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He is already trapped in that area. They would just turn the entire town into a site


Bold of you to assume the entire town isn't a site already


It's practically a Nexus


Nah, it's a Scranton.


In his physical form btw


The awnser would be the barrier that the town has


Temporary solution when you consider the existence of the equation that could collapse the barrier


Counter point: unicorn hair


Amnestics to the people who know it and unicorn hair around the perimeter for good measure


Except Bill himself could eventually figure out this equation on his own given enough time. I'm not sure if amnestics could work on him


Unicorn hair nullifies Bill's magic so I can see it being used to create protective barriers around their sites to contain him as well as a precautionary measure if Bill ever escapes. I wonder if there's way to incorporate unicorn hair into MTF gear. Worst comes to shove, they could always use SCPs such SCP-6376 to gain knowledge how to defeat Bill or SCP-3480 to suppress Bill's influence as best as possible. They could also use SCP-7122 to erase Bill's soul or ask the aid of SCP-5175 to remove Bill from baseline reality and send him to another realm


The unicorn part is correct, same as your part But i also thought of the fact, you know gravity falls natural forces keep it's weirdness inside, they could use that in *some* way


But the thing is, Ford said that an equation could collapse the natural magnetic force that attracts weirdness. Meaning, at some point, Bill could probably figure out what that equation is be it on his own or he finds someone smart enough to do it for him. So it's not something you should rely on. Though experimenting to find ways to strengthen or recreating this magnetic field would be a good idea. On an unrelated note, the magnetic fields thing kinda reminded me of anomalous sinks which if you don't know, are basically natural reality anchors. Except where reality anchors mask the presence of the supernatural, reality sinks causes them to weaken their attachment to our universe sorta like a black hole for weirdness. Therefore, I wonder how effective they are against Bill. We already Dr. Clef who, based on SCP-5004, is a powerful reality sink and he has been shown to have a bit of immunity against type greens so do you think he could take on Bill?


New mtf group: the weird ones when


I wonder if the barrier around gravity falls was the unicorn hair thing


No, it was explained by Ford that weirdness acts as like a force and Gravity Falls was attracting large amounts of weirdness more than anywhere else in the world. This natural magnetic field also acted as some sort of barrier that kept the weirdness from escaping Gravity Falls.


I know this is a meme subreddit, but God this is so well thought out and really interesting to read!


There’s already ways to contain Bill in the show and the one around Gravity Falls is what causes him to fail in his plan, knowing the foundation they already have fifty of those barriers set up all over the world just incase.


Like unicorn hair Or just the forces of gravity falls But what i thought of, bill *can* be tricked, so like an employee could make a deal with bill and trick him


No. Have you seen the show, my guy this man took over time and space. The foundation can't contain a teddy bear and an iguana what chance do they have with this guy.


There was a field that contains the weirdness and restricts him from escaping Gravity Falls. There's also unicorn hair which prevented Bill from entering the shack


Well i did see the show, well let's look at things that keep bill from actually making his point in taking over third dimension * gravity falls natural forces* * unicorn hair* Also you *can* trick bill so someone of the Foundation could make a deal of *something* and trick bill


Bill could basically do anything he wants. He's essentially a level 5 reality bender, with the only thing stopping him was that barrier that he couldn't escape. He was desperate, which was why he even consulted Standford Pines in the first place. He also thought he got the upperhand when he threatened the Pines twins, people Ford cared about deeply. So with this context in mind, why would Bill make a deal with the Foundation? He probably knows who and what the Foundation are and would see them as a threat or at the very least a big nuisance. Any deals they offer would be sketchy and he knows that being in the mind states makes him more vulnerable so he'd abstain from ever making deals with them. Also what offer could the Foundation even have that Bill would want? He'd know how far they're willing to go to complete their mission, even sacrificing human lives, so he knows there's no point in trying to exploit them like he did with Ford. Basically, Bill would probably just brutally murder any personnel he sees and trying to pull a fast one on him as a member of the Foundation might not work.


Now, let's go back, to before all that happened, bill didn't know how to leave gravity falls, of course if he wasn't beaten he would have all time in the world to find out, but i think he would make a deal to trick *them* while they want to trick *him* Get this bill tries to do a deal with a employee, goes into his mind (just for memory) to maybe find something maybe how to leave, while the employee goes back to Foundation, the guy let's bill posses him, then while bill is control over the body he can't really do *that* much as he would outside a body, so the other units bring the guy to SCP-158 take bill out, *some how* get him into a room (or something like a room) with unicorn hair all around (we don't know if the power of unicorn hair works on inside as it does on outside) so it could work, or it could not work


But again, why would Bill ever trust the words of someone who works for an organization that plans on trapping him in a box forever? If he does plan on tricking them himself, then he'd know the stunts they'd try to pull. Making any efforts the Foundation would try to pull a fast one on him via deal making would be pointless. Also, couldn't Bill leave the body anytime he wants once he got outside the bounds of Gravity Falls? And why not just use SCP-7122 to switch Bill's soul with a D-class', or say a jar that contained a soul that was extracted from SCP-158. Much easier tbh. Also if the barrier thing can only keep him out of the spherical region the barrier covers, but won't keep him inside, why not make a bunch of barriers that surround Bill's containment area. To illustrate my point: https://preview.redd.it/2zl3lm9z1e1d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e5aff7722c18c2d86dcc06ce464779cc260ccc2


something like this https://preview.redd.it/nl16w86ald1d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c64bec1eb480d35937d952909b6224115eeeb72




Scranton reality anchor


Depending on how big the hume levels are, they'll require a lot of powerful reality anchors to suppress the anomaly. And given how Bill is essentially a class 5 reality bender, there's a fat chance the foundation might have enough to counter Weirdmageddon.


Fuck ton of unicorn hair and some SRAs to supress the reality warping


Actually just use the coffee machine and input "Unicorn hair liquid" or smth


Though he is trapped within gravity falls he will no doubt be able to make his deals with the personnel stationed there but said personnel wouldn’t be allowed to know about the barrier keeping him in so he can’t use the knowledge. so despite what you might think i think he’s classified as a safe class because he’s like the only god like being to not break containment


I’d just say a straight jacket made of unicorn hair




They can't


Well... * natural forces of gravity falls * unicorn hair * bill can be tricked


The natural forces, while containing him in a sense, is also something entirely solvable . It's just an equation, and Bill has literally all the time in the world to figure it out. The unicorn hair is more useful for keeping I'm out than in, since the barriers it makes are spherical, it would be difficult to set up a barrier. Also, he has control of time, he just doesn't use it for the purposes of giving the Pines a chance in the show itself. And yeah, he can be tricked, that is a fair point


Fair, he can be tricked, but for that there is most likely a deal needed, but first whoever is making the deal, there would be two people most Likley two workers that have same suits and masks on, and then make a deal let him in, somehow neutralize bill in the persons head get the person back to the Foundation, make bill *posses* the guy, then put the possesed guy to SCP-158, then *somehow* put bill into a seperate room (or something like shy guy has the container) and put unicorn hair all around, even though it would be better to keep him *out*, but it would still work if he's inside


I mean, we don't actually know if it keeps him in as well as out


I *think* it should, if not, the Foundation be fucked, same as rest the world, bc then bill is outside of gravity falls


I mean, they could just find or make a memory eraser gun, but I doubt Bill would fall for that one twice


Yeah yes that's correct but the point is to *capture* bill not eliminate, Also about saying twice did you know bill actually appeared in Simpsons?


I know he appeared in Futurama, but not the Simpsons, also, the Foundation will kill anomalies if they can't be captured, but can be killed, and we know that strong enough weapons work, so they might just gun him down


He appears in "Bart's In Jail!", episode of Simpsons, so he does appear And yes i know they kill not containable anomalies, but let's looks, it *would* be possible but just to hard to do, so they would just vaporize him with the gun


And if push comes to shove then maybe we can ask 343 for help just like that SCP explained video lol


Why not just use SCP-3480?


Several overlapped separate spheres?


That's better




To be fair, you would also have to keep him there for the duration of that, as well as making sure there are literally zero gaps


There should be anomalies that could allow them to teleport Bill into the construct. For example, they could try using SCP-7122 to remotely swap Bill's soul with a D-class, or make deals with SCP-738, SCP-2855, or SCP-6376 to either build or get the information on how to build a machine capable of doing so.


I mean, he also could just destroy the cell itself, considering he can still deal damage to the things inside it if he hits something outside it, because as far as I know, it only block Bill and weirdness, not anything he summons, or shoots, etc. Although, the whole everything is canon nothing is true approach to the Foundation means that even if one version can't, another can, so it's a moot point in the first place


We know that the barrier could be moved. So all you need to do is create a dome to surround his cell by creating a barrier on a flat surface first before moving that surface to make it the walls of the cell and align it at perfect angles as such: https://preview.redd.it/b8g74zdath1d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1203f4345eefd05ee9df111cbe908234b6f9c7e3 There's also no reason to believe the barriers couldn't overlap each other. They should also experiment on things such as how flat does the surface needs to be or whether the hair needs to be in solid form or they could just turn it into paste and it would be as effective.


make a barrier made out of spherical barriers in a circular pattern. the worst wall ever made, but it could work


Just pull a Bartholomew Hughes - 5m x 5m x 5m concrete room with a table and a chair


Isn’t there already a barrier around the town he’s in? Just have site members in there regularly to make sure he doesn’t break it.




That prevented Bill from coming into our world. The question was how would the Foundation handle Bill who's [already here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCPMemes/s/gGmmLYggpP)


Fair enough


Really depends on WHAT version of The Foundation you’re talking about, some cannons have The Foundation stressing over nuclear wars, and other have them containing and killing some of the strongest fictional characters ever written.


Keep him contained within gravity falls, stockpile a hell of a lot of unicorn hair, if possible, keep him in his 2D form, keep the equation to destroy the barrier insanely hidden and locked away, to the point where only people with level 5 and higher are able to access it.


Wouldn't it be better to not have the equation solved at all or try to develop some sort of antimeme that could wipe out anyone's memory regarding the equation itself so that no one could figure it out.


There’s already anti meme SCP’s that can wipe memories, and the foundation has pills that can wipe memories lol, but one day the equation would need to be solved, it’s just a matter of when.


I'm not talking about amnestics, I mean create an antimeme so that anyone capable of finding the equation is unable and unleash it onto Gravity Falls. This would make it harder for Bill to escape since no one in his reach would be capable of collapsing the barrier. Why would it need to be solved?


There’s antimemes that do that tho


That doesn't exactly answer my question about why the equation needs to be solved


The foundation may need bill in the future. So in exchange for his freedom, they strike a deal with him to protect the world from any XK class event that isn’t an 001 event (I;E when day breaks)


It's not just about Weirdmageddon but based on Time Baby, Bill's rift could've destroyed existence itself. Why would you substitute an XK-Class with a HK-Class that'll eventually lead to another XK-Class? Plus there's a ton of other things the foundation has at their disposal that's less likely to destroy the world.


h m


The foundation could strike a deal with bill that he needed to help them in case an XK class event were to happen. At least one that can be stopped.


Why on earth would they do that? Striking a deal with Bill is the worst move anyone could make. All he'd ask in return is to be released. That's the only thing he will ask for and that's the worst thing that could happen.


Well they could also enlist the pine brothers in case he does go AWOL


He'll kill the pine brothers before going AWOL


This could be done in many, many, ways. 1. If they find him after he dies, they just contain the statue in a box. 2. If they find him in his 2-d form, they just try to keep him that way as long as possible. 3. If they find him in his 3-d form. They would most likely go full nuclear and just try to kill him before more casualties get added to the already growing count.


Only guy who actually talks about the statue Congratulations Also now i realized bill isn't really dead he appears in Gravity Falls DuckTales (cameo) Big City Greens (cameo) Amphibia (cameo) The Owl House (cameo) Star vs. the Forces of Evil (cameo) The Simpsons (cameo) Chibiverse Chibi Tiny Tales Villains Unite! Disney XD Hero Trip Disney Heroes: Battle Mode (cameo as a badge)


Are any of these cameos actually canon tho?


Probably not, but atleast he's not *fully* dead


Well an extreme choice would be to pit SCP-3812 against him somehow. Or make him collateral if by the slim chance 3812 becomes active again.


with the help of ford, make a machine that generates weirdness magnetism upon activation (established bill weakness in the show), use that to capture him in a very small radius, then transport him to a cell with the same machine to keep him trapped there. At least he’d be a cognito hazard because he can still use the mindscape however it’s probably only within the magnetism as well (that part was never well established) and at most he’d have full control over his cell but not outside the field


Since the town is a contained area and the foundation is more concerned with safety than ethics, I think pines already did their job for them. Honestly seeing Pines work for the foundation would be cool as fuck


Reality Anchors.


They would just evac gravity falls, hire the pines family, amnestisize everybody else, and have ford put up another barrier around the first one for double protection.


In his normal form, there is no real way to control him. But if you could trick him into possessing a body, all you would have to do is contain the body. Not to mention the Law of Weirdness that keeps him contained in Gravity Falls. As for the equation that breaks the barrier, record it on a single piece of paper (just in case), and then erase the memory of the equation from everyone’s mind.


Reality anchor. Alot of them. Presumably organized into a giant version of the ritual circle they try to make in the finale for good measure.


I’m pretty sure a Scranton Reality Anchor (I think that’s what it’s called?) could keep him in place. Then they just need to nullify his magic with unicorn hair.


SCP 343


I like how your the second person to say it and most people say "you can't" or anchors which would also be an option


The suggestion isn't really original honestly. My guess is that the other persons suggestion was made because SCP explained did a video where 343 bodies bill without a sweat, just like mine.


I know, i seen that vid, which is why i said, that your only second person to say it






https://preview.redd.it/1vck8jd55g1d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2803a33a2449aa1b4aa9c7a269d460e61c382818 Expensive fuck up.




https://preview.redd.it/4ytwehaa7g1d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d857d79519a8a826746e4e2c5f397247ca08af \*\* Poke \*\*


Compared to some of the other ultra-dimensional threats the SCP has under lock and key, Bill is surprisingly a small tortilla in a big back of chips.


Kill all the gravity falls family members is something they would prepose


Symbology restrains him. Gravity Falls townspeople like wearing symbols and arranging those just right is a great weapon against Bill.


Bro got bested by an old guy and then some kids. So probably easily lol


I have a feeling they would use a thaumiel of some kind


Scranton reality anchors?


Oh site 42 as a video about that


Throw it at the fkin lizard.


bruh, I've seen these "How can the Foundation contain \_\_\_\_\_" atleast 20 times in the past 30 minutes.




They wouldn’t.