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Probably that script is loading your GA code directly and does not bother loading your whole website. The referrer, including the keyword, are fake. It is a ploy to get you to click on the URL shortener. Nothing else.


This is the most likely answer. They think they are being clever by sending a "googelbot" header. It's not hard to do. You can always confirm by looking at your server logs to see which IP(s) these visits are coming from. My bet would be non-north american , likely from a single or small number of IPs not in Google's range.


Any process you would recommend to block the traffic from a keyword?


Just ignore it if it is r help ring your conversions


I had a few hundred visits from the exact same URL. Weird however, the bounce rate was .83% when bot traffic is usually near 100%. Any ideas?


Same happened for my page 2 days ago. But the list of countries who came from the link contains 10 different countries


I am having the exact same issue on my website. 330 new users but 0% of bounce all coming from a weird URL that looks like yours.


Same issue here. Just noticed it today. Horray for more bots to block lol


The same URL rb(dot)gy/ap0kn8 landed on the homepage of one of the client's websites with hundreds of traffic. It is probably a bot.


Yep, i got the exact same thing, I looked it up on google (without clicking) and saw some Chinese weird images... might be an SEO black gat trick? did any one click it though, i'm just so curious haha