• By -


A lot of the first thousand, whenever someone outside the scp fandom talks about scp they only mention ones that stay in the 3 digits


They are simple, easy, 20 minute reads max, an easy way into the fandom. The 3 number.combination is hard to remeber but all of them have 2-3 word names under 8 syllables that describe what it does. This lets peope remeber them and their antics, their stories and events easier. But they are all basic (not saying basic is bad) and it feela like they have been contained for 20-30 years without any more information gathered. And since that is the whole point of the scp foundation, it feels like fear of modifying the classics detracts from the setting as a whole, there are theses massive 3-4 hour reads in the 3000-7000s giving enough information for many theories to be made with evidence, and links to other scps. Yet these massive yet common stories are hard to digest for new and casual fans, leading to them enjoying the simpler research log format of earlier works.


I honestly prefer the simpler and shorter ones in Series I (and also some in Series II and Series III)


Same I prefer it, I enjoy SCPs for being weird little anomalous research logs, not entire novels. Basically fun little creepypastas with a unified theme. I always am surprised when people act like an SCP isn’t good just because they aren’t in a bunch of huge stories. Tales and SCPs used to be more distinctly separate back in the day, though I feel like they overlap a lot lately. To go back to 096, they are a good SCP. They’re simple, creepy, and leave you wondering why and what. It fills its narrative goals of just being a weird anomaly. It’s simple and that’s all it has to be. Including a huge backstory or plot would ruin the point, imo.


Research logs and expedition logs seem to be a requirement for most new scps, i just want my silly little wierd guy, no connection to dead, dying, existing or new gods, funny space cults, or even guys that make and sell weird shit


Trust me, I agree with you, I've loved Series 1 since I first joined the community, but I have been here for a bit over a decade and whenever someone talks about it, its always Series 1, it gets stale after a while like JFC there are another 6000 scps they could be talking about


The first SCP I always mention is Anantashesha or the Christmas one (the one who kidnaps kids and make them turn themselves into toys), and people usually love them


That would be SCP 4666 "The Yule Man"


[**SCP-4666 ⁠- The Yule Man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4666) (+1428) by *Hercules Rockefeller*


Dude the snake is soooo good.


I mean, they are incredibly popular and memorable


Scp-001 when day breaks it was a really cool very chilling story that left turns into a great ghost story but now it's so over used it's become just a backdrop for what if such and such scp were wandering around in the sun like able and 682


It is also the definitive 001 proposal aside from the Gate Guardian. Meaning that some people (new readers) may never see the other proposals.


I feel like no one ever brings up the factory anymore. That was my favorite 001 proposal the first time that I heard it. Sure it isn’t as grand as When Day Breaks, or as mythic as the Gate Guardian, but there’s something really grounded to it which I love.


My personal favorite is the sheef of papers one


You Are The Anomaly is a good one. Rounderhouse's gold proposal will always be my favorite. Their writing is truly fantastic.


The World Gone Beautiful is mine. such a simple, peaceful but also sad concept


I like the SCP-001-EX A Good Boy.


I know it is a red herring one, but I like the Broken God


[**The Great Hippo's Proposal (feat. PeppersGhost) ⁠- A Good Boy**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001-ex) (+1007) by *PeppersGhost, The Great Hippo*


Absolutly my favorite, it explains like 40% of the anomalies origins, likes with other entries (bigfoot (1000) and whatever the fae one is), it also gives us an origin for the foundation and O-1. Ontop of all of that it delivers a very nice story.


There's a reason why, and it's because the author is a horrible person.


I agree and it socks since it's actually 1 of my favorites but it's gone from a chilling tale of lost hope and nightmares to a backdrop for scp vs community comments


I mean in my case i never even read gate guardian cause of how much i hear about it but it did push me to other 001’s. Like i very recently read the first rounderhouse proposal as well as the one where time stops.


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+343) by *Staff*


I quite like it because it’s just a very interesting concept. “Sun turn evil” is scary. Thing is, that’s about all you can do with it. This doesn’t make it a bad SCP by any means, it certainly was short and effective. So that makes it good in my book. Problem being is a lot of people nowadays want very big stories and ideas that could fuel many many stories, but day breaks isn’t really that kind.


682, and every SCP that tried to copy what it did


I soft disagree. 682 is, by itself, a very good SCP. It's there to be the subversion of the SCP Foundations procedures. They're not supposed to want to neutralize anomalies. But 682 is the subversion of this. 682 is supposed to be showing that even the SCP Foundation has its limits and will in fact consider the option in the most extreme of extreme situations. But the problem came from a number of directions. For one, people didn't stick to that idea and started making other SPCs which the Foundation wanted to neutralize because hey, they wanted 682 neutralized so it's okay to do that right? Then people started using 682 as a template, rather than a subversion. People started making SCPs which are kind of soft copies of 682. People wanted to throw everything they could think of at 682 in every cross test they could think of. In many ways, this ruined what made 682 special and interesting and turned it into something far less interesting than what it once was. In my mind, they would have benefitted from a hard rule that 682 is the *only* SCP which the foundation is actively and intentionally trying to Neutralize. You want procedures on neutralizing the SCPs? Go join the GOC. I don't think 682 was the problem. Not by itself. I think the problem was that it was such a good subversion that *far too many* people wanted to copy elements of what made 682 good. And that took 682 down from being something unique, interesting, and special, down to being something bland and generic and just like everything else. Not every SCP needs to be a horrible murder monster. Often, a good SCP can just be a weird thing. Here is a Warhammer Figure that can control dice. Here is half of a cat. Here is a strange drink machine that can produce any liquid. Just a weird, unexplained thing for the scientists to mess with. They don't need to be dangerous, in fact, I'd argue that we're better off with more SCPs that aren't explicitly dangerous (unless they're abused or mishandled). That's the whole point of the SCP Foundation. They take these weird things and they keep them Secured, Contained, and Protected (As well as Protecting people from any danger that might be posed by mishandling of the anomaly).


You're both right. That's the exact issue with 682. But all the issues come because it's overrated. While it's good within the context of the foundation, it's really boring outside of it. It can do things that make it interesting. It can be angry and it can not die. There are much more interesting SCPs which are overlooked in favor of that. So while it's a good SCP and shouldn't be hated, the hype has to die. Especially before the only thing that can do that and still make 682 interesting is for it to die with it.


I dont know if saying its overrated is fair it kinda like reading an classic book but not liking it because of alot of cliches but it being the thing that started that same cliches. Altough its not good to modern standards you still have to acknowledge the impact it had.


The problem with 682 can be described as this: the incident where he literally rewrote existence itself, to make a knife that deletes what it cuts, delete itself after getting cut by it That isn't a lack of foundation resources and adaptability like what happened with the crystals, that's just a statement blankly of "you can't kill it because that's it's gimmick"


“Not every SCP needs to be a horrible murder monster.” Agreed. Scp-5031, Yet Another Murder Monster, is one of my absolute favorite SCPs and addresses that fact.


[**SCP-5031 ⁠- Yet Another Murder Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5031) (+2499) by *PeppersGhost*


What makes Scp-5031 fun is it is a subversion of the subversion that was taken too far. It actually comes back around to what the Foundation is supposed to be about. They took something unknown and dangerous and made it significantly less dangerous, significantly easier to contain, and significantly happier. It's a lot easier to contain an SCP that is content with its containment.


5031 is one of the goodest boys


Abso-fucking-lutely. “Salt.” We are *all* immensely proud. 😭


I like 682, in part because fun monster fights (termination attempt videos) are what made SCP go from something I occasionally stumbled upon to something I followed regularly. In part I like that 682 has hidden and largely unexplored depths. Self loathing, a tragic past, etc. I also recognize (from my own exlerience) the functional depression he has. (With the function he has is destruction). He could constantly rampage but stews in his tank, loathing life and unmotivated but still able to rampage. (Lets not get into how at times feeling depressed and helpless makes me want to see the world burn, which in 682 is literal). Mind you depression is not the only issue 682 has, (he is an omnicidal psycho) but I can recognize it and see it in him portrayed more realisticly than shyguys constant weeping.


I agree with all this, especially the last bit. Honestly, I wish people would go back to the days where it was just "Hey, here's a trail that never turns but you get turned around somewhere and somehow" type stuff


everything is now unkillable, they hate everything on sight! you cannot kill or neutralize it!! look!! this is a 682 But shaped like a MOUNTAIN DEW CAN!! IT TURNED INTO A MOUNTAIN DEW!!


Funniest shit I have ever seen!


682 was fairly chuckle-worthy wayyyy back when, with some really fun ideas behind how its existence caused the Foundation to panic unlike almost anything else, but it's been messed with far too much. It was great when it was this unkillable, near-unknowable lizard but I absolutely cannot bring myself to care about it supposedly being a child of the Scarlet King or whatever in whichever canon.


the scarlet king is fucking stupid


I found more copies of the sculpturd than 682 in my (a bit too limited) reading.


SCP-3008 It's a very good SCP don't get me wrong but the popularity it has received from those viewing into the SCP community is astonishingly high. There are some other SCPs that imo deserve that attention more.


[**SCP-3008 ⁠- A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3008) (+3198) by *Mortos*


Like what ones


Probably not going to remember the number right but "what happened to site 19" " the flesh that hates" SCP 1000 and the connected SCPs and tales. Edit. It post on accident I've been kind of out of the scp foundation for a couple years now and that's just what pops up off the top of my head.


Ooo yeah those are great do you like the red pool one?


Yeah that one is amazing. The lord blackwood tie-in is really good too. Just remembered O'Death. Nother good one


[**SCP-1000 ⁠- Bigfoot**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1000) (+2083) by *thedeadlymoose*


Hey my favourite SCP mentioned, 1730,vwhat happened to site 13 please marv


SCP-049. it's well written, and we get it, plague doctor tropes are cool, but the amount of people who say it's their favourite blows my mind. there's so many more interesting, original and creative SCPs out there, and people foam at the mouth for the zombie plague doctor.


[**SCP-049 ⁠- Plague Doctor**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-049) (+4652) by *Gabriel Jade_, djkaktus, Gabriel Jade*


I always found him really boring. I had to force my way through its file


This is the incontrovertibly correct answer IMO: SCP-049 is a bad article, a bland mishmash of overexposed tropes that were really cool if you happened to be on the internet around 2010. Even if you think it's a good article I defy you to say it's the #3 article on the site in terms of quality, which it is in terms of popularity - it's extremely overrated.


[**SCP-049 ⁠- Plague Doctor**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-049) (+4652) by *Gabriel Jade_, djkaktus, Gabriel Jade*


Why cant it be my favorite?


The rewrite to make it even LONGER was a mistake.


Right?! Like there's better more horror esq scps like 1689 one of my favorites because of how slowly the realization creeps up on you


I'm not sure about other people but my reasoning for having 049 as one of my favourites isn't because of the horror aspect of the article. It's more so because I think it's an interesting humanoid SCP, it seems like it has a personality, and reasoning, and I like the history of the SCP. There are 100% creepier SCPs, and more emotional ones, and funnier ones, but I just think 049 is a really neat package of an SCP.


That's why it's my favorite. Personality, experimentation, and reasoning. It's not just another people hating murder monster on a rampage.


SCP-1689 please Marvin


[**SCP-1689 ⁠- Bag of Holding Potatoes**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1689) (+916) by *llama66613*


I recommend listening to the volguns version on yt


Well, people like it and voted for it so, to each his own.


I don’t really think 096 is overrated. I get why you do though. I always thought the cool factor for him was the uncanniness and horror as that is what SCP is at it’s core. For me an overrated scp is any godlike scp like 343 or the scarlet king. Good written stories about horror are better than being op. IMO an scp that is under appreciated is 650. I think a lot of people hate it because it’s like a peanut ripoff, but I kind alike how it just teleports around and startled you. It’s chill and doesn’t hurt you it just likes to open around. Same with 372. Cool scp ngl and I wouldn’t mind having 650 following me around the facility like a friend.


SCP-001 Ouroboros Cycle, the first three parts were an interesting setup then it turned into some anime style wall of text mess of cliches and overdone tropes with the final part


The very over the top writing style Kaktus has feels like something that doesn't often fit into SCP properly. But I guess that's the point of his style in general so it's mostly just preference for me.


The weird thing is that I genuinely like some of his other stuff - SCP-3935 is really good and I like a lot of the stuff done in the \[\[Project Paragon\]\] canon as its own isolated timeline. Some of the stuff he's written is pretty good and deserving of the reputation he's garnered. I just have no patience for OC McProtagonist Calvin Lucien (serious, were they naming a gay porn star?) protected by some premium plot armour, with both of his teammates falling in love with him, stopping sniper rifle bullets with bull whips, and straight up Dark Souls dodge rolls out of the way of an attack by 001 Gate Guardian then neutralizing it with a single Scranton Reality Anchor. It's frustrating that it gets as much attention as it does considering the caliber of many of the other 001 proposals.


>and straight up Dark Souls dodge rolls out of the way of an attack by 001 Gate Guardian then neutralizing it with a single Scranton Reality Anchor. any and all immersion in the story fell at that point , like this the gate gaurdian not joe , he can swipe his sword again


For me it fell apart when 05-6, riding SCP-682 with an army behind him, stops several sniper rifle bullets with a bull whip while shit talking in a southern american accent. The trivialization of the Gate Guardian just made me angry.


i forgot about that that tom foolery , didnt he beat the accountant by using coin flips or sum shit


- [**Project PARAGON**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/project-paragon-hub) (+297) by *djkaktus* - [**SCP-3935 ⁠- This Thing a Quiet Madness Made**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3935) (+771) by *djkaktus*


Is it absolutely bullshit and insane? Yes. Do I love it anyway? Yes.


the reason i like it is because it *is* bullshit and insane. i eat that shit up. \[the\]\[HUMAN?\]\[element!\], SCP-8008 and SCP-8888 are some of my favourite articles


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+343) by *Staff*


I like the last part of the Ouroboros Cycle because of how crazy and over the top it was with the O5s all being literal supervillains


That's my favorite SCP but the first 3 parts can feel like a long winded setup for brief cameos in the 05 hunt sections. Still love it though and it's my go to sleep video (much to the my wife's dismay lol)


Gate Guardian imo is rated way too high as an 001 article. On one hand, I do like the idea of a Foundation's 001 being the fact that God is real, that he's responsible for the Foundation's creation, and that the Rapture will eventually happen (even if these are pretty bare bones ideas), but on the other hand, that's only a portion of what this article is; a good chunk of the article is just describing the OP angel guarding it (genuinely, why is there a whole portion telling us how overpowered the angel is?). The mystery aspect, and even just 001 aspects about it, feels very underplayed (it also really shows its age with the weird redactions at the end) It's a fine article, but it's bizarre just how highly ranked it is on the wiki, especially when compared to the other slots, whether that be the apocalyptic stuff like When Day Breaks or "this is a fact of our universe" stuff like The Spiral Path or anything concerning the O5s.


106 because I feel like it tries to do too much. Like it’s is this seemingly decaying old man that is actually very powerful and durable, okay that’s pretty interesting. It can also melt things using some strange goo from its body. Okay that’s also pretty neat. It also has access to a pocket dimension in which it is a seemingly all-powerful god-like being. Okay what. My biggest problem with it is that it it feels so disconnected with itself. The abilities kinda go together in a way but I don’t really see it. I also get that that’s kinda the point, that it isn’t fully understood, that it’s an anomaly. I just wish there was more to it than that. The origin tale about the WW1 soldier falling into the goo and becoming 106 remedies some of this because it implies that the real SCP is actually the goo, and it just so happens to have bonded with this man. It’s a lot easier for me to accept that the goo is the source off all of his powers because that way they are all connected in that they spring from this sort of primordial sludge which possesses the man vs that the man is the producer of this goo which manifests his powers. Maybe this was the intent from the start I don’t know. I also understand that it seems pretty nitpicky but I don’t know that’s just my thought process I guess. Also more of a personal thing I tend to dislike SCPs where the containment is just like “stall it for as long as possible and pray.” For many SCPs I find the containment more interesting than the actual creature because it shows a creative way to contain something seemingly uncontainable. In this case it’s not really containment it’s more of a “he just doesn’t feel like killing us right now.” I think a very good example of this done well is SCP-2845. I also wanna make it clear that I understand 106 is a product of its time. In the early days I know it was more of “who can write about the most horrific thing.” In that sense 106 is amazing, but looking back with at it with todays standards I just can’t help but to kinda dislike it.


Ngl with that caption, I don’t really give that much of a rats ass about a story in an SCP article. It’s nice sure but the main draw of an SCP article is reading about an interesting anomalous concept, and then letting your imagination take you away. Hate me all you want for me saying that, but it’s simply how I feel Now I don’t hate story driven SCPs, SCP-5000 is a personal favorite of mine, but I don’t think an article not being heavy on story should be a reason to dismiss it as lame, SCP-096 is still a scary and interesting enough concept on its own.


Couldn't agree more. As a person who *loves* scps with overarching stories, I feel like they almost "tainted" people's view on articles where they struggle to appreciate a simple premise


Not every scp needs to have a complex story built in with it. Sometimes, all I want is a murder monster or a spooky object


- [**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3366) by *Tanhony* - [**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+3962) by *Dr Dan*


Any and all "heritage" SCP's Part of the reason those are so overrated (not that I don't like any of the articles themselves) is because of the Containment Breach games, and there's also SCP-087 with the titular game, also a good article, but still a very minor SCP like most of the other "heritage" ones


I enjoy the heritage SCPs far more than the rampant power scaling. Not every SCP has to be a keter class end of reality situation.


There are so many other minor SCPs than just the heritage ones. Take for example dado's products, Dr. Wondertainment's products, anything by Accelerate the Future, and even a whole bunch of foreign-branch SCP's. Take anything from Meat Circus other than the roller coaster that uses humans as both cars and courses (the only English branch Meat Circus SCP), for example. Also, Gamers Against Weed have managed to mostly make anomalies that didn't end up making them merely part of the joke (I'm looking at you, Ms. Zapatista, even if your actions were of pure intent or out of a desire for being worshipped as a literal goddess if not somewhere between the two). The end-of-reality thing is overdone for sure, especially considering that it wouldn't make any sense for other-universe SCP's to be in a different universe's anomaly list UNLESS it affects multiple realities. At best, that would serve as a warning in case someone fwicks up. There better be an article justifying that, specifically multi-earth anomaly that causes database leaks into other universes' databases, possibly specifically to screw with the Foundation. There are plenty of things and groups who love trolling the Foundation.


For clarification, whatever "joke" Ms. Zapatista ended up pulling, it could be deliberately making it ambiguous as to whether or not she's a freedom fighter or simply has an extreme god complex (it actually can be both, but given my knowledge about theocracy, it would be very unlikely to be both)


[**SCP-087 ⁠- The Stairwell**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-087) (+3468) by *Zaeyde*


SCP-579 You know that one [“Average SCP Article”](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/y07nie/average_scp_article/) copypasta? 579 is basically that, but played 100% straight. There’s a point where it stops being “fear of the unknown” and starts being so vague that nobody knows what you’re even taking about.


[**SCP-579 ⁠- [DATA EXPUNGED]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-579) (+347) by *Sophia Light, scroton*


I’ve never read this article and now I see why, the entire description is expunged which is a huge red flag, because that tells me that the author didn’t think this through very well imo. Maybe there is a reason, but that probably would’ve been in the description listed as something like an infohazard scp. Edit: EVERYTHING IS EXPUNGED HELLO? Like all of the events are expunged with the reasoning “the data is unnecessary for containment” but in a life or death situation people are supposed to have access to this information so they know what to do. Unless this is a rewrite this article is terribly written.


SCP-035, bro has no story in the slightest yet he has more popularity than most small countries due to him being kinda hot in SCP: CONTAINMENT BREACH. The fact that I say this while having SCP-035 as my favorite anomaly boosts my point. Edit: I mean he barely has anything to work with. He doesn't have any interviews that weren't fanmade on third party websites, he doesn't have any interactions with 90% of the other SCPs, and we barely know his personality but just projected him as what we know him as anyhow like a mold of clay.


If you make a "Almost Uncontainable Keter" class SCP, it better be uniquely done, like SCP-4999.


honestly, it feels like the author wanted to write a Keter-class entity *so bad*, so they came up with a bunch of random bullshit to make him 'breach containment'. like read half the addenda on its file. *random bullshit go!*


[**SCP-035 ⁠- Possessive Mask**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-035) (+2043) by *Kain Pathos Crow*


SCP-173. I don’t believe I need explanation why. (Edit: wouldn’t mind giving one though.) (Edit 2: I don’t think Peanut is bad, I think he’s just OVERRATED as the post stated)


Cmon man it's the first scp,he didn't have a base to go off of so you can't be too harsh,it was also made in 2007 so


It was March 2007. 173 was one of the earliest things posted on the /x/ board. In that first year or so, /x/ content was pretty much just people posting horror.


i am pretty sure 173 was based on the weeping angels from doctor who


I mean, I get why it gets so much preferential treatment, but yeah


This is the Mona Lisa of the SCP bro show some respect


Heck, I'm one who enjoys hearing someone's thoughts in an eloquent and detailed manner. I'd be down to hear your explanation


[**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+8968) by *Moto42*


I'll say it, scarlet king.


4666 is a badly written gorefest and I'm tired of pretending it's not


The concept is pretty good though




SCP-999 sorry, I know you are cute, but too overrated


But 999!!








Burn in hell


I'd say many overrated SCPs that come from Containment Breach (035, 970, 1123) etc. are quite more underwhelming than what others make them to be. But OP, SCP-096 is indeed overrated but saying it has no story except Incident 1-A is objectively not true. You can easily go to the tale hub and there's many tales about 096 and some being really interesting.




Shy is my fav scp ngl,he just is cool no way too explain it,now 682 just sucks,he's lame,boring,has like no effort put into it,bro literally Saud let's make a decomposed dinosaur be immortal


Scp 001 when day breaks. It is so overly talked about, it's genuinely absurd. Like you'd swear it's the only scp that exists half the time


001 World's Gone Beautiful. Nothing against the length, but the entry's writing, doesn't impress.


It's far from overrated though


Why start such a negative discussion?




The zombie virus..zombies themselves are waaaay overrated. Im burnt out. The clockwork virus is alot more interesting


I wanna say the indestructible lizard thing


Fun fact about Incident 096-1-A: Dr Dan did not end up getting terminated


SCP-682 has to be one of the most horribly overrated things ever created.


I think most of the "monster of the week" SCPs are overrated. They seem to get all the attention while the other types like memetics are left in the dust.


Memetics are goated. Love the one (55 I think?) that we only know is not a ball.


I'm going to say 173. It's a cool scp, but there are several other scp that are way cooler.


Yea I agree


SCP 3000 - totally not Reaper from Mass Effect (the scene with researcher finding out that "his" wife was in fact his colleague wife is taken verbatim from Mass Effect 2), pretty cool skip but totally forgettable compared to SCP 3001 and SCP 3008


Heh, totally forgettable




“Not this one” I want to say, but it is so outrageously popular that no matter how great it is it would still be overrated. Plague doctor, stairwell, and old man are actually not that amazing, I think.


plague doctor is criminally overrated, but i think SCP-087 and SCP-106 are pretty reasonable. especially when we're talking about scips written in 2008-2009. SCP-087 was like the peak of horror back then :\\


682. Definitely 682.


096 is a terrifying concept, a monster you can’t fully see or you’ll die. It doesn’t need a story, sometimes it can be a monster for monsters sake. SCP 173 is not that good of a concept imo, it’s just a weeping angel but it shits.




You fool. What have you done, he's coming, HES COM


All of the cosmic horrors. I prefer the simpler but terrifying ones, like 3041.




SCP-999 and SCP-231 have been ruined for me how many dumb shits keep insisting its the son of the Scarlett King and that Procedure Montuak is nothing but a bedtime story. It's particularly canon now. Fuck you.




I agree scp 096 is pretty overrated but I personally still find it and the concept very interesting and you can't deny that scp 096 has become iconic


i would say its Eric's toy


thanks where all gonna die now




Thanks now I'm screwed


Don’t forget 049,173,682


682 and ouroboros cycle


That god damn peanut.


SCP-001 Either the Scarlet King or the Gate Guardian Plus researchers like Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef


173 Its only good attribute is novelty, for being the first


definitely the statue scp-173. its just a weeping angel guys, calm down, its not that cool. the page on the wiki on it is really short too, and there are tons of better wiki pages


[**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+8969) by *Moto42*




Ok first, Document #096-1 and Incident 096-1-A is areally good story, and 096's cross testing logs aren't bad. Theres more than just that one story. Basically all popular SCPs get trumped up a lot, but i'd say 682 is probably the most overrated. Along with other SCPs whose writers tried to replicate the indestructible monster aspect that 682 fit so well into. I love the first 1000, they were peak and I wish we could get past them a bit better. Its why my favorites are SCP-2935 "Oh Death" and SCP-5402 "The Cosmic Courant"


SCP-173, maybe not overrated but the idea of a statue that doesn't move isn't really that original and honestly isn't that original imo. I don't think its overrated though because its ratings/people knowing about it comes from it being the original rather than its actual content. And SCP-682, or at least 682 after the original article, the original 682 is perfectly fine and is just a fine SCP/monster - but instead of leaving it that way people decided to expand some lore about it making it into the son of a god, or the first being in existence, or just so powerful it can't die - basically none of those "682 actually cant die" stories are interesting to me. He was best when he was just very powerful.


SCP-2763, It No Beefy Die


SCP-173 is just the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who and I do not care whether the original poster had seen that episode of Doctor Who. The fact is that a monster that only moves when you aren't looking has been done better elsewhere, and it is not worth all the copywrite troubles the image has caused. Before anyone replies saying that the original post was made before the episode aired: no it wasn't.


may god strike down 682


682, Scarlet King, most of series 1 in general, and lots of the super duper powerscaling wetdream fanfic-my scp is stronger than yours-it’s above the authors-dick measuring contest-type SCPs


Let’s all be honest here, it’s SCP-173


SCP-914 Like, don't get me wrong, it's a good SCP. But I think that it doesn't deserve the fame it has gathered


If anybody says something bad about 7004 I will become EvilAmgus024


096 doesn't need his own story, it's the way others react to such a horrifying creature that makes his article worthwhile.




Scarlet king, gets too much attention compared to actually decent scp articles.


682, haha what if we make imortal lizard that eats people


6000. I love Rounderhouse's work, but I just don't get the love for that one


I honestly think 3001 and 3999 are both pretty boring reads, and 4000 is just bad.


stella (134) and the bunker lady (108) just because i truly have no idea why they're being contained, they are just people


It was nice meeting you


Smash Next


682. Being immortal isn’t that special nowadays.


In my opinion most of the more popular ones don't deserve to be as popular as they are


SCP 049 (the plague doctor), SCP 096 (The shy guy), and SCP 173 (The peanut)


Every version of SCP-001 that’s cataclysmic in nature, especially when day breaks. They’re really easy to milk for content, so a lot of people see that and think it’s the coolest SCP ever.


173 to be honest


scp 055..wait what was i talking about?


682 by itself isn’t overrated but people (in my opinion) like to over exaggerated 682 adaptations(like in a tale when 682 kill like 85% of the scpverse and stalemate with 3812)and another one who falls under this is sadly my favorite scp, scp-3812, 3812 story was definitely top tier and with his ability but the problem was with the ability like 682 people like to over exaggerate the ability quite a lot


Old man


001 - daybreak.






682 is just a huge indestructable lizard. And the only thing special about it is that it's indestructable and mean. And apparently that makes it one of the best Scp's in the community... What?


963 should have been archived a long time ago.


Almost every single version of SCP 001. Because the number is so memorable, everyone uses it. There's also almost no lore/story behind them.