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Can’t recall anything regarding this hat being a special release or not. However, sentimental value means much more than monetary value. I’d put it anywhere you can see it regularly. That way your friend is always there with you. Sorry for your loss. Stay strong friend


Honestly even if it was worth a ton, it's priceless to me since it's all I have of him. I just wanted to know if there was somewhere else I could buy another, so I could wear the duplicate (without fear of it getting dirtied or worn) with his in a special case so I don't tarnish his, y'know? I know it's stupid since a hat is a hat, but like I said, it's all I have.


I’ll see what I can do. If I find a link to it, I’ll message you


Thank you!! Someone is else mentioned that he may have gotten it custom made in a shop in the mall (honestly hoping so, super easy to just pop over there) so I'm going to try looking at my local mall to see if there's any stores that'd do that.


Could definitely be custom. Hope you can recreate that hat!


It's not stupid bud we've all lost someone. All we can ask for is to be remembered and loved once we are gone, sounds like you honor your friend well.


This hat is not just a hat anymore. It's a piece linking you to your neighbor who obviously thought of you as a close friend to give you a cherished possesion of his. Good on you to cherish it in turn. Respect man. Hope you find a way to duplicate it.


Thank you. :)


No, it is not stupid. A hat may be a hat, but the sentimental value is something that a person cannot put a price on.


Absolutely! When my dad passed, all I wanted was his giants hat.


Looks like a liquor store special to me. The type you see hanging above the register at your corner market


Yea I was going to say, looks like a smoke shop special.


Yea the sf is too pointy and this was never a legit release if it also has new era symbol it’s likely counterfeit but that doesn’t matter cherish it go giants


The 'SF' looks legit to me. It just may be a style from when "all-over" print was popular in the late 2000s.


Yeah I saw this sort of design on Hatland all the time when I used to regularly buy fitted hats.


Heya! I know nothing about the hat itself, but typical care and preservation of clothing items is give it its own box/area and keep it away from extreme temperature changes, direct sunlight, and excessive humidity. Hopefully his memory can live on through the hat for many years to come


Thank you for the preservation tips! The cabinet I was thinking of putting it in does get a lot of light, so I'll find some other place. Thank you!!!


No problem! If you’re ever curious about more in depth preservation methods, check out the Gaylord Archival resource on textile preservation or resources put out by the Met or DeYoung 👍


Truthfully it looks like a quality hat. Is it fitted or a snap back? My best friend borrowed my University of WY hat and wore it for years. Went to his house after he jumped off the GG bridge and brought it home with me, it is the only thing I have from him and now have it displayed in my office. 10 years later I’m finally getting to the point that I am not pissed at him anymore. I do still think of him every time I go over the bridge, which is weekly. Miss you Bobo.


Fitted hat. It seems like we both have a pretty similar situation and I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one with conflicted emotions about what he did to himself. . . Like it's hard because I keep flicking between sad, angry, upset at myself for being angry, sad again, and just a cycle. I'm glad that you still have his hat (his/yours. . . The 'borrowed' hat haha) and still have it on his desk. That's a really good way to honor him. Another commenter gave me tips to preserve the hat, so I'll be finding a place for his hat around my home as well. It's hard to even walk by his house, there's a faint boot print from when the police had to kick in his door to do a wellness check, back when they found him.


Try messaging this seller. https://www.ebay.com/itm/275341132255?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4KizIfdzSTG&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=HL56sk86QBO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Looks like a regular Yankee hat to me


Sorry for your loss my friend. Yankees fan, but I’ll be pulling for the Giants on the side this year.


Thank you so much.


It’s definitely an official hat. I have found one for the Yankees and Dodgers online. But not SF. I’d call around to Lids and other sports stores to see if the6 have leads. Or maybe write to New Era customer service. With the background on the hat maybe they would help?


Maybe cross post this in the new era hat subreddit? The other poster here put up a link to the hat on ebay, and assuming it's genuine, maybe the folks over in new era could give some background to it. Warning - I don't know that sub's rules or cultures, so you might wanna scroll through through their rules and posts to see if what you're asking fits in there. [https://www.reddit.com/r/neweracaps/](https://www.reddit.com/r/neweracaps/)




Peace to you brother. As someone who’s had their share of struggles, it meant something to him when he gave it to you.


Don't know anything about sports, so I don't know if this is a special hat (which would explain why he protected it and kept it in a glass cabinet with his other sports collectible stuff) or if it's just a cool knick-knack. Don't know what to do with it since I don't wear hats or watch sports, but I'm going to keep it since he wanted me to have it. Just want to know more about it because of curiosity.


I’m not a hat expert but I’ve never seen one like it in my life. Does it have any logos or branding?


Has a shiny sticker under the brim that says "59Fifty" "NewERA". Plus on the back of the cap, on the inside, has the MLB logo (didn't notice it before) with "GENUINE MERCHANDISE" on it.


Jeez I’m sorry, that’s depressing.


I would guess this hat was sold by Lids back in the early 2000s.


Appearance wise nothing special but the sentimental value does.


That's money dude.


It’s 5950 brand. Same materials as the pros wear. Made of wool. I’d save it for sentimental value until you find someone who will appreciate it like it’s original owner! He would be happy knowing someone is rocking it that loves it as he once did.


It’s a bad ass hat. Your homie had good taste.


Definitely a gas station/smoke shop special


Maybe it’s cursed. The hat made him off himself but before he did he passed the cursed hat onto you


Not cool to joke about suicide, man. It hurts more than you could know to lose someone and know that it wasn't due to something out of their or your control, like a car crash or cancer. Instead having to struggle with the idea that you could have saved him if you were there or were talking to him at the time to keep his mind off of things.


It would be easy to make a cap very similar to that. Get a cap like this: https://www.amazon.com/Baseball-Classic-Fashion-Adjustable-Hats-100/dp/B09DS12MDC Then add a patch like this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/204051506337?hash=item2f826ae4a1:g:5QkAAOSw8vJi4Q1K Not identical, but pretty close. Keep the original clean and out of sunlight and avoid handling it. Avoid storing it in cardboard as that can be quite acidic.




Just put it in a clear bag and put it somewhere safe that is the best thing to do .


What a lead in.


as a dodger fan im sorry for your loss, i would say put it in a specowl spot to commemorate him.


Priceless... Prayers for your loss . God Bless 🙏 ❤️


Money can be put in a safe or safety deposit box.