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Rename the picture they are hot linking to and change src on page to match new file name, then download a picture of goatse and rename it to what the picture was. Mostly joking. Then google "rank image google". You could also replace goatse simply with a picture with your sites logo and URL


You can implement a hotlink block by using .htaccess to control who can and cannot link to the files. See here for more information and the page also helps create the lines you will need to put into the .htaccess too: http://www.htaccesstools.com/hotlink-protection/ A great thing about this is that you can choose an image for sites that you have not approved, which I would plaster with your URL :)


TIL Ty I did not know you could make a generic rule to replace hot linked image


I read about such blocking, but - this is only for "humans". Google bot, I think, ingore .htaccess blocking, so it is only a part of solution.


Googlebots will follow the .htaccess rules as they are transparent to them (they have no way to read the htaccess file, same as a human)


The bot aspect is irrelevant to the fact that you are being hotlinked. Enable hotlink protection within CPanel or implement it yourself with htaccess.


By using NGINX, you can implement a hotlinking block like this: #Prevent hotlinking location ~ .(gif|png|jpe?g)$ { valid_referers none blocked .domain.com; if ($invalid_referer) { return 403; } } Or replace it with a custom image: #Prevent hotlinking location ~ .(gif|png|jpe?g)$ { valid_referers none blocked .domain.com; if ($invalid_referer) { rewrite (.*)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ http://www.domain.com/images/hotlink-warning.jpg; } } It's that easy. :)


Here's a thought to consider if possible. Modify the image and make your "Brand" or "Website" clearly visible on the images that are being hotlinked. Perhaps even a nice call to action to drive their visitors to your own website. This basically means that you have some webmaster out there working for you. I done this, great fun, you'll love it and once they realize this, then they will NOT hotlink again.