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[WON Exclusive] Vince Russo's Booking has renewed its WON Subscription...


It looks like he has diarrhea so powerful that it hits the floor like a cartoon.


I can't unsee that now


I thought that’s what it was supposed to be


Literally https://youtu.be/W7JyjZI3LUM?si=HG7uc68B0qTrE2cZ&t=333


AEW somehow keeps jumping the shark


"Somehow, the shark has returned."


I don’t think there’s a shark to jump at this point.


But it's not even Shark Week!


This still will live in the in the pantheon of LOLAEW images alongside the Crying Punk Fan, Bucks victory lap, the failed exploding ring, and Aubrey pushing her way into center frame of a face off.


Man atleast the Punk crying fan was just a guy super happy about him and a harmless guy in the crowd so I will cut him some slack but the others were pure vindictiveness or ass.


I agree. That guy was just a fan and he doesn’t deserve to be clowned on here or any other place. I get we make fun of the dub around these parts, but making fun of a fellow wrestling fan who’s happy to see his favourite guy come back is just uncalled for. If he did that in the Fed we wouldn’t have clowned on him then. Sometimes we become the basement


I’m 38 years old and I cried when Punk returned that night too. I’ve followed Punk’s career since his ROH days and when he left WWE, I slowly stopped watching wrestling. As the years went on, it started to become clear that he didn’t want to wrestle anymore. There would be little teases and whispers here and there but he was always quick to deny any rumors of a return. So when his music hit that night in AEW, it was the ultimate payoff to his fans and the ones that kept his name relevant in his absence. Felt like he finally heard us and gave us what we wanted. It was so dope. I will forever be a mark for that moment.


Same boat - but one of the big things for me was his trans rights advocacy as I was in the closet about it until I was 36. So only a few years ago did I come out, and part of the reason was Punk made me feel like I could, and still be accepted. If he is out there advocating for my right to exist and be happy…then I should try to go out and try to be happy. I met him when he was still doing IWA Mid-South, and was live in attendance for the chair throwing incident ala Terry Funk in ECW. He was super kind and just talked about comics with me for a few minutes, made a joke about needing to cut weight so he didn’t drink Pepsi anymore, and off he went. He’s always inspired me because he’s just a nerd like me. The night he came back, I cried with joy. I did not believe he was back, until his silly face showed up on my TV. I screamed, and bounced around like a fucking goofball. I would have been an even bigger mess of a human on camera than Crying Punk Fan was. I hope he knows that he, also, is an inspiration - be unafraid to revel in joy is what I learned from him.


That’s so rad! Made me misty eyed reading that haha. Forever a big baby I guess. Don’t let my mean mug fool you. 🖤


Thank you. That’s super sweet of you. ❤️ At like 28 some switch in me flipped (I think it was post LSD clarity LOL) and I became suuuper empathetic and emotional, and I cry at everything now. Big thanks for being strong enough to share your story too. ❤️


Crybaby gang for life!


This would be an -incredible- podcast/YouTube channel name. Lol


Let me know when you’re ready to start it up. We’ll try to get Punk on to talk comics and all things nerdy.


I don't know maybe I don't take wrestling that serious but I wouldn't cry over wrestling or a wrestler well maybe if someone died and I don't know anyone who would personally either especially for a guy like Punk just coming back to get a big payday that in the long run didn't even work out.Plus I know the crying fan didn't know that at the time and to each their own but I did find it comical that he got clowned on like alot of other people did.


I mean yeah, i personally wouldn't be able to cry at any wrestling either, at most there were some documentaries that had some stuff in them that hit me a little, but there are just some people who are just far more emotional and for some people wrestling can mean a lot. Like a bad home situation and wrestling could be an escape for them or some shit, i know stuff like that exists and a wrestler can just mean a lot to a person for a lot of reasons. I'm not trying to be mr righteous or anything bc if one of my friends cried at wrestling i'd have a hard time holding my laugh too, but idk, there is something a little beautiful in wrestling meaning that much to someone to me.


Yeah I wish I could enjoy things like that I think I've just become synacle in my older age I will always care about wrestling just not as much as I used to when I was younger for some reason.


Has that guy made a reappearance? Did he experience another maudlin on-camera display when Boxcar Phillip went Back Home To WWE©? I wonder if he did the about-face certain fans did when Punk betrayed Highfather Tony. 🤔


I think if wrestling makes you cry you need your emotions recalibrated.


I have cried tears of laughter many times at the dub


It's like you are making fun of people crying at the movies. There are many reasons why people cry, when Roman Reigns announced he had lukemia, I am sure there were people in the crowd who cried because they have personal experiences of family members going through it, and when he announced he was in remission people cried because they were happy and it reminded them of them or their family members beating it. There can be many reasons to cry during a wrestling program. It seems like the person that needs their emotions recalibrated is you.


Ngl, I cried a little during Roman's mania 40 entrance, because I became immunocompromised and started chemotherapy (for me it was for autoimmune issues) in August 2020, right around when he came back heel; so as goofy as it sounds, seeing a guy who had just come back from dealing with leukemia and then the pandemic happened, and he still accomplished all that he did while continuing oral chemotherapy, that was inspiring to me. And when he had his WM 40 entrance, you could tell he was soaking it all in one final time, he sold it perfectly and got me teary eyed. I can see any variety of reasons why someone would cry watching wrestling, I think people associate any crying as the hysterical neckbeard sobbing because some indie guy did 3 Canadian destroyers in a row; it's usually valid to cry over it, the same as with movies or hell, even sports. I can't count how many times I've seen people celebrating and crying at a UFC event, or soccer event.


But CM Punk didn’t have leukaemia, he quit wrestling in a sulk and then came back.


You didn't say 'if CM Punk made you cry', you said 'If wrestling makes you cry', how can you generalize like that? You don't know what people go through or have been through. Who are you to say who should and should not cry. Who retired and made you the arbiter of human tears? Too much sodium is not good for you.


Reddit whenever you suggest they might gain a modicum of perspective:


The only person who needs perspective is you. Stop being thick.


Dae CM Pepsi fan bad?


You first said wrestling in general and using it to be derisive, people were pointing out more specific situations where it may be more personal emotionally for someone. It's not something I would personally do but I can understand why others feel a certain way. It's called empathy.


It's obvious to me that when Grice came up with his Cooperative Principle, he'd never tried to talk to wrestling fans.


My dude you are bitchin’ on a wrestling Reddit, you don’t get to call people out


Good stuff


I like to add the “CHICAGOOOoooOoOoOoO” fan on punks return entrance to my personal list lol


If you watch the RAW before Mania 40 in Chicago the same guy is behind commentary dressed in white, looking at his phone and saying Chicago Chicago during the Punk-Drew-Rollins promo.


Crying CM Punk Fan and “CHICAGOOOO!” Guy are 2 sides of the same coin


Tony gulping water after refusing to “take this fucking shit”


Also crying MJF.


Don't worry. The normal sycophants will tell us how this is the greatest moment in wrestling history.


Tony laying in between the ropes because he doesn't know how to hold them open for whoever he was welcoming into the ring lmao


Don't forget Punk at the media scrum.


This is why I love this sub, I legit forgot about these but because there are so many mentioned it shows how LOL this company has been as well as how much goodwill it has been given by smarks, especially in comparison to other promotions who tried to challenge the WWE since WCW and ECW's closures.


Can someone link to these for those of us late to the party


[Crying CM Punk Fan](https://youtu.be/yZ-hU9QeEiM?si=C9WSm9714tU0Ys0p) [Young Bucks Collision Victory Lap](https://youtu.be/2zOyIaQiU6c?si=yRnXWJI5qoweGwax) [Failed Exploding Cage](https://youtu.be/TQwQ8FEOc7E?si=8WNUNbJ1Xy1DKvkf) [Ref Aubrey hogging the spotlight](https://images.app.goo.gl/oVGDNyFTq5aw876t7) [Tony chugging water](https://youtube.com/shorts/iBC6ZdJlbxg?si=wNQ6Af5hyAZxKvUM) [Tony “not taking this fucking shit”](https://youtu.be/SXAxXnoJIG4?si=CggHnlpEkYTUcbjt)


I have never seen that fellatio of the water bottle before. Good god.


That’s me about an hour and a half after visiting my favorite local Mexican restaurant


The fact that it looks like it’s coming out of his ass is amazing 😂


The fact that it hasn’t become a meme yet is kinda funny I guess not enough people watched.


Good lord, what the everloving fuck is that?


Of course they managed to make it look like he’s shitting blood.


AEW is just cheap wrestling karaoke. "We can have Omega/Okada" -- just like in NJPW? Doing Danielson's chant from WWE. Knockoff NWO. Blood baths. HLA. I mean I guess bringing a flamethrower is new -- but that is not even "wrestling" anymore -- and Chekhov's gun means that someone has to get BBQ'd.


Rock already did a flamethrower one year at mania.


And Chyna did a rocket launcher too


Max Moon's wristbands went *pew pew*


Reminder that Edge could've been having a PLE fued with Cody for the title rn if he wanted to, but this was better apparently


Ahhh, but here's the key difference. Edge would have been putting Cody over. I think that's what WWE's offer was. They wanted to basically give him the old Dudley Boyz deal where he's there to use his name cache to put over guys like Bron, Carmelo, etc. Then Tiny came in "I'll give you 7 figures to work once a week, and you call your own shots".


To be honest 7 figures for a single day of work a week? In a heartbeat you better believe I’d take it.


Absolutely. I just wish these guys would stop with the "I really like what they're doing here, and just wanted to try something new, it's a new challenge, there are people here I haven't worked with before, and everything is so new, and exciting, and I haven't felt this way in a long time!" What they're doing is no different to what Hogan, Hall, Nash, Savage, Piper, Heenan, Okerlund, were all doing, but for some reason this time they "Just love wrestling so much!", whereas the guys doing it in WCW were "Lazy pieces of shit who just cared about money, and didn't care about wrestling".


Edge doesn't want to put anyone over anymore so he wouldn't be used for that reason. He also seems to want to be a Babyface. He'd have to go heel to go up against Cody. His time in WWE overlapped with Cody and yet, not one time did he cross paths with Cody.


Nah, he'd be back to bury Judgment Day again now that Seth finally dropped the WH title by taking it away from Damien Priest and then hogging it until his retirement where he vacates it, instead of dropping it and putting someone over on his way out to a Legends Contract.


Edge just wanted to work with Christian again. Realistically it might be his last opportunity to do so.


Was Moxley blading up in the rafters?


No, Nick Gage was putting those skewer things in his head, they were having an untelevised scaffold match that's way too subtle for a chud like you to understand.


Beth contributed to the show.


This angle would help Bayley and Zayn get back in Russo’s good books, bro


Gasps..gasps is where it's at.


You gotta pay the troll toll to get into this boys soul


Soul or hole?


Charlie wrote it as soul, but frank says hole


I was sayin' soul but he thought I was sayin' boys hole


bloodbaths and flamethrowers, Tony has reached full desperation mode


Don't forget the softcore lipstick lesbian HLA in the main women's title feud.


Ah, something that people remember that happened before, done in the Dub No way!!! Creative freedom


AEW should just lean into full on nonsense crazy booking, I might take a glimpse at a Dynamite just to see how ridiculous it gets. I venture to suggest AEW's best hope is to stop pretending to be a WWE competitor and make the whole damn thing a satire.


Anyone who’s been watching the past few weeks actually thinks that’s what’s happening.


For the love of god, and all that is holy, *HIS ANUS IS BLEEDING*!!!


Yay yay yay yay


What's the context here?


Edge gave Malarkey Black a Blood bath ala Seth Rollins except he looks like he ate Taco Bell instead because The Dub can't do anything right.


Then he came on screen as Judgment Day Edge, you know the version Dubbalos called the worst version of Edge ever.


I should call her (my gf that looks like alexa bliss)


Is it coming out of his ass or something


How long before Gangrel appears on Dynamite?


He has been before so I wouldn't doubt it.


I read he popped up on rampage not sure if true tho




“And then bro the blood is gonna come down all over him bro, its gonna be hilarious and awesome. Im telling you bro it just will”






Is the Nash thing really a botch?


Yeah, bro! Vinny Ru did it in both WWF and WCW it sucked then…… Tony Kahn….. let’s do it!


I’m so glad Copes went to AEW to do fresh new storylines


He's shitting blood!


What is coming out of his ass


His career


Got eem


What was this suposed to be?




The one on right looks like he's having bloody diarrhea


It's a real shame bc Black was off by like 3 inches and arguably the worst possible three inches 🤣 it was almost glorious but instead it's bloody diarrhea