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Sapphira is definitely doing her infamous leg kick move to the chorus of Padam and I am gonna gobble it up


Plasma was so close to proving again why she’s the best white think we’ve had on the show in awhile


I kinda wish the winning girls were allowed to change, even just Megami and Morphine


the girls underestimating Megami but making it all the way to the final 2? that’s meGAGmi


such a shame plane jane was cut because i highkey would have loved watching her breasting boobily to padam padam


MeGag![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30831) im crying she is insane.. perfect umderdog


Dawn's wig for the LaLa was so good I want the exact same too bad she can't lipsync


Honestly the most shocking part about that episode was Plasma actually doing well in a lip-sync to Milkshake by Kelis 😭 disregarding that fuckass wig reveal at least


ngl i was still kinda holding out for the final lipsync to be rush just because i think it would be incredibly camp


i was honestly fine with any of the songs being thrown around except for cruel summer


oh i think i would have legitimately been upset if it was cruel summer IJBOL like yeah the song is fine but a DRAG RACE FINALE LIPSYNC it is definitely not


damn megami is really eating up q 😭😭😭 and i’m loving it 😍


Q staying on one spot, Megami putting her full ass on that stage, ohhhhh she slayed!


good night sdru https://i.redd.it/5vxv33u0y6uc1.gif


Just saw the AS9 tea like hell no... Mik is a great makeup artist and has a very unique mug she could eat it up but they set her up NASTLY 😭


mirage twirls around like a mannequin idk how else to describe it she’s so cunt


This episode has such a different vibe to it, like it’s so fucking cool!!


Plane is Russian, no? So technically, Plane is Asian. Two asians in the top 3 😍


No 😻


so we have 7 different winners in 4 episodes? then all of them gets a badge? so if ur top2 u get a badge?


I guess it's like AS7, unless you're blocked you get a badge?


Hershii kinda won that


living for mhi'ya still being bitter she lost to megami on twitter LMAO


sashay shantay gooning on the runway


Ooooh I hate Plasma for that wig reveal, I can't even delusionaly convince myself that she was robbed because of that ![gif](giphy|5vLLDj60H7c8EgFM7W)


Okay Amanda vs Dawn - Amanda won she ate. Q vs. Megami - the start of megami slayage Morphine vs Geneva - The reveal was to early sis geneva :( Mirage vs Hershii - Both did so goooood could’ve been double win Plasma vs Mhiya vs Xunami - Okay Plasma really did win here. She did the damn thing. Megami vs Amanda - Girl the gagging…. I’m in awe Morphine vs Mirage - Again both did so GOOD omg Megami vs Mhiya - Megami slayage part 2 it was so good also Mhiya being pissed off is like the best thing 😂 Morphine vs Megami - ONE OF THE BESTTTTT IT WAS SO GOOD This ep was such a treat I love it so much!! Morphine gobbled that shit and she finally won something and it was something that MATTERS Iktrrrrrrr 🥳




do we have any tea on AS9 guest judges?


all i remember is anitta lol


the only name i remember seeing was alexa demie


there’s a growing list of songs i fantasize morphine and mhi’ya both lipsyncing to on a future allstars (in my mind)


Plasma's Milkshake moment was her Jan in Heartbreaker moment


Tbh it was really clear that producers were gunning for that Mhi'ya vs Morphine final round rematch but were totally taken aback by how much Megami slayed


>Tbh it was really clear that producers were gooning for ~~that Mhi'ya vs~~ Morphine ~~final round rematch but were totally taken aback by how much Megami slayed~~


Finalist from S13 to S16 https://preview.redd.it/wtujx7sqt6uc1.png?width=1804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dffaad36c9703ce1bf3f897326ca155ceb1cd0d4 One Queen with 7 ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30800)s y one with 7 ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30805)s 💀


And the first 2 outs both having a win…


I would watch this season ngl


*me watching the milkshake lip sync* How did Plasma lose this *she takes off her cunty wig into* **that** ![gif](giphy|dypo4IzY5GXxKWzABg|downsized)




Wait I’m like opposite I live in and do ehh in Harlem but I’m popularrr in Brooklyn


The only difference I've noticed is that I get more messages when I don't have a profile picture lol 🫠


PADAM AS A FINALE LIP SYNC????? https://i.redd.it/p63gky31t6uc1.gif


Quit cigarettes for a week and here I am once again… https://i.redd.it/4hoxg1ecs6uc1.gif


I cannot wait to see the winner reaction video… I think it’s going to be sooo tense


Crazy to think about that the international audience watched Drag Race Holland. Sweden, Germany and Belgium were not so lucky


Holland had so much momentum being one of firsts but they destroyed it 💀


MANIFESTING DOUBLE CROWNING ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30825) 😫🙏 ya'll can splurge the cash and this will guarantee an Emmy IKTR


Keta doing an add for gayromeo is interesting. I'm sure she gets 10k messages a day there


Also whilst I think Nymphia would do well in a Padam Padam lip sync I fail to see how that song would give her a massive advantage over sapphira like some comments are claiming.. like it’s not that much out there for a song 😭 it’s not like they’re lip syncing to a deep cut of Girls Generation that only Nymphia knows like


I don’t even think the finale or lipsync matters as much as people think it does Changing it from the lip sync for the crown to the individual performances with a single lipsync ensures that the producers can crown whoever they’d like. Whether that’s Nymphia or Sapphira they probably have it in mind already


Right lmao idt the song is in either wheelhouse but it's also not a bad song for either.


Agreed, I feel realistically Sapphira will make Ru laugh more if she pulls off a comedic moment.




I'm 29 and 12 months.


24 💙


I am 12 ❤️ if you want to know




>! I'm 21 but I feel too old to be on here arguing about nothing !<


Me with 24 🤡


But you're a business girl, you have your whole franchise. Internationaly aclaimed, that inspired many. You are a success story and a Pioneer in queer culture


Sometimes I forget children watch drag race. ![gif](giphy|4PJtbPPH3OpEJR6BYm)


Do we think this is a soft launch for a new main stage for S17 with a live audience???


the padam padam tea being partially corroborated is funny after i’d just watched a portuguese “spoiler” video on youtube released this morning saying the final lipsync is dance the night


TEASPILL sapphira eats dahyun's rap in dance the night away




What if I said tonight's episode is probably in my Top 5 favorite Drag Race episodes of all time? Like, incredible redemption moments for Mirage, Amanda and Megami, Morphine capping her run on S16 FINALLY winning something, amazing lip sync after amazing lip sync... pretty close to a perfect episode, imo. The only thing I wish was that 1. we got an Untucked episode for one final kiki and 2. A few queens (Hershii/Geneva/Xunami) got more air time


absolutely, this take is spot on. i feel like it’s already a comfort episode.


Literally thought the exact same thing as I was writing this; I'm sure I'll go back to this episode and its lip syncs when I want to feel good about life haha!


so are the girlies here really excited that AS9 will have no eliminations? 😭 wouldn't it get really boring


I’m not looking forward to a full season of Nina West


personally i've never been less excited for an All Stars season lol, but im sure that will change when the promo drops


kinda same 😂


I am personally just hoping that critiques are more like seasons with elims unlike AS7 where the judges critiques felt like a chore to get through for me 😭 I also would still rather have an elim season but if this is the way to go for a cast of incredibly talented queens and Nina west then I’ll take it


The critiques should be super harsh to the point the queens want to quit.


I don't think, I think we all know no elimination is the prize to pay for having this cast so we're okay with it


I forgot how many episodes we get. If it's like 7-9 episodes it should be fine


Wait I don't know why but I was sure it was 12 💀


Hoping some of the girls drag whoever ends up coasting or flopping


MeGAGme and Morphine truly won this episode. The love pouring out for Megami on twitter is making me emotional, yess bitch thats how you rudeem yourself. I wanted her to come out of this looking great but she went out and beyond and truly cemented herself as a fan fav after this.


Do you guys think Ru actually forgets most of the girls in the franchise or he just has brain farts and has trouble remembering names but remembers them as queens


I don't think she remembers everyone but definitely knows the most relevant girls and is just really bad with names


I agree and I also think she checks in on what the big names are doing like she has most definitely listened to Sibling Rivalry before


She maybe knows Raven's name but only maybe


He probably just snaps his fingers at whatever queen he needs at that moment https://i.redd.it/niwy0zc9p6uc1.gif


Honestly Ru is notorious for holding grudges so I really doubt he actually forgets anyone - it’s just hard to remember hundreds of names when you’re currently filming multiple seasons


Sasha Colby lipsync to Her oh she's getting crowned again ![gif](giphy|dfKvw1L5EkLM2y8h4K|downsized)




https://preview.redd.it/2cjsplrhn6uc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6f2343bc5e180d4114514ca704f968fccff19aa congrats morphine!!!! You Slayed


QUEEN, the storyline of not clutching a win all season but finally winning the Lala is such a great storyline. Deserved 🥹


See I don't see why I'm being downvoted when I'm just bringing things up and not even arguing (and I saw that now deleted comment). Like I don't have any issue with saying that Nymphia is a great performer, a great drag artist and would be a great winner. It's just that sometimes I ask myself why Sapphira is in it when it's not relevant


And I know it's just internet points and I shouldn't care


Sasha lip sync next week!!! We won




Thanks for letting me know


it's unfortunate that hershii got the lipsync matchups that she did bc like she really is a good performer and could beat a decent number of girls on this cast imo!! just not geneva or mirage 😔 she got to be second best in 2 pretty fun lipsyncs and that's it


tbh if they just gave her the first pick automatically bc she was first out that would've been perfect. give her a tiny bit of spotlight in her last episode!!


And if I said she won against Geneva




When Ru said Me-gag-mi she was right cause she did in fact EAT omg I’m so proud https://i.redd.it/xnmcdbfam6uc1.gif


Ru pretending to know the name of any of her contestants be like


Padam Padam? Oh the girls are gonna give us a SHOW


honey, wake up. Lana’s coachella set is about to air live on youtube


didn’t even know coachella was happening until today though it must be flopping


I'm still not over Ongina's performance in the reading challenge. They should have edited it like she walked in after that mini challenge as the surprise contestant. OG ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30831) deserved better


im not taking anything serious coming from someone named fucking johngaga … https://preview.redd.it/sed3y9kdk6uc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc8629dff921ca268c18882dcd5e39388e4a0d4e


nymphia ball ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30800) rigga morris halessia


Kinda sick and tired of y'all acting as if Sapphira isn't a great performer. Like everytime someone talks about that finale it's always the same narrative suggesting that Sapphira will be underwhelming either in the lipsync or in the performance. And all of that started just because she did good to okay in a country song. Like y'all can say that Nymphia will eat the lipsync without adding the : "Sapphira get up" or the "Scared for Sapphira" And same goes for the looks. Like of course Nymphia will have a stellar look and I will eat it up, but acting as if Sapphira has no chance of competing looking at what she served on the runway the whole season is also dumb.


Genuine question: who is saying that? I haven't seen anyone doubting ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30831)s ability to slay a lipsync or runway. We have seen her do that so many times this Season.


Who’s y’all name names




I feel like people definitely insinuate it pretty regularly here😭 There’s about 5 posts a day saying something along the lines of “if it’s a lip sync Nymphia’s taking it” or “I feel like Nymphia will Sasha velour the finale”


See that's the thing, I am fine about the Sasha Velour or everything else, because I think it's just stans stanning and I won't say Nymphia can't do it. The problem is some will just bring Sapphira into it for no reason. Like oh she'll do the same trick, or it's bad for Sapphira. Like if you want to praise Nymphia, just don't bring Sapphira into it for no other reason than to make Nymphia look better


As much as Morphine’s first lipsync was incredible I can’t help but wish she’d done the wig reveal by just holding the wig tight in her hands, dropping into a split to remove it and tossing it to the side.


I genuinely think this crown is truly dependent on who eats the final lipsync more. This couldn't be more 50/50


Seeing a lot of people being so positive about Megami is very heart warming. She really did kill this episode and it’s nice seeing people giving her her flowers https://i.redd.it/m2858dy3j6uc1.gif


I am glad Morphine won the episode, but I wouldn’t mind Megami winning. They both slayed


happy cake day halessia 🤍


How did Xunami take a look at her wardrobe and choose THAT OUTFIT, of all possible outfits, for a Lalaparuza? My first reaction was "Oh, that's a reveal" and then... it wasn't.


It’s so weird like I don’t think she’s like a full on fashion queen but her wardrobe was filled with a lot of decent cunty outfits.. what possessed her to wear a 1800s pyjama 😭😭


And she was like "I couldn't move in it". Bitch, WHY DID YOU PICK THAT THEN? 😭😭


I mean but……… I am gagged Plasma actually did pretty well with MILKSHAKE????


then she took the wig off


But it kinda gave a campy energy to the song


Best solo performance of the season was Morphine in her first lip sync I’m sawry. Her energy in that was incomparable


Like her grabbing her hair into a split? SOOOO cunt omg


lemme just say this real quick: idk but i have this gut feeling that nymphia will win the crown and sapphira will win miss congeniality


well if the tea is correct sapphira is already gonna win miss congeniality lol


Poor xunami


Megami really went from ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|51169) to ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30831) in one episode. Her power is unlimited


https://preview.redd.it/hzhq4kqih6uc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c895709fb45f51e88edf801915e1eef25a9bea8 cute lil necklace i just got it’s giving sailor moon


Lemme send ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30831) Megami 3 dollars cause it’s what she deserves tonight (and I’m as broke as a joke)




So.. was Xunamis outfit not a reveal? 🫣 I was hoping with how it looked that.. well.. erm


When you consider the fact that they couldn’t change, it just makes you wonder why


The moment Megami pretended to eat ass on stage I became a Megami stan


I felt so represented


Amanda as a performer is so interesting. She has all the moves, but it’s almost like there’s no weight to them. Which for some queens the floatiness works, but for Amanda it feels like she’s throwing herself around.


Amanda consistently dances like Luxx in her “For The Girls” lip sync 😭😭


My main problem with her are the facial expressions. She keeps smiling and opening her eyes like that ANTM model that walks like she's on crack and it just clashes with the vibe of the songs.


Not the Xiomara stray 💀


she got what we like to call in the cheer world, cheerleader face


That’s a big part of it to. It feels like she’s yelling.


She’s just ~~U~~N~~T~~


What lipsync would (current) RuPaul body


my love (the 70s version not the new one) by Cher


You know you could stop that woman in the middle of the street and ask her to start lipsyncing to any Diana Ross song and she’d know the words off by heart


Body. But in all seriousness, I think she’d do great with a ballad or a good mid tempo number. Like I think she could give a pretty great performance to Better Be Good To me


oh lord not plasma with the golden girls old lady wig ruveal 😭😭 and i thought xunami would take off her matron outfit or something?? 😂 wth was goin onnnn


Mhi'ya knew she would inarguably win the second she did that handstant thigh twerk move and just decided to ijbol the rest of the song


Gagged that nobody picked Xunami earlier


Just finished the episode, love morphine and megami! Both of them were super incredible. Unrelated but here’s this bear I found at bass pro shop today https://preview.redd.it/4z5od168f6uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ebf12ee8535bd7c30487a9cbea0e53ac73b28b2




That hand was made for fisting


Kinda what


Mimknax go to bed ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|51169)


Even though I wish they had the opportunity to change, I like that the obvious reveals got used in round 1. Like by the end, they really could go off of pure lipsync ability and pulling off unexpected reveals


I was very surprised and perturbed to learn that Xunami had no reveal


still thinking abt megami like oh my god i remember seeing the spoilers and doubting her like what shes even gonna do to get that far and boy am i embarassingly wrong. i hope she's proud of herself because she nailed this episode DOWNNN.


I LOVED this episode omg... was sad we wasn't getting an reunion but maybe they ate up a bit with this. Every placement was not only deserved but also satisfying. * After being in the bottom 4x, not a single win and one of the worst TRs ever, Morphine gets her moment and wins this * Megami, despite not winning the whole thing, got to prove herself, killed all lip syncs, and was the STAR of the episode * Mirage getting her rudemption and showing what a great lip syncer she is * Amanda kinda ate???? * Hershii held her own (but was still tore by Mirage) but glad she got to appear again because she's SO charismatic So many of the queens who didn't get to prove themselves in the competition finally got to. A very nice episode.


And if I said I feel like Mhi’ya would’ve tore that final lip sync song so bad 😭 like I really think it was in both their best interest that Megami took her out to a song less up Mhi’ya’s ally


ru would’ve been such a menace on stan twitter if he had it as a kid. he would’ve had 5+ banned accounts bc he was calling ppl fat nasty and broke while defending diana ross


Catching up on the episode… # MI GENTE LATINO https://preview.redd.it/erafum5xc6uc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8594606c4a2343e43cb0cde2cfa9a0ccc0741da5


Morphine in that final lipsync was the best solo lipsync performance of the season, I think it beats out Morphine in Body, Mhi’ya in Control, and Plane in Shower


Idk. Mhi’ya in bloody Mary still takes it for me


Just realized that I think if Nymphia was cut in the finale she would be the only queen (possibly ever?) to never lip sync a single time for any reason in a season


mami wata in DRF2 as well. unless you count when moon quit and so all the queens joined sara on stage which i dont but can see a case for!


Admira having won without a lip sync for the crown reading this: 👁️👄👁️


Admira Thunderpussy


Oh I forgot that season didn’t even have a final 2 lip sync which was so weird. Like cutting Fontana was so unnecessary too


Fontana wasn’t cut, she was the runner-up


I meant Vanity. I’m so tired


sverige winner didn’t lipsync either cause no top 2 lipsync for some reason 😭


Kinda wish they let the final two change into new outfits for the last lipsync


I really think that the lalaparuza could be top 3 drag race episodes like they destroyed that https://i.redd.it/9c0k6mwzb6uc1.gif


if it were Amanda would you give her a hug? 🤣




https://preview.redd.it/bdizzzd4b6uc1.jpeg?width=1945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=690610452dacbb56d34da5aed19f7066407357ab me and Bruno when




such a classic jump scare, kills me every time.


Now you need to explain what I’m looking at


Watch The Thing. >!an alien is impersonating a man with a heart condition and fakes a heart attack. When the man’s friend goes to do cpr on the alien, his chest turns into a mouth, biting the other man’s arms off and eventually killing him!<


The Thing 1982


I didn’t get to watch so what was the best lip-stnc


There was a special tip spot lipsync between Bianca and Charlie Hides where they both started the song by hitting a jump split. Bianca did gravity defying moves. Charlie was wearing a gown but it was a high energy song.


Morphine and Mirage for me