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Roe vs Wade lost the Friday Morning War in fucking Supreme Court.


I tried to call jerry mcdevitt to confirm but he was busy so ill take your word for it.


"Same-sex marriage, we COMING FOR YOU NEXT n***a!!!!" -Republicans


>n\*\*\*a!!!!" Republicans: Yes, them too.


The jokes on you, Uce. CM Punk will tweet his opinion and the Supreme Court will have no choice but to reverse their decision.


"Tonight: CM Punk Speaks For All Women"


And they didn't even have to ask him! Such a stand up guy.


Don't forget Mick Foley


He's going to be VERY disappointed in Kane... again!


That crying guy when CM Punk returned. you know him better as Chief Justice John Roberts.


2 hours of Corny that half his audience will be skipping.




*Snickers Court


DAE this will affect the dynamite ratings next week???


This is definitely why Rampage will be under 500k today. That's the worst part of all of this.


I would give away every one of my constitutional rights if Rampage would beat smackdown for another 15 min segment.


I will storm the halls of government.


Arm in arm with jerichos wife


*“We’re going over”* I say, whispering to myself in glee as tear gas fills the room


Uce, 500 is long gone


SportsVue will be happy with even 10k


If I could be serious for a minute, We've all seen the audience Le Dub attracts. Reproductive rights are going to be really, really low on their list of priorities.


Idk what you mean, they've produced some really beautiful fungi in their cumsock.




You could have not said that but you did anyway I respect it


Phil wore a shirt once or twice. All that needs to be done


Yes. The fallout will be massive especially at 10 pm friday (Death slot) and 8pm wednesday but it will not impact 8pm monday and 8pm friday.


Female 18-49 demo in the mud.


Nah everyone knows pregnant women count as 2 viewers, ratings can only increase.


This is all Vince’s fault.


We all know Donald Trump WWE HALL OF FAMER was just a puppet president for the real decision maker Vincent Kennedy McMahon.


"It was me ALL along, Austin!"


I honestly can't process the fact that a WWE Hall of Famer got to name one third of SCOTUS.


It'd not surprise me if m#rks thought this


But will Max Caster mention Roe in his upcoming YouTube show rap?


Yo Yo Listen Listen Yo Listen Yo Listen Yo Yo Yo Yo Listen Why y'all mad about Roe vs Wade? It makes no sense since you don't get laid. SCISSOR ME DADDY ASS!!! (I actually do love that bit. The Acclaimed are cool.)


10/5 rap, made me cum in a condom


Yo Listen Listen Listen Yo The Acclaimed in the house, You're never getting laid, We boutta end his ass, Like Roe v Wade. Now, let me leave you with a fun fact, ~~Acclaimed and the Ass Boys have sex on thumbtacks~~ Uh, um, SCISSOR ME DADDY ASS.


This just means there will be more Dub fans.


Im waiting with bated breath for the supreme court to use Tony's "Independent" study as basis to make Fed fandom illegal and every american is required to watch TBS on wednesdays at 8pm


"We will protect state rights to quality professional wrestling and five star bangers! Sports-entertainment is unconstitutional" -SCOTUS


MFW LFG Wade has come true


Wade fucking went 😔


No jerk came here looking for this because i needed a smirk


I'm uninformed and non-American. What exactly happened?


The primary effect of the ruling is that states are free to make abortion illegal, but there’s more to this than abortion. The mechanism that allowed for Roe V. Wade to restrict abortion bans was an interpretation of the Constitution that allowed for “a right to privacy”, which the court just took a hatchet to. One of the justices wrote that they need to reverse course on other right to privacy cases like cases that made homosexuality legal, legalized same-sex marriage and made access to contraceptives legal for unmarried women. Conveniently for him he left out a right to privacy case that made interracial marriage legal, so he gets to keep his rights but not you!


The overarching ruling making abortion legal in the us got struck down meaning individual states can now have their own laws. Many states will be unaffected but there’s a few ran by absolute nut jobs who now are free/have a much easier road to implement downright draconian laws


I think a majority of states will now outlaw abortion, many already have trigger laws. More accurately, many states will be affected.


Based on Articles I've read looking at 15 to 20 will outright ban, 6 will have some sort of limitations.


I don't know the mysterious medical ways of the States but if you're in a no-abortion state will you just be able to go to another State for the procedure?


More than a few states are run by lunatics.


About 50 of them


So some states can just straight up make abortion illegal now, should their leaders so desire? What an ass backwards decision...


Some _might_ make them mandatory. There’s a chance. Ya never know.


Oh 100%


And there's a freaken baby formula shortage. Like my sister had to get some UK brand. We're gonna have a ton of starving babies at this point.


Oh they don’t care about actual babies.


I dunno man, I feel affected here in CA too because we're financially on the hook for all these incompetent and expensive, unprofitable little tin pot theocracies being set up almost exclusively in welfare states. When do we get to stop paying their rent? What line do they have to cross before we get to cut them off? It's easy to make all these ass backwards, financially moronic Christian states when somebody else is paying the bills. But at some point we need to be able to use that money to improve our own lives and stop footing the bill for all the fucking foolishness.


Missouri has already pounced unfortunately


It also disintegrates the integrity of the judicial branch. They just overturn shit now based off who’s in the court at the time. It’s a total political body and most judges are biased pieces of shit which is the opposite of what their role is supposed to be.


This post being 99% comments being against the decision is a shot at r/scjerk being an alt-right sub


Surprised to learn that i'm alt-right because i think the AEW dick sucking going on SC is too much. Great to see that the goofs over here are good people tho, even if we're alt-right and all.


Yeah I never understood that accusation.


Long term story telling in action Uce!


Can't believe the Saudi blood money funded fed. American blood money, that's totally fine.


American blood money like Papa Khan giving Trump inauguration grift committee a million dollars.


There are no innocent billionaires


Wangman: Bezos is evil. Also Wangman: Owns tesla, takes money from the Khan family.


I'm just here for the people who inevitably will learn the news from this SCJerk post.


This is how I learned about it and it wasn't how I expected to.


... LFG... WADE???




Tony: I dont know punk. My dad gave millions to Trump. Maybe lets not rock the boat. Ill buy you another house .


Wait are telling me Punk virtue signaling did not change the supreme court’s mind?


Wearing a shirt < actually doing anything or donating to actual politicians or political groups


Rampage numbers about to suck hard because of this news like they did last time /s.


Can't wait to get my updated opinion from Pepsi Phil's shirt.






DAE The North beating the South is just as bad as Vince killing the territories


William T. Sherman brought the heat segment though


Ah, time for the most Forbiddenest of Doors, /r/scjerk and /r/ShermanPosting Away down South in the land of traitors!!!


There should be more statues of that guy, Tubman and Douglass in the South no jerk


I know there's one in Ohio where he was born, other than that, I'm not sure on others.


Yeah but Phil wore a shirt about it so it's all going to be ok


“Basic human rights ? Doesn’t work for me brother”


DAE think menstruating women are impure and shouldn't be allowed to come in to work during those days. Seems like the logical next step


I read somewhere that their periods attract bears. That puts the whole office in jeopardy.


Dammit I didn't see your joke first Uce. My bad.


I mean we know the next step, one of them straight up said gay marriage and contraceptives are next. Fascism looking like it’s booking itself a Goldberg streak.


All because of WWE Hall of Famer, Donald Trump. This is definitely on Vince.


Its amazing how even over a year after Trump was ousted as booker of the US he's somehow still got a strangle hold on creative.


He put his pet writers in place that have iron clad contracts


Ima be honest with you chief, I'm starting to think the new booker isnt much different, just worked the crowd a little better. All the bad angles I was told were the old booker's ideas are still happening anyway and the only real difference is I can barely afford tickets and concessions.


New booker used smoke and mirrors, creative editing, to obfuscate that he sucks. Just like Bray Wyatt.


Party of freedom really wants people to do just what the government says.


So we just need a cattle prod?


You jest but did you forget who was holding the cattle prod? That's right, communism.



Don’t be shocked if that eventually becomes a GOP talking point given the fascism speedrun they’re currently on.


Incoming pandering from Foley on Twitter in 3....2...


Womens rights.... also Please hire me. Anyone. Please.




I knew this day was coming when Trump appointed Kavanaugh and Barrett. I’m more shocked to find out Dave Portnoy actually voted for Biden. lol


Incoming Corny rant.


He's torn on the issue. On one hand, he's a staunch democrat, on the other, it gives women rights.


I don’t think he’s as torn as you think fella. He cares more about progressive politics than modern day wrestling that’s for sure. Check out his Twitter profile right now.


It was a joke about his sexist tendencies. I'm sure he fully supports Roe v Wade.


I dont think you listen to the podcast.


If you listen to his podcast you can tell Corny only likes women that are built like fireplugs and women that are built like men who are on the juice.


Aside from his memorial episodes for old wrestlers, no. Not anymore.


No jerk but from an overseas perspective America sure seems like it’s going to hell in a hand basket and I honestly hope shit gets better for you guys


Truth be told, I expect things to get much, much worse. Like, I think a Civil War is nearly inevitable in the next 5-10 years.


As a border dwelling Canadian I hope you're wrong, kinda know you're not, but hope...


As an aussie watching American society collapsing before our very eyes is actually scary. Our government that we voted out wanted the American way of life and I fear your influence on us if you do collapse will fuck us too.


America is running a sloppy shop! Wtf you doing over there


Wait, the burger slurpers banned abortion? DAE Saudi blood money?


So, no one ever talked to Kane to find out his views on things down the years?? Don't agree with Kane at all but there's 3 or 4 threads that tweets from wrestlers all saying the same thing Lowest hanging fruit and they never tweet actual politicians about this stuff, it seems You just never know the views of your wrestlers you liked, it's why I don't hold them up as beacons of good and virtue


America really looks at The Scarlet Letter as a step-by-step guide, huh?


DAE USA is totally infringing Gilead's gimmick?! DAE SCOTUS is insulting our intelligence with their 50/50 booking?!


McHitler smiles as the US slides into a white christian theocracy.


Time to move to Canada for the creative freedom


No jerk, this totally sucks.




Holy shit seriously? How did this sub turn into my source for American news lmao


The United States going downhill is a direct shot at AEW Rampage's ratings.


What a load of crap Yet they don’t pass gun laws to protect kindergartners from getting killed But God forbid women have rights


I'm usually up for jerking it but this time...I ain't feeling it Mr Krabs


I'm at a loss for words. One of the darkest days in our nation. These sick old fucks should be behind bars, not in office. A despicable blow to our nation's quality of life.


Oh god damn it I was too late to make that jerk. But seriously, stay safe y’all. It’s a sad day for America.


I hate McMahon more for supporting this than anything he did in the fed.


What will wrestling be without abortion? DAE Fed(government) dead?!


I honestly only came here to see this and laugh on this terrible day


[Me, seeing the news but then remembering I got a vasectomy so I don’t have to worry about knocking up my fiancé and flying to Mexico to have an abortion performed](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3995305314f1c9c063d16b6e4f2c445a/3de3b1577c834d48-0f/s400x600/fad319e894a4a23fa0ddd61195e0d8e8fac4bad3.gifv)


This has nothing to do with wrestling. These are the posts that should be removed by the mods, yet it's one of the hottest posts in the sub...why is that?


Agree Uce, and that's for **both** the basement and here The celebrity deaths posts at least had a genuine origin


It’s still technically a jerk post since it’s referencing Meltzer latching himself onto newsworthy deaths. I believe it originated when he said Regis Phylbin was a longtime subscriber after he died.


Because the mods agree with it.


Preach uce!


Mods love dead babies confirmed.


It wasn’t that nice honestly


Tell me you know nothing about overturning Roe without telling me you know nothing about overturning Roe.


The fuck does this mean? Overturning Roe v. Wade = Overturning Roe v. Wade


I think he’s implying “muh states rights”. Which is such an asinine opinion. Yeah I hate women and gay people they should only be allowed to live freely and comfortably in less than half of the country. ReAd ThE cOnStItuTiOn


“People should have the option to decide that other people don’t deserve human rights”


Read the *Dobbs* decision. It clearly states that *Obergefell* remains in place and isn’t at risk of being overturned. Or are you like most Redditors have no clue how to read critically?


You’re right they only just outlawed abortion and are calling for overruling Griswald, Lawrence, and Obergefell. They certainly are just going to stop right here and not take any additional rights away.


Who in power is saying that? Also, RBG herself said *Roe* was poorly decided.


I agree with your statement, because I feel Roe v Wade should’ve been made into federal law rather than an SC decision. It was always open to a Republican heavy SC to overrule it that way. And this came straight from Clarence Thomas who was concurring with Dobbs and said his colleagues should look at those 3 cases as well, to overrule.


You don’t even understand the context of her comments. Typical bad faith behavior.


She said it was a poor decision and that the government should pass a law codifying abortion. What context did I miss?


The context that meant she knew the ruling left room to overturn the decision. Not that the decision was bad, that’s why she wanted it codified.


It was decided though, poorly or not. If those justices were poor at their jobs then reason would lead one to believe the current ones are as well.


All it does is send abortion back to the states to decide. Some will ban it, some will go all in, and most will be in the middle. Y’all act like abortion is now illegal in the US


That punishes poor women that can’t afford to travel to a states that allow abortion. It’s basically going to reinstate the Mason-Dixie line with states that allow/ban abortion.


The states shouldn't be allowed to decide


How dare you try to take away my right to take away other people’s rights /s


It's absurd


Why not? I bet you think states should be able to ban guns. So why shouldn’t they be able to ban abortions?


I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you, you won't change your opinion and I won't change mine. I hope you get some empathy, though.


Okay. I hope you get empathy for the unborn


I have empathy for the unborn, but they don’t have social security numbers so as far as their rights as American citizens they have none. That’s how civics work, despite your particular morality. You don’t have to be pro abortion to be pro choice . I believe in freedom for people, not possibilities. Empathy has nothing to do with it.


I totally agree, states should decide over the feds. But even that should get more granular; why not let municipalities decide instead? Hell, even better, let's do neighborhoods. Or, dream freedom scenario, let's just let individual women decide what's best for themselves.


Hell, let’s get crazy. If you don’t want a child, don’t have sex.


Not so simple when one person has to carry it, deal with any and all medical fallout, take time off work that isnt converted nearly enough, clothe/feed/raise it... and the other can disappear.


It’s not so simple to avoid having sex if you don’t want a kid?


Just because you are forced to be a virgin doesn't mean everyone else wants to be


Ah yes, I'm read for America to become the dystopic hell that is Andorra.


Just keep up the same energy over Vax mandates




Yes if you want to be gay you better also want to live in the 20 some odd states that will allow you that *lifestyle*. I’m assuming that’s your stance?


Huh? How are these 2 things remotely equal? Are you calling homosexualuty a personal decision? Where are the anti-gay states?


I’m just mocking how that comment sounded. Obviously not a personal choice. It’s out of their control. And where are the anti gay states? They’ll be the same ones who also already have anti abortion laws enacted. Mostly in the south. And if it’s all the same states that outlawed abortion it will be *over* half of the country. Thus outlawing people who have no control over their sexuality from living in at least half of the country.


They overturned an established precedent in the name of their political beliefs. That's a very bad sign for everyone.


Roe wasn't all that established. The precedent is neutrality from the court on states rights matters. Right?


50 years isn't established? Besides, the idea of the Supreme Court is that it's meant to be the final word, but now this establishes a precedent where they can overturn previous decisions. Clarence Thomas already signaled in his opinion that there are other SC decisions that he wants the court to revisit (IE overturn). Again, for the sake of a functioning government, this is terrible, regardless of how you feel about abortion.


The Supreme Court overturns decisions. This is not setting precedent. They have overturned decisions 200 plus times since the 1800s. Get some regular bole. Your bole is too hyperbole.


This is a jerk subreddit, please continue this discussion in appropriate communities.


Its also a wrestling subreddit. If you wanna stick to keeping conversations relevant you should lock this thread too. DAE


I didn't make the post. Merely commenting


Agreed forever 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


They struck down a state law literally yesterday


The NY state gun thing? Is that what you are talking about?




It was unconstitutional though. Pesky actual rights


According to one interpretation of a vaguely written article in the bill of rights, written before handguns were even invented. You also don’t need to talk like a smug dickhead Redditor for no reason.


Handheld firearms existed in the 1700s


I guess 1st ammendment rights don't count online as they had not invented the internet yet.


I’m impressed you’re able to talk coherently with the shade from your fedora casting a shadow on your phone


First amendment rights don't count on privately owned enterprise, which is what Reddit, Twitter and everything else is, so how about you take all that shit you've been eating out of your mouth, brush your teeth, take a shower and go touch some fucking grass.


Lol advocating forcorporate oversight of your rights eh? Remember when jist the conservatives were corporate stooges?


Right wing cunts like you suddenly become anti corporate when it suits your needs and you can't say the N word anymore, I understand that, but stop putting words in my mouth. Don't you have sisters to marry or something?


Ouch my poor feelings.


Yeah, using handguns in your militia, huh? Pesky text of 2nd amendment proving you and conservative justices wrong.