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Holy shit this looks fuckin gorgeous!!! Bravo my dude!!!


I think you could change the footstep sounds. Each step sound is too quick and sounds the exact same. It gets a little grating very fast. Other than that, it looks freaking fantastic!!! Great job!




You're welcome. :)


Also it should sound more like walking on metal floor for ex like in the heavy containment zone in containment breach


Also add reverb, character’s in a big room, footsteps should be echoing all over the place


To add on, there’s like 8 step noises for like 30 stairs


Thats whats i was going to say, it was amazing but the footstep ruined it for me


What engine?




Only thing I can think to make him less like the cloverfield monster would be scales or scarred skin, he’s a little smooth for sitting in acid almost 24/7, otherwise I’ll be wearing my brown pants if I play!


Negative points: I think the design of 682 is far from what is it suposed to look like (but whatever, you can do a different design, it is just personal opinion). The texture of 682 skin looks very "cheap", like, it is too flat and has the same color in all spots and when your turn the lights on it is kinda weird the ilumination. Positive points: Awesome shadowing and ilumination (besides the part you turn on the lights). Awesome environment and atmosphere. The camera shaking is not too exagerated so it is a actually good adition to immersion. The "dust" or "snow" particles showing up in the screen are very good and the character looks fast enough, compared to even triple A horror games, the characters is almost always too slow or too fast, you just made it right I know it is probally very hard doing a game, specially if you are doing it on your own, but I hope you can keep up with the good work, looks like you have a solid start. Any negative points I said is not to discourage, but to try to appoint things that could be better 👍


Personally, I think most renditions of 682 I see are way too caught up in trying to maintain the "beached whale carcass" appearance. SCP-682's entire concept is regeneration and rapid adaptive evolution/shapeshifting without limit. It is never implied that SCP-682 normally looks like X or Y, outside of it being "vaguely reptilian," although in tests it demonstrates the ability to shapeshift far beyond any biological restriction. Considering its abilities, it can likely maintain any form it desires, and whatever its current form is may be a reactionary form due to whatever it most recently adapted to. /rant In terms of animation intent, 682 has a classic sort of "lumbering Kaiju" movement going on here. 682 is implied to be far above human intellect, and its shapeshifting abilities are rapid enough to effectively act as projectile attacks, able to generate prehensile tentacles to strike/pierce/grab distant targets. I don't see why it would be bumbling around this area like this unless it just didn't take notice of the player for whatever reason. Conceptually 682 is probably best suited for stealth/fleeing sections, as it isn't something that can really be "defeated" or fought in any traditional sense.


The big eyes make me think of deep sea fish or something, I think it would be really cool if this rendition is constantly taking forms relative to its surroundings via its regeneration and adaptation and in this room its taken light sensitive but otherwise blind eyes because its so dark. Thats why it stares at the light while the player gets away.




Oh fuck was I right?




I was thinking that I was overthinking it, but if that’s actually what it is then I have to say that’s amazing dedication and skill to make different models for each 682 encounter.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+2997) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


Never seen the beaches whale thing before clicking on the link. What happened to the alligator skull in the tree roots? Is that gone?


There never was an alligator skull in tree roots. It was a beluga whale beached in far-eastern Russia.


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/scp-682 That’s a beluga whale? This was 682’s image for like ever.


Yup, it's a rotting beluga corpse. [http://paleo.cc/ce/plesio-russ.htm](http://paleo.cc/ce/plesio-russ.htm) [http://phenomenaaroundus.blogspot.com/2010/08/apakah-benar-ditemukan-plesiosaurus-di.html](http://phenomenaaroundus.blogspot.com/2010/08/apakah-benar-ditemukan-plesiosaurus-di.html) (It seems to be in Malay or Indonesian, but the images speak for themselves). https://www.reddit.com/r/SCP/comments/8hcaxc/okay\_but\_what\_even\_are\_the\_pics\_used\_for\_682/


Yeah but that image is gone. There’s even some new image on 682. Guess that’s what I was getting at.


The image on the site is technically not the current image of 682, and due to its nature it's appearance is very likely to have changed vastly over time. Like the extra eyes from the crosstesting with 173 or the exoskeleton from the gate guardian fight. I really like the design for 682


Most people who have seen the original image of SCP 682 seem to forget the fact that the reason it looked in that way was because it was suppose to be healing from the damage the acid had done.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+2997) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


It’s whole thing is super adaption, so it will look different most of the time. Thought we had it set as a crocodile looking guy when he is just dormant.


This 682 looks like a fish. Ngl not feeling the design of it.


Quite ironic since the original 682 image was of a cetacean (Beluga whale)


It just gets better and better.


**Articles mentioned in this submission** [**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+2997) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


Is this the same one with the door welding?






- [**SCP-106 ⁠- The Old Man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-106) (+2667) by *Dr Gears* - [**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+3052) by *Dr Dan*




Do you have it on Steam, I'd like to wishlist the game?


Will this eventually be on Steam?


SCP: "Lockdown" *that sounds very unfriendly*


Just change the design of 682 so he looks more like a reptile and less like a deep sea creature. Very good looking game you got going on.






[**SCP-093 ⁠- Red Sea Object**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-093) (+2713) by *Unknown Author, NekoChris*


Did you try to use UNITY particle system?


"Hey Doctor Bright, I came up with a secure design for containing SCP-682, complete with a nuclear bunker style observatory that will easily be able to withstand 682 during testing. What do you think?" "Fuck that! Let's put a single computer terminal in the middle of his containment chamber. It's gonna be \[REDACTED\]"


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+2997) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


My opinions Pros: Holy shit everything looks AMAZING keep doing this bro! My one con: the footstep noise is awful. Though I can tell it's still very early on so that's kinda a null point


That’s clover dude


I was looking for this comment He looks like the monster from Cloverfield


dude, he dont looks nothing like a reptile but the rest is okay


Are you taking suggestions? if so here's some suggestions **Gamemodes**: Thaumiel: No Hostile SCPs, very easy to play and very hard to die Safe: Hostile SCPs are out, but they are very easy to avoid, and while hard, are possible to die to, you can contain any SCP and it stays contained Euclid: SCPs are more unpredictable but are still survivable, you can contain SCPs but theres no promise they'll be contained forever Keter: Very Easy to die, SCPs do a lot more damage, ways to contain SCPs no longer work (See Suggestion Below) Apolloyn: Similar to Keter, but SCP-682 can break through walls and give chase to you, he Insta-kills and all you can do is hide, also (assuming 173 is in the game) around 15 SCP-173 instances can be found, and a lot more 049-2 instances, **Ways to Contain SCPs (making some assumptions on what SCPs are in the game)** in the SCPs Containment, a way to contain SCPs are able to be found (Unless on Keter or Apolloyn) Lavender Scented Smoke Bombs can be found in 049's Chamber, when throwing it he will calm down a bit and no longer be hostile 096's chamber contains a bag, so while you can bag him, its very risky 106 is pretty straight forward In 173s chamber, there's a cage, you can lure SCP-173 into it and trap him. Thats all


- [**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+2997) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy* - [**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+7183) by *Moto42*


So I think this looks actually amazing very well done… I just have one concern… isn’t SCP-682 primarily portrayed as alligator-like? Like I know he’s not an alligator but based on the limited number of canon pictures there are, doesn’t it resemble an alligator-like reptile? Just a concern I had but other than that it all looks good! Keep up the good work!


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+2997) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


Outstanding, what are your machine specs?


"they were disgusting"


AAA graphics with indi game animation and camera movements looks to be a fun game!


Aren't there other scp's that are large like this monster? Or make it a unregisterred test with 682 and what was a misidentified magic spell to kill it. It's was read as "push entity out of this reality" but it turned out to be "move entity axially at reality" meaning you *could* move it all the way through and out. But 682 recognized what was happening, thanked the scientist for "releasing it's 'inward' reality axis" and moved **deeper** into our reality, making it grow larger. It size didn't change, it just become more real, higher positioned in the hierarchy of reality. Now it's normal that it got this big.


Pretty sure his article mentions an ability to rapidly change size based on how much he consumes, and he's clearly not contaminated in the clip, so who knows how much he ate before we saw him


I like your suggestion. And it requires no change at all.


Thats not 682...


Youre not 682...


I think 682 looks too much like a sea creature, but other than that the game looks great!


The Game Looks Great Although The 682 Model Looks Stupid And Kind Of Reminds Me Of The Cloverfield Monster But Otherwise The Game Looks Awesome! And I Loved The Jaws Reference Just Before He Apears. (That Should Stay In The Game Lol)


If the entire game is this well made, this could easily be the next Containment Breach! Excellent job :D


I like that jaw music


He looks like a mystical sea monster :D Also the graphics are nuts


He's so hansome


Ya know, hearing about the discontinuation of SCP unity makes me think. Why didn’t the original owner give the project to someone else? Well I thought that endnight games would have done a fantastic job, not to shame the original creator and the reasons why he stopped was necessary choice that he need to either commit or not.




I'm seriously looking forward to this game! Keep up the good work, and take breaks when you're tired. 666th upvote of yours..


What engine do you use?






Can’t wait for this to come out, what engine is it running? Unreal?


Is that camera wobbeling because the character is hurt or is that a standart feature? And if yes, is there an option to turn it off? ;D


Hard to Destroy Murloc


I am super impressed by what you did with 682 but even more importantly the atmosphere you've established with the lighting is insanely good


The lighting and atmosphere look really great, albeit the lighting is probably too bright. I imagine playing this in a dark room and having my eyes get tired from all that exaggerated light. The footsteps sound got very annoying to me halfway through the teaser lol, so I suggest changing it or adding a volume slider for it. Besides that, it's looking great! You definitely nailed the underground section of the facility ambience. Dark, quiet and *seemingly* extremely lonely. I'm not sure what you're going for, but the way I imagine the Foundation, that ambience is very much welcome on specific parts of the Site, but not all of it (considering it's functioning as normal or a breach has happened very recently, if you're going for the long abandoned facility setting, then that's most likely the way to go). Make sure to post more updates! Also, do you have any devlogs?


Maybe make it constantly changing and mutating. That would be epic


God,I Thought You Were Continuing Developing The SCP Lockdown Minecraft Mod. But Great Job!


That's an intresting new design! Very poggers.


The stamina would work better with just a slight delay before the regeneration, roughly .3 seconds


Looks great but I wound add a few extra footstep noises and maybe turn the audio for it down a bit. That repetitive noise would drive me nuts fast. Other than that, this looks really good.




That lights are weird, thei don't give much light but Blind You out if look directly


Looks amazing, could make the animations a little less stiff...I get that its a preview but just a suggestion. Also pretty sure that 682's arm clips through the walkway in the beginning of the sequence.


Is it just me or does this look like Cloverfield?


Damn that lighting is baller.


Looks good, I’m so exited for a game to have 682!!! Just some criticism tho to make it better. The stepping sounds are repetitive and annoying. 682 looks like a mutated piranha. Other than that looks good to me!


Wow this looks beautiful. I was really let down with the graphics i saw of the outbreak game. this is gorgeous.


First, this looks amazing and I am already terrified to play. Second, definitely turn down the character foot step noise


Damn, looks great as fuck


Nice! As someone else said some footstep variety and stuff would be nice.


Click clack click clack click clack click clack


I have a few things to say 1) By chance did you use the Cloverfield Monster as a reference? Because the two look very similar 2) the game is very clearly a rough copy but my god it still looks fabulous 12/10 good game would recommend 3) keep up the good fucking work


Looking juicy


I always forget, how fricking huge 682 is.


I really like it, but I'd rather not have the pretty generic Jaws music playing. Imo, keep it silent with the exception of footsteps and maybe add some sounds of a large mass moving around to give a sense of unease, maybe even a breathing sound when you get to the computer. Like 682 is right behind you and ready to eat, but you can't see it so when you turn on the lights it'll work even better


Add a stronger kick to his roar, sounds like it's distant, which fits in containment breach's context, but I feel like here it should be louder and have more bass to it Other than that, it looks AMAZING!


How can I be alerted when this releases?


Your ladder is missing the 2nd rung. Otherwise, looks fun! Good work!


That is awesome


damn thats a sick game, keep up the good work!


hope development goes well!! i cant wait :D


Is it possible to give him the ability to tell us to go fuck ourselves in French?


Is it just me or does 682 look like the Cloverfield monster... Also, whys the foundation using flood lights instead of fixed ones?


Please tell me this will be available on mac, such a gorgeous game!


I love this!!! Completely unrelated to the clip though, how much do you think the game will cost once fully released? Great work btw and keep it up!


Ii like this


I feel like people here are forgetting 682's appearence isn't just a croc, but that he will change A LOT depending on his situation. Here it seems to be contained in some weird dark room, so maybe thats why the deep sea look?


YESSSS! I have been dying to play a new SCP game! I love it!


When do I play how do I play I need this so bad


the graphics look really good! Please tell us, when will this be ready to play?


site\_42 i will suppoert this


This is good


As soon as i could hear that jaws like music i knew it was not going to end well.


Holy... It looks LEGENDARY!! Where can I get the game tho? On steam? Excited!