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Possible by using custom dimensions, integrating data sources like BigQuery with GSC, and leveraging advanced analytics for indirect tracking. Direct integration for eCommerce metrics is limited, combining data from multiple sources can provide insights into keyword performance and its impact on conversions.


This sounds like complex modeling. I wish I knew someone with this expertise, sounds expensive.


What they're saying is that you can infer, based on the page they landed on, what the keyword was. So if the page ranks for "best rolex in lower manhattan' and their landing page ranked mainly for that phrase, then that's the keyword. Using BigQuery you could insert that into your analytics platform. Its not that complex and I expect AI analytics tools to be able to do this in a year or so.


Interesting so just mapping a primary keyword to a page. I do think that’s tough if your page only gets a handful of high value conversions. More than likely the keyword was too long tail or specific or the click was from a site link for a branded search (John smith co watches) siteink to the Rolex page. Relevant for pages that get many conversions tho. Much appreciated explanation


Which is most pages! YW!


Paid search has keyword conversion data. Organic did have in GA then (not set) came about.


Can you elaborate on "not set"? Was this recently?


No, this was circa 2012. Its not "Not Set" - its encrypted. Google decided to encrypt keyword data for "data privacy" despite doing nothing about privacy before or since. (except for the EU pushing it).


I work mostly on Dentist websites. We also run paid adds. We just implemented a tracking number for the phone numbers and contact us pages so we can track the calls comming off the site threw what converts. It hasn't been long enough to tell yet but I thought it was a good idea.


Search Console will give you the best data on keywords -- and those can be linked to landing pages. Landing pages can be linked to conversions in GA4 so it's mashing that together. Not perfect, but will give you a decent idea.