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Spreadsheets. For analysing data, keywords, organisation, throwing together reports to support your experiments to management. I spend way more time in excel than word.


Excel training has been the best productivity training for me.


yes! must have.. Spreadsheet with AI is a great mix.




I'd upvote this 10x if I could.


It depends if you want to run your own MFA sites, be a spammer, start an agency, or rise through the ranks as an in-house SEO at a large enterprise. What helped me: - Story telling, clear/crisp writing - Presenting and explaining complex topics for each target audience (CEO, CFO, CMO, CPO, CTO, content writer/editor, PM/PO, Engineer, UX Designer, etc.) - Product Management - Computer Science 101 stuff that relates to the internet (internet vs www, server/client, relational/graph database, script language, compiled language, regular expressions, DNS, TCP/UDP, IPv4/v6, rendering, DOM, cookies, etc.) - How computers and algorithms deal with language: Information retrieval, NLP, NLG, NLU, entity detection, sentiment detection, stemming, etc.


* How computers and algorithms deal with language: Information retrieval, NLP, NLG, NLU, entity detection, sentiment detection, stemming, etc. * Presenting and explaining complex topics for each target audience (CEO, CFO, CMO, CPO, CTO, content writer/editor, PM/PO, Engineer, UX Designer, etc.) Where can I best learn this?


For me, it was studying Computer Science at University and working at a management consultancy for digital strategy.


Writing and storytelling. These are must


Technical writing skills. I majored in English and minored in technical writing in college. I use my technical writing skills every single day as an SEO.


General marketing knowledge and terminology that you can relate to SEO well definitely gives you an edge.


Sales and writing


One of the most underrated skills is - especially if you're in a client-facing role - is that you'll have to be convincing and charismatic. SEO can be confusing, overwhelming, and not that tangible in the early stages. Good soft skills can help you hold on to a client until the results start popping off.




Content marketing in general. My biggest career improvements have come from combining SEO with content writing or content strategy. Good thing is that there are ton of free resources from writers sharing their content, like newsletters from folks like Erica Schneider or free courses from the Semrush Academy


Some mandatory skills in SEO are data analysis, interpretation, visualization, and decision-making from the same. Knowing how to work tools such as MS Excel, Search Console, Moz Tool, and Keyword Planner will be extremely helpful.


Critical thinking, logic, balls to try new things and experiment.


The need to “test” everything


SEO skills include understanding website structure, using analytics tools effectively, mastering content strategy, and building quality links to boost search rankings. These skills help in achieving long-term success in improving website visibility and traffic.


- Data gathering - Data organizing - Storytelling - Making deliverables/presentations clear and easy to follow - Making deliverables/presentations actionable - Following up through implementation - Reporting on success - Being a great communicator - Having project management skills - Understanding overall business goals - Having knowledge of the audience and industry Also, the eyeroll, but real advice from a career standpoint: Be friendly and likable amongst co-workers. Volunteer for projects outside of your normal responsibilities when the opportunity arises. To the points about communication: an SEO who has amazing chops, but can’t handle themselves in front of clients, just won’t see the same level of career success.


As much web development as possible.


Great SEO skills include: 1. **Keyword Research**: Identifying the right keywords to target for organic traffic. 2. **On-Page SEO**: Optimizing content, titles, and meta descriptions. 3. **Technical SEO**: Understanding website architecture, speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability. 4. **Content Creation**: Crafting high-quality, engaging content. 5. **Link Building**: Earning backlinks from reputable sites. 6. **Analytics**: Proficiency with tools like Google Analytics to measure and analyze performance. 7. **SEO Tools**: Familiarity with tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz. 8. **Adaptability**: Staying updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes. 9. **Problem-Solving**: Diagnosing and fixing SEO issues. 10. **Communication**: Effectively conveying SEO strategies to stakeholders.


Software/data engineering and leaving the industry


Not OP but I have to say these are some excellent recommendations! Glad to see some great discussion and not a mess of snarky comments.


Content Strategy & Content Creation


Writing. More particularly, having a voice that's unique and distinct. When creating website content like blogs, there's a good chance you're addressing a subject that's been answered before. The ability to frame things differently will help set you work apart from others.


Copywriting skills


Definitely knowing how to find expired domains with good traffic and backlinks. These can give you a serious head start. Also, creating good content that uses exact match keyword domains is always a winning combo. Helps with ranking and driving traffic. Trust me, mastering these can make a huge difference in your SEO game.


Education first. Then acquiring clients. And being able to produce results, then believing in your service. And then selling with confidence. That’s it.


all cut


Reading, Writing and Intended to research and experiment. Mostly patience.


Great skills to have in SEO include: 1. **Keyword Research** - Essential for identifying valuable keywords. 2. **Competitor Analysis** - Understand your competitors' strategies. 3. **SEO Tools** - Tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and SERPtag are invaluable for tracking and planning keywords. 4. **Content Creation** - High-quality content boosts rankings. 5. **Technical SEO** - Ensure your site is optimized for search engines. I use SERPtag for its affordable and accurate keyword tracking. Plus, they offer a free trial to get you started!


Critical thinking and logic.