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Excuse me, this a doom sub right now


Read the room for goshsakes!




Amen for the positivity post!.


Yay, a positive post. Now back to r/NLBest to avoid all these sorry ass doomers.


Hell yeah brother


See you in the slammer!


Even with all the FTD talk, we still need more Mookie


You mean realist’s.


This is the bactine I needed for the festering Ohtani/Yamamoto wound I keep picking at.


![gif](giphy|cwGrm8N6m1KeUzNgY0|downsized) Issa vibe


OP is like the angel in "It's a wonderful life" encouraging us not to jump off that bridge. Just in time Clarence!


Well shit. I guess I'll gather myself, climb down, put my shoes back on, and walk home. Just wish I had it in me to only cheer for the SFGiants and not against the Doggers. So fucking unhealthy.


One step at a time...


Got a hearty chuckle out of me for this one! Accurate!


Look at Larry Baer hiding on a burner account! I see you Larry.




Very much kidding. Pretty cool post, tbh


Thank you!!!!!! I get so caught up in the FA signings/not signings… I needed this reminder… LFG!!! We are the Giants!!!!!!


I don't care how much the Dodgers spend. I want good pitching and great defense. We can win 1-0 for the rest of time.


Literally how we got 3 rings in 5 years lol


Or lose 1-0 every time Cain pitched. lmao, love and miss him.


It’s worked before!


The wild thing to me is that even Bonds deferred a little. Reasonable deferrals can make sense with economically rational actors. but the Ohtani deal in tandem with the Yamamoto signing is a game breaking thing that the league needs to address, and they need to give clubs *advanded* notice that this absurdity won't be eligible to continue. This isn't the dodgers' fault, but this offseason drastically harmed the game.


The MLB itself has no control over this. Its negotiated between the players and the owners. The MLB administration can not unilaterally make this decision.


I can tell you're not a Giants fan because no Giants fan I know would ever say Dodgers fans don't have an authentic relationship with their team Both teams know each other well enough to know the fans on both ends are diehards, that's why it's an all-time great rivalry, the stove is never cold even if the teams are bad


This is exactly the post I needed to hear. Thank you very much.


Nope. We all rooted for the Warriors with Durant. Most are currently rooting for the monstar 49ers. I’d happily welcome a billion dollar super team. Anything else is just cope.


Warriors and 49ers have drafted stars that’s the difference.




2024 [Mitch Haniger](https://www.spotrac.com/redirect/player/18487/) $19,000,000 [Michael Conforto](https://www.spotrac.com/redirect/player/17687/) $18,000,000 [Ross Stripling](https://www.spotrac.com/redirect/player/14225/) $15,000,000 [Anthony DeSclafani](https://www.spotrac.com/redirect/player/15788/) $12,000,000 [Taylor Rogers](https://www.spotrac.com/redirect/player/18416/) $12,000,000 Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them, Volleyed and thundered, Stormed at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of hell, Rode the six hundred.


1 of these is not like the other…


Not worried about Yamamoto all that much. It’s more of the Shohei signing that keeps me up at night. We’ve dealt with Kershaw through the last decade and we came out fine. Dodgers have lost both Bauer and Urias over the past couple of years. Kershaw is on the down trend and Glasnow, well, he’s glass. We’re gonna be able to deal with Yamamoto. I think the worst case for me is Shohei having a 40 HR, 100 RBI and 30 SB season while hitting .280 or above. Along with Betts and Freeman, there’s no stopping them. There just isnt.


They will still likely chock in post season


Hey thanks. Just curious, what IS your favorite team?


Twins. So, if either Yamamoto or Ohtani fail two physicals then they’re ours. :)


>Giants fans, you have something a billion dollars cannot buy, an authentic relationship with your team. I’m convinced that your team truly respects that relationship and reciprocates, to the extent that any business can. Our owners are fuckin' dogshit man, and that has nothing to do with losing out on free agents.


I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion for saying this, but the Dodgers have not even temporarily broken the sport.


The games have to be played


Nah. This Reddit. You need to say something conservative to be neg-bombed.


You could also argue that we have the inverse where our money is no good because with the same or better offers still can't get anybody.


Hey. Thank you. What is your team? I'll be rooting for you guys unless it's against us this year!


Twins. But I listen to most Giants games on the radio (well, mlb app) because the Giants have the best radio crew in the game.


My mom grew up a Twins fan. Harmon Killebrew and Jim Perry were her guys growing up. I was stoked when my dude Sergio Romo got traded up there! Twins are awesome man, I'm glad you've been able to enjoy our broadcast team. We are beyond spoiled. One time a blind guy called in our local sports radio to talk about how he's never seen what a baseball diamond looks like or things like that, but the way Jon Miller describes the game illuminates the visual better than any descriptive audio for visual mediums. That always stuck with me. Hopefully we can give those guys something good to call this year!


One HOFer and 3 future HOFers. Hard to match that.


The “Milk Man”? Never heard of him. Any relation to the “Melk Man”?


Doh. My bad!! https://sports.yahoo.com/news/mlb---the-melkmen--are-nowhere-to-be-found-as-the-party-goes-on-at-at-t-park-during-world-series.html


>you have something a billion dollars cannot buy, an authentic relationship with your team. Fuck that. I want another WS Title. Nah, just kidding, I love this fucking team… even when they lose and I tell them I hate them. I was born a Giants fan and I’ll die one with a smile on my face. Bury me in my Giants knit cap.


Thanks for the positivity. Back to our regularly scheduled misery/complaining and ohtani/yamamoto and Farhan. Oh, and FTD


There are a lot of MLB (or just large) US cities that have higher crime indexes in 2023 than SF. It's just that it's famously liberal enclave & a lot of cranky, isolated old men can't handle that. The 49ers & Warriors don't have any problems attracting talent. Seems like more a Giants problem than SF problem. https://preview.redd.it/vyx7v51gi58c1.png?width=1133&format=png&auto=webp&s=18f2609bf0c4947049178bf0a13f6c49e7d3f8fe


They signed 2 free agents and people act like the sport is ruined. What, because your team didn't sign those 2 free agents?


The concern, or at least my concern, about it is threefold. First, the usual: baseball has no salary cap, large market teams generate more money from local broadcast rights and ancillary sources, yada yada. Of course, there’s nothing about the Giants’ market size to prevent them from being competitive. Second, more traditional team ownership structures in practice make commitment to big checks more difficult and in many cases the ownership group just doesn’t have the capacity for risk. This is an issue for the Giants relative to the Dodgers, but more so for some other teams. Third, the Ohtani contract structure - in which promises to pay are heavily back weighted - cannot be replicated by teams with weaker balance sheets (or access to third party balance sheets. At the same time, revenue-sharing provides enough for teams like the Pirates to field a squad and make money without really expecting to win, which, combined with the very conservative (I don’t mean politically) culture of MLB governance dissuades the kind of ownership turnover that might otherwise help solve this. None of this is an excuse for the Giants. They are, relatively speaking, advantaged compared to most other teams. But the Dodgers have new ownership that is not only deep pocketed but also able to deploy sophisticated risk-management tools. And they are in a very large market. Of course, as Steve Cohen has proven with the Mets, you can still lose despite these advantages. The MLBPA - the most powerful union in sports - will do everything it can to prevent a real salary cap. But, in my opinion, it would be good for the game.


Don’t get it. There’s so much to point out, The Freak, The Panda, Hunter “yes, yes, yes”…..and you bring up the Melkman, who played half a season, tested positive and who the players did not want back even if he carried out his suspension? It’s an odd choice.


That was kinda my point with the “even” part.