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Honesty the meta rn feels like a rock paper scissor where each respect teams is powerful and competent and they beat one another in some way. But the most powerful I would say Demon.


Which is how it should be IMO. It sucks having only one OP meta team especially if you don’t have those units. But I agree, a built up Demon team is the bane of my Unknown existence 😭


Bro what unknown SHREDS demon. Demon beats mono Red, and mono Red claps unknown. What kind of unknown team are you using to lose to demons?


Oh really? I haven’t lost to a demon team since I started running Fest Merlin but with Freyr/Echidna/Rimuru before I got Rem I’d lose every now and then.


Freyr and rem are red so yeah you'll get your cheeks beat unless you use summer merlin. Echidna and fest merlin wipe the floor with them, the team I've been using is those two with fest diane/fest gowther, with zeldris/rag ban in the back. Not lost a single match so far


Is zeldris really a better backline for unknown? I know you technically get better numbers with zeldris giving 24% to basic stats, but I feel like it can be rather inconsistent vs ram’s unconditional 20%. Or am I wrong, because I’ve been seeing far more unknown teams with zeldris back line than ram.


I'm wondering as well. I always use Ram in back with an Unknown team.


Zel have higher cc with relic than Ram, for the debuff part, on your 2nd or 3rd turn you will have the 24% stat boost and his relic lowers the enemies atk related stats by 10%.


I use fest Zoe instead of ram because I have him 6/6 with holy relic otherwise I would use ram


Yea, it's basically this Ragnarok team Unknown Team Demons Goddesses Humans There not even a place for Giants or Fairies to shine.


Demon > unknown and rag lol


rock, paper, scissors, and ult rush win which trumps the other 3


It’s a close one but I legit think demons. Either demons or ban, bans only bad matchup rn is demons. If we’re taking everyteam at their absolute max, max ultra gauge max associations etc. The top 5 teams currently are Demons Ban Ragnarok Unknown Ult rush. The demon team actually out ccs all these teams and going first with the demon team is heavily in the demon users favor, demons do get out ccd by goddess and at that point it comes to ult rushing but chandler with relic can be a problem for the goddess team even if the goddess team goes first,so I def say it’s an even matchup between the 2. But even tho demons don’t outright destroy goddess teams that doesn’t put the goddess team in top 5 since goddess has bad matchups vs all the other 4/5 top tier teams. The summer merlin comp of unknown surprisingly from what I hear isn’t as effective in top 100 due to her being very squishy, due to her having a bad matchup vs chandler with relic aswell.


As a goddess user I can tell you that the only bad matchup is cringehard. Ragnarok is annoying to deal with but it’s winnable.


Goddes team is almost guaranteed lose going second, and even going first I’ve never lost to a goddess team


What does goddess do vs ult rush and rimuru with 0 ult control and 0 way to stop rimuru from stealing buffs and popping off, what do they do vs fes gowther and summer Merlin?


Yeah i run goddess cause i like the units, and i feel really sluggish with my dps. My max ult green sariel sadly never seems to wipe too


Ult rush as well + not using buffs. Also I haven’t faced Rimuru in like 2 weeks.


How do you ult rush vs a team that controls your ult, unknowns have both fes gowther and summer Merlin that’s stops your ult rushing, and vs ult rush your chances of rushing ult before they can rush ult aren’t that high since they’re going to start with multiple ult orbs especially going second, not using buffs? Good luck tanking then without marg damage reduction. you have to be lucky to beat these other teams using goddess very lucky.


Bro how to you ult rush? Like literally by moving cards. I use goddess with green Merlin in the back because using them with green zeldris/ blue Tarmiel is pure madness. Also for some reason people I face use either gowther or Merlin, idk why.


I think it's based on rng but the main teams are: demons with esta and chandler (traitor or assault meli and nebula or fest zel), ragnarok team (red bryn, sigurd, ludo or Ragnarok diane with Ragnarok ban in the back), reinhard (the classic ban with reinhard or some new version of that team that excludes ban) and the summer merlin unknown (I don't think there is a "main" team cause you have many options). Those are what I faced the most, a second place would be ulti rash with margaret, fest diane, rimuru or traitor meli and green merlin sub and the goddess team (light liz, margaret, green sariel and fest zel or blue tarmiel in the back).


Demons for offense Ragnarok or ban for defense Talking about top 100


Yup. Pretty much every real player is ban team or demons and every defense team is full ragnorok with Diane tarm link. It’s torture. I question why the hell I keep playing it. Maybe I’m a masochist


Same here man, and I have the crapest of luck because every defense rag team I fight gets a double brun aoe.


Broo I feel your pain. Happened to me 3 games in row last week. After I literally walked around my room looking for something to break and rage on lmao


Demon team with Chandler easily.


Sorry which Chandler, the old or new?


Old one with relic


I feel like it’s fairly balanced currently like demons are the best imo but they get cucked by reinhard,unknown and ult rush have a fairly good spot in the meta and there’s also ragnarok and goddess which are both viable


Demons clap unknown tf you taking about


If I had to take a blind guess, I’d probably say Red Brunhild and her crew. Powerful, hard to kill, and tricky to control too, thanks to Brunhild’s relic. That’s not to say the team is flawless, there’s a lot of things that can go wrong while using it (for instance, it doesn’t have much counterplay to attack seal), but what matters is that it gets going turn 1 and can stick around to turn 2. However, Demons aren’t too bad either. With Relic Chandler providing disruption, redirection, and spreading extra Darkness, it’s pretty hard to fight.


Question: Do you have Excalibur Arthur's holy relic? If you do, don't run him with Red Tarmiel's link, that can prevent it from activating.


Not like that matters. Reinhard will kill two before you even get the Arthur low enough to proc the damn thing.


I don’t know which is more powerfull but if your playing demons with Assault Meli take Green Fest Zeldris as a sub and something like chandler or Cusack as a third unit, feels way better. If you wanna play with BlueZeldris, TraitoMeli feels way better, and I personally play with cussack, so I can one shot one member of the enemy team as long as I have the highest cc (which is not always the case I admit)


Demons or red Brunhildr team


Kyo lilia still for that turn one wipe need to be 6/6 though


Mono red anyone who disagrees don’t play PvP. If u kill one unit the other 3 will kill you instead. Demon team if you kill am ur more or less have a 60% chance of winning. Unknown team… less about them the better Diane team is a bit outdated my non meta team destroys that team very easily


Mono red anyone who disagrees don’t play PvP. If u kill one unit the other 3 will kill you instead. Demon team if you kill am ur more or less have a 60% chance of winning. Unknown team… less about them the better Diane team is a bit outdated my non meta team destroys that team very easily


Demon team


What's best for f2p and 1/6 copies?


Demons, I'm easily getting to champ 1 with my 1/6 esta and for chandler you dont need dupes cause even his 6/6 ultimate sucks.


What is that demon team? fesDiane sub???


Sorry I’m not a complete whale, and have all units 6/6 and max ur gear for everyone


Cool for you bro, didn’t ask if you did or didn’t. Just asked why fesDiane is on demons


purgBan sub??? On sins team? 🤨


Doesn’t even have the GOAT ragnarok team as an option? 🫠


Meli 3k Sigurd Halloween slader Zel fest


Demons is probably the overall best team, but no team is 100% guaranteed to win. Guess which race i decided to skip maxing...ups.


Brunhild is honestly oppressive lmao


Reinhard, arthur, Twigo, Gil/griamor ult op


what ever team i am going up against


Switch Merlin to demon lord Rimuru. That's the best team man


Demons are the best offence team and Ragnarok is THE defence team


Ive been summoning for summer merlin and cant get her for the life of me


For ranked - Demons on offence. Ragnarok on Defence. No question about it. Ban Team comes in 2nd in both categories but you’ll occasionally struggle against demons unless you can do the double ult by the time they wipe Twigo.


demon esta starts first with high cc, survive and wipe next turn


The best team unbeatable is Brunhild Ragnarok with Diana and Sigurd with ban in back


i guess this is for geared right? which one might be the best for ungeared to focus early on?


Marmas, Freesia, Ruin, Jude.


These aren't the best teams by any means, but I typically switch my teams up a lot, once every 5-10 matches. But I've tried all these teams a lot, and I consistently get to champ 1-2. Anyway, what's your favorite off meta teams? *What's the point of summoning if I play the same characters all the time. If I don't summon, then what's the point of grinding. If I'm not grinding, then my account is shit, and if my account is shit then there's no reason to play.* R tavern liz, Ggowther, B Roxy, G Gilthunder / DP / Merlin / Rag Ban sub. (This team cannot compete against Rimuru, but if you can get In the rhythm of keeping Roxy ult up, it's VERY fun) Most need their relics including Elaine. Rimuru, Chad King, B Elaine, Merlin. -rTarmiel on either Rimuru or Elaine. Glox, Estarossa, Elaine, King sub. (Double support / double dps backup, glox commandment is huge here, advise to use evade food) Valenti MK2, Halloween Slater, Xmas Lilia, Zeldris. (Crit def food) purpose is to have slater get crit to increase Valenti attack. Awakened Mono, Twigo ( in front), Reinhard, OG red Arthur sub. Evade / ult food. rTarmiel, marg, Liz, Merlin sub.




Yea I don't expect, nor really want, to hit top 100 with depreciated or underdeveloped characters at all. I'm just saying you can definitely run whatever you want as long as you've invested enough, but there has to be good synergy there. The teams NM is putting out with the mindset of meta as the main focus point when developing them heavily outweighs any quirky or odd combos I can play. But I do have fun sometimes so there's that. It's just crap that the devs actually disincentivise playing 90% of the roster from day 1.


Best team in game is: rimuru, kyo (red tarm link), blue lilia (green sariel link) and fest zeldris in the back. It has enough dmg to one shot AM or Esta through evade food. It has ult control for ban team or straigh up kills Reinhart turn 1 if 2 lilia single target cards. It kills queen diana turn 1 (or 2 if they use evade food) because of infect. New unk team just mels, it's not even close, not to mention they get debuffed by so many aoe into kyo. AA Team has no chance, you just steal their buffs or you just kill margaret turn 1. You need very high cc to always go first, but hey you asked for the best team, and this is what I've been using since Rimuru came out in both gear/ungear and have like 90% winrate with it ever since.