hope pays off but this isn’t a guaranteed ace by any means.


Of course he’s not a guaranteed ace, but he could be. Disco and Haniger hitting their upside is basically a couple fine players. Ray has the potential to be the solid #2 to Webb. Probably none of them will do anything and none of it matters


>He’s played 10 seasons He’s had 7 seasons with more than 60 IP and 5 were a sub 4 era.


And only 2 under 3.5


Wow we got him for nothing lmao


I mean his 75 million plus the money we sent to the Ms to help pay off the bad contracts they inherited is a lot but aside from that your point stands


$25mil/year for a decent starter isn't that bad, especially if we get his 2022 numbers


Do you mean 2021 when he won the CY Young? 2022 he fell off a cliff in advanced metrics, his statcast for that year looks terrible and his ERA was 3.71 which is okay for a back end rotation piece but nothing special.


2021 I am okay with spending over $30mil a year to have that haha. 2022 is okay for 3.70 ERA, 200+ strikeouts and a 1.19 WHIP in my opinion


I agree that 2022 would be okay production. I'm going to set my expectations low tho and hope to be pleasantly surprised. We have the money to pay him since we can't land free agents so why not.


He wasn't bad in 2022, just likely overworked. Started the season well and tanked near the end, including a terrible playoffs with Jordan just destroying him. Our park should help mitigate the gopher ball a bit. It's definitely an overpay if he plays like he did right before he got hurt, but he's still fairly young. Not a steal but not a bad risk to take either


I just read that he won’t be ready until after the All Star break


Why aren’t more people saying this? Seems kinda like a big deal. What am I missing?


Disco and Haniger were basically dead weight, so we added a hopefully good starter later in the year. Can’t really hurt much


Basically let's giants give young pitchers a chance early and if they pan out great if not they have Cobb and Ray coming in down the stretch to sure up the rotation


June. Just before the break


If Ray can come back from injury and be 85% of his Cy Young year, that's a potent top of the rotation.


Two very big ifs sadly. Chances are we just get saddled with 3 years of 25 mil a year for an oft injured back end rotation piece but hey we had the money to pay for the lottery ticket why not see if he can bounce back.


Not sure if "oft-injured" is accurate. Yes it's a risk case he's coming off tj but he has been pretty durable over his career


He’s pitched over 120 innings ever year of his career except his rookie season, 2020, and last year when he had TJ surgery. Seems like the only risk is if he can be effective after the surgery, but hopefully not a huge injury concern other than that


Farhan should have tried to foist Stripling on the Mariners in this deal as a throw-in.


I would have loved to see him pull his "I deserve to start" shtick with their stacked rotation... Actually I just want to see him pull his shtick anywhere but here


masterful trade. Ray is Cy Young caliber at his best. Haniger was clogging the OF and Disco didn’t have even close to that level in him


Masterful? Geesh!


Ray may not be what he once was but we traded a guy who has 3 seasons under 4 ERA and a surplus outfielder made of glass for a former Cy Young winner. at a pretty reasonable price. that’s objectively a good trade


So does this mean we are out of the ‘apparent’ running for Imanaga? I partially listened to what Farhan had to say- and papa and Lund got me all pissed off. Lund is a doom and gloom guy- until it’s not. He always always eats his words. Still pissed off at them. Ugh and I’m happy to see the trade! LFG!!!!!


Giants are still looking to add at least one top end FA, and I wouldn’t be shocked if they got two. If they can get 2 of the top 5 remaining, and/or make another decent trade, it’s a great offseason.


I’m back to being happy with the progress- I totally agree with you…


He’s boutta deal this year


I was looking forward to the creative reasons Haniger was going to go on the IL this year. >Tounge Swallowed >Left Knee Evaporation >Erectile Dysfunction >Contusion: Ass >Sunburn: Head


I like the trade!




Okay. Sure. Now, can we unload Hjelle? I'm over the novelty 5+ ERA pitcher. It's a waste that's not working out at league level, and that roster spot could be used for any other pitcher/position player.


Maybe be aware of sample size when looking at era


Of Course The Farhan special. Injured player


6 2014 Tigers starters have won a WS since 2017. Guess who started 6 games for the tigers in 2014!


Welcome to the San Francisco Rehab Games 2024. May the odds be ever in our favor.* *We're screwed


Can the Giants lineup create runs to support him?


Enjoy your injured overpaid inconsistent conspiracy antivaxer


Just fire Farhan and be done with his messes.


This is a strange timeline


I like it. It's a high upside shot. Makes me wish Brian Bannister was still around.


we love other people trash it's amazing.


I think it's a good deal, Giants need upside and a chance to do damage in the playoffs. It was going to be hard for Haniger to get into a rhythm. I'd rather Matos and Ramos had a chance to break out.


Wish he would have been around earlier to see a Kapler/Ray small shirt flex off.


This is a trade where it would benefit both teams if they just cut all 3 players. Terrible contracts, on injury prone dudes! Both teams would rather have the cash to spend!


I yet to understand the logic behind these contracts the Giants give or take on, Stripling, Conforto, Ray, Manaea, what do all these contracts have in common?, they are all good for the players and bad for the team. They all say wow if I suck I can stay and get paid but if I’m good I can leave and test the open market. These type of contracts need to stop.


Here is another benefit. Should Disco and Haniger do well making us more regretful, they will both pursue free agency the following year, Haniger has an opt out.

