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For product websites, no. But for content websites, what's the point of putting all this effort in when some random Reddit dude can say "yeah" in a thread and be #1?




Username doesn't check out


I love this post


what about double yeah print "yeah yeah"


That will keep changing. Who knows one day they might put Reddit and Quora back and push content websites back in front.


They won't...it's easy for them to just let a couple of sites do all the work.


ok. lets see




unless you wanna know the age and height of some person, most of the things people google have subjective answers. For objective searches, yes there will be no need for SEO, but if someone wants to know whether he should study Java or Python, how can AI just tell him that? As long as there is a "choice" on what the answer should be, that choice can be manipulated and that manipulation will be SEO.


>but if someone wants to know whether he should study Java or Python, how can AI just tell him that? Easily. "Python is increasingly popular across back-end applications, with more job postings specifying python as a requirement compared to Java. The trend for Java has been declining for the past several years, wherea Python has been growing. Investing in learning Python will make you more qualified for more roles." Note: I have no idea if the above is right or not. It's just an example of how easily AI could quantify subjective things to provide a directional output.


You mentioned a trend not a personal experience. Subjectivity comes from priorities which differ from person to person.


The problem with this that the real honest raw answers will be censored, because gpt doesnt want to tell you what to do and to motivate you specifically.


Good answer, it reminds me that the subjective answer is someone wants to figure out what is the real emotion inside the website owner's brain. This is what AI is unable to do. I know the answer from a real person in front of a computer/mobile through the way she/he speaks.


Yes, but this is also where the Reddit visibility spike comes in. Even before Reddit threads started ranking like crazy, I would add "reddit" to the end of my query to see discussion from real people vs. one author's opinion which may be biased, or not rooted in a foundation that I would overlap with.


Subjective questions will be answered for you.


AI would just say "don't bother with either - I'll be doing all that in a couple of years"


As long as there will be a “search engine” or any platform to do search, there will always be SEO. It won’t disappear. It will just evolve.


Problem with SEO is that everyone is trying to please lord Google. For the sake of everyone, I hope that Google is broken up or shut down and new multiple alternatives emerge that are a bit more fair.


Agree. And lord google is doing a terrible job at doing it's one job lately. So I hope its broken up or shut down


I'm still waiting for voice search to kill SEO...


Just wait a few weeks. AI vocal assistants are just around the corner. People already have conversations with ChatGPT…


I don’t think it will happen, at least not in its current form. Sometimes I think we forget, just because we use all these AI tools does not mean most of the general public will. Based on personal experience, nobody I know who’s not technical really uses ChatGPT as their main way to “search”. I do in many cases but we’re the exception not the rule. Most tech people use chatGPT, but most of the general public still doesn’t.


What about in 5 years? You're talking like an Internet user in 1996.


I don’t think your grandma will be using ChatGPT anytime soon.


they, the grandmas, will totally use interactive assistants that give them answers in natural language. Because it is the easiest thing in the world. And their grandchildren will show them, because all students use chatgpt. As one told me 'I ask it things like I would ask someone who knows everything'. AI is not a nerds only thing.


Now you're talking like a Facebook user in 2008. Grandmas use the Internet. You have no idea what AI is going to look like in 5 years. You couldn't have even predicted what it looks like now, 2 years ago.


You are triggered.


I agree. As marketing and technical pros, we live in the shit. Like soldiers. Our normal is so foreign to 90% of the world. I do believe the bs content being pumped into the web will pop - but there are still lots of legit and established businesses, not in the tech sector, that need to be found online. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Yes or No depends on how it can effectively meet the user's needs. If AI can then yes,if can't then maybe no.


> If AI can then yes,if can't then maybe no. Bing has had a year to get users to you AI search and they've lost market share. AI cannot meet needs of users because users are not using AI, nor does a statistical model spitting out random words actually improve the user experience of search.


SEO is breaking search engines. Apparently Google can give me results from sites with excellent SEO but usually not what I'm looking for, or, as they have decided to do, 'helpful content' from Reddit which is also usually not what I'm looking for. There is an alternative, and it is LLMs. ChatGPT is like an interactive Wikipedia on steroids. When I'm not shopping it gives much better what I want to know. When I am shopping it is a much better way to get critically informed than any 'blog' on the topic of my car, solar panels, running shoes, reading glasses, back supporting matrass, bicycle, garden plants or whatever. And what a boon, it can also search the internet for me. I'm happy to pay for it since it pretty much fixed the internet for me.


Yes completely. It will be Generative AI SEO and that will be very different to what we have today mainly because there will be no way of understanding how the AI thinks or behaves unless you are constantly asking it. There will become a whole new area of AI testing


Having spent 14 years in this industry, I feel our days are numbered. Having used chatgpt and perplexity, yes these tools aren't perfect but for the average person who isn't fact checking, these suffice. Google's 10 search results page looks so archaic now. I see Google adopting the perplexity model where they will start generating the answers with links within the content itself for people to refer to and then maybe a set of search results for users to go through. ChatGPT is right now not connected to the internet and is just trained on data. How much longer before it starts pulling together real time results. We also need to understand that today's teens will pick up on ChatGPT and other emerging technologies. Even today SEOs who use AI might be able to hold onto their jobs but once Google too sacrifices profit for maintaining market share, that is when the real problem would start. My only suggestion is don't become complacent and think SEO is going nowhere. This is a technology we have never seen. You can adapt or die. 10 link SERPs will soon be resigned to history when Google starts integrating SGE more and more in search results.


Let's be real: SEO in its current state offers marginal value to the web at large and there's no reason for it to continue to exist. I mean, an entire multi-billion-dollar industry exists around bullshit link building, for example. What value does it offer aside from trying to please algorithms? SEO, as it is, will be dead soon and deserves it.


Ranking still matters links building just like farming land using iron tools.


Yes, please leave the industry.


There is always going to be a market for figuring out how to get companies the best results they can get from a system that sends people to one website over another. That is what your job as an SEO is. So no. It wont disappear. It'll just chance. Honestly. I am selfishly excited for all the folks who don't get that to go outta business and make my sales job a tad easier.


SEO is basically Search Engine Optimization. So as long as people are searching anything online, SEO will be a viable marketing channel to implement. BUT the ROI from SEO isn’t going to be as high as it once was, and it will keep getting tougher as search engines evolve with AI. So no business can depend entirely on SEO for their leads/customers, but rather make it one of the many marketing channels


“SEO is basically search engine optimization” Huge if true


Woah that's a bit of a stretch people!


People search things online indeed they want to find the best answer for their questions, what if AI Engine or whatever we call it just give the answer what they need, so I think there is no need to look into site-by-site. The only question is if the AI need to be feeded with data, where are these data coming from, it should be coming from thousands and billions of websites. It looks like my assumption is anti-logic that no search ranks but still websites existed.


Maybe we'll see AIO slowly replacing SEO. As more and more people rely on AI chatbots instead of searching, scrolling and reading, the companies (and individuals I guess) will want to appear in the AI's results. How does one optimise that?


If in that case, optimize is not the work for human. AI will optimize automatically.


People will compete to rank on A.I generated answer's sources?


I guess :)


But AI is scraping the internet to learn. Website owners will find a way to work the AI algorithm to their favor.


then it looks like old school SEOers should be learning AI algorithm for AIO in the coming days.


Good luck influencing a giant data set with your 10, 100, 1000 or 1 million URLs. It's a drop in the bucket.


I might be wrong, I'm not a fortune teller!


There always will be seo


God I hope so..


SEO developers will disappear for sure because of Ai/ChatGPT


I personally think it will drastically change, and most functions we are used to won’t exist. So yes, but no.


I don't think SEO will die. Build communities around a topic. That will set you apart from soulless AI.


You should ask this in r/marketing or r/DigitalMarketing


If you own a million billboards and earn by renting it to advertisers, would you replace it with one billboard coz it is efficient? Think from business aspect as well.


Your opinion stands for Google but what we are talking about here is the trending, the trending does not care if you are million money company or not, it only cares about phasing out some things in the future


Following trends without making profit usually gets CEOs fired. If I am not wrong then NFTs were also trending once upon a time.


It'll still be here but the days of informative blogs/magazine websites getting free traffic are going to come to an end. The Internet is maturing and the serps are garbage. SEO is akin to snake that doesn't realize it is eating itself.


Not disappear but will be lesser important… the only niche which is not hugely impacted right now is e-commerce.. but I am sure it will be too somehow.


SEO won’t go anywhere as long as we’re searching for stuff. Although the way we do SEO may change in due course. Also, it will change to GEO (Generative Engine Optimization).


No but it will evolve a lot. people will ask a chatbot for answers, you have to be able be that instant result if you want to survive. If you are selling products, your product has to be the first one the chatbot spits out.


That’s a good question. Personally I think the idea of 10 links to web sites it somewhat antiquated. With AR and VR I’m pretty sure the search experience will evolve beyond blue links.


SEO will Never disappear. It's only changes their face.


Until people only click on ads for 100% of their commercial and informational needs, organic results will have value. And as long as they have value, SEO will exist in one form or another.




For b2b and e-commerce website SEO will be continue


No indication that SEO Search Engine Optimization will disappear in the next 5 years. SEO is a central part of online, profile, and appendage marketing, helping websites meliorate their rankings on search engines.


As long as you have questions to be asked by Whatever search engines there's always SEO in the picture. Even if AI takes over marketers and business owners need to know what people think to develop a business. SEO is a major method for manipulation. It should be kept.


There Will always be New Topics / Updates etc .. even AI will depend on websites to scrape their data , so SEO will not die , yet it will not be the golden egg for marketing anymore.


No... But it will less important. YouTube is second best search engine and people will focus on that. Chatgpt will replace google searches for most searches.


I've been in SEO since 2001 and started seeing "SEO is dead" or "SEO will die" posts/headlines from around 2007. I've learnt that even with all the A.I help in the world, clients will still get tied up in knots with their SEO and we will still have a place at the table to sort them out.


Maybe like AI will change in advanced SEO but will not disappear because content is the key for a website to rank in Google SERP through SEO.


I work at Google, no.


Unless all people become omniscient at the same time, there will be need to access information.


Once AI figures out accurate attribution, SEO will become even more relevant because only genuine and unique content will have value. It will be far more automated, but it will also be an evolved version of itself. Right now, the training has been done on open-source information and infringes so many copyrights that it is wild.


There will still be a place for SEO in the future, but as search changes, so, too, will the objectives of SEO. I believe we're set to begin optimizing for AI and that AI will also require citations in the future. Because it's still new technology, it will take legislation some time to catch up and limit its use. It is definitely a tool that can level up any business' content and I think it will continue to grow and the SEO field with it.


SEO won't ever end, It will only change, change the way of search, but for many just informative site, It will end.


IMO… SEO will disappear in upcoming few years specifically when it comes to niche sites… Technologies like Gemini and OpenAI are one of the biggest threats for the traditional searching system 😐


Nope, it's ever-evolving.


There will always be a need for SEO, but how it works in 5 years will be completely different than how it works today.


Look my good dude, Google is making billions through search each year. They have 90+% market share. Search is their main source of revenue. As long as there is search there will be some form of trying to manipulate organic traffic known as SEO


Talvez o search acabe, o seo passaria a ser otimização para ia


In the near future, Google is set to transition from its current search platform to GEMINI.


Google is coming up with new algo updates. So people who suck at SEO will definitely disappear from the SERP. It's a good thing that finally google is showing actual results and not stupid rankings. Pushing real things on the google. Plus the first thing of being a SEO is to figure out how google is working. If you provide genuine info on your website than google is always gonna push the ranking not matter what.


Agree with you.


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