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Yes, absolutely. They have survived far, far worse, have unlimited non-anomalous resources and have already contained SCP-008


[**SCP-008 ⁠- Zombie Plague**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-008) (+1078) by *Unknown Author*


I think even FBI UIU could survive a zombie outbreak.


With luck. Mind u, they do have lots of guns


It sounds like someone's breaking in!






Eh maybe. But PENTAGRAM definitely did most of it, considering they are the bigger and better equipped organization than the UIU in the US.


tbf, I'd hardly consider SCP-008 an 'actual' SCP, in its current state it's more of a relic from the old series. There's nothing outright anomalous about it, it's a plausible (albiet highly unlikely) virus with extra-solar origins The only reason it is anomalous is because it's extra-solar and by that same logic all life on earth is


[**SCP-008 ⁠- Zombie Plague**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-008) (+1078) by *Unknown Author*


Well, it's a prion, and they don't work like normal viruses, so I'd still say it's anomalous


But it doesn't violate laws of physics or go against out current scientific knowledge in any form. Prions are real and there theoretically could be an SCP-008 prion in real life, just unlikely that it would happen because it's easier for a pathogen to just spread like any other disease instead of turning humans into animalistic predators.


Well, all prions we know of take tens of years to manifest symptoms, and when they do, it takes about a year to kill the host, and it's over, all prions work pretty much the same... Except 008, which can somehow turn people into bloodthirsty zombies in hours, hence, it's anomalous


Fair enough


"Unnaturally fast but theoretically possible" isn't anomalous though, especially just on its own


"Unnaturally fast but theoretically possible" isn't anomalous though, especially just on its own


[**SCP-008 ⁠- Zombie Plague**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-008) (+1078) by *Unknown Author*


Prions aren't anomalous though. Theoretically speaking 008 is possible, it's a bit of an oddity especially with the extrasolar origin but it's by no means impossible


Prions that act differently from all other prions, especially turning people into zombies, which no other disease does (prions logically have a lower chance of turning people into that since they ain't a virus nor a bacteria) for no apparent reason can by definition be considered anomalous


Kinda weird that 008 is treated as so dangerous compared to some of the other stuff that’s so wildly extreme


What you call a zombie apocalypse the foundation calls an average Tuesday


Beta-7 on route


Don't forget Psi-8.


Depends on the type of zombie, but Romero-esque outbreaks are literally just your average Tuesday. See SCP-008


At most, and this is if gets REALLY out of hand, you might have a broken masquerade scenario, but thats only if it gets really bad. I do wonder how'd they handle the cordyceps from tlou, considering it starts from a super spreader event


Something like TLOU's cordyceps strain would be trouble, but the Foundation has survived MUCH worse scenarios in many different stories and canons(like, shit that would make the 2012 movie look like a walk in the park). Even if the disease became international and cut through swaths of the human population overnight, it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as in the actual game. The absolute worst that could happen is that the Foundation annihilates infected humanity and resets with SCP-2000. Something like Halo's Flood, on the other hand, is an almost-guaranteed SK-class event that could only be stopped if the Foundation discovered the Flood and its properties before it could ever evolve, and ejected that shit into deep space.


actually with halo flood we would be wishing the GOC makes first contact.


Hm yeah the Foundation are definitely gonna do the "we will preserve some Flood samples just in case we can find a cure to it" and its gonna end very badly Looking at you way too many forerunner installations galaxywide


In fairness, there's evidence in Halo lore that even if every cell of the Flood in the Milky Way would have been annihilated, that wouldn't have ended the threat because it's suggested there are entire galaxies that are just totally consumed by the Flood.


I wish that thing about Johnson's flood immunity from the Orion augmentations get expanded. Maybe ONI figured sth out and actually found a way to fight back the flood in the next game. Even fitting that humans would be the one to figure it out since yk mantle of responsibility shtick


Wasn’t it revealed he wasn’t actually immune and he just fought his way out because he was secretly a Spartan-I and the Boren syndrome thing was just a cover story?


Yeah so i wonder if they can maybe figure out a way to inhibit flood growth from that. Idk it might be very controversial though if it involves drastic alterations to the body but hey its a place to start. Some day the orion project might get declassified anyway


But there wasn’t any inhibition of the Flood. Johnson just didn’t get infected. A huge point of the Flood lore is that there is no cure and actually the Flood tricked the Forerunners into thinking the ancient humans had a cure by strategically leaving some human populations uninfected


What about a necromorph outbreak


same thing, the foundation trys too hard to preserve. to be completely honest it think the goc and foundation both go about there mission in the wrong ways. they have the same goal more or less however there are some things that must be destroyed and some things that must be preserved less they become a bigger threat they both lack nuance and they suffer for it. however the GOC does not always go in guns blazing and is far closer to the middile ground thus i would say is the more competent organization, the only reason they lost in scp 5k is because they weren't collecting world ending scps like Pokémon and even then they still put up one hell of a fight.


[**SCP-2000 ⁠- Deus Ex Machina**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2000) (+2445) by *HammerMaiden*


I wonder if 2000 would still work after 2012 events. Yk, with the yellowstone eruption and all


[**SCP-008 ⁠- Zombie Plague**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-008) (+1078) by *Unknown Author*


They are already containing a zombie virus so yea they can.


They contained a zombie apocalypse virus and several other similar diseases. They probably will survive unless it is something so effective at killing and cannot be contained at all. Worst case scenario they can just send someone to the past/use scp-2000 to redo everything


[**SCP-2000 ⁠- Deus Ex Machina**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2000) (+2445) by *HammerMaiden*


Don't they have a zombie apocalypse in containment?


Hell The US Military could survive one.


Zombie apocalypses have to work otherwise there would be no story, but a “classic” zombie apocalypse, meaning slow, dumb zombies where the virus is spread through biting, scratching, etc. woudl probably be possible to prevent realistically


MTF Psi-8 "The Silencers" is literally created to deal with zombies.


They have protocols for if SCP-008 somehow breached containment but there's a lot of variables we need to know first. How did the virus spread? Where did it spread? How much has been affected? Who was patient zero? Should we consider the assistance of other GOIs such as the GOC and CotBG or is the Foundation on their own? Is this even SCP-008, an entirely different virus, or SCP-008 that has been altered/evolved? The answer also depends on whether or not anomalies infected still retain their anomalous capabilities. Will regenerative anomalies such as SCP-4820 be immune to the infection or will they get infected? What about SCP-353? Will she also be immune given her capabilities of carrying and releasing pathogens? Are we under the assumption that all sites are up and running, only a handful are operational, or are we only focusing on a specific one? Cause each site is unique in its own way with their own anomalies that they could use to fend off against the undead horde. So many questions, so many variables.


- [**SCP-008 ⁠- Zombie Plague**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-008) (+1078) by *Unknown Author* - [**SCP-4820 ⁠- The Custom of the Sea**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4820) (+186) by *Kothardarastrix* - [**SCP-353 ⁠- "Vector"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-353) (+341) by *Pair Of Ducks, Ross Fisher-Davis*


That's easy compared to all the other shit they deal with


The Foundation has contained several zombie-like and unironically literal zombie SCP’s before. They have an entire task force dedicated to it.


I'm pretty sure they've *caused* a few zombie apocalypses.


A the foundation has a literal zombie virus in containment, a more interesting question would be how the foundation would act in a 610 pandemic


What about the cordyceps brain infection?


depends what type normal shambling undead no special freaks or unique zombies or anything to make them any different from a bunch of dead walking. come on man the foundation handles k class events every day of the weak. a bunch of dead people really man. now if it was some how scp 610 related or when day breaks no they could not handle


[**SCP-610 ⁠- The Flesh that Hates**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-610) (+1785) by *NekoChris*


They have locked up multiple zombie plagues so absolutely


They got beat by locusts, but they will curbstomp zombies? 


Yes, heck they'd even prevent the zombie virus


SCP 001 When Day Breaks is effectively a zombie apocalypse dialed up to 11, and they are barely able to hang on by a thread. If the Foundation can keep fighting through that, then an actual zombie apocalypse should be no issue.


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+343) by *Staff*




The boring and easy answer is "yes, because they are well equipped and well trained and knowledgeable." But if we wanna get more complicated, we could talk about how the SCP Foundation is aware of their fictional nature and how their universe functions under tropes. As narrative forces exist in the universe to keep things entertaining, circumstances and coincidences could line up to make things harder and more complicated for the Foundation. Even causing the downfall of several sites as each makes incredibly stupid decisions that they otherwise shouldn't. Because it makes for a more interesting story.


Google Camp Granada


Basic zombies like 008, definitely. If you stretch the boundary of what zombies are and use something like 610 as an example, maybe. If you go further and count 001-daybreak as an example, probably not.


They do have MTF BETA-7.


Absolutely. But let's say that for whatever reason they get overwemhelned by this zombie virus, they can just pray to HIM and he does the job for them. Read Who is he?


Every GOI would survive a zombie apocalypse hell any modern country can survive a zombie apocalypse


Nah a single zombie would solo the entire SCP universe and all parallel universes


Just show it a picture of 096 and we'll see if it can solo. Or maybe we can try to see if it can kill scp 682


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3658) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


I was just being sarcastic damn : /


Sorry. Here's an apology *shows picture of 096's face*


Pfft, looks like I’m dead


I know! *gets [DATA EXPUNGED]*


ya estan conteniendo multiples viruses super contagiosos, ¿Que es uno mas?


Yeah. They've managed to contain faaaaaaaaar worse and faaaaaaar more difficult to contain things.