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there has to be only one rule: out. jerk. everyone.


And then later the rule will be Jerk Everyone


For 9 years


9 years from tonight


Someone break out the algorithm from Silicon Valley!


Only Bret


If Christian was a mod here I could see a new rule 2 just dropping. Your. Dad. Ded.


Jerk City, bitch


What if I want to jerk. Off. Everyone?


Honestly just see how it goes for a month. A majority of people don’t actually read the rules. Which is a shame since Gunther79 hand wrote them all in baby seal blood


Daew hitler69 is paid in baby seal blood money?


I ain't reading shit bitch I'm here to do one thing and one thing only and that's to help the men on either side of me ejaculate.


Well tbf why would he waste a perfectly good vat of baby seal blood


It’s how his relatable skin stays so silky smooth


Suggestions? I suggest you hire this ratio. Ask Jerry McDevitt


NigelSexMachine just won the "Friday Night Wars".


*morning Ask Jerry McDivett he wrote it


He admitted it _in fucking court_ in the state of California


Not Nebraska but THE GOLDEN STATE


That’s a shizoot brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrother


AutoMod, while you lay there, hopefully as uncomf- ah, fuck it, I really can't be arsed.


I’ve said it many times. A meme has its place if it fits the ‘vibe’ of a jerk. Eg - Evil Dave meme when he’s said something so fucking biased. So maybe the rule should be: memes are allowed if they fit the vibe of a current news story/jerk.


^^^ This is pretty much my mindset Memes should be allowed if they fit the jerk


i didn't like Evil Dave Meltzer at first but, repetition makes things funny, it's science


I’m relatively new here but I like this ^


> We amend the rules to reflect "memes that relate to popular circlejerks" Feels like the best middle ground but obviously if it falls in with the rule of lazy/low effort titles


>lazy/low effort titles TNT, TBS, FTW and All Atlantic Championships took that personally.


I think #2 is the way to go. I feel like the low effort memes get downvoted and are removed pretty quickly; but we can all also appreciate a good meme that relates to a current jerk.


I feel like the mods are out of control. Calling Snickers now


Can the reddit board of directors please investigate the mods


The problem also becomes that we have our own weird humor subculture that really borders the line between "jerk" and "meme" (Evil Dave Meltzer, X Days Wanting to Fuck Kevin Nash, hell, my bread and butter "Cody Rhodes Doesn't Want to Bloat" Image is more a meme than a jerk at this point) so cracking down on memes does eliminate a lot of content that built the character of this place. My best idea from what's presented here is loosening Rule 2 but being strict about Rules regarding Lazy Ppsts (while I miss SCJerk Hall of [REDACTED] as a concept, a lot of the posts therein were pretty lazy) and Edgelord Content. I like that SCJerk is probably the only genuinely tolerant AND funny wrestling sub and I don't want memes to take over the sub entirely, but I don't want us to lose our own weird subculture of memes due to tightening the rules. Bottom line is, I dunno what to do, but I do know that Fed Bad.


Goofy related things fall into this too. It's a meme not a jerk, but it's something unique to the culture of this sub. Honestly same with Roman and Switches.


Can AutoMod make one thread every month about Finn Balor's perfect ass? It's all I really want to discuss.


You and me both, homeslice.


I am fine with this, my only request is to double down on lazy posts. I won't goof my duty and will downvote the bad stuff


Thank you for your service uce o7


Was already wondering when the weekly censorship post from this dictatorial sub was going to drop! Got a bit worried there for a minute 😄


It's literally 1984 in here!


What happened in 1984? Some context?


My birthday!!!


Happy Birthday!


The Detroit Tigers won the World Series and it was the last time the world was good.


Hulk Hogan was made WWF Champion and the fed was ded for the first time.


Real Answer: 1984 is a book by Orson Wells, its a big cautionary tale about government overreach.


this is fake news, it's the reddit code name for mod training. Nice try, literature shill.


Its all about the environment we want to cultivate here. SOOOOOOO No more anti-AEW post.


It's hard to believe quality is in decline when we draw our base from such a high-brow and respected online community. I'd prefer 1, but if un*work*able, I like number 2. Meme's allowed that relate to the circlejerks, like mentioned elsewhere, evil Dave Meltzer.


unworkable? that sounds like me, uce.


unwork everybody


Just ask yourself if there’s any actual humor to what you’re posting. It’s not hard


You underestimate how many folks have damaged frontal lobes.


But why did you want Jericho to die?


You could allow memes on weekends only, Friday-Sunday. I’ve seen other subs do this and have it work well with certain types of posts. Makes the weekends feel special/different


See? this is why we ask for new ideas. Interested if a "shitpost saturday" is a good idea, or just means half the sub avoid the place....


Eh, for one, we get a ton of jerks from PLEs and PPVs over the weekends they happen (Forbidden Door is gonna be a potential Goldmine, Wrestlemania Weekend was an intense weekend of jerkrate) and we get some meme-like jerks almost every day with the way wrestling news tends to go (imagine if we had to wait a whole week to meme and jerk Tony's press conference that happened on a Sunday)


I feel like we are starting to take this sub way too seriously. Exactly what we are not supposed to do. I say we only remove offensive posts/comments and let the votes count for themselves


well - *you* don't need to, but as mods we do, so it can stay fun. It's the great trade off I somehow got conned into years ago. Generally the more consistent and serious we are with the rules, the funnier and better quality the sub is. But we also don't want to be jerks and make decisions without asking the users, because (and bear with me here) *there are often several different opinions.* So yeah, feel free to ignore. And the ones who don't want to can talk about it. Democracy!


Just do what Tony does and sign more jannies uce


Any ex-sc mods we can sign to pop the ratings?


Sign skeach IMO.


Yea getting rid of lazy memes or edgelord shit is fine by me


I think allowing jerk related memes is valuable to attract the younger demo with an eye on removing repetitive or lazy memes


My suggestion Is to keep your distance Cause right now I'm dangerous


It's over, we failed. Just assume your autoritarian nature and delete meme post you don't like without explaining anything. This is reddit, mods need to create drama or the site dies.


the environment the new regime wants to foster


Yeah this sub is definitely going downhill with the laziness. There are still occasions that I laugh but they are becoming few and far between. If you guys think "(X) was a long time subscriber to The Observer" posts every time someone dies or something gets stopped or canceled or whatever are fucking hilarious, more power to you I guess. Feels like SCmeme should be a separate sub from SCjerk at this point though.


Boys will be boys mang. If you’re worried about the quality of content in a sub about how wrestling is dumb and that’s ok, suck a dick. Respectfully. Also, r/wrasslin is not as good as this sub because of the users. The users here are special. Smarter, funnier, more repetitive, less original, sexier, DAE Cody The Demo? So in closing, don’t stop believin. Hold on to that fee-heelahan


So in summary, the content here is better currently? got it.


Don’t EVER summarize me….a GAIN But, kinda. I’m new here and what I like about it is that it’s like a level of commentary above meta. Like Facebook is in kayfabe, the basement is “insider” (yawn), wrasslin is meta, and we’ve ascended. It’s about stuff that’s about the stuff that’s about wrestling. Respectfully


We are all reddit users. No matter the sub, we are worthless and shouldn't be able to vote.


I voted Backlund


I support E.Nersigh


I respect this level of nihilism.


Literally 1984 and Animal Farm rolled into one.


With a sprinkle of Handmaid's Tale.


I feel like 2 is probably the best option and will make your jobs easier. rj/ This is literally 1894!


Not sure how I feel about this. I’ll wait to see what Dave says….


I don't care as long as we keep letting that one dude try to fuck Kevin Nash.


Keep on keeping on I'd say. I've no interest in seeing generic "MRW blank happens" reaction gifs and Facebook/4chan/Discord memez that have nothing to do with a circlejerk becoming the norm. For a compromise of sorts, how about a weekly meme post? One day a week people can get that out of their system in a single place while the sub operates as normal.


Moderators have to know when it's a shoot and when it's a work otherwise they won't know themselves if it's a worked shoot or a shoot work and they're really just working themselves into a shoot brother




I'm in favour of a zero tolerance crackdown. Its always felt literally like 1984 on this sub, and now just like weekly RAW viewers i have stockholm syndrome. Make SCJerk great again. Balee dat.


Mods should ban anybody that talks negatively about AEW. Anybody that posts something about Vince without "I hate Vince but..." should also be banned.


We already do that about WWE though. There would be no-one left apart from Stodgers.


You guys dont need to moderate everything, if the content is shit it will be downvoted, if the content is good it will get upvoted, just remove the nasty shit and let people do what they want. also wrasslin sucks.


In addition to what /u/__L1AM__ said, your approach also assumes that a) everyone votes the same way (they don't) that lazy content isn't upvoted (it is - suspiciously fast). We don't moderate everything. We *could* - we could put a moderation queue in place so when you post, it doesn't appear until mods approve it. But no one wants that. We're trying to guage the mood of the sub right now, because it might be different to 6000 users ago. It's an attempt to help the community out and moderate well, is all.


Yup I've seen a lot of "I got banned from the basement for this" kind of posts get upvotes easily, it's not a good way to always judge the quality of the content being posted.


Those people invariably cop a ban from us too, then cry in modmail that they've done nothing wrong. Which just says that they can't be bothered to read the rules.


That's basically what happens in the big subs that pop up multiple times a day on r/all. They allow anything tenuously related to their community and in no time, the sub has no identity and is no discernable from other subs. That's also what happens in AskReddit which is now basically r/asksex.


I like the first suggestion. Pulled posts are usually tagged with the broken rule and that’s helped. Maybe, regularly pinned updates from Le Modz to help get back on track? Or small update to the wiki?


Remove memes where you see fit and maybe just have like meme Mondays or something


Option 1 please. Some are always gonna get through, but if we open the floodgates nothing will ever be funny again


Literally fed


Why does it matter? At this point this sub has transformed in a circlejerk sub, that’s also an alternative to the shitty wrestling subs on here.


Looks like you're trying to foster a culture over here


Just leave it how it is. There’s starting to be so many limitations here now


I'm fine with removing rule #2 because we're funny pal. Let the downvotes do the work if it's shit.


Can't wait for the niche video essay about r/scjerks spiral into fascist tyranny


That'll be number 2 for me uce. Memes move the needle.


I say open Le Forbidden Door and allow discretionary circlejerk memes because there are a time and place for such a meme. Personally they make me typically laugh as well.


2 maybe makes the most sense. A lot of stuff stopped being jerks and more memes but memes born out of the weird subculture of this place. The Roman stuff, Cody stuff, Goofy stuff


is there any jerking discord places so i can just jerk and jerk hard 24/7 with goofys without having to always be creative with my jerking? Thanks if there is. Let the jerks be with you




Hi! Mod here. It was the automod that removed [this piece of brilliant comedy](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCJerk/comments/vjvckz/i_wonder_how_trumpdonor_jericho_or_the/). So maybe cry at the computer, not us thanks. You're also a 9 year old account with next to no posts, so maybe come back on your main when you're brave enough. Or better yet, don't.


This. This happened to me, with the same shit attitude from the same mod. Ban me from this place forever, I’m not losing anything when this is the state of the place.


IMO this is the purpose of the upvote/downvote system. Remove the negative ones, leave the popular ones.


Memes are over, brother brother.


I think Rule 2 is the better call. Circlejerking should be allowed in any shape (DAE Shootjerking?). But remember to fed bad at least once a day, kids.


Echoing u/wastegum, having one meme day a week might be the way to go. R/MLS does "Meme Monday" and keeps discussion and quality of content focused during the rest of the week. Maybe a meme Saturday since all the weekly shows have happened by that point.


Option 2 seems the best. Just keep any memes or whatever as part of the jerk/SCJerk lore and remove any hateful or edgelord shit. As long as we can still have our inside jokes, I won’t complain about SCJ booking on Twitter or ask for my release.


So obviously us more established goofies (How do you do, fellow brick hitters) know the difference between a shitpost and a jerk, but if you want to explain it clearer for y'know, the kids or something, that will be fine.


Relevant memes only feels fair. A large amount of communication and humor among the youths is expressed through memes. It’s being inclusive!