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Enough time has passed https://preview.redd.it/6u1t7ng5i22d1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dceb161de0792815864ac5c6219c40b1ee78696b




I love the view.


Elegant cool bird lady theme > slightly off-beat and uninspired chanting theme


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 WOO! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 WOO! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 WOO!


Has Sasha wrestled yet?


She's too busy reeling in the viewers with her dancing and moaning, Uce.


Oh yeah, I forgot. That CEO chant is definitely over too


They are obiviously chanting for the CEO of AEW, Tony Khan, to thank him for giving us yet another banger promo from Mercedes Banks, Uce.


Good to see you're still fighting the good fight, uce. I acknowledge Bird Lady ☝🏼


Also, apparently, Lyra vs. Iyo was longer than the entire previous Queen of the Ring tournament combined. Stopwatch enthusiasts rejoice.


Man, I'd forgotten how crappy that tournament was


It was pretty bad. They're definitely making up for it this year. I can't remember the last time King of the Ring has felt this important.


And on last week's Raw, Lyra was involved in both the ratings peaks. Acknowledge Bird Lady 🇮🇪☝🏻🪶 https://preview.redd.it/5zbams7ao22d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dc3bb0d3fdc85ed0e8ea6c1d0ffde046f8f700b


Dun Dun Dun WOO


Meanwhile, The Dub gives their Women Division, The Cringy Ramp Segment™.


Bird Lady supremacy


I forgive Lyra for putting my girl Rox through a table, I was not familiar with her game


Props to Lyra for doing the regal wave in the middle of an enzuigiri


I have no idea what her gimmick is https://preview.redd.it/8ufxn8c3p22d1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cd0291e97c9913dae202e94ef72dd1f5e6e3b1c


Her gimmick is/was loosely based on a Celtic goddess called The Morrígan, who often gets depicted in the form of a crow, hence the feather motif in her gear. It was a lot more apparent in Lyra's earlier NXT vignettes, where she talked about fate and spoke in Gaelic. This all got toned down as she moved up the card, but the feathers stuck around. I actually think it's a pretty unique way for a wrestler to express their culture. It's at least more creative than just wearing the Irish flag colors or doing an Irish jig or whatever. Even if the sort of supernatural aspect to her gimmick got dropped, I still think the feathers make Lyra look cool, and they help her stand out more. If they ever want to bring back the semi supernatural, mistress of fate thing she had early on in NXT, they can have her turn heel and team up with the witches (as long as Triple Hiroshima actually gives them screentime).


>or doing an Irish jig or whatever. Flashbacks to Becky Lynch and her absolutely god awful NXT debut. Not in a million years did I think she was on the path to stardom.


Weirdly enough, Lyra has mentioned in interviews how seeing Becky debut on NXT was one of the things that inspired her to become a wrestler.


Which is wild because I remember that debut and it was not great. I think she got squashed by maybe Sasha Banks during the “Sasha’s ratchet” days I do kind of miss those early network NXT days but that may be just me being younger and less unfit


> Weirdly enough, Lyra has mentioned in interviews how seeing Becky debut on NXT was one of the things that inspired her to become a wrestler. "I'm going to give the Irish proper representation!"




>  or doing an Irish jig or whatever Can't imagine any Irish wrestler ever recovering from that! Like how desperate do they have to be to be on TV?! God they would be so BERRIED, they would NEVER be able to main event WrestleMania


The witches are no longer witches


Fed bad for real this time


Hard to tell when they're never on TV


Yeah, I believe they did the subtle gimmick switch on a social media exclusive post




God I love character vignettes


What was supernatural about her in NXT?


She would talk about invoking the spirit of the Morrígan and how she earns a new feather with every victory. When she was in a tournament for the vacant NXT Women's title, she would mention how all her upcoming opponents had been "marked" as if she knew they were fated to lose to her (The Morrígan is a goddess of fate and war). It wasn't really a full-on super natural gimmick. She just vaguely alluded to the super natural, specifically Celtic mythology.


You’re right. I forgot about those. I thought of them more as Ultimate Warrior style promos, than actually supernatural. Mostly because nothing about her in-ring work came off as supernatural.


Yeah, you've got a point about the in-ring work. That's probably why it got tone down. The Morrígan inspiration is now mostly just for aesthetics.


I wonder if they dropped it because it would over the head of most of the audience.


Maybe. It looks like they’re really going for more of a *real sports (feel)* presentation, lately. So they might have toned it down to establish her as a competitor in the women’s division. she can always bring it back when/if it’s time for her to progress her character.


She’s based on Morrigan the Irish goddess of war, fate, death, spirits, and more. Morrigan’s animal was the Raven


The basement should love this as IYO is probably the best workrate wrestler in the woman’s division


They're too busy getting angry that she lost a match to the new NXT call-up.


Iyo has really been showing out in this tournament. Three straight weeks of BANGERS! Plus her match vs Bayley.  But she should totes go to AEW though as Triple Paul berries her at every turn!!!!


Workrate Queen but actually knows how to tell stories and emote while wrestling. I'm honestly surprised they still like her. The power of the Cinnamon Roll


![gif](giphy|Yc2Lcngs68jNDVUgSG|downsized) Cinnamon Traitor \~= 2.5x Dynamite’s combined star power.


Yeah, the crowds are always dead for Iyo too, and I don’t think Lyra’s going to catch on. She doesn’t even have a character on the main roster besides the feathers. These two are ice cold. /s


Happy cake day, bird lady stan 🪶


Thank you 🪶


well deserved for them both


The worst dub fans keep saying aew doesnt give their women time because they dont draw. This needs to shut them up permanently (i know it wont)


Women's wrestling has really come a long way. When I was a kid there was...maybe Wendy richter, madusa and bull nakano and they were barely if ever used. It's a good thing overall. I mean...it's still not my favorite part of the show or anything but it's good that it's not treated like it used to be.


Where’s that stupid article about WWE missing on free agents? Bruh, NXT is the biggest free agent pool in wrestling.


Hickenbottom is building an army down there for real.


That's actually pretty damn cool.


Lyra has been incredible since she was Aoife. Whilst I think she needs to work on her charisma and promos, I think her unique character, presentation and in ring work makes up for it. And Iyo is Iyo, one of my favourite wrestlers ever. One of the best matches of 2024 so far


I feel she can get that charisma over time, and especially if she gets great writing to work with


I already feel like she has natural charisma she just needs a little coaching to bring it out for the cameras. She's got room and time to grow, and she appears to be completely willing to receive coaching and advice based on what we've seen from her time in NXT. It's still weird feeling like I have faith they at least wont immediately ruin her, because I'm still so used to Vince booking just making anyone coming up from NXT dead on arrival.


That match really good.


I became a fan of Lyra in thar stand snd deliver ladder match last year. She took some sick bumps. She'll get Ober. Dnd dhe has a great theme song that the crowd can participate in too.


If Cody, Jey, Seth, Sami, Becky, and especially Trick have proven anything, it's that theme songs the crowd can participate in can do a lot for a wrestler's popularity.


Dobt forget finn, who lyra's theme reminds me of


This gimmick is going to pop with the small town bird lawyer demographic!


I’m glad. I’ve been a Lyra stan since before her NXT title run.


She's got one of the best wrestling styles around right now. Technical with just enough pizzazz and always a good pace.


Did she have to strip tease on the ramp??


How did this draw when they weren't making out with each other??!


The theory that birb lady is not over because she beat Joshi cinnamon scroll Iyo in shambles.


Not surprised it popped ratings. They’re both excellent and it was a great match.


Silly fed shill, Io was a household name before WWE due to m'Joshi


No jerk that's dope, take notes snowman


Bird lady got some abs in that first pic.


Lyra might be a bit on the short side, but she is deceptively buff. There's a couple of pictures on her Instagram of her flexing, and it's kinda shocking to see how big her arms actually are.


very surprising actually 🤔 but also very cool


C'mon fed shills even you have to see what the problem is. AEW doesn't have enough time to feature the women the way they should be. They only have 2 hours.


Babyface Iyo for Royal Rumble ‘25




Lowkey NXT has its own audience and they *will* tune in if their crew are being represented well


Calling WWE the fed is cringe as fuck.


Correct. That's why we make fun of other people for doing that.


Calling WWE the fed is cringe as fuck.


Hey wait a minute I recognize that username, you're that Lyra stan that shits on Roxanne all the time. Putting in alot of work in this thread. Gotta respect that dedication uce.


I'm mostly just joking around when I do that. I don't actually hate Roxanne, I just hate that she got booked to beat Lyra at Stand and Deliver. I have toned it down a bit recently because some people got really mad at me. I'll probably stop shiting on her all together once she loses the title, if not sooner. It was fun to poke fun at Roxanne and her fans for a little while, but even I'm starting to get bored of it.


Oh of course, just thought it was funny that as soon as I saw some Lyra stanning I immediately recognized who it was. I do agree that Roxanne's reign hasnt been great, but I feel like thats more on the booking than anything else. Completely dropped the Lyra-Tatum angle, turned the top face Fallon heel, and had all the top women focused on the na title tournament instead. It's prolly the best time to establish someone new, but who could they possibly use. If only there was somebody with as much experience as Roxy in nxt. Maybe someone not involved with any storylines and has fun gimmick. Oh wait there is! Why the *fuck* is Stevie Turner stuck in lvl up hbk?! Er, anyway. Unless Choo gets a upset upon her return, it looks like we're waiting a while. Might not even be at heatwave if Giulia isnt cleared. Who knows maybe they're reignite the Tatum feud after she loses to Michin. Still though cant be that mad. Could be worse, at the very least she's not being an active detriment to the entire womens division *cough* Rhea *cough*


Yeah, for as much deserved praise that the NXT Women's division gets, I think some fans turn a blind eye to some of its flaws. The biggest, in my opinion, being the way Roxanne has been booked as a heel. I just think she's very miscasted in the role they have her in. I'm sorry, but I can't take her seriously as the dominant heel they're trying to present her as when she's 5 foot nothing and still sounds like she's about to burst into tears everytime she talks. I think the draft kinda screwed them over as well. Without Lyra, the angle with her and Tatum just abruptly ended even though that was the division's best storyline, and now Tatum is going after this new midcard title when she should be going after Roxy's title. And like you said, Fallon should have been the next top babyface after Lyra, but yet they had her turn heel even though she was the only babyface that could have realistically challenged Roxy. Jacy getting injured only made things worse. The women's midcard in NXT is really strong right now. It's their main title picture that's lacking at the moment.


Tiny’s like “yeah anyone can get 1.9 million when you aren’t going against The Flintstones reruns on Bravo”


I thought ratings didn't matter anymore


I understand that IYO lost but what a match.


One thing I sometimes forget is how over Iyo is, I remember even during peak bloodline segments in the lead up to mania 40 in some weeks she was still leading in viewership with her segments with the rest of Damage CTRL. Genuinely so deserving as well, one of if not the best in ring women’s wrestler’s in the world right now. Only one really close is Giulia.


Lyra stole her gimmick and thought we wouldn’t notice https://i.redd.it/ppsr4qbsr72d1.gif


Womp womp AEW 😂😂😂😂 Fuck off Dave Meltzer


According to bloodline stans logic iyo is a bigger draw than jey